Just imagine all the Zeds when his ultimate skin comes out - a Zed in every game!
Zed top, mid, jungle, and support!
Good thing im on ranked retirement.Just imagine all the Zeds when his ultimate skin comes out - a Zed in every game!
Zed top, mid, jungle, and support!
So is finals this year going to be boring or not? I don't know these teams, curious if it'll be worth watching.
So is finals this year going to be boring or not? I don't know these teams, curious if it'll be worth watching.
So is finals this year going to be boring or not?
It is certainly possible that there is a 3-0 stomp. SSW did stomp SSB in a 3-0, after all. We can't know for certain, of course.
Will it be quick or slow? I don't mind quick stomps, but those lingering losses are painful to watch.
You know best.that would be interesting. pretty sure they said we wouldn't see him until 2015, and Riot doesn't give release windows unless they're certain.
unless he just came together really quickly for some reason, idk
The shadow behind Zed looks kinda different and all the mist on the champ pages looks pretty Zedish
I personally cannot wait to have a Zed in every game after his Ultimate skin is released
What are the odds Ao Shin became a cute crossbreed dragon girl with a scythe in the past two years of development
You guys are in denial
my heart want's Ao to be all monster form all the time, and having a legitimate female monster champion would be nice. [other than anivia]What are the odds Ao Shin became a cute crossbreed dragon girl with a scythe in the past two years of development
I kind of got scared off of Twitch after the nerfs but he's still really fun. Early laning phase is kind of hell though.
You should finish the brutalizer after your tear, and before you buy the pickaxe for your manamura as well as before cdr boots. I like W second instead of E. You'll be using up your mana pretty fast if you're using the acceleration gate early on. I like the damage from cannon W more than hammer E at that point too.
Also, it sucks that Yasuo didn't ward, but you dont need to really worry about it in hindsight. Just worry about your own stuff and eventually it'll all fall into place.
I had to start Q in my last game to escape a bad level one situation, so laning phase was pretty much hell. I got some summoners out of the enemy for it though without burning anything myself. If you can let stuff like Tristana through. I would still take E at level one in almost all situations, because the poison stacks themselves do pitiful damage in the early game. Throwing out a W won't do much to clear the wave, but you could always spread your autos and try to maximize the efficiency of Expunge.do you just start E or W and try to push hard for level 2? I haven't played him in a while but I found myself getting pushed in a lot and then yeah, the early lane is hell
it's pretty hard to get level 2 against a Lucian, Corki, Cait etc. as Twitch I found.
my heart want's Ao to be all monster form all the time, and having a legitimate female monster champion would be nice. [other than anivia]
also 6 male champions in a row would put a serious cramp in team waifu.
He has a really hard matchup against all of the popular assassins. Fizz, Zed, Akali, etc.i feel like tf might actually be super op in solo queue now
He has a really hard matchup against all of the popular assassins. Fizz, Zed, Akali, etc.
Is it really a counter pick when assassins stack most games? What good does Ghost really do against hard engages or burst though? You guys have Leona, Syndra, Varus, and even Rumble. That's a lot of lockdown. Your team blew a 10k gold lead because they couldn't prioritize objectives or itemize properly.yeah barring the obvious counterpick cases
but like in my last game he just ghosted and spammed qs and basically nullified leona+lee sin
what can i say leona and lee were having a world of trouble getting to himWhat good does Ghost really do against hard engages or burst though? You guys have Leona, Syndra, Varus, and even Rumble. That's a lot of lockdown.