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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Thanks all :)

Now I can mess around a bit in norms and stuff and learn new champs. I want to learn Irelia

Or just be like me and start playing PS3/Wii U nonstop.
Heh, I killed the enemy braum as Sona two times so I made him mad and chase me every team fight we met ignoring everything. feels good to be support.



ori comics are the best but i love the broken translation on this one


last one i promise


vi's face on the first panel kills me lol

there's a cupcake making contest between pantheon and morgana in which basically they both try to undress leona/kayle to get more customers

vi for some reason doesn't want jayce and cait spending time alone and she hears em making naughty noises through a door but turns out they were making a present for her and then cait says vi shouldn't worry cos jayce is gay

blitz walks on vi watching some porn and then on vi while she's on the bathroom and then on cait too. at some point vi falls in love with blitz because of this tho she also has dreams of a scary robo snake coming out of blitz's face

one plotline involves arresting gragas for speeding and he has rammus for wheels on his car

they adopt a dog and turns out it was nasus all along and they get embarrassed cos apparently he saw em naked but it's ok cos susan says "blitz is a machine, jayce is gay, i'm a dog, so it is fine..."

caitlyn and vi spend most of the panels on their underwear

pretty riveting stuff


Played 1 Ranked game and went top as Darius. I went up against Pantheon and wrecked the poor sap's shit. Poor blokes surrendered in the end I think.

i carry hard with darius jungle

when i actually try


Teach me the ways of Jungle Darius please.

standard build

flask/doranblade->phage->Triforce->Randuin->MR item->Zephyr

Huh? Shouldn't Irelia be BoRK+Triforce then tank up?

*takes notes*

thank you senpai

Doesn't Mejai give you AP? Every Tristana player I went against builds her ADC.
Tristana is weird, you see her as an ADC and yet her abilities scale with AP >_>


Doesn't Mejai give you AP? Every Tristana player I went against builds her ADC.
Tristana is weird, you see her as an ADC and yet her abilities scale with AP >_>
Haha, I was having fun and up a lot. It was just me trolling and giving me advice to troll harder. You can do AP mid Tristana, but that's rarely seen. She's just all burst and some sustain damage with her dot.


Looking at the new Match history on the LoL site in Silver the team that leads from the start wins, it's very rare a team throws and Jesus Master Yi on my team he always seem to get 1-5 kills and 10 + deaths, think I'm going to ban him from now on just to stop people playing him on my team, With everyone banning AP Assasins and Braum Bltiz is always open for free wins.


the team with the early lead usually wins overall, which is fine since that's kind of the point of getting early leads :p


the team with the early lead usually wins overall, which is fine since that's kind of the point of getting early leads :p

The thing that irks me about LoL is that it feels one-sided, if you're behind by a couple of deaths, getting back can be difficult if not impossible.

now if you think a little harder

just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD

Hey man, your Waifus problems with dealing with long range Yordles in mid ain't non of my concern.
Besides I suck at mid so I try to opt out of it when possible.

Poppy or Amumu mid is clearly the best way to go for freelo
(for your opponents).

Forgot about Poppy, but then again its Poppy so...
Ammumu's a Yordle? I just assumed he was a mummified kid lol.


The thing that irks me about LoL is that it feels one-sided, if you're behind by a couple of deaths, getting back can be difficult if not impossible.

Forgot about Poppy, but then again its Poppy so...
Ammumu's a Yordle? I just assumed he was a mummified kid lol.
The one-sided thing is less than before, as snowballing has been reduced. On the other hand, that means more games go lategame where "one mistake can cost the game". If one team outplays the other enough in the beginning, they should definitely have the chance to snowball a bit, or every game would go lategame.

I think the shopkeeper in the Howling Abyss says "Ugh, a Yordle?!" to Amumu.


The thing that irks me about LoL is that it feels one-sided, if you're behind by a couple of deaths, getting back can be difficult if not impossible.
a couple of deaths is easily surmountable, specially if you're playing ranked 5s. early leads can also be defeated but they're much harder, specially if the enemy team knows what they're doing

that's what happens in pro games, it's not that they get a couple kills, it's that they turn those kills into a drag and a turret and know how to hold onto that and give you no chances of coming back by taking everything from you in the safest way possible

in solo queue and such, tho, it gets hard cos you have no control over your team and your jungler will just sit there farming wraiths while enemy team's running down mid and top will tilt the second he gets ganked and will continue not to ward and complain, so yea, it's a lot harder

but if you're ever on a premade team just look at the enemy team, look at yours, try to figure out what the gold difference is (think like 700g per dragon and turret), when your power spikes will happen (did you just build an important item like dfg, do you have like kogmaw, etc.) versus theirs and who your priority targets are and how killable they are

usually it's just a matter of finding where to fight and how, but people go /ff way too easily cos they don't know how to comeback

Hey man, your Waifus problems with dealing with long range Yordles in mid ain't non of my concern.
Besides I suck at mid so I try to opt out of it when possible.
well i don't mind lulu

i just mind the stupid ones

like tristana

in every lane

cos tristana is a shitty ugly as fuck champion


The one-sided thing is less than before, as snowballing has been reduced. On the other hand, that means more games go lategame where "one mistake can cost the game". If one team outplays the other enough in the beginning, they should definitely have the chance to snowball a bit, or every game would go lategame.

I think the shopkeeper in the Howling Abyss says "Ugh, a Yordle?!" to Amumu.

If not a mistake then its one player at least managed to avoid the burst damage from a champ and then jumping in to help finish the team fight.

I know I said I wouldn't go into Ranked again, but lately been getting some good wins I'm pulled back in again. Gonna try to reach Silver 2 @o@


OT Hard Carry
Teach me the ways of Jungle Darius please.

Build lizard, a tank item, LW. Maybe hexdrinker early. Triforce's good on him. Hydra makes you clear superfast and can be comboed in between skills. Gotta go fast boots. Start QWE, max Q first.

Q as you get closer to someone, E auto W auto. R and win. Most people will panic when you're close and flash out of E's range so pretend you retreat then come back. Rather than strutting towards them in a line I like going diagonal so they end up against the wall, can't miss the apprehends that way.

Darius is not an optimal jungler and the enemy's will be more efficient so know where he's going to be early on (put wards) and destroy him when he's doing a camp at low health. That'll take care of that problem. After a good setback you can have both jungles to yourself if you keep the vision advantage. Then as soon as bot lane gets pushed towards your towers strut there like a boss and get some kills. If your botlane has hard CC it's guaranteed.

E has a very short range but it CAN get people through walls. They will shit their pants and burn a flash to get out or die. It's always fun times. Spam laugh while doing this.

Basic stuff, really. And whether you're winning or losing, make sure you're always strutting like a boss.


You don't have to gank for any particular lane, and if your lanes aren't in position or they're losing too hard, you shouldn't gank. But yeah, as jungler, your job is to force 2v1 fights and make your lanes successful, so you really should gank SOMEBODY. Kayle isn't that great a ganker in general, but at level 3 you have an essentially ranged AA, a ranged point and click slow, and an AS steroid, so you have at least the basics of a ganking toolset. You can definitely get in there and punish opponents for being past the center point of their lanes. You don't need great gear to gank, you just need some kind of CC and for your laner to come in when you show up. If they don't come in correctly then just don't gank for them any more.

Thanks. Ill keep this in mind when the situation comes up. Problem really is that by the time the potential for a kill arises, the laner I go towards just does not get the pinging. Eh, gotta communicate better, I guess.


I just fought the nightmare comp to end all nightmare comps.


I tried to tell my team to NOT STAND CLOSE TOGETHER but they wouldn't listen! THEY WOULDN'T LISTEN!


Gotta do whatever it takes man.

On another note


Went from Silver 1 at the start of this season to Silver 4, then finally Gold and now Plat after being Silver all last season. Maybe I am actually getting better at this game


I just fought the nightmare comp to end all nightmare comps.


I tried to tell my team to NOT STAND CLOSE TOGETHER but they wouldn't listen! THEY WOULDN'T LISTEN!

Ya that does sound pretty vicious

ogn champions summer intro is pretty dope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fta45EHYxZI

Pretty sweet. I like the champions winter 2013 one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qpl6scuDVw
Hello everyone; long time no see!

Was so busy recently didn't have time to come here. Nice op.

Talking about op... was Blitz buffed recently? Or is it just me who forgot how op he was?
I've taken a liking to being an aggressive support

I like using braum, and I am learnign lulu

any suggestions or other supports?

anyone want to play as well? ID is smushroomed
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