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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Good luck, you can do it!
I have to wait for the sun to go down to play ranked. I have too much natural light in my room .

ha, same here. for 2 hours from 4-6pm i have sunlight directly in my face. i just duck a little and still play though



that's so hardcore.

Gotta do whatever it takes man.

On another note


Went from Silver 1 at the start of this season to Silver 4, then finally Gold and now Plat after being Silver all last season. Maybe I am actually getting better at this game


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Damn, on your first promo try? Good job.


Gotta do whatever it takes man.

On another note


Went from Silver 1 at the start of this season to Silver 4, then finally Gold and now Plat after being Silver all last season. Maybe I am actually getting better at this game
Well done. Similar situation for me, I barely played ranked last season and was silver, this time I went on a crazy streak from silver 3 to gold 3. The streak ended and I've stalled out in gold 3 without really attempting much anymore. My teammates haven't been too solid recently.

For instance last night everyone called an individual role no one else wanted so I thought it would all go great. Then the guy who secured Kayle for me wanted sona as their support. I was a little wary but she can still be solid in team fights. Then our bot lane kept dying and our carry built bloodthirster and all this sort of bad juju.

What I'm trying to say is I envy you.


Wukong does a lot more damage while being a lot more durable than most of the champs on the list? Lol.

Wukong knockup is the easiest to land of all of those too.

You understand that it's literally impossible for anybody to have an easier knockup to land than Nautilus, right? Or Alistar?

Guys, am I crazy or should Kaylee totally roflstomp people as "ganker" when my role is jungler? I have lost games and had people call me names because I was not able to "gank" folks at LEVEL FUCKING THREE when all I had was maybe a movement speed boot and /or the basic upgrade for the jungler sword...jeez.

I get the idea that junglers act as gankers SHOULD the potential arise, but being commanded to sit in a bush and earning no xp, no money, just in case that the opponent's mid gets overzealous...that is not particularly fun :p
I can gank just fine once they let me get good gear in jungle. But damn, the impatience some has...

You don't have to gank for any particular lane, and if your lanes aren't in position or they're losing too hard, you shouldn't gank. But yeah, as jungler, your job is to force 2v1 fights and make your lanes successful, so you really should gank SOMEBODY. Kayle isn't that great a ganker in general, but at level 3 you have an essentially ranged AA, a ranged point and click slow, and an AS steroid, so you have at least the basics of a ganking toolset. You can definitely get in there and punish opponents for being past the center point of their lanes. You don't need great gear to gank, you just need some kind of CC and for your laner to come in when you show up. If they don't come in correctly then just don't gank for them any more.


So adc teemo/grag were duo and went out of lane with a combined score of 2/12

My tristana raged because she didn't want to have an adc teemo so she instalocked trist at the same time with teemo.

Then my kayle never connected for the first 15minutes of the game. So Jarvan just stood at top and got both my top turrets in less than 15minutes.

A couple of good teleports to steal drag, some tristana resets and kayle ult somehow won us the game.


<3 irelia right now


I hate botrk on irelia unless you're snowballing out of control

Sets her up to go 1v1ing and cripples her mid game tanky bruiser status


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I hate botrk on irelia unless you're snowballing out of control

Sets her up to go 1v1ing and cripples her mid game tanky bruiser status

UnCCable tanky bruiser monster.
I hate botrk on irelia unless you're snowballing out of control

Sets her up to go 1v1ing and cripples her mid game tanky bruiser status

Well the current meta is top lane with TP.

So the 1v1 is kind of important... if you're playing meta anyways. But yea I agree I wish this meta would just die. I wish TP would just go away period actually.


OKay...I'm not great at this game, so I'm not wanting to sound arrogant---but I hate when I get yelled at for kill stealing. Especially when I'm leading the team simply for captures. Amumu was 1v1 an enemy champ, and wasn't looking like he was winning. I make it in time, and killed the enemy champ, thus saving my teammate. Instead, he yells at me for kill stealing. What the Hell! You're welcome. I knew I wasn't going to like my team when right off the bat we send 3 bottom to capture.


OKay...I'm not great at this game, so I'm not wanting to sound arrogant---but I hate when I get yelled at for kill stealing. Especially when I'm leading the team simply for captures. Amumu was 1v1 an enemy champ, and wasn't looking like he was winning. I make it in time, and killed the enemy champ, thus saving my teammate. Instead, he yells at me for kill stealing. What the Hell! You're welcome. I knew I wasn't going to like my team when right off the bat we send 3 bottom to capture.
That's just people being dumb, or jerks. The game is full of such people, so if someone gives you grief for trying to help in a fight, it's probably best to just hit tab and mute that particular person. :p


Irelia is the hero top lane needs. Only she can stand up to the ranged scum.
yea i'm not sure you're qualified to have an opinion on top lane anymore lol

OKay...I'm not great at this game, so I'm not wanting to sound arrogant---but I hate when I get yelled at for kill stealing. Especially when I'm leading the team simply for captures. Amumu was 1v1 an enemy champ, and wasn't looking like he was winning. I make it in time, and killed the enemy champ, thus saving my teammate. Instead, he yells at me for kill stealing. What the Hell! You're welcome. I knew I wasn't going to like my team when right off the bat we send 3 bottom to capture.
anyone that uses the word "killsteal", "focus" and "camp" will likely not say a useful word all game, is a total hurricane building noob and you're better off not paying attention to

if there's a even 1% of a doubt that the kill might not happen take it


Kill stealing is a term bad players use to avoid the problem where they're winning games because of good teammates.


Aww. I didn't even make the wall of shame this time. It's going to get worse. Baby boy arrived on Monday 7/7. Free time is a thing of the past. I'll try to keep up with the esports though. NA is still fun to watch.


My favorite is when I'm blamed for kill stealing late game as a support. Look dipshit, if I got the kill despite having zero offensive items, I'm not the the one who fucked up.
Thanks, everyone. I honestly never know sometimes. There is a part of me that feels like a dick for stealing a kill. The other part thinks if I don't help and my teammate dies...well, then I really feel like crap. Or get yelled at.


It can be difficult but it's best to just ignore those type of people. I usually don't communicate much in solo Q with the exception of timers and the like. Makes the experience better, surprisingly. ^^

And new thread! <3

I'm slowly trying to get myself to go mid a lot more. As much as I LOVE supporting, it's nice being mid. With the exception of Syndra (whom I love supporting with) I don't get many chances to play my Liss, Ori, or Ahri. :(


Thanks, everyone. I honestly never know sometimes. There is a part of me that feels like a dick for stealing a kill. The other part thinks if I don't help and my teammate dies...well, then I really feel like crap. Or get yelled at.
it's not "stealing" a kill

whoever says that is dumb, you will never see anyone even mention killstealing in higher elos (not even that high) and unless it's 100% secure it's just your job to secure it. and these aren't like scarra and voyboy, your run-of-the-mill shitty ass gold player that can't value objectives for the life of them won't whine about kill steals, it's just one of those shitty player things that you can spot really easily, like when people whine to you about "not focusing the carries"

if you can leave it to whoever needs it most, if you're not convinced they'll die to ignite or whatever, just go ahead and take it

no regrets!




are you me?



Quick game before bed. The enemy team had no jungler, so I had to 2 v 1 against Olaf/Teemo. Sad face, but I only died getting the kill on Olaf after a tower dive. They actually start getting a pretty big gold lead after our Blitz gets caught and starts getting upset. Fortunately, their Vayne/Fizz duo were lunkheads and kept getting caught out and CC'ed to death, letting us get objectives without much hassle. Pretty good game, though the chat restriction made it a pain to communicate.

On second thought, a big ass bug just flew in my room. Might have to hold off on sleep.


it would've made me really happy if costy and dob have used my fanart collection to help them make the ot

i hope they did

i love ot T_T

can't stop saying it T_T


dat and top lane likes to feed for some reason.

Let's push at level 2-3 without ward cuz you know what can possibly go wrong.


I might have posted a while back mentioning how I didn't like the Blitzcrank thing of pulling the blue buff over the back wall to have the jungler steal it. I had been burned trying to do that, because Blitzcrank's proximity apparently results in you getting less XP than normal, and there are too many ways for it to go wrong or have you end up being at the wrong level at the wrong place if you're mediocre or your teammates aren't helping.

I like that there is now visual representation of such things: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1448342585/38569565

Blitz pulled the buff, Lee killed it, things were great and I think I went mid to start laning...at which point a teammate or two apparently chased into the jungle to give the buff right back to the other team, thus the brief swing of gold in that team's favor.

It's the little things like that which can put some people on immediate tilt/rage mode, but fortunately no one raged and everyone did fine after that, aside from it taking longer than it really should have for us to actually push towers down.


Seriously, why haven't I ever bothered to learn irelia.

She is a beast at snowballing and recovering from a difficult lane.

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