for me it's basically the autowin lategame champions like vayne, ryze, trist and ziggs.I'm curious to know who is the most hated champion here. (not counting teemo) Either because of the people who plays those champions, or the champion itself.
I dislike a lot of champions, lol: Ryze, Katarina, Ezreal, Jax, Morgana, Nidalee, Shaco, Talon, Trynda, Vayne, Warwick, Zed, Ziggs, Xin, Yasuo, Yorick.
Mostly because of the people that plays with these champions tend to be pretty toxic, some because they're boring yet annoying(like Yorick).
But if I had to choose my top 3: Vayne, Ezreal, Shaco. (runners-ups: Ryze, Ziggs, Katarina)
They always find a way to make the match annoying/frustrating/unpleasant, even if we're winning.
if i had to pick one it'd be ryze gross shit folder piques my interest.
while i appreciate it being a bit better i still wish they just kept old match history and added a link to new oneNew-new match history.
or fucking have new match history in-client :/
i also hope they allow for middle clicking matches. that shit's so annoying