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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I'm curious to know who is the most hated champion here. (not counting teemo) Either because of the people who plays those champions, or the champion itself.

I dislike a lot of champions, lol: Ryze, Katarina, Ezreal, Jax, Morgana, Nidalee, Shaco, Talon, Trynda, Vayne, Warwick, Zed, Ziggs, Xin, Yasuo, Yorick.

Mostly because of the people that plays with these champions tend to be pretty toxic, some because they're boring yet annoying(like Yorick).

But if I had to choose my top 3: Vayne, Ezreal, Shaco. (runners-ups: Ryze, Ziggs, Katarina)
They always find a way to make the match annoying/frustrating/unpleasant, even if we're winning.
for me it's basically the autowin lategame champions like vayne, ryze, trist and ziggs.

if i had to pick one it'd be ryze

That gross shit folder piques my interest.


New-new match history.
while i appreciate it being a bit better i still wish they just kept old match history and added a link to new one

or fucking have new match history in-client :/

i also hope they allow for middle clicking matches. that shit's so annoying
Vayne is super easy to shutdown and still needs effort to properly play lategame.

You actually need mechanics to play her, it's just that 99% Vayne players don't have said mechanics.


i'm not saying vayne doesn't take skill

i'm saying at one point in the game she's instawin

as i demonstrated by playing her, feeding for 30 minutes then suddenly i have 3 items and am god and gettin triple kills under turret and shit

doesn't mean that she doesn't take skill or whatever, but at one point her numbers take over and you just gotta not be stupid and let her win for you.

might be higher on the skillfloor list than ryze but doesn't mean she doesn't go autopilot

Woo more ahri photos.

i hate you
are you tumbling forward or backwards as vayne

if you answer backwards then you've suddenly realized that tumble is for disengage and not engage.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Vayne's auto attack needs to be a skillshot.

She just doesn't have enough conterplay.

Rito pls


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
are the words counterplay or anti-fun ever uttered by doto devs?
Icefrog never deigns to discuss the balance of DOTA2 with us peons. He hands down commandments from up high, and we accept His Word for He is our Lord.


I just got ultra rekt by an ADC TF. I'm uninstalling. Was fun guys.

This reminds me of Heavy posting about how good AD TF mid was. I tried for a while but did not have much luck. It makes me happy to see an AD TF doing well in diamond, although in the ADC spot.

The normal counter to him is supposed to be QSS, but if Morgana for spellshield didn't help, maybe they were just a really good player. *edit* That's like the ONLY time that player has used Twisted Fate in the last 30+ games too, wow.


chalice got 25 mr reduced to 20

so basically now you're paying for 1 mp5 and the passive

still worth but that doesn't mean i like it

i don't like dfg nerf either

i don't like anything about this pbe patch :/
chalice got 25 mr reduced to 20

so basically now you're paying for 1 mp5 and the passive

still worth but that doesn't mean i like it

i don't like dfg nerf either

i don't like anything about this pbe patch :/
But look, Athene's got buffed since you're getting 5 more MR from the upgrade!
chalice got 25 mr reduced to 20

so basically now you're paying for 1 mp5 and the passive

still worth but that doesn't mean i like it

i don't like dfg nerf either

i don't like anything about this pbe patch :/
all part of riots master plan of nerfing every part of ziggs.


i'm not saying vayne doesn't take skill

i'm saying at one point in the game she's instawin

as i demonstrated by playing her, feeding for 30 minutes then suddenly i have 3 items and am god and gettin triple kills under turret and shit

doesn't mean that she doesn't take skill or whatever, but at one point her numbers take over and you just gotta not be stupid and let her win for you.

might be higher on the skillfloor list than ryze but doesn't mean she doesn't go autopilot

You think so? I think she's easily the most fair of the "hypercarries". % max HP true damage is stupid as all hell and fed Vayne is retarded, but I'd rather go vs Vayne than Trist/Kog. She can be bursted EZPZ



You think so? I think she's easily the most fair of the "hypercarries". % max HP true damage is stupid as all hell and fed Vayne is retarded, but I'd rather go vs Vayne than Trist/Kog. She can be bursted EZPZ



tanks r actually one of the best things against dbl/tripl ap comps, like mundo has been played to this end recently


How are Eve nerfs bad?

that was yesterday's patch :p

But look, Athene's got buffed since you're getting 5 more MR from the upgrade!

all part of riots master plan of nerfing every part of ziggs.
how about just shift+del ziggs

You think so? I think she's easily the most fair of the "hypercarries". % max HP true damage is stupid as all hell and fed Vayne is retarded, but I'd rather go vs Vayne than Trist/Kog. She can be bursted EZPZ

of the hypercarries i can think of riot now my ranking (less annoying to more annoying):

jinx > kog > vayne > trist > ryze


i don't get why people keep whining about mr items

you have locket, banshees and sv. all those give secondary useful stats against ad too, unlike thornmail or frozen heart

what's bad about mr again?

people stuck up on force of nature fandom?


and the cd on banshee's veil lasting longer than it takes for a new minion wave to back ur ass in a siege seems like a thing that should have happened a while ago


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I made Banshee's Veil the other day and realized they removed Catalyst from the recipe.

Now manaless champs can benefit 100% from Banshees.

Fucking spoiled ass kids. In my day, Katarinas wasted 400g on Sapphire Crystal and liked it that way.


I'm okay with BV nerfs because it makes the game boring as hell (so do exhaust and heal, but that's a different story). It's just that Riot keeps nerfing and nerfing MR items with no compensation.


what is there to compensate the shield is still valuable
or do u mean like the political ramifications of the slow and almost invisible discrimination against magic resistance
leading to an eventual takeover of league of legends town by magic and by then it will be too late
too late
Not the MR thing again. You have tons of strong options for MR, stop whining
I'm okay with BV nerfs because it makes the game boring as hell (so do exhaust and heal, but that's a different story). It's just that Riot keeps nerfing and nerfing MR items with no compensation.
There's no compensation because when a MR item gets nerfed it's because the item is retarded.


but for real
why can't riot go back to naming items things like leviathan or force of nature or heart of gold
instead of ardent censer or essence reaver
what happened riot


I wish Doto would just use the names of the heroes and not ATTRIBUTE TITLE.

Shadow Shaman.
Shadow Demon.
Crystal Maiden.
Templar Assassin.



is loco going to make turtle the next madlife???
im watching doublelift's stream to see if he complains/talks down on lucian, I want to know what the pros think of him


my joke that works on so many levels is that loco claims to have "made" a bunch of korean supports like mata and madlife and that turtle is an ad

nm it only works in one way

i dont buy into any theories rite now though, because yeah it'd be weird to kick gleeb out at this stage I think, though a lot of the role he played has been taken up by loco (preplanning, analysis)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I wish Doto would just use the names of the heroes and not ATTRIBUTE TITLE.

Shadow Shaman.
Shadow Demon.
Crystal Maiden.
Templar Assassin.
You mean...



actually yeah it's probably lustboy, loco needs to sell out gleeb for his homie and then have lusboy perform poorly
and then they lose in playoffs and loco makes a vlog and is depressed

also phreak can make the pun where "lustboy...looks like a bust, boy"

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