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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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i think lucian would be probably graves post-incomingbuff level right now
i dunno tho, are they playing 4.12 this week
oh nm he's disabled anyway


Thanks, but I am confused by the arrows. What do you do if you're on blue side? If you're on purple, do you walk into the lane from the river, leading the minions to the river? Or do you try to lead them to the bush and then drop agro?

You take aggro of the wave as it comes into the lane, then you move slightly to the side so that the minions follow you, and the first two melee minions on enemy team should drop aggro on you and start teaming up on your first melee minion when they meet him. I recommend going into a custom game and trying it out. Real lane freezing has very little enemy interaction anyways, as when you're lane freezing you want the enemy to be nowhere near the wave so they get denied, and judging how many minions you need to kill, which minions to leave to make the wave stay at exactly the right place takes some getting used to.


but in general when ppl in solo q tell you to freeze they are just saying to stop autoing because they don't know what freezing means either
but in general when ppl in solo q tell you to freeze they are just saying to stop autoing because they don't know what freezing means either
yeah ive noticed that people are ridiculously afraid of taking minion aggro for whatever reason and they just let people push into their tower and let lanes reset because of it.


well you don't want to take minion aggro if someone is shooting at you
you can often freeze in practical laning situations just by matching the other laner's autos
freezing is keeping a particular position, usually right in front of your tower outside of tower range, it doesnt work if your opponent can clear lane well because they will reset it
well you don't want to take minion aggro if someone is shooting at you
you can often freeze in practical laning situations just by matching the other laner's autos
freezing is keeping a particular position, usually right in front of your tower outside of tower range, it doesnt work if your opponent can clear lane well because they will reset it
no, i've noticed it even when i play weak ass laners against superbullies like renekton. they see their wave depleting and all of a sudden its like a switch activates in their minds that they can no longer move forward and they just retreat.


Real talk: they are debating how hetero/homo they want him to be.

I'm all for diversity and the removal of his glass-shard-like jaggies.

I want an over the top manly Taric with chest hair and beautiful flowing locks. Like braum but less jovial and more suave. If they do go in this direction I'd rather he be straight as to not perpetuate any stereotypes. We can have a champ be homosexual without it defining them.


no, i've noticed it even when i play weak ass laners against superbullies like renekton. they see their wave depleting and all of a sudden its like a switch activates in their minds that they can no longer move forward and they just retreat.

oh i know what you're talking about, im just saying that you don't want to walk up and aggro a minion wave while someone is shooting at you in bot lane, just so you can have the wave push towards u, dats dumb
and that when people in solo q say, "I wanna freeze the lane", they just mean they don't want to actively push even though the lane is not technically "frozen"; it could be pushing towards the turret or it could be building a large wave towards the turret


played my first game with fizz, went 14 3 9 but enemy comp wasn't too good at dealing with me. i fell off in farm pretty hard tho

i kinda like him, kinda

Real talk: they are debating how hetero/homo they want him to be.

I'm all for diversity and the removal of his glass-shard-like jaggies.
i think kind of nebulous like it is now it's probably the least offensive it'll get

like he's a caricature kind of gay, if that's done a lit better then it's just kind of homophobic lol


I want an over the top manly Taric with chest hair and beautiful flowing locks. Like braum but less jovial and more suave. If they do go in this direction I'd rather he be straight as to not perpetuate any stereotypes. We can have a champ be homosexual without it defining them.

Oh definitely. I don't particularly care how they go about so long as it's not too tacky/stereotypical (and plz keep the Jem joke cause that's just so great).

played my first game with fizz, went 14 3 9 but enemy comp wasn't too good at dealing with me. i fell off in farm pretty hard tho

i kinda like him, kinda

i think kind of nebulous like it is now it's probably the least offensive it'll get

like he's a caricature kind of gay, if that's done a lit better then it's just kind of homophobic lol

Fizz is great, a pretty high risk/reward diver in teamfights but a great duelist/terrible farmer like how assassins should be imo. Switching between him and Ziggs and Ori mid pretty much covers all my bases.

And yea taric's one of those old champions not really tied into/related to anything so a lot of his lore was up in the air. I didn't just mean that they are thinking what they can "get away with", they probably really are trying to decide. Like they decided to make Trundle evil and Karma more rebellious and so on. I'm interested to see how much they flesh him out (no pun intended).


I swear teamfighting is like football

My teammates are the OL

They Zed right through the middle so he can spread my cheeks

every damn time


Fizz is a great farmer. All it takes is an E (his playful trickster) to instantly clear a wave with enough AP.
I'm starting to think god hates me when it comes to this game. In my last 10 games I would say 8 of them someone on the team is complaining about "lag" then they proceed to sit and do nothing because of 1k+ ping.

I'm not saying they are making it up, it's probably true, but what are the freaking odds of that?
Fizz is a great farmer. All it takes is an E (his playful trickster) to instantly clear a wave with enough AP.
he's not a safe farmer which is the issue with him. If ur forced to use ur escape to farm as a melee assassin with only one, high cd ranged skill then ur definitely not going to farm as well as an ori, ziggs, lulu etc.


he's not a safe farmer which is the issue with him. If ur forced to use ur escape to farm as a melee assassin with only one, high cd ranged skill then ur definitely not going to farm as well as an ori, ziggs, lulu etc.

Yea, it's his escape and it's expensive and Fizz is most vulnerable when it's just gone on CD. Plus even tho he can definitely waveclear with it that's at/near max rank when most other midlaners would be waveclearers quite a few levels prior.

As far as assassins go bad waveclear is pretty standard tho so it's no big deal. Helps give their opponent a chance to keep their lane pushed so they risk losing tower if they roam.


If you're in lane, it's not that bad though. Your E can clear the caster creeps and a melee creep will survive so you can Q it to safety. And if you get pushed into the tower, you can use your W for a little extra help.

I understand what you're saying that he isn't the best farmer for a mid champ when you're up against champs with various AoE abilities, but he isn't a bad farmer like Shen.


I think I should stop queuing morning in Normal matchmaking, keep getting paired against a Diamond or Platinum guy on the team. Sometimes they don't carry the whole team, but it became pretty bad when a Lee Sin was allowed to carry when all lanes were losing. :/

What is up with that? D;

Literally just happened again after this post. Why god fucking dammit why.


Fizz is great, a pretty high risk/reward diver in teamfights but a great duelist/terrible farmer like how assassins should be imo. Switching between him and Ziggs and Ori mid pretty much covers all my bases.
yea i'm just trying to fill the hole lebonk left and i just don't like ad assassins. i really dislike champions like zed and yasuo that beat you in farm just cos it's impossible to keep up with em doing wraiths and shit while at the same time requiring less items to rekk shit than you do

And yea taric's one of those old champions not really tied into/related to anything so a lot of his lore was up in the air. I didn't just mean that they are thinking what they can "get away with", they probably really are trying to decide. Like they decided to make Trundle evil and Karma more rebellious and so on. I'm interested to see how much they flesh him out (no pun intended).
i'm +1 on fabio taric

i think lucian was a good "minority" champion. like he's totally black with like dreadlocks and the deep voice and whatever, but he's not a ridiculous caricature and he's not rubbing it on your face. yeah having the one black champion side wield a pair of guns is a bit racist but you know he's pretty positive fantasy

like if they make a gay champion they shouldn't hide he's gay or they shouldn't make him "normal". have gayness be a part of his personality, just don't make it override everything else

If you're in lane, it's not that bad though. Your E can clear the caster creeps and a melee creep will survive so you can Q it to safety. And if you get pushed into the tower, you can use your W for a little extra help.

I understand what you're saying that he isn't the best farmer for a mid champ when you're up against champs with various AoE abilities, but he isn't a bad farmer like Shen.
yea i did really well in lane, actually

i was laning against a plat 1 xerath that didn't seem too comfortable on his champion so he let me farm a lot more than he should've and i think i went even or a bit higher than him. tho i'm not too bad at farming overall and tend to get good cs in lane.

i really fell off in farming as the game progressed tho i was pressuring their jungle real hard and camping like every buff since i was so fed.

i liked him, i'm not a fan of melee champions on mid but need something now that lebonk is pretty trash


I'm starting to like using these Support characters
Nami, Alistar and Soraka. Might try Soraka again in an actual match, got her in ARAM and we managed to waste an all AP team.


Alistar is a-okay.

Maybe it was because we were playing against a weak team, but at one point as Ali, me and my team attacked the mid lane and took down their inhibitor. Their Ez was the only one standing and I wasted all my summoner spells and managed to kill him with low mana and having activated my Ulti. Was rather fun.


I'm starting to like using these Support characters
Nami, Alistar and Soraka. Might try Soraka again in an actual match, got her in ARAM and we managed to waste an all AP team.

Soraka is kinda eh in a support role, although I've done ok-ish with her. Her main problem is that right now the support role focuses on a lot of CC, or harass to keep CC away from all-ins. Soraka's not particularly good at either of that since she has no hard CC and her Q range is pretty short. Her sustain shouldn't be underestimated and she is a baiting goddess for careless towerdivers stuff but a lot of support players want to play characters better at setting up kills.

I recommend you stick with/learn Nami, Thresh, Zyra, Braum, and Morgana. Expect the latter two to be banned a lot though lol.


Soraka is kinda eh in a support role, although I've done ok-ish with her. Her main problem is that right now the support role focuses on a lot of CC, or harass to keep CC away from all-ins. Soraka's not particularly good at either of that since she has no hard CC and her Q range is pretty short. Her sustain shouldn't be underestimated and she is a baiting goddess for careless towerdivers stuff but a lot of support players want to play characters better at setting up kills.

I recommend you stick with/learn Nami, Thresh, Zyra, Braum, and Morgana. Expect the latter two to be banned a lot though lol.

Why doesn't any ban Thresh btw?
Leona gets banned as much as Braum and Morgana in ranked.


Why doesn't any ban Thresh btw?
Leona gets banned as much as Braum and Morgana in ranked.

Thresh has potential for bans but i think that while he's a good support you can bully him early on and a lot of folks hope/plan on snowballing from there. He was a regular ban before Braum and his latest nerfs but he is manageable + a lot of people are dumb about setting up lantern ganks. I mean compare him to leona/Braum/Morg and it's kinda like eh...4 bans on bot lane?

Leona is banned a lot too but I actually think Braum is far more dangerous than her because she has to all-in to be really effective which is not super popular in solo Q or a good choice (imo) when first learning the role, plus there's quite a few supports capable of disengaging vs her. Braum is much more low risk/high reward and his passive synergizes so well with Lucian passive + longrange hypercarries that i will always pick/ban him first.

Morg is a pain but I actually think in lane she is beatable if you aren't playing Leona/Braum/Thresh. Most magey type supports outharrass her. She is more annoying to me because (like Braum/Thresh) she is really good at saving her carry from ganks. i want my ADC fed and Black Shield erases bad mistakes almost as well as lantern a lot of times.


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