Fizz is great, a pretty high risk/reward diver in teamfights but a great duelist/terrible farmer like how assassins should be imo. Switching between him and Ziggs and Ori mid pretty much covers all my bases.
yea i'm just trying to fill the hole lebonk left and i just don't like ad assassins. i really dislike champions like zed and yasuo that beat you in farm just cos it's impossible to keep up with em doing wraiths and shit while at the same time requiring less items to rekk shit than you do
And yea taric's one of those old champions not really tied into/related to anything so a lot of his lore was up in the air. I didn't just mean that they are thinking what they can "get away with", they probably really are trying to decide. Like they decided to make Trundle evil and Karma more rebellious and so on. I'm interested to see how much they flesh him out (no pun intended).
i'm +1 on fabio taric
i think lucian was a good "minority" champion. like he's totally black with like dreadlocks and the deep voice and whatever, but he's not a ridiculous caricature and he's not rubbing it on your face. yeah having the one black champion side wield a pair of guns is a bit racist but you know he's pretty positive fantasy
like if they make a gay champion they shouldn't hide he's gay or they shouldn't make him "normal". have gayness be a part of his personality, just don't make it override everything else
If you're in lane, it's not that bad though. Your E can clear the caster creeps and a melee creep will survive so you can Q it to safety. And if you get pushed into the tower, you can use your W for a little extra help.
I understand what you're saying that he isn't the best farmer for a mid champ when you're up against champs with various AoE abilities, but he isn't a bad farmer like Shen.
yea i did really well in lane, actually
i was laning against a plat 1 xerath that didn't seem too comfortable on his champion so he let me farm a lot more than he should've and i think i went even or a bit higher than him. tho i'm not too bad at farming overall and tend to get good cs in lane.
i really fell off in farming as the game progressed tho i was pressuring their jungle real hard and camping like every buff since i was so fed.
i liked him, i'm not a fan of melee champions on mid but need something now that lebonk is pretty trash