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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't like Shredder tho...

Zed's moveset actually fits Ibuki. Akali not so much.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Zed's ugly enough, he doesn't need to be uglier.


Shredder is whoever Rammus' nemesis is.

bjork is very good for the active which is lower in range than caitlyn autoattack, so you're wasting money on an active you'll rarely use (at least optimally like you'd do with twitch ambushes). passive is ok but since cait has no attack speed steroids and relies mostly on autoattacks for her damage and her passive scales so well with ad and crit bjork is just a lot of stats that aren't so great on her

youumus is similar, caitlyn doesn't care about cdr and low ad+crit isn't ideal either. the active is cool but cait has enough mobility and range so that she shouldn't need it

get her ie + pd + lw + bt

she'll be happy

Thanks for clearing it up =)


Realizing you carried is such an amazing feeling.

So many good shots called that last game. We were down a lot, but god damn my DeadNames brand Aatrox build bursts so hard mid game.
simple rules for support items:

start gold generation (coin if you want the speed up active, relic shield if you're going tanky and spellthief if you're going poke) + 2 pots + ward or 4 pots (can be 2 red 2 blue, your pick) if they have a non-ganking early-on jungler like warwick.

rush blue sightstone and at least level 2 gold generating item.

if you need mana regen (you're sona, nami, etc.) buy chalice

if enemy has strong cc buy mikaels crucible

if enemy has lots of poke buy locket of iron solari

if you need armor gets randuins omen (use the active!)

if you need mr buy banshees veil


situational stuff:

if you need to be extra tanky and want lots of cdr you can buy frozen heart or spirit visage

if you scale decently well with ap (annie, nami) you can buy zhonyas or even abyssal for defense+damage

if you're zyra and you want damage buy liandrys/rylais

if you need to scout or can use an extra slow buy twin shadows


buy lots of potions, always, mana and health. start yellow trinket and switch to red as soon as you get blue sightstone.

don't upgrade blue sighstone to red until later on. always try to have a pink on you, use it on dragon when you're killing dragon and then buy another pink and put it somewhere more useful so you can deny them the gold for killing it

upgrade red trinket when you feel like killing vision will be more important, changes game to game.

boots should usually be mobility but you can try mercury treads against hard non-knockups cc (think veigar or morgana, but not alistar), sorc shoes if you're gonna deal lots of damage with like zyra or annie. ninja tabis and lucidity boots i don't usually find useful


hope that helped

This is all good info
use lcs thread for lcs spoilers dood: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=751667&page=49

so fucking good




deal with it glasses!!!!!!!1111111111111

Isnt that katarina and garen/jayce on Ezreal background? I wish riot release a Vi skin with not huge robot hands


Thanks for clearing it up =)
np bby

bt is also better now since 20% lifesteal is delicious. i should probably go back to rushing it again, i really like having so much lifesteal early on

This is all good info
ty <3

ppl should always bear in mind that shit changes from game to game so with the exception of your sightstone everything else is pretty situational (and sighstone too sometimes, even).

i don't like buying ap on supports that aren't annie so i'll usually just go for mikaels even on like thresh and sometimes leona. also if i somehow find myself with 1k gold i like buying an early giants belt and just leaving it there since it makes you really hard to kill.

damage shouldn't be priority, which is why items that sound good on some champions like zhonyas on morgana and sunfire cape on leona shouldn't really be bought. just focus on utility and peel and stuff that lets you get pick off, that's your #1 priority as support

Isnt that katarina and garen/jayce on Ezreal background? I wish riot release a Vi skin with not huge robot hands
well fat hands are kind of her identity so not really :/

they could do skins without robot hands tho, like boxing gloves or mutated void hands or something


They probably couldn't make a glove-less Vi skin even if they wanted to. Rigging and all that shizz

Unless it's a Legendary of course

u don't know how rigging works

u cute :3

but no from an animation standpoint it'd be really easy

now giving vi wings

that'd be hard

And it'd mess up her silhouette.
this is #1 reason

and you know, identity

her spells are about punching shit, her personality is girl that punches shit, she comes from piltover land of making goofy mechanical shit

she is __fat hands__
u don't know how rigging works

u cute :3

but no from an animation standpoint it'd be really easy

now giving vi wings

that'd be hard
Isn't rigging her skeleton thingy that you do animations on top of?

I'd assume that the rig or whatever in her hands is meant for big hands since she can move her fingers and shit. Either that or I'm talking out of my butt so feel free to correct me.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The rig would probably have oversized hands so a glove-less model would require new animations to suit a smaller scale.


Isn't rigging her skeleton thingy that you do animations on top of?

I'd assume that the rig or whatever in her hands is meant for big hands since she can move her fingers and shit. Either that or I'm talking out of my butt so feel free to correct me.
well since her robo hands don't do anything that regular hands can't do it'd just be a matter of scaling down her bones and readjusting for proportions (big finger is probably not exactly where it should be, etc.)

it'd be a bit of work like everything but since hands are a really overdone thing in league (like 80% of the champions has em) they can just port hands from another champion if they need em, stuff like that

it's also likely vi herself has regular hands under her robo-arms, not fully rigged for fingers and stuff but probably completely modeled

overall it's not a big deal, think like in skyrim how they use the single same skeleton for every human in the game, be it fat or thin or tall or short or man or woman and it works ok. if bethesda characters received 1/10th of the care and love league champions do they might not look like total shit either :>
totally used this opportunity to shit on skyrim a bit :>

The rig would probably have oversized hands so a glove-less model would require new animations to suit a smaller scale.

basically it's not a rigging issue but general production stuff of making brand new shit that looks cool without big ass gloves

all of this from my own experience working with animators btw, i dunno how riot themselves do things but my bet is that they set everything up to be really tuneable so they can make skins easy

switch the fat from her hands to her thighs.

ding ding new skin.
well all em donuts already went to her ass, so like give the girl a chance


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like

I don't think we shoulda won this... That Shaco was giving me the biz. I was like 1-6 to start only because we managed to kill each other once. Then we won a big teamfight and just yolo pushed mid. Still feels crappy to be a feeder.


OT Hard Carry
Do you guys even know how rigging works. pls.

Riot could delete the glove mesh, enlarge or shrink them or even replace them with giant sausages with minimal effort and the animations would still work. They'd look weird obviously, but it wouldn't break it.

I loaded it up, seems like Vi's rig actually includes unused (?) hand joints for normal sized proportions (the arm mesh cuts at the elbow). The giant hands are a separate mesh with an additional array of bones for it to animate. Now, rescaling the bones would fuck up the animations. But basically they can put a couple normal sized arms, delete the glove mesh and it'll kinda work, tho obviously all of the attacks and particles and whatever associated will not make much sense.

The most basic solution would be keeping the gloves, giving them an "energy" transparent shader and having normal hands inside.


most would do, it's just that not many benefit from trinity force

melee champions main issue in life is not being able to either gapclose or stick to kiting ranged champions. so like something that speeds you up once you got there is great for someone like jax that already has a gapcloser and can make great use of the attack speed thanks to ult passive

you don't buy phage on most melee tho cos trinity force gives a lot of stats that melees don't care for and also cos a lot of melees are straight up tanks or have gapclosers+cc which already do the job for em

so yea if phage built on frozen mallet again and frozen mallet wasn't shit you might see more melees buying it but then again having speed up and slow together is kind of a kayle kind of thing no one wants to see


Oh, ok then I wanted something like neon vi which have slightly smaller gloves.

tbh i don't think you'll get your wish

it's like having ezreal with a gun or lux without a staff, weapons are kept in i think all the skins

like i can see them making her with a bit less over-sized hands but that's about it

but hey if neon vi is enough for you, that skin is pretty dope

i need more thresh skins

riot pls.
i'm pretty pleased with cthulhu threshie but sure

most champions could use more skins


I tried Vlad because I didn't know what to play against Pantheon. It turned out I was laning against Fiora anyway.

Regarding Vlad, I can sort of see how he can do damage, and if you use his W at a very clever time and don't get baited, you can dodge some stuff (though it does not drop Fizz ult, and I'm not sure if the damage is cancelled). I had trouble reacting quickly enough to dodge things in general though, like Fizz dash. Or maybe that's just how it works.

At any rate, the main thing I noticed is that Vlad autoattack feels REALLY weird. It's like it is very delayed or something. I felt as though I might as well use E and Q to last hit instead.


Man, I lost both of my Diamond 4 promo games, was super mad and on tilt. I queue for a solo game and I see Vayne and Rengar lock in on the enemy team. Life is good.


I would like all of you to just take a look at this match.

Amumu and Yasuo were feeding so hard. I was doing okay, but they kept acing us and acing us. I honestly though we were gonna lose and got a little carried away with my anger... :/. Anyways, everyone wants to FF but I go full fuckin' commando and be like "Amumu, ult when Kat does. I will Q onto 5 of them, then I want Yasuo to press R. Nami, slow any stragglers and peel for Lucian".

The moment of truth. They all jump over the wall of our base. I get a nice Q on their fed Kat, Amumu lands a 5 man ult, Nami ults, Yasuo ults off of that. In those four sweet seconds of asking where they were at, I swear I heard angels weeping.


we were blue side


I just ran into a D1 Karthus main, he goes revive teleport every game and he had a 66% win rate in over 400 games. What the hell, I guess anything is possible. We won pretty overwhelmingly and took Baron around the 15 minute mark.


I'm not sure who that is, but it's the Karthus from this match.

If he's famous for that troll build then maybe? I wish I could tell who smurfs belonged to sometimes it'd be really interesting knowing if some of these crazy players I've encountered who are 22-1 as Akali or 47-11 as Rengar are pro players.

Well that tp/revive strat is the only summoners phantom uses as karth. I'm guessing people starting using it also, well a small amount of people lol.


I'm not sure who that is, but it's the Karthus from this match.

If he's famous for that troll build then maybe? I wish I could tell who smurfs belonged to sometimes it'd be really interesting knowing if some of these crazy players I've encountered who are 22-1 as Akali or 47-11 as Rengar are pro players.

He was a pro player for a small amount of time a few years back. He is known for his Revive/Teleport suicide Karthus and actually played it a bit in some tourneys. It's really fun to watch. He also mains Ziggs and Syndra though. He's also pretty known for getting extremely frustrated/angry and just start screaming and throwing shit on his stream. It's pretty funny sometimes. Every once in a while he'll be pretty informative when he fucks up/gets killed or gets a kill himself.

Also, he's a huge metal head and invented Donger Dash (look it up).


Even the games I win are full of toxic assholes. This fiora raged at us all game cause she lost lane to a tp malphite. She kept getting caught randomly in the enemy jungle and I asked her to group because we need her Ult with galio....in response she says afk.

We all had to beg her to play while defending mid inhib tower which felt like shit. Reported her after.
On the bright side the nami carry is strong. So many flash bubbles landed, stuns cleansed and long range ults for rengar and fiora to catch.
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