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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Everything is moe to me


Gonna need better reasoning than that.

here's 20 reasons:


pretty sure 90% of those 20 are with me.

then i screamed at him for having MF and not playing it

now we stomp with MF.

the one variable of MF/sivir to win/loss ratio is huge


Everything is moe to me
pretty sure 90% of those 20 are with me.

then i screamed at him for having MF and not playing it

now we stomp with MF.

the one variable of MF/sivir to win/loss ratio is huge
yeah because MF is a real adc and sivir is a joke.

she'd have to be a joke for someone to have a 53% winrate 9 divisions below their main account.


yeah because MF is a real adc and sivir is a joke.

she'd have to be a joke for someone to have a 53% winrate 9 divisions below their main account.
Like sure, she does better in higher elo, but that doesn't make her terrible. It's not that she just does better with better teams, it's the difference between divisions as well. Sometimes in gold teammates aren't intelligent enough to do basic things like grouping and such, and that's an issue. Most of these games are high plat/low diamond.
Mind Elaborating? I've found her to be rather dull from the last few times I played her.
She's a strong laner with a lot of early/mid game damage and mid/late utility that can push waves ultra hard.

Sure, she's not as strong as she used to be, but she's still a better general pick than say. Ashe, Vayne, Ezreal, Varus...


i'm waiting someone mods out the spiders in that game

looks really good tho

played a bit of it on coop and it was the most hilarious, wrong thing ever
me and scy are playing it co-op but I'm working so much I'm generally too tired for games in the evening :/ or at least games that I have to pay attention to

We've only played like 10 or 12 hours on our file, I think

it's great though


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Actually really interested in this, as I am sure he is secretly at least decent. Do you start E for the stun? I have been going E>W>Q but very few decent Taric guides out there.

Would armour stuff be usual, or would going frozen/spirit for the cooldowns be a better idea? I think the element of surprise gets people as they simply have no idea how to lane against Taric, because who plays Taric?
I take E at level one because you wouldn't really have any presence without it. You just wouldn't even get into range to break your W on somebody. I prioritize defensive stats for the game and CDR more than just building armor for my abilities to scale, I think Frozen Heart is a really good item to pick up right now with some of the nerfs to Randuins in addition to the champions that are getting a lot of play right now. In general I would say a lot of people are running magic damage heavy comps that you want a Locket against. I wouldn't buy Spirit Visage because you'll probably already CDR cap in other places, and there are simply better MR options out there and SV's passive would be situational for someone like Taric.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If you have the animal talking talent, yes. They actually provide a lot of useful information and the game would be much harder if someone in my party couldn't talk to animals.
Man I dunno how I feel about laning against morg. I feel like at my elo its really easy to just wait out the black shield and get something, but I still don't like taking the risk of playing against a good one. I'd usually probably rather play against a braum than a morg, I think.
Man I dunno how I feel about laning against morg. I feel like at my elo its really easy to just wait out the black shield and get something, but I still don't like taking the risk of playing against a good one. I'd usually probably rather play against a braum than a morg, I think.
how to beat up morg

play nami/sona

press q/w/e

win lane because morg cant trade poke.


Pet Pal. It's basically for hints and flavor. You get a few quests but not too many out of it.

Screw quest, I did it for ROLEPLAYING! in a roleplaying game!

I am the chicken whsperer, talking to chicken during the day, and solving murder (slowly) at night.


Their meat taste better if my reasoning is high level enough to convince them that they are dying for a righteous cause.

I am helping.
today i had two games with a shaco on my team and the shaco got ridiculously fed in both of them

also the thresh train just keeps rolling, havent lost a game with him in gold yet heck i havent lost a game in gold at all.


I think today might be the first time that I love the match making system. I don't think there's a better feeling in LoL than getting matched against trolls who ruined your previous games and then stomping on them when they're on the enemy team.

I've been matched up against 4 different trolls that cost me a game today in the next game afterwards. I'm pretty sure D2 is elo hell because I've never run into so many toxic people in a single day of playing, there's almost someone in every game who goes on tilt way too early, who starts complaining non stop because of one death or a bad misplay. My favorite troll of the day was a support lux that was stealing CS with her E, ulting creep waves and rushing for a Morellonomicon, the core support item.

Maybe it's just because it's the weekend or does that not matter in the summer?


OT Hard Carry
I'm pretty sure D2 is elo hell because I've never run into so many toxic people in a single day of playing, there's almost someone in every game who goes on tilt way too early, who starts complaining non stop because of one death or a bad misplay.

Maybe it's just because it's the weekend or does that not matter in the summer?

Today was kebab day for me too. Uncarryable retards of incredible magnitude that turn a 20 minute win into a 50 minute loss. Didn't mind losing because they clearly did not deserve a win.

It's gotta be the combination of both sunday+summer.


"my grabs aren't the best" -- blitzcrank in lobby, who is using the iBlitzcrank skin.

Apparently what they actually meant was "I will never connect the entire 34-minute game". We did not do well enough to win. :(


Having only 3 Champs and buying mystery skins was too OP. Got reindeer and caterpillar Kog'maw and winter wonder Lulu.

Also just bought lulu, trying to get dragon skin.

She's super fun, as I hoped. How should I build her throughout a match? I'm still a noob. Only level 11, I think.
Max R>Q>E>W

lulu is a massive lane bully. double dorans items can basically mess up anyone that gets close. make sure that if you're winning your lane that you can effectively freeze your lane outside of your tower (keep casters on their wave more than yours if you can.)
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