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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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well you see what riot meant by "fixed a bug on caitlyn's auto attack that registered before the projectile ever went off" is that "we actually made it happen more"


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Sometimes, I tell Newt the Mikaels was on cooldown and I couldn't help him.

It wasn't.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
"my grabs aren't the best" -- blitzcrank in lobby, who is using the iBlitzcrank skin.

Apparently what they actually meant was "I will never connect the entire 34-minute game". We did not do well enough to win. :(
100% grab hit rate.

That era of time you know when League servers was getting DDOS.

It's probably not back (god I hope not), but that was the joke.

NA server just shitted... and about 80% of people in game just D/C. Login time for me is 1 hour.


i just tried overclocking my old-ass monitor and boy-howdy was that 10 FPS gain pretty

not worth the discoloration and scanlines, but man oh man do I want to get a 120hz monitor now.


What is this thing that sometimes Twitch keeps on buffering and buffering all the time? My internet is more than fine and we are currently not downloading anything? Really pisses me off when it happens in the middle of an LCS play. :(
It's so disgusting when you play pantheon jungle in solo queue, and get a slight lead. You can build full glass cannon for most of the game, grab homeguard mobos, and have sooo much pressure. He's just ridiculously strong in early skirmishing and when he's fed nobody snowballs harder.

Think he's probably the best aggressive solo queue jungler. With Amumu being the best passive one.


It's so disgusting when you play pantheon jungle in solo queue, and get a slight lead. You can build full glass cannon for most of the game, grab homeguard mobos, and have sooo much pressure. He's just ridiculously strong in early skirmishing and when he's fed nobody snowballs harder.

Think he's probably the best aggressive solo queue jungler. With Amumu being the best passive one.

I love Pantheon. What I love most about him is what you described, but also if you don't end up getting that early snowball, you can still get tanky and help your team out that way also. I like playing him top and after 10 or so minutes ulting into mid. No one expects it at the elo i am at and I am almost always assured a kill/assist.
I love Pantheon. What I love most about him is what you described, but also if you don't end up getting that early snowball, you can still get tanky and help your team out that way also. I like playing him top and after 10 or so minutes ulting into mid. No one expects it at the elo i am at and I am almost always assured a kill/assist.

Yeah lane Pantheon is pretty strong in some matchups. His q harass is incredibly strong against players who don't know how to deal with it.

I often like to use his ult more for zoning purposes rather than damage. You often affect the fight more just by scaring away the opponent than by doing damage.

And yeah you can build him tanky. If I'm fed it's Lizard->Brutalizer/Hexdrinker->boots->LW->GA and if I'm behind/even it's Lizard->Boots->Sunfire->Randuins->Brutalizer->Banshees


Pantheon is one of THE champions I hate most to see top, though that's largely because I play Fiora. I think I've picked Pantheon myself, and been clueless about him, but still managed to do ok against a Fiora.

What's a good Pantheon counter? Just someone who can build super tanky, like Malphite or Cho'gath?
What's a good Pantheon counter? Just someone who can build super tanky, like Malphite or Cho'gath?
Your best bet is mid rejects and general ranged people. Stuff like Nidalee, Heimer, Jayce, Vlad, Lulu, Quinn (don't do Teemo though, that's suicide)

My duo is one of those one trick ponies that basically plays nothing but Panth and he says "just don't pick melee ever and you should be fine". Tanky melee tops won't really help.


Your best bet is mid rejects and general ranged people. Stuff like Nidalee, Heimer, Jayce, Vlad, Lulu, Quinn (don't do Teemo though, that's suicide)

My duo is one of those one trick ponies that basically plays nothing but Panth and he says "just don't pick melee ever and you should be fine". Tanky melee tops won't really help.
I've started trying Vlad, but he seems to have low winrates so I'm not sure if he's a good idea in silver. I would think Jayce could have problems. I also thought Lulu might have the same problem Teemo would have of getting stunned and nuked, but at least Lulu can ult herself and use some CC.
Jayce and Lulu can both disengage from him if he tries to all in, plus they have auto attacks so they won't get speared every time they' go for a last hit.

You're not straight winning the lane but you're not going to die so it's a start.


I haven't tried it, but i'm guessing gragas would do well against panth top as well, especially since he seems to be a really strong champion at the moment.
Pantheon should have a difficult job beating Lulu or Ryze in lane, and they outscale him hard. Indeed, I would never pick Pantheon with Lulu still in the pool - she has equally strong harass in the early game, can outpush you, is impossible to all-in after 6 and scales better. I think if you run TP and have a ranged farming tool (e.g. Gragas Q) Pantheon should be survivable in lane - just avoid melee champions with weak early laning phases. Going pure tank/sustain runes, masteries and items to outsustain/survive him until you can all-in him is also an option as he runs into mana problems if he can't force his opponent out or kill him quickly. If Pantheon hasn't generated a significant advantage for himself or his team by the time he hits level 11 or so it's unlikely he's going to.


Neo Member
Anyone want to duo queue with me? Was gold 4 demoted back to gold 5. I can't carry 4 baddies. I can play all lanes. User name is noice noice if anyone wants to look up.
What is this thing that sometimes Twitch keeps on buffering and buffering all the time? My internet is more than fine and we are currently not downloading anything? Really pisses me off when it happens in the middle of an LCS play. :(
Shitch.tv is run by incompetent buffoons and they haven't done a thing to improve it for many years now. If you're suffering from buffering with a half-decent connection, it's their fault entirely and it's not going to be resolved any time soon regardless of what they may or may not claim, if past experiences are any indication. Enjoy your stay.

Pantheon is one of THE champions I hate most to see top, though that's largely because I play Fiora. I think I've picked Pantheon myself, and been clueless about him, but still managed to do ok against a Fiora.

What's a good Pantheon counter? Just someone who can build super tanky, like Malphite or Cho'gath?
Anyone that can actually fight as a top lane bruiser. Even better if they have built-in sustain. Pantheon also can't do that much when the enemy laner has superior ranged harrass, since the short range on his spears aren't anything to write home about.

Malphite is a push-over but Cho'gath can do fine at level 3 - 4 if you know how to time your Silence / Rupture as you bait his stun. If he then resorts to spear spam, then he'll run out of mana much faster than Cho'll run out of health.
Pantheon is one of THE champions I hate most to see top, though that's largely because I play Fiora. I think I've picked Pantheon myself, and been clueless about him, but still managed to do ok against a Fiora.

What's a good Pantheon counter? Just someone who can build super tanky, like Malphite or Cho'gath?

I like Jayce against Pantheon.

Cloth armor + 3 pots = very comfortable laning experience. Poke where you can. Don't trade. Get CS and win midgame.

Also, I'd think someone like Malphite is good against him? Or maybe Yauso if you can keep your passive up?


Shitch.tv is run by incompetent buffoons and they haven't done a thing to improve it for many years now. If you're suffering from buffering with a half-decent connection, it's their fault entirely and it's not going to be resolved any time soon regardless of what they may or may not claim, if past experiences are any indication. Enjoy your stay.

Ah well, I feel a bit better I guess, knowing it's not our connection! I was a bit worried maybe it was something we could do something about. @_@

Also, had this happen to me:


How is this even possible? Our botlane got absolutely destroyed, and they even flamed us ;A; (Graves kept going alone after laning phase was done)

How did the matchmaking sign us up against a Gold and a Silver? We're not even 30! Makes no sense whatsoever.

Going to try ADC a bit, I had a friend teach me in a custom map to last hit with Tristana, and basically getting a bit of an idea on the ADC items to get for it. Any further suggestions are more than welcome! I really enjoy the bot lane and even if I would rather play mid AP, I suck at last hitting on those.


Ah well, I feel a bit better I guess, knowing it's not our connection! I was a bit worried maybe it was something we could do something about. @_@

Also, had this happen to me:


How is this even possible? Our botlane got absolutely destroyed, and they even flamed us ;A; (Graves kept going alone after laning phase was done)

How did the matchmaking sign us up against a Gold and a Silver? We're not even 30! Makes no sense whatsoever.
As you can see, the gold and silver guys are premade with a level 21 and a level 14. This skewed their average mmr down to low enough to get matched to you.


You know those weird games where the bot lane are either 2 tanks or Nidalle and a non-ADC character?
I don't think booze would make the memory of those matches go away.


Now 0-5 in my gold promo attempts. All of them have gone 5 games. I just hate when my series comes down to my ability to support, which isn't great atm.

This one ended in a crazy base race tho so at least they've been a lot of fun.


i'LL SAVE up IP in case Zyra would go on sale.
ATM I have the following I'm interested in:
Caitlyn, Udyr, Zyra and Renekton.


for some reason support zyra doesn't ever do it for me

i don't really like building damage on supports except for annie and zyra seems like she needs 21 9 0 masteries to work which i don't like
for some reason support zyra doesn't ever do it for me

i don't really like building damage on supports except for annie and zyra seems like she needs 21 9 0 masteries to work which i don't like
Zyra doesn't need to go full offensive to deal damage. Hell even if you go 0/9/21 and the only AP items you get are Frost Queen and Liandry's you'll till do more damage than any other support.

Trust your bases, they be dumberino
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