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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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'it's like feral flare starting with 40 stacks'

kinda hard to take him seriously if he doesnt even know feral had a base on hit damage too.

"Warwick is so broken, he can one shot with so many of these offensive on-hit items
then promptly die in the middle of the ult


I feel like ADC's usually get banshee's veil or guardian's angel instead of QSS, but presumably that depends on the enemy team composition.

I am an awful Morgana but I finally won a game as support. I had one good moment in the game. The enemy AP mid Ezreal was running to escape through the river towards his tribush. I was heading there from bot lane but would not be able to cut him off unless I landed the snare, which would mean he immediately dies.

I waited until he was an E or flash range from the tribush, which I might have warded, and shot the Q into the tribush. He promptly jumped into the snare and died. He admitted in allchat afterwards that he saw it happening, but his fingers wanted to do the jump which was what I was hoping for.

I didn't do much good after that, but that one moment was fun.


I played a few games with the new Morgana skin. I think overall I quite like it. The blue glow on the ground is nice, the blue pool is really pretty, and having a new recall animation is neat.

The one thing I don't understand is the walking animation. Why does she hold her side like she has been stabbed? She doesn't look injured in the splash art. She looks regal there.
So, what's a better first item on Kog'Maw? I used to rush Trinity first, but I haven't really touched him much since the nerfs, and now, I just struggle too much. Haven't gotten a chance to try BotRK first yet.

Also, I remember there being a huge that that, because you do a lot of attacking with your W late game, Phantom Dancer gives more overall damage from auto attacks than a Last Whisper will. Does that still hold true?

I love Kog's playstyle and design so much, but I've been having a lot of trouble with him.
So, what's a better first item on Kog'Maw? I used to rush Trinity first, but I haven't really touched him much since the nerfs, and now, I just struggle too much. Haven't gotten a chance to try BotRK first yet.

Also, I remember there being a huge that that, because you do a lot of attacking with your W late game, Phantom Dancer gives more overall damage from auto attacks than a Last Whisper will. Does that still hold true?

I love Kog's playstyle and design so much, but I've been having a lot of trouble with him.

Trinity if you can consistently land ults while doing autos, BoRK if not.

The PD>LW thing for Kog is just pure theory. PD barely edges out LW in the most optimal circumstance where Kog just autos and never ever needs to reposition. In reality that doesn't really happen except while you're getting free dragons/barons.
The standard build still rushes Triforce-Blade.

Also, don't try the Triforce-PD build unless you're completely sure you can just stand still during fights and auto because you will almost never get the full DPS off unless you're doing that. Better off doing TF>Blade>IE/LW if you're planning on nuking people with just a few autos.
Trinity if you can consistently land ults while doing autos, BoRK if not.

The PD>LW thing for Kog is just pure theory. PD barely edges out LW in the most optimal circumstance where Kog just autos and never ever needs to reposition. In reality that doesn't really happen except while you're getting free dragons/barons.
You don't need to land the ult procs if you get Triforce. Even without landing it, the Phage and Sheen passives allow you to kite more effectively (extremely key since he's such a low-mobility champ) and do bursts of extra damage when you're using your abilities while autoing. Plus, it also helps during sieging and counter sieging situations since you have more mana to use your waveclear/poke with.
Trinity if you can consistently land ults while doing autos, BoRK if not.

The PD>LW thing for Kog is just pure theory. PD barely edges out LW in the most optimal circumstance where Kog just autos and never ever needs to reposition. In reality that doesn't really happen except while you're getting free dragons/barons.

The standard build still rushes Triforce-Blade.

Also, don't try the Triforce-PD build unless you're completely sure you can just stand still during fights and auto because you will almost never get the full DPS off unless you're doing that. Better off doing TF>Blade>IE/LW if you're planning on nuking people with just a few autos.
You don't need to land the ult procs if you get Triforce. Even without landing it, the Phage and Sheen passives allow you to kite more effectively (extremely key since he's such a low-mobility champ) and do bursts of extra damage when you're using your abilities while autoing. Plus, it also helps during sieging and counter sieging situations since you have more mana to use your waveclear/poke with.

Awesome, thanks for the tip guys. It might just be because I'm rusty, I almost never ADC anymore, but I love Kog'Maw. Even if he falls behind, he offers some decent utility to his team, with his shred and slow.


I'm really bad at Cassiopeia and feel like one of my biggest problems is once E doesn't reset because I missed one minion or made one misstep or someone was slightly outside the poison cloud, she's almost guaranteed dead. The ult being super easy to miss is another thing, but the poison almost bothers me more.

Today I finally realized one thing that was confusing me about it. The cloud isn't like Morgana's pool. The cloud actually GROWS over time. Which means that your E reset which already requires you to make lightning-fast decisions about which units are poisoned has an additional factor, whether you properly accounted for the cloud growth rate. :(


Took a break from playing to draw Taric. I used Jared Leto's face as my reference.


gotta grind out photoshop more instead of league.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
I'm really bad at Cassiopeia and feel like one of my biggest problems is once E doesn't reset because I missed one minion or made one misstep or someone was slightly outside the poison cloud, she's almost guaranteed dead. The ult being super easy to miss is another thing, but the poison almost bothers me more.

Today I finally realized one thing that was confusing me about it. The cloud isn't like Morgana's pool. The cloud actually GROWS over time. Which means that your E reset which already requires you to make lightning-fast decisions about which units are poisoned has an additional factor, whether you properly accounted for the cloud growth rate. :(
Cassio's getting her abilities reworked to fix that and her "farming minigame." Too bad im too tired to find the exact details but it was covered in reignofgaming not too long ago.


Cassio's getting her abilities reworked to fix that and her "farming minigame." Too bad im too tired to find the exact details but it was covered in reignofgaming not too long ago.
I guess I shouldn't play her now if it's about to change again. It always sounds tempting to get 400 stacks, but I have a hard time even getting 200 stacks before the game ends.

Also preseason is here in force. In normal / teambuilder games tonight I've seen one game with support/ADC duo who repeatedly suicided through jungle into nexus yelling touchdown, and another game with a Vayne who ragequit the game before the 3 minute mark because they thought the support was trolling (got caught and gave up first blood, but turned out to be a really good support). Like, completely closed the client ragequit, wouldn't even help kill jungle buff or anything.


Hey guys, I almost never play top lane (because i lose every single time), but i wanna get into it more. Thinking about buying Trundle, whats your opinion on him?


Hey guys, I almost never play top lane (because i lose every single time), but i wanna get into it more. Thinking about buying Trundle, whats your opinion on him?
You never want to blind pick trundle into top lane. He has real problems with ranged opponents.


Trundle can't do a thing against ranged champs and has quite a lot of difficulty laning against burst and assassins.

He's an auto attack melee champ who excels at dueling against other melee champs over a long period of time.

Riot kind of threw Trundle to the curb by creating so many champs with mobility and range.

He's close to unkillable if he gets rolling though but there's very few top match ups he can deal with in the current season


What would be a good top lane champ to start off with then? I'm no good with Ryze, i always get stomped before i get anywhere near his power spikes.



Maokai if you want to play a AP hybrid Tank with spammable % damage



Could try Swain top as well. You need to be good at last hitting.


Just lost a game where I was kicking ass as Gnar, got 14 kills, but our Gold Jungle Kha'zix was either drunk or boosted.
Doesn't help that our bot fed Quinn, and that our Mid Ahri couldn't seem to handle Zed.
We surrended with 14 kills for me. I accidentally started with Trinity then went to Youmuu before I started tanking.

Good to be gnar again though =D
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