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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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idk why but the new sr looks low res to me.
What are your graphical settings on? Low reportedly looks bad. I assume I'm on high or very high and it looks nicer than I expected.

One of my favorite parts of the update is the login music. It's dramatic and not dissonant or annoying.


Is anyone having login problems since the new map, though? Almost every time I start the League client, it takes 3+ tries before I can login. Before that, I get a popup "Connection Error" and the client immediately closes after I click OK.

The link on the dialog for information about what might have caused the error is also broken, hilariously.
Is anyone having login problems since the new map, though? Almost every time I start the League client, it takes 3+ tries before I can login. Before that, I get a popup "Connection Error" and the client immediately closes after I click OK.

The link on the dialog for information about what might have caused the error is also broken, hilariously.
This has been going for like months now


I like when the enemy team surrenders as you're destroying the nexus and it doesn't kick in before you can take it down so it explodes twice. Does it still do that in the new SR?
also newt's like "wtf you have like half my posts its only been five days"

clearly he's forgotten the heydays of the reach forums if he thinks that this is strange.


Just won a match with Fiddlesticks for the longest time! It wasn't really anything special but it had a team with 4 TP and invading and prolonging level 1 fights. They complained we were "tryharding" wut. It was all very cheesy, we were 20 kills ahead of them but it was annoying how you couldn't 1v1 or 2v1 because they all had TP so then they easily turned the tables.

We just sobered up and our Corki was huge so then it was ez.

I am just so weak as Fiddle -_-; I hate that so much. I got a couple of very nice ults though, albeit Malphite and Alistar were super obnoxious to deal with (since they interrupted my Drain).

Lost the prior match though, I was vs a Diamond 5 Lucian (I was Tristana) but to be honest we weren't doing so poorly. Problem is he got a first blood on an invade on our jungler and then we played it really poor and got a double kill on us bot. Managed to get a shutdown on him but then they got my Soraka again and they pushed for turret fast and rotated mid. Idk, mid wasn't doing so hot but tbh it was a bad matchup (Akali vs the donger), so our Akali couldn't really do much. We got going again and we managed to hold off a bit, Lucian wasn't very relevant (I only did 2k less damage than him even though he had IE really early on).

I tried to get objectives and push lanes but they were 3 or so mid all the time so it was really hard to put pressure elsewhere. I also played a couple of engages terribly wrong. As ADC sometimes I stay too safe and sometimes I am too reckless. At one point they were tunneling in our jungle and I could have basically ulted 5 men but instead I W'd in and got stunned by the donger and died ;A; I think that's what I need to work on most on ADC, respecting range and respecting dangers.

The match earlier we were matched vs some Gold Caitlyn and a low level Garen (support). It was a really easy lane and they ragequit (???) even though they were all premade. Idk, Caitlyn played that really bad and I got fed early on, which as Tristana it's kinda bad I guess. Like I would engage her while I had BF sword and Pickaxe and she would just auto me and then E'd out and I would W into her enough to finish her. She wasn't even kiting back, just standing.

I still think Tristana is decent? Idk, I don't feel she was gutted down as much as I thought. I mean, definitely didn't feel I was falling off as hard vs Lucian (that game I was cs'ing really bad) as I expected, considering how hard he was winning lane.


I thought that Riot specifically changed reports to include post-game chat logs as well, precisely because of this behavior.

It's especially noticeable there since I don't believe mute/ignore affects the postgame lobby.
Riot can see post-game chat. Only the Tribunal couldn't see post-game chat.

There was some Riot posts on reddit recently that said that you can and should report post-game toxicity. I did it already, but it was nice to see some confirmation.


I thought that Riot specifically changed reports to include post-game chat logs as well, precisely because of this behavior.

It's especially noticeable there since I don't believe mute/ignore affects the postgame lobby.
Ah, I see. Guess I just got away with it.

Has anyone here actually been chat restricted? I know Nev has, but anyone else?



Because of some bullshit about Riot trying to reform people. "Oh if we make low priority queues people will never stop being assholes"

Not sure that's the same thing though. I think that argument was about creating DotA2 style "prisoners island" but Riot said people will just create smurfs once they realize they're constantly playing with other assholes. Seems like "low priority queues" is essentially making queue times quite longer for repeat offenders, sort of like Riot is trying to annoy AFKers into better behavior.


I got team builder'd with a random Yasuo who got 22 kills and was dominating the game.

Afterwards I checked the profile and they were solo queue Diamond 1, so I guess that made some sense.
I honestly love the LeaveBuster. I don't have a ton of time to play, so it was extremely frustrating that last night when I did have time to play, all 3 ranked games in a row had someone DC or go AFK. There went over an hour of my time for jack squat.
If you wanted to dodge the charms better, you should get boots other tban mobis because any damage instantly reduces you to tier 1 boots. Merc treads were probably the best for what you wanted.
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