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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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This extra saturation looks nice.

But I dunno, I like both what we have now, and that pic.


Yeah. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about the map looks dull and....blurry? Call me crazy. The champs don't look like they belong. Like a bad fan mod.
I played the original map again for a bit, and the original does look more detailed. So the new one feels less detailed / softer, yet runs worse for some people.
Well, the new map is definitely a visual upgrade, even though it's less detailed.

Also, looks as if Ocho redeemed himself.
Damn. That's how to play a support! I must not play enough, but I've never gone against a Brand support either.

One positive about the new map? I love the new sound effects as the towers go pew pew. One of the side's towers make a bit of a dull phoomp sound. It sounds awesome.


New Rift looks good to me IMO but I played Bot and my graphics settings are at high.
Looks so clean...
Although old model champs like Taric would look real weird in it >_>;
I have my settings cranked to max also on a 1440p monitor, but I guess I'm coming off too harsh on the new map. My only complaint is that the champs don't seem to mesh well with the map, color scheme wise. Everything else is a positive for me.

All I really care about right now is when I can get my hands on Kalista!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
There's like 50% less polys.

It feels "low res" because it is. The old map, whenever I saw the wireframes, was way more detailed than it need to be on the model level.
There's like 50% less polys.

It feels "low res" because it is. The old map, whenever I saw the wireframes, was way more detailed than it need to be on the model level.

It definitely does have less polys. Just look at the pointiness of every single tree in the old map. In new SR, lots of trees have been replaced in favor of smooth rocks or trunks. I think I read certain parts that are not visible by the camera aren't even visible, so if the camera was rotated it'd be empty.

Smarter use of polys overall. I'm just sad that I still get an excessive amount of lag at the start of the match, even though I'm on an SSD.
The real struggle: Waiting for a support in Team Builder while you're a AP Kog'Maw mid. Oh, and a ADC Twisted Fate.

I've never seen so many people move on.


Tip: youll never find teambuilder supports because apparently theyre still an endangered species there so you either invite one or be one.

Had someone whom I've only played once ask me to join their TB lol.. It felt like being a White Mage or a tank on FFXI when leveling in parties was still a thing haha.

I love the new map, it's so pretty! All the fireflies things, little frogs and shit, idk. I think it's really purdy.

btw, I haven't played ranked matches since I did my placements but my MMR on op.gg says it's lower than where it should be (like roughly 100 points) in Silver II, should I worry? I haven't felt like doing ranked after reading that people are trolling ("preseason who cares lel") on reddit.
Junglers and Supports are always last picks in teambuilder just like everywhere else.

This is the story of how I became a support / jungler main.


Had someone whom I've only played once ask me to join their TB lol.. It felt like being a White Mage or a tank on FFXI when leveling in parties was still a thing haha.

I love the new map, it's so pretty! All the fireflies things, little frogs and shit, idk. I think it's really purdy.

btw, I haven't played ranked matches since I did my placements but my MMR on op.gg says it's lower than where it should be (like roughly 100 points) in Silver II, should I worry? I haven't felt like doing ranked after reading that people are trolling ("preseason who cares lel") on reddit.

Same here, and I'm really curious if it's a legitimate concern because I'm really getting the ranked itch. Knowing this community it probably is

Laned against an AP Jinx in 3s today. First time I've felt like I was good at this game in a long while


Same here, and I'm really curious if it's a legitimate concern because I'm really getting the ranked itch. Knowing this community it probably is

I wanted to use post/pre-season to work on my other roles but I'm scared that if it's just going to be demotion due to trolls might as well just skip and work on that on normals (ew).

Btw, the people trying to justify that leaver-buster is unfair to people that get disconnected? I don't see how, if you get it randomly every once in a while (say once a week or every two weeks) you probably have nothing to worry about it. If it happens more often than that, why are you bothering playing an intense pvp-online experience??

I would understand if League had a TF2 feel, but it doesn't. You disconnecting is fucking over 4 other people (9 potentially).

I don't think I'm being too harsh either. I've had friends of mine disconnect before and it sucks, and they acknowledged to not queue after said game. Don't see why that is so hard for some people to do.


So I go 3/0 at mid and start snowballing.

My bot lane loses and the adc starts coming mid to farm because he lost lane to Ashe

So he takes all the xp and cs at mid which pretty shuts me down. Then he trash talks me because I can't carry with a score of 3/0.



So I go 3/0 at mid and start snowballing.

My bot lane loses and the adc starts coming mid to farm because he lost lane to Ashe

So he takes all the xp and cs at mid which pretty shuts me down. Then he trash talks me because I can't carry with a score of 3/0.


/comfort ._.


Watching sirchez's stream. He has a bot to read all his donation messages.

People are just spamming 'W' in their messages and it's amazing.


there are "codes" you can use to make the bot do tones and sing songs

edit: omg

i love it. sirhcez is a noted PG streamer and they're just spamming his bot with filthy shit


You know what, I take back what I said about Trick2G on our last thread. He is currently commenting on a replay of a game of his on proxy Udyr. To be honest that's not my cup of tea but it's always nice to learn the inside and out of certain strategies, even if you won't be doing them yourself. He's being really informative and you know, not so "in character" as he might be sometimes.

Today I had a coop vs AI game where 2 of our team mates had disconnected and I was playing Nami with a Draven and Akali that were really new to the champions and not too great overall. ;x I had to go on bossy-mode (while polite) and command them lol.

Was fun though, and earned 2 Teamwork honors!


Trick is probably not great for the community and his strategy is generally terrible but there's no doubt he knows his Udyr.

Pretty entertaining too

I'll never forgive him for creating madstone though


Trick is probably not great for the community and his strategy is generally terrible but there's no doubt he knows his Udyr.

Pretty entertaining too

I'll never forgive him for creating madstone though

I totally agree with you, you get so many Trick-wannabe-Udyrs but you know, generally on his stream he tells you when to and when not to, so not really his fault people don't know how to proxy/use Udyr. Just league community.. monkey see, monkey do, but wrong. lol


RF Legendary goes Iceborn Gauntlent into defensiveish ap. I still prefer Triforce because I'm not good enough to bully consistently without the bonus ad for the basics


RF Legendary goes Iceborn Gauntlent into defensiveish ap. I still prefer Triforce because I'm not good enough to bully consistently without the bonus ad for the basics

Interesting. I'll have to try that. He's a very good Nidalee player.
Looks like Riot are going for a solo queue focussed set of nerfs, judging by the current PBE.

Rammus, Amumu, Sona, Fiora, Katarina, Warwick, Gnar and Kha'Zix all nerfed. I guess Janna or Fiddlesticks will take over the #1 winrate on the next patch and the Rammus/Amumu era is coming to a close.
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