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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I agree that people should try to behave more like adults even if the community is childish and you may be unlikely to succeed.

On that note, IP boosts are now up for people who haven't been chat restricted.
Just had a mid Riven lose their temper after some silly thing happened with the jungler 4 minutes in (they never explained what it was and I didn't see iy, but it didn't even involve a death) and spend the rest of the game intentionally feeding, spamming pings and cursing the jungler as if he'd killed his firstborn. What made it so strange was we'd started extremely well, with kills on the enemy jungler, mid and bot lane within the first 3 minutes. The enemy jungler was 3-buffed and three levels behind ours at one point. But no, this Riven was going to make sure we lost.

Worst thing about it is the jungler was extremely upset after the game and will probably carry it over into his next game and piss someone off there, and so on.


I beat a team with a master Azir in it as Poppy, it'll be yeeeeeeaarrrs before you can face me
For that to be true, you gotta admit that Quinn is strong and viable.


They probably suck, specially if you're winning with Nasus.

Gnar has a 70% ban rate for a reason.

I like how that is the conclusion instead of the possibility that I'm just outplaying them.

Oh well. Gnar will just get easier for me when they Nerf him.

Got back into using Wukong and he's really fun. Love getting in people's faces then spin ftw.

If you like spinning have I got a champ for you
I like how that is the conclusion instead of the possibility that I'm just outplaying them.

Oh well. Gnar will just get easier for me when they Nerf him
I don't see how those things are mutually exclusive, you are winning because you are better than them and not because the champion is fine.

For that to be true, you gotta admit that Quinn is strong and viable.

I'll admit she's more viable than Sivir


I like how that is the conclusion instead of the possibility that I'm just outplaying them.

Oh well. Gnar will just get easier for me when they Nerf him.
You are definitely outplaying them, but I think the enemy Gnars can't be very good since it is mostly in the hands of the Gnar player whether he wins or loses a Nasus/Garen lane.


Sivir will always reenter the meta as rotation favoring team chimps get stronger and hyper carries get weaker

Team chimps? We're done talking about Wukong for a minute. Focus, please.

Sivir was my first ADC. I still think she's great but I rarely pick her because her ult goes to waste in Gold elo.


I like how that is the conclusion instead of the possibility that I'm just outplaying them.

Oh well. Gnar will just get easier for me when they Nerf him.

If you like spinning have I got a champ for you

Garen was my first champ on LoL :p


Just won two matches, first one seemed definitely a lost one. Get on blind pick with a friend (we wanted to go on the old map but for some reason, it's the new one???) and 2 people call top, so one of them says jungle.

I tab out, and go to the wc and when I come back, we are already in the rift, and realize we have 2 top...

At first we struggled a lot in lane (Poppy, their jungle had free farm basically) and ganked a lot bot lane and top. Also top guys were not too skilled vs Singed so idk. They died to him quite some times. I put on Janna carry mode on and went on full Mejai's and roaming everywhere. Got to 14? Stacks or so!, maybe 16 even, since we weren't doing jack shit in lane. Ended 2/0/16 (although most stuff happened on top side). So yeah... we won without jungler lol.


Second match I went with Janna (I am in love with her, she's so beyond simple that allows me to fully control the map). Went with full AP runes this time, well aware that I wanted to build AP/Mejai's. This one I only got to 12? Stacks because I delayed it a lot (right after I bought it I couldn't make it to most skirmishes in time -_-).

But it was really lots of fun! Ended 1/2/25!


I think next support I want to practice is Braum, but I'm still scared of using him. I feel I will botch it or something.

Also played and won one match as Jarvan. I am really liking it but doing my combo trying to gank a Riven is such a nightmare...


I think next support I want to practice is Braum, but I'm still scared of using him. I feel I will botch it or something.

Biggest fuck up you can do with Braum is point your shield in the wrong direction, and that's almost always good for a laugh.


He's operating under the assumption that people are reasonable in their decisions. Sorry to break it to you, but people aren't reasonable and without these rules too many disputes would happen. Anonymity plays a huge factor in this. Of course, you'll have situations where people will communicate, and that is ideal, but if someone takes a role without communicating and they're the higher pick it shouldn't be an issue.

Also, they aren't unwritten rules. There's been official statements on GD.


Although they prefer communication and collaboration, it's just not realistic for every match (or even most matches). Like I don't think it's fair to call someone a child when they lock in their role if they have higher pick. Sure it's not being courteous, but it's not really being directly rude either.

Obviously I recognize this. It's also true that in real life I can expect to run in to jerks and selfish, obnoxious people.

That doesn't make their behavior okay or acceptable just because realistically I will probably run in to them occasionally. This is a common technique in these sorts of discussions: people will point out that jerks exist, and boys will be boys, so you might as well just deal with it.

It's a way to excuse bad behavior simply because it's common.


Biggest fuck up you can do with Braum is point your shield in the wrong direction, and that's almost always good for a laugh.

I feel I could see myself doing that every once in a while haha. I think I'm good with his Qs, since they're fairly fast upon activation, but idk. I just really enjoy ranged supports. I do really well with Leona though, and I guess they have a somewhat similar playstyle!


not in ranked.

Never said who was laughing.

I feel I could see myself doing that every once in a while haha. I think I'm good with his Qs, since they're fairly fast upon activation, but idk. I just really enjoy ranged supports. I do really well with Leona though, and I guess they have a somewhat similar playstyle!

With Braum, one of the best tips I can give for your first times playing him is to take the extra <half second and activate his shield with the indicator up to correctly position it - don't smart cast it, at least not at first.

Stone Ocean said:
5 out of 10 players will laugh

More like at least 5.
I am so sick of assignments

at least I got to play 7 hours of Dragon Age earlier tho

pretty darn good

who knows maybe I'll play League again at some point in my life


I don't think comparative advantages even need to be taken in to account here -- it would be impossible to do anyway, unless people have quantitative data at hand for all roles they play.

It's much simpler than that.

"Hi, I'd like to play mid please."
"So would I."
"Well, do you play any other roles? can we swap?"
"I'd prefer to play mid, but I can play support instead. That's fine."

The end. The number of cases where one cannot reach a reasonable resolution are very few with communication.

Communication makes many things go more smoothly. It's the difference between someone butting in line at the grocery store and simply assuming it's okay, and someone coming up to you directly and saying "My mother is waiting outside and I only have one item to buy. Can I please go ahead of you?" You'll find people respond much more positively to the latter than the former, even if the facts of the case are the otherwise the same.

I'm still not seeing how following pick order prevents that.

"Well I wanted to mid too, but you're higher up go ahead."

Same yield happens.

[no response] simply picks what is open

Less communication. Effectively ends up the same.

In your grocery example, there was a very clear external benefit to a third party (the mother) and the person did convincing reason (assuming people believe it). We haven't established a benefit to "cutting in line" on the queue. Generally a (good) smurf isn't going to need a specific role as they are quite capable of beating worse players regardless of the starting lane, so the "mother in the car" probably doesn't exist. People will still regularly yield bot to premade duos and/other roles to known players. Simply asking players to wait their turn unless they can offer a compelling reason is bad?

edit: To clarify, I'm not stating that more communication is bad. But, generally pick order isn't bad in comparison to say call order. And given imperfect information sometimes unnecessary. The other person claims he can play support, that doesn't mean (s)he can play support well. Nor does it mean the person who got mid can play it better.
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