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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Trailblazer also gives you 15% of your missing hp and mana back, which is pretty important and also reduces smite's cooldown by 15 seconds, which is also pretty important.

Besides, you probably wont gank until 6 on her anyways since she gets a massive damage spike with lunar rush.


Why not? It's your call when and where to ult

Unless you don't click anywhere, that is.

Well yeah to an extent. There are still completely inappropriate times to use it, which forces you to either go in against your judgement (don't do this) or activate it in the opposite direction to save your lives but induce rage in your adc and result in a wasted ult. Either way it takes you out of the fight, even if only momentarily, and is going to put you out of position. For example, the game I just had I was playing Nami and our Kalista kept trying to get me to engage while my Q was down and we were already losing lane.


it for


Fuk u man i thought the armenian death sqed got u.

and it only takes an ori skin to make u come out of hiding?

well u know it has a fucking poro ball and like dem fluffy balls everywhere


(i have no idea what the first part of your post means)
Why the fuck is Moobeat doing these stupid new texture things instead of showing the Ori particles

I waited like 2 years where are my particles


Ghost said:
People have been following NB's jungling pathing instead of just trying out new ones for themselves and smart players will take advantage of that and shit on them.

Just to hop on this, I suggest junglers who are looking for S5 information ignore NB3 for now. He's stuck in S3/S4 right now.

Since it's being discussed, counter jungling might sound like a good idea but I think blue and red buff just aren't that important anymore, particularly on first clears, and I think people need to start considering this.

I've spectated about 30 plat+ matches and there's two common actions from players that result in getting them behind in levels. First is counterjungling at first blue or red. or just too much counterjungling in the early match in general. Second is too many ganks early game.

Crest of Cinders true damage was reduced to near nothing in the early levels, the slow is worse, and 1% max health regen is worth about 80hp/min. Put another way, Crest of Cinders gives you a bit more health than a health pot over its entire duration in the early levels. Biggest part of smiting Red Buff at that point in the match is actually the on-hit heal which gives you a more efficient path to level 6 (if you're a jungle who needs it, Fiddle, skarner, etc.) Contrast Cinders with Heavy Hands which will essentially block two big monster AAs per camp when that monster is stunned - resulting in effective health about 2x better than Cinder's regen or Toadstool which deals 15+ damage over two seconds to every monster hitting you - way better than the true damage.

Ok, so you've taken his Red buff. Yeah it's not that good anymore until later levels, but you took all that delicious XP and gold from him. Surely that'll set him back for sure, right? Wrong! You may have set yourself back. You took all that time to march on down, kill the camp, and come back. Once he realizes red is gone, he'll take <10s to walk down to Krug or Chickens and get the same amount of XP and Gold anyways. Take a look at the XP tables in the new jungle. Red Buff camp = Blue Buff camp = Krugs camp = Chickens camp = Gromp camp.

For blue buff, yes it's mostly its old self but it's shorter now. 2 mins might sound like a lot, but it's really not when doing your initial clears. Let's say you take that buff first, should be done around the 2:15 mark. Most junglers will reach level 4 between 4:00 and 4:30, so by the time you get to that level it'll be gone or nearly gone. If you don't have a means of exchanging mana for health (Fiddlesticks, Warwick, Nunu, etc.) or effective health (Diana, Udyr to a lesser extent) then Blue buff doesn't mean much to you because you'll have to back due to low health well before you back due to low mana (this is true for every mana based no/low sustain/shield champion I've tried). Stealing blue against mana->health champions is smart, although it'll be the first buff taken so you have to invade to get it. Stealing blue against champions that don't fall under this category? Again, you've delayed them by the amount of time it takes to walk to Gromp or possible Chickens.

Now that's not to say ignore those buffs because killing those camps will give you the timers on them so you can do stuff like hand your 2nd blue to the mid laner efficiently.

Now as far as going on heavy on early ganking goes, this was mostly alright to do in S4 (within reason) because jungle XP and gold were loaded into the Blue and Red buff camps. You could fail a few ganks then go back for your buffs and get a good chunk of XP to close the gap with the laners. That doesn't work anymore because the XP is spread out.

Also, the hp/mana regen and easier camps meant you could go back in the jungle after a failed gank and just sit there and farm. Can't do that anymore. If a gank does south and you take some damage (laner unloaded on you, took a tower shot, counterganked, whatever) and you're down to 15% health or less you pretty much have to back to base with a few exceptions. That's a huge amount of wasted time.

Costy said:
Sejuani changes coming to PBE soon. Maybe today? Soon anyway. Changes by the same guy who did the MF changes a while back and the recent Quinn QoL stuff.


Naut rework please.

Bob White

Fucking Kalista bitch outran my hecarim with movement speed quints, boots of swiftness and trinity force

Ran a few games as Malhpite jungle and it seems to stop her bullshit cold. Really, she's fucking stupid as shit. I loved seeing the Kalistas I was rushing down freakout when they couldnt get me off them.


Oh shit Xin! You look beautiful babe! Need me that Viscero and Hussar skin now..

Where's the news on the Sej changes? I can't find anything.


Ran a few games as Malhpite jungle and it seems to stop her bullshit cold. Really, she's fucking stupid as shit. I loved seeing the Kalistas I was rushing down freakout when they couldnt get me off them.

How when your slow has no effect on her ability to dash
In case there was any idea of Kha not being good in the new jungle...


So far out of the junglers I've tried:

Tier 1: Kha'Zix*1, Diana, Wukong*2, Udyr
Tier 2: Zac*3
Tier 3: Xin Zhao*4

*1 Kha'Zix's first clear is really easy with W max. Managed to do the full level 4 clear (smiteless Gromp, Blue, Wolves, Raptors, Red, Krugs) without too much of an issue.

*2 Wukong's first clear is complete garbage, but after he gets Trailblazer he's really good and the AD item is amazing

*3 need to try Zac against better players

*4 my Xin Zhao game was against diamonds and I probably took the wrong smite (chilling) but still. He felt too slow and vulnerable for my liking. Maybe could be Tier 2.


*1 Kha'Zix's first clear is really easy with W max. Managed to do the full level 4 clear (smiteless Gromp, Blue, Wolves, Raptors, Red, Krugs) without too much of an issue.
Doesn't Riot keep nerfing W and saying that people who max W are messing up the game and Kha'zix is not supposed to be played that way and it's unhealthy etc.?

And didn't they start doing that after they already nerfed Q which was why people switched to W to begin with?

How do you suggest playing Diana in the jungle?

Do the full clear because she has good survivability with the shield:

Blue side: smiteless krugs, smite red, raptors, wolves, smite blue, gromp.

Red side: smiteless gromp, smite blue, wolves, raptors, smite red, krugs

Back then and get Trailblazer and level 1 boots. take your W at level 1 and max Q first, but don't take E until level 5.

When you hit 6 your ganks are really strong. Work towards the AP item. You can probably back at level 6 to get at least the Codex for it.

After that build standard Diana: AP tank. Zhonya's, Abyssal (new Abyssal is pretty good) etc.

I've been running magic pen reds, armour yellows, AP blues, and 2 attack speed quints with one AP quint. I might drop attack speed though in favour of more AP and change my blues to AP per level when I get all 9.

Doesn't Riot keep nerfing W and saying that people who max W are messing up the game and Kha'zix is not supposed to be played that way and it's unhealthy etc.?

And didn't they start doing that after they already nerfed Q which was why people switched to W to begin with?

yes, but W is still the best so... keep on maxing it!
speaking of diana, tried her top with roa->zhonyas->abyss and she felt pretty strong

i wonder if she actually is strong or the nidalee i was playing against was really bad
Voyboy was playing her top these days and did pretty good

I don't see it though, she's a shell of her former self
I'm loving preseason. So many things to test, lots of theorycrafting to do, lots to debate over. I'm still not even done testing all the things!

Smite item balance aside, I think they got a whole lot right this preseason. The game feels so much more dynamic, the jungle in particular. There's so much to think about and so much flexibility not just in picks but in general strategy.

Can't wait to see competitive play on this patch.

Preseason is the best part of League.


I'm loving preseason. So many things to test, lots of theorycrafting to do, lots to debate over. I'm still not even done testing all the things!

Smite item balance aside, I think they got a whole lot right this preseason. The game feels so much more dynamic, the jungle in particular. There's so much to think about and so much flexibility not just in picks but in general strategy.

Can't wait to see competitive play on this patch.

Preseason is the best part of League.

Yeah, I've only played a couple of games during the preseason, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how fresh it feels strategically. The game we won by having superior dragon control despite losing in all other areas of the map was amazing, and one of the most fun games I've played in some time.


Yeah, I've only played a couple of games during the preseason, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how fresh it feels strategically. The game we won by having superior dragon control despite losing in all other areas of the map was amazing, and one of the most fun games I've played in some time.

Yeah, it was incredible. So tense and so much fun. even though I fed like shit it was interesting to see just how important dragon control was for us and how it helped us win fights, and also how powerful baron was when we got it.


btw, for people who wanted the Sejuani changes:


they're hitting PBE on Monday
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