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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I apparently attract weirdo supports.


they made new bg music?

Yup. I knew they were making it but I was surprised when I started a custom to find it there. Didn't see it mentioned on surrender@20 but at the same time it's immediately obvious.

I starts out nice and serene (think a slow scene in LotR or something) and picks up slightly at 1:50. I imagine it keeps picking up as the match goes on because that SR beta intro log in screen music is part of it.


Lost a game that had a Maokai build both RoA and the new Righteous Glory, fucker was tanked like all get out and he managed to help his team get the win at the end game.

Other than that, won a game as Sivir yesterday but I had annoying lag at home. Luckily I managed to catch up thanks to assists and by the end game I could solo 2 of the other team's champs :p For that matter, AP Karma hits like a truck o_O

For those jungling with Udyr and Diana, mind posting your runes and masteries please?
Diana really is a monster in the new jungle
I haven't played it yet but I called it ages ago. How are people building her? I'm guessing just ap item, but could see the devourer being used a bit.

Also how is Elise in the new jungle? Would think that the new itemisation would help her.
I tried a game with Stalkers and if you don't land your Q you can still R in, E and smite them for the slow and let your team clean up if you didn't already.

After the Magus enchant, boots and Zhonyas I went with Nashors and realized that CD was maxxed and I didn't need the Frozen Heart. Pretty standard build though.
when you're jungling diana, don't level E until level 5. it doesnt help ur clears and isnt really worth it until you have ur ult up. start near blue if you can and do either buff-camp-buff or camp-buff-buff.

im not a jungler tho so u may be better off asking ferga or backwards.


Man, being Braum with Kalista ADC has to be the most fucking fun I've had in a while. I was playing with 4 or 5 friends (one left) and I loved yelling in voice chat "TOSS MEEEEE!!!!" holy fuck, that is one of the most enjoyable shit I've done as support lately.

Been practicing Braum (I think Braum or Leona are great with Kalista but I think everything for now works with her) and getting better about how and when to engage as well as how to. I know Braum isn't that complicated to begin with but getting familiar with it was important. ;o

The first game was pretty straight forward. Sona was really annoying to deal with at first, but I just manned up and started using my E (shield) offensively blocking Sona's Qs and then hitting her with my Qs. She went full AP so basically she was dead meat. Their team was better at objectives and we lost lane when mid and jungle rotated bot, but then we started getting picks here and there and managed to snowball Kalista really hard. Irelia kept pushing really hard top but we just ignored her and dealt with her when needed and she basically made most fights 4v5.



The second game was still a lot of fun but I fucked up a couple team fights. Their team had Maokai and Singed, who were extremely disruptive and allowed Kalista and Shaco to freely dps us down. Also the fact that we had 2 assassins didn't help at all, with all these tanks. ._.

The teamfight I botched was when we were at river, and I didn't ward a bush while we were teamfighting, forcing our DPS to go in (Kalista) and then obviously get murdered. Also I feel Akali could have at least reached 3-digit CS but idk, I don't think that was the main problem. We lost it in the end, because we chose to go for Dragon, and they went for Baron (which wasn't warded, my fault) and that was kinda like... oh-shit.



And finally the last game, which was super fun and stupid lol. Enemy team went with 5 TP/ 5 Smite. Overall a really fun game and lots of sportsmanship and goonery lol, I ended up honoring them all because they were so cool. We were going for a full knock-up team but Fiddle was a stranger. He didn't do much if at all lol, but idk, I didn't care much for that. It was funny because on loading screen I was like "watchout when going for picks, 4 people will pop out of nowhere" and effectively it happened lol. It was fun nonetheless.



Also, wb Zkylonnnnn, you've been missed! :3


I played against a Kalista and Yasuo duo. The Yasuo would just go ham and whenever he got low, the Kalista would just absorb him and run away. It also worked offensively, they'd send out yasuo to go on the attack, Kalista ult, and she would just finish off everyone.


Everything is moe to me
panda ur ults that game gave me bad vibes.
i keep forgetting he walks to the target when out of range.

and that baron contest was pretty bad. dont know why id try to ult with riven right there to stun me.

i also had to back at 3 because i canceled a drain on blue buff. -.-

It's a good thing fiddle is op as shit, so i went 16/5 anyway.


Would like to hear about your experience.

Lots of different routes will take you to level 6 from what I could see and all take about the same amount of time. She's average at clearing pre-6. Unless I'm missing something she's not particularly remarkable in that respect. I can see why players think she's faster than she actually is. She clears the camps very well but suffers from the lack of a movement ability which through successive clears compounds itself. Like pretty much every other flaw she has, that goes away at 6 when you can Q-R camps. At that point she's pretty much as fast as anybody else.

Path will end up being match-up or more likely preference dependent. Some paths let her grab both red and blue buff, some paths hold off on them so that after she hits 6 there's a minute or so until the buffs are back up which let's you sneak in a gank. She can actually do a full 6 camp clear before first back, but it makes me really nervous by the end (should be perfectly fine with a leash though). Only necessary thing is to get secure the first blue buff.

Skill order W-Q-W-Q-E-R then max Q.
Attack speed marks, AP quints. The marks are up to the player. MPen/Hybrid Pen marks are perfectly fine. AP quints are a must if anything to take advantage of the 0.7 AP ratio on her passive.
Build is Magus->Zhonya's. Shove Sorc boots in there somewhere. Whatever works from there: abyssal, frozen heart, deathcap, etc. Ranger's is the best machete upgrade. You can make a case for either Skirmisher's or Stalker's but...meh. Ask again once they nerf Ranger's.

A good tip is to place yourself in the middle of any camp before activating W. That ability's CD starts after the three orbs have been popped, so being in the middle will pop every orb immediately and put the ability on cooldown. For some camps that can be the difference between getting to use W once or twice while clearing it.

Is Diana better than before? Things need to shake out, but yeah, probably. It has more to do with the [assumed] lessening of the impact of early game gankers than any other change. If those early game gankers aren't as potent then Diana gets more breathing room to hit 6. Otherwise her main issues are still there, particularly when comparing her to other junglers in the "We sure do love level 6!" club. I wouldn't tell someone to avoid Diana jungle; it can definitely work. Players who want to do just need to know what they're getting into.

Also, you think we'll get a new splash for Xin Zhao soon? He's getting a nice texture update.

I would hope so. His splash is old and he never received one of those stop-gap chinese splashes either. Not holding my breath though.


So the new elixirs are actually really good. The stats are substantial and coordinated teams will be able to use them to turn the balance of teamfights in their favour.

Popping an elixir of Iron on Naut + Wild Growth makes you take up half the screen.


Does the tower damage from ruin and sorcery stack?

Edit or not because elixir dont stack

But you can get Ruin + Dragon buffs + Baron + Banner of Command for some crazy siege power.

Anyone tried Righteous Glory? Am I just better off getting Randuins?


Oh yeah, I just rememberd. Does anyone know what that gold text in chat is ? Sometimes things look like this:

[12:10]player1: blablabla
[12:15]player1: blablabla

With the numbers and the word "taunty" being gold with no prefix at all. Any ideas ? Google turned out nothing and none of my friends has been able to figure out what they mean.


Oh yeah, I just rememberd. Does anyone know what that gold text in chat is ? Sometimes things look like this:

[12:10]player1: blablabla
[12:15]player1: blablabla

With the numbers and the word "taunty" being gold with no prefix at all. Any ideas ? Google turned out nothing and none of my friends has been able to figure out what they mean.

Typically it is some form of debug text that got mistakenly left into the current patch.


Also, wb Zkylonnnnn, you've been missed! :3
thanks but i doubt that

Nice to see people getting on board with the Gromp leash meta.
rito really played the whole thing really clever with how they all jungle things considered, they also gave midlaners a legit reason not to leash. i would almost always leash a lil bit (except when playing ranked teams) but i never knew if i should have and if i didn't i'd be screwing over my jungler or whatever.


But you can get Ruin + Dragon buffs + Baron + Banner of Command for some crazy siege power.

Anyone tried Righteous Glory? Am I just better off getting Randuins?

I saw Righteous Glory+Rod of Ages built on a Maokai once and that made him tanky as fuck.

No. Yasuo has a 20ish% banrate, but people mostly ban him because they don't want teammates picking him. He's hardly OP.

Until he Quadras you lol. Just don't stick close to each other, Exhaust him if he ults then pound his ass.
Least that's what I do as supp Sona =X


Problem with Yasuo is that he's like Akali, needs little items to work for what they're intended to do, and will always manage to stay/get back in the game, no matter how you shut them down in lane.
Problem with Yasuo is that he's like Akali, needs little items to work for what they're intended to do, and will always manage to stay/get back in the game, no matter how you shut them down in lane.

ehh I disagree with that. I think Yasuo is far, far worse when he's behind and is a huge liability to your team if he is. He has to get ahead right now to work. Pretty different to Akali honestly who can just ditch lane, roam and get easy kills because of her resets.
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