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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I don't remember selling a game for more than $6 ever. I hang onto my games though. I like to replay them at least once


master yi hits his power spike so early now with the fully upgraded jungle item. you don't have to wait for feral/bork to gank. exhaust/smite yi is so strong in the jungle holy shi
Singed? Hurricane Twitch? Cassiopeia's dream team! Now if we only had that Teemo...

Doesn't only Singed's and Teemo's poison (if you had him on your team) work for Cassiopea's E, since Twitch's is different?


master yi hits his power spike so early now with the fully upgraded jungle item. you don't have to wait for feral/bork to gank. exhaust/smite yi is so strong in the jungle holy shi

Yeah, I got wrecked by Yi in a game yesterday. He hurt way more than what I am used to. It was teleport/smite, but the damage was still ridiculous after the jungle item.


Everything is moe to me
Please stop banning Yasuo
submitted 1 days ago by DeadNames

Amumu is still overpowered.
submitted 2 days ago by DeadNames

Why has Riot been giving melees the D with the past few champ releases? (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 3 days ago by DeadNames

Gnar is an abomination (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 5 days ago by DeadNames

Is Rammus really OP, or is he so strong because of how broken ADCs are in the meta? (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 7 days ago by DeadNames

Why am I literally punished for beating Irelia? (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 14 days ago by DeadNames

it's not like I wanted to play a melee champion anyways Riot. (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 18 days ago by DeadNames

@Riot you need to give Lee Sin a weakness for the jungle to thrive (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 21 days ago by DeadNames

What if Maokai had a cooldown on his passive a la Gragas? (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 27 days ago by DeadNames

Janna doesn't need to be nerfed- ADCs do. (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 29 days ago by DeadNames

Why do people pretend Thresh is hard to play? (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 1 month ago by DeadNames

What would happen if all the bruiser mains got together a la ADC mains and bitched about how useless they were? (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 1 month ago by DeadNames

This base stat change is a nerf to Aatrox. (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 1 month ago by DeadNames

While Morgana gets all the spotlight for her bullshit hitboxes... (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 2 months ago by DeadNames

Amumu is horrendously overpowered. Why haven't people jumped on this elo train? (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 2 months ago by DeadNames

This meta is awful. (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 2 months ago by DeadNames

Why are we complaining about Nidalee's Q when her W is a lot worse? (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 2 months ago by DeadNames

Lee Sin should not exist. (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 2 months ago by DeadNames

Riot you nerfed Kha for being too strong when ahead... [but what about any adc] (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 3 months ago by DeadNames

Amumu is a tier 1 jungler in solo queue. (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 3 months ago by DeadNames

Can we do something about Tristana? (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 3 months ago by DeadNames



Oh, it's him.

But Deadnames is a cool guy. Sure he makes some dumb posts, but he's just fine ingame. Unlike that other guy.

Oh! I know nothing about him, I just found it hilarious that I randomly found him like this. XD

Deadnames, if you read this, hope you didn't think it was a personal attack o_o just was surprised!


I didn't go through his thread history but that was fucking hilarious lol.


reddit deadnames

Jesus I laughed so hard. I hope he isn't permabanned here. I always felt he was initially influenced by my ranting but he absolutely surpassed it to the point of total hilariousness. Heavy had a promising start but he didn't live up to its potential.

DeadNames on the other hand needs to return here and not waste his talent just on reddit.


I am loving the Braulista lane! Idk why but I am also enjoying Braum a lot, so easy to turn an engage around...

Had a really rude jungler get pissy and really verbally abusive, when we were clearly winning. He kept on trying to dive, without minions under their tower and blamed us (???), and also when he missed a smite vs a Katarina he got a pissy fit.
He had like 0 map awareness and got executed once too. ~_~

Meanwhile yelling "noob team gg" in chat.


Thank god the enemy team surrendered, having to endure certain people on weekends makes League super annoying!
Finally got to play Sion, and it was on ARAM.

That was so freaking fun. I really really like how much better Q is (for Sion and enemies) compared to the old click and stun.


Sion's kit is just impractical imo. That Q is so broken in the perfect scenario, but that almost never happens. I like his W and E but not his Q or ult


The Q is fine in a chaotic teamfight. You can just charge it while absorbing damage and 2-3 people won't notice it, even easier if you hit people with E. Even the minimum knock up is great so it doesn't have to be the 2 seconds. I seldom use it in lane tho, just to farm if the other top laner isn't there.

I wish turning with his ulti was a bit easier. I understand why it's the way it is but it's waaaay too clunky. Still fun as fuck.



So we have 6 dragons and 2 barons, and I say "I'm splitting, don't die, just make pressure in inner top which has 3 hits to go down", mordekaiser and yi inmediately dive a Lissandra, Udyr and GA Ashe 2v3 top and die obviously. GG WP never getting rid of ranked restriction with these silvers. This game sucks.


The Q is fine in a chaotic teamfight. You can just charge it while absorbing damage and 2-3 people won't notice it, even easier if you hit people with E. Even the minimum knock up is great so it doesn't have to be the 2 seconds. I seldom use it in lane tho, just to farm if the other top laner isn't there.

I wish turning with his ulti was a bit easier. I understand why it's the way it is but it's waaaay too clunky. Still fun as fuck.

That shit pisses me off. It's so easy to dodge that I don't get how people don't dodge it. Lost two team fights a day or two ago because of it. People just letting Sion charge it all the way, why?? -_-;

I mean I get it that dpsing is important but side-stepping and such, you'd think people could learn how to do that, no?


So we have 6 dragons and 2 barons, and I say "I'm splitting, don't die, just make pressure in inner top which has 3 hits to go down", mordekaiser and yi inmediately dive a Lissandra, Udyr and GA Ashe 2v3 top and die obviously. GG WP never getting rid of ranked restriction with these silvers. This game sucks.
If you have 6 dragons, 2 barons, and 20 kills, it should take you about 12 seconds to push down any lane with your team and win the game. I don't know why you would split push, or take the most fed person in the game out of a potential teamfight.

Expecting people to do what you want them to do is the leading cause of losses.
So we have 6 dragons and 2 barons, and I say "I'm splitting, don't die, just make pressure in inner top which has 3 hits to go down", mordekaiser and yi inmediately dive a Lissandra, Udyr and GA Ashe 2v3 top and die obviously. GG WP never getting rid of ranked restriction with these silvers. This game sucks.

Yea, if you "are the team" with that many kills, you probably should not split. Doubly so if you aren't even a split pushing champion.


I had my reasons to try splitpushing after a few teamfights.

Reason 1: paper Mordekaiser full AP, flash ult burst to a fucking Morgana. Twice.

Reason 2: Yi using Q to engage all the time.

Reason 3: blue Trashzreal no damage.

Reason 4: Janna can't use ult.

Reason 5: I had teleport up and I could even 2v1 because I'm best Karma EUW.

Trash team; case closed.


So we have 6 dragons and 2 barons, and I say "I'm splitting, don't die, just make pressure in inner top which has 3 hits to go down", mordekaiser and yi inmediately dive a Lissandra, Udyr and GA Ashe 2v3 top and die obviously. GG WP never getting rid of ranked restriction with these silvers. This game sucks.

Your the most fed person why leave your team lol


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The Q is fine in a chaotic teamfight. You can just charge it while absorbing damage and 2-3 people won't notice it, even easier if you hit people with E.
I see people notice it. It's also easy to break before it goes off, which seems to happen a lot in busy fights with multiple people.


I still don't know what crossed their minds when they created that cancerigenous vomit that is Diana. Only one piece of shit toxic champion like Akali wasn't enough I guess.


a bit nsfw-y but omg

Jesus I laughed so hard. I hope he isn't permabanned here. I always felt he was initially influenced by my ranting but he absolutely surpassed it to the point of total hilariousness. Heavy had a promising start but he didn't live up to its potential.

DeadNames on the other hand needs to return here and not waste his talent just on reddit.
yea he really walked the line between hilarious and frustrating

hope he's not perma too, that's always sad


Went Top against a Kalista as AP Malph.

Thankfully Yi helped me with ganks, but throughout mid game and til late my team would die to the opposition :V
Was still fun though and I got some kills off of it.
Love Ulti-ing a Fizz that doesn't Flip in time :p
Not after rework.
Oh, missed the memo then.

Sion's kit is just impractical imo. That Q is so broken in the perfect scenario, but that almost never happens. I like his W and E but not his Q or ult
His passive needs some work - the spike in movement speed is too low to actually be threatening - and I wish they would shave off like half a second off of his Q. Connecting a fully channeled one is hardly ever going to happen, especially with how easily interrupted it is. Did find it funny when I saw this happen once though:


Why is ghost banned? Gotta make room in the thread now that zkylon is back? :p
Probably due to his use of "gay" and "retarded."


Forever. Riot seems to want Warwick to be top tier in this jungle.

Which is fucking stupid, because he's also the introductory jungler. It's the same thing that happened with Ryze. You can't have the easiest to play champion in a given role also be the goddamn strongest.

Eh I dunno, they'll probably, nerf him by the time LCS rolls around. Can't see them letting Warwick be a professional star.


just hit 30 and have 3 seperate rune pages should i dive into ranked ?

not really doing consistently good but i feel like im good enough

have 140 normal wins i think. what do ?


just hit 30 and have 3 seperate rune pages should i dive into ranked ?

not really doing consistently good but i feel like im good enough

have 140 normal wins i think. what do ?

It is preseason right now, and that's probably one of the best times to jump in. Games during preseason don't count for as much as in the season proper due to an mmr soft reset in the beginning of the season. If you have played quite a few draft normals so you are used to the pick/ban phase you should be fine.

Forever. Riot seems to want Warwick to be top tier in this jungle.

Which is fucking stupid, because he's also the introductory jungler. It's the same thing that happened with Ryze. You can't have the easiest to play champion in a given role also be the goddamn strongest.

Eh I dunno, they'll probably, nerf him by the time LCS rolls around. Can't see them letting Warwick be a professional star.

They did at least nerf Ashe in S1 after she was both the strongest and easiest adc. Hopefully warwick is soon nerfed.


Oh, missed the memo then.

His passive needs some work - the spike in movement speed is too low to actually be threatening - and I wish they would shave off like half a second off of his Q. Connecting a fully channeled one is hardly ever going to happen, especially with how easily interrupted it is. Did find it funny when I saw this happen once though:

This GIF is confusing me. The ground overlay makes it looks like it's being charged to the left, but it apparently actually hits up instead, with the overlay briefly flashing there? What happened?

*edit* And the little Miss Fortune icon is funny though I guess that's from kill notifications.


It is preseason right now, and that's probably one of the best times to jump in. Games during preseason don't count for as much as in the season proper due to an mmr soft reset in the beginning of the season. If you have played quite a few draft normals so you are used to the pick/ban phase you should be fine.

what kind of guys am i playing with in placements ? silver,bronze ?

im getting matched with plat and diamond every now and then in normals and gold often is that gonna happen in the placements ? id rather avoid that


what kind of guys am i playing with in placements ? silver,bronze ?

im getting matched with plat and diamond every now and then in normals and gold often is that gonna happen in the placements ? id rather avoid that

It should not happen. Since this is your first time in ranked, you should not be able to be placed higher than Gold 1 after your placements. I would guess you will face silver something players in the beginning, and then other ranks depending on how you fare in your first games. After placements it is simpler since you know what rank you are.


what kind of guys am i playing with in placements ? silver,bronze ?

im getting matched with plat and diamond every now and then in normals and gold often is that gonna happen in the placements ? id rather avoid that
You can wait it out I guess, but it'll just have the same result. If you play against high ranks and lose, you'll end up in silver/bronze. If you win, you'll probably end up higher. If you don't play at all, you'll still be in silver/bronze, which are pretty much the same thing.
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