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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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that's one hell of a bland design on that new champion.
gotta keep it cool for the kidz.



zkylon you opened this pandoras box

now you have to learn how to design, code, model, and implement champions and get a job at riot to create mr. tomato

if you don't you are out of the family

i already know how to do everything you just said to some degree

but i have my own game to finish first :>

i got matched with people in challenger once and i have like 30 games played

my ass they have the same amount of runes and champs as me
game isn't really balanced around normals dude

and it shouldnt be that way

the difference between you and a new player should be youre experienced and skilled and theyre not

not that you have +4% mana regen, +3% move speed, +50 attack, +200 health, +300 mana, more champs to counter them with strategically on top of having actually having the experience and knowledge of the game

i mean thats just dumb

i mean if im being honest im probably better than all people in bronze simply because i actually look at the minimap and know not to run into 5 heroes but for a really long time riot wouldnt even give me flash, the most essential fucking skill to actually play the game with. why? because i didnt grind their game like a free to play mobile app
the problem is that the issue you're talking about doesn't really exist

if you're playing premades with people that are much better than you the least of your problems is gonna be your masteries. you're just gonna get shit on by challengers despite how many runes you have. yes, the game is unbalanced in that scenario but again rito doesn't balance around bizarre premades (or dota players just trying the game out). you can't even duo queue with people too far off your league. that's just not how the game is

it's not a "fundamental issue" because it's hardly a problem for people that care about the game at all. if you're casual about it, don't play with your challenger friends. that's about it. most people don't even know what to do with their extra ip, the lack of champions and runes is something that only bothers casual and new players.

the new players part is bad, but i'm sure rito will eventually come up with something to remedy it.

is buying champions and runes lame? yeah, but league's been out for an eternity already, give it a rest


Seeing Oddone stream, looks like the Q needs to slow. That or have the E go faster or give more MS bonus. Also I feel she needs some kind of defensive bonus when burrowed. The tremors don't seem that useful.

She needs definitely something to stick better with the enemy. It's literally a blind chase when you're following while burrowed.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think the worst part if her design is that she's a bug thing who "burrows".

Sand King said:
Sand King burrows into the ground and tunnels forward, damaging and stunning enemy units above him as he resurfaces.

Terrorform said:
Create and tunnel through Terror Mounds. Terror Mounds grant Invisibility with a 2 second Fade Time, 15/20/25/30% Move Speed, and 2/4/6/8 Health Regeneration. Also gain the ability to Terror Port every 120/100/80/60 seconds between Mounds.
Maximum of 3/5/7/9 Terror Mounds.

Zagara said:
Zagara can place a pair of Nydus Worms around the battlefield, which allow her to travel quickly between those two points. This ability greatly extends her mobility and presence across large maps.

Come on Rito, the creative space for burrowing bug things is already oversaturated! Why couldn't be she a mole or something. Moles are cool, like Mr. Resetti.

the problem is that the issue you're talking about doesn't really exist

if you're playing premades with people that are much better than you the least of your problems is gonna be your masteries. you're just gonna get shit on by challengers despite how many runes you have. yes, the game is unbalanced in that scenario but again rito doesn't balance around bizarre premades (or dota players just trying the game out). you can't even duo queue with people too far off your league. that's just not how the game is

it's not a "fundamental issue" because it's hardly a problem for people that care about the game at all. if you're casual about it, don't play with your challenger friends. that's about it. most people don't even know what to do with their extra ip, the lack of champions and runes is something that only bothers casual and new players.

the new players part is bad, but i'm sure rito will eventually come up with something to remedy it.

is buying champions and runes lame? yeah, but league's been out for an eternity already, give it a rest

i mean it literally effects me every game

oh i wanna try this champ NO YOU CANT

oh did i kill that guy nope i died and he has 20 health turns out hes gold and probably has something that does shit with his health a rune or one of those points that i dont have all of

how am i supposed to enjoy this if im at a key disadvantage from everyone else unless i play another 100 matches which im not going to do


Everything is moe to me
i mean it literally effects me every game

oh i wanna try this champ NO YOU CANT

oh did i kill that guy nope i died and he has 20 health turns out hes gold and probably has something that does shit with his health a rune or one of those points that i dont have all of

how am i supposed to enjoy this if im at a key disadvantage from everyone else unless i play another 100 matches which im not going to do
you're in those circumstances because you queue with friends and warp your matchmaking. people leveling accounts are not matched against people with runes unless they put themselves in that circumstance. you get 300-400 games before runes and champion picks actually become relevant in normal matchmaking.

what do you want, to queue with your friends and have your friends stomp other lvl 10-15 players?
youre actually telling people to stop playing with their friends because the issue is the matchmaking and not the fact that theyre gating me from actual features of the game

you really dont see the issue with this


i mean it literally effects me every game

oh i wanna try this champ NO YOU CANT

oh did i kill that guy nope i died and he has 20 health turns out hes gold and probably has something that does shit with his health a rune or one of those points that i dont have all of

how am i supposed to enjoy this if im at a key disadvantage from everyone else unless i play another 100 matches which im not going to do

you're mixing stuff up

if you're doing premades with people way higher your level then you're always gonna have a bad experience. runes and masteries and champions are gonna be an issue, but it doesn't matter, you're asking the game to be fair while knowingly putting yourself in an unfair situation. if you're doing silly premades, then league is not gonna give a shit about you. you can say that's unfair but that's the way it is. you don't represent league's "key demographic", you're just the silly doto dude doing premades for 30 games and then never playing again. the game's not balanced around you

that being said i agree that league should be nicer to new players. some of it is being done by regularly reducing prices of champions but tbh all 450 champions should be free and probably some more too. some runes should be free, at least level 1 or something, specially since no one even buys them anyways. you should start with 4 rune pages instead of 2. all those things have little to do with the model itself and more with the implementation tho

finally, it takes like 300 games to even be able to play ranked. by the time you're playing ranked, all the things you're mentioning are no longer important. you also need to have 16 champions so it's not like you're out of choices. it's a grind but it's a barrier of entry. so it's not really an issue in ranked, which is what the game is balanced around


so yeah, league's not balanced around you premading with challengers

i don't think that's a fundamental issue as it only affects crazy doto players like yourself

youre actually telling people to stop playing with their friends because the issue is the matchmaking and not the fact that theyre gating me from actual features of the game

you really dont see the issue with this
no, the problem is that the situation you're presenting is one that's doomed for way bigger things than ip gating of runes/champions

if i play my 30th doto game against doto challenger players i'm gonna have just as much of a shit time as i would do in league
my friends are like silver bordering on if we tryhard for 5 games we can make gold

i said we played against challenger people

but yeah matchmaking is hard im not faulting them for that

im just saying let me lose to them through their actual skill and not because their grind mess helps them do it, theyre already well on their way there


my friends are like silver bordering on if we tryhard for 5 games we can make gold

i said we played against challenger people

but yeah matchmaking is hard im not faulting them for that

im just saying let me lose to them through their actual skill and not because their grind mess helps them do it, theyre already well on their way there

like i said above

you're asking for something that league is not

yelling at clouds


my friends are like silver bordering on if we tryhard for 5 games we can make gold

i said we played against challenger people

but yeah matchmaking is hard im not faulting them for that

im just saying let me lose to them through their actual skill and not because their grind mess helps them do it, theyre already well on their way there
sure, but the situation you put yourself into is an uncommon situation. most premades aren't made of a level 5 with a bunch of silver players.

that's why it's not a "fundamental issue" but rather a side effect that no serious league player gives a shit about

also you're putting too much on runes and champion picks. league doesn't have hard counters like i believe doto does, so even if you're like riven against garen there's shit you can do. and runes don't matter that much, i played the better part of s4 with my runepage all messed up and didn't even realize it

i do agree on the flash thing, but i'm on the camp that thinks that flash should be available from level 1 and mandatory on every champion always (and the ones that do like ghost+ignite or something should just get buffed/reworked accordingly)
sure, but the situation you put yourself into is an uncommon situation. most premades aren't made of a level 5 with a bunch of silver players.

that's why it's not a "fundamental issue" but rather a side effect that no serious league player gives a shit about

i never said it effected serious league players

i literally said casual like 3 posts ago

i mean you practically agree with me here:

that being said i agree that league should be nicer to new players. some of it is being done by regularly reducing prices of champions but tbh all 450 champions should be free and probably some more too. some runes should be free, at least level 1 or something, specially since no one even buys them anyways. you should start with 4 rune pages instead of 2. all those things have little to do with the model itself and more with the implementation tho

except im saying all runes and all champs free available from the beginning

its just a matter of how far you wanna go

make skins pay and thats it ez

also you're putting too much on runes and champion picks. league doesn't have hard counters like i believe doto does

thats how this whole conversation started

people were saying the new champ was potentially fundamentally different

if you dont have the champ to deal with him or combo with him or who knows what then...

is league of legends out of beta yet

its in omega


I'm not sure if the pace of champions being pumped out is making riots art team look like trash or they are just uninspired. The last x champions and of course aatrox look like 13 year old drawn hentai.


i'm trying to be a bit more realistic here

all the champions and runes for free is not most likely not gonna happen, but that's not a big deal for serious players (aka the ones that matter).

taking that into account i do think some changes that are in the realm of reason could be done to help casual/new players because they do matter to

in a dream world i would be able to buy skins with ip but get real, steve

thats how this whole conversation started

people were saying the new champ was potentially fundamentally different

if you dont have the champ to deal with him or combo with him or who knows what then...
i doubt it, but rito will make changes to correct it if that turns out to be true

you're too used to mr frog not caring about the peasants to realize that rito loves us and would never do something to hurt us

I'm not sure if the pace of champions being pumped out is making riots art team look like trash or they are just uninspired. The last x champions and of course aatrox look like 13 year old drawn hentai.
i'm curious how did you made that comparison


i'm curious how did you made that comparison
I'm obviously exaggerating a bit but they just look like generic garbage an early teenager might think is cool. Korean demon,muscle man, tentacle void squid, teethy void diglet,lancer lady with no interesting features. I just can't even imagine any attachment or lore to any of that besides liking their skill set. They feel outsourced and soulless.


i think kalista and braum look awesome

velkoz looks cool and has a lot of fanart potential

gnar is cute i like him

you're forgetting about azir who looks like a total badass

also forgetting about yasuu who is all anime

not sure about reksai, i think she's kind of boring

most of these champions have interesting gameplay too

also skins team has been killing it lately
i think kalista and braum look awesome

velkoz looks cool and has a lot of fanart potential

gnar is cute i like him

you're forgetting about azir who looks like a total badass

also forgetting about yasuu who is all anime

not sure about reksai, i think she's kind of boring

most of these champions have interesting gameplay too

also skins team has been killing it lately
Yeah. I personally love the hell out of Braum, Kalista, Vel'Koz, and Azir. Gnar isn't bad---just not my style. This new Rek though? I dunno. Looks fine to me, yet I feel she is missing something. I just can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it is just knowing that she has no personality and doesn't speak that bums me out more than anything.


Yeah design wise Rek'Sai is definitely the weakest of the released champs this year. It is very boring.

I think all of the others are awesome. Gnar is my fave.


i'd settle it in a dark souls duel

smash always gives me the existential debate of wanting to play zero suit samus but hating her moveset


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
i'd settle it in a dark souls duel

smash always gives me the existential debate of wanting to play zero suit samus but hating her moveset

There is always #TeamPalutena.

(Her moveset sucks too)


i think that by now you'd know i wouldn't be caught dead in heavy armor

specially since there's that skirt you get as reward for beating the mp area in sunken crown


Alright, "Udyr anywhere" just joined "Support Skarner" on my immediate dodge list. Fuck trick2g and his fucking infectious disease of a playstyle.

We lost to a team with a Blitzcrank top and Nautilus jungle.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
I'd be cool with runes and rune pages being locked behind leveling and not IP.
Like I get that runes enable people to do unconventional setups on occasion but for the most part it's everyone running around with very similar sets of runes that are usually only dependent on role and what damage you're going against in your lane.

Edit: Downloading smite ATM, really curious as to how it plays.

I think if I do play any ranked League this season it's gonna be something like Poppy top only, otherwise I'm pretty much back to just playing with friends until the last month of the season.


I actually saw a youtube video of something cheesy I wanted to try, Nunu doing level 3 dragon.

I went to try to replicate the runes. I did not calculate the exact total cost, but I suspect at minimum it would have been 6000 IP to finish the page. I used all roughly 2000 of my on-hand IP to get a few of them, died to dragon a couple of times at level 3 in a bot game, and concluded that maybe I did need the runes to actually do it. :(


i mean it literally effects me every game

oh i wanna try this champ NO YOU CANT

oh did i kill that guy nope i died and he has 20 health turns out hes gold and probably has something that does shit with his health a rune or one of those points that i dont have all of

how am i supposed to enjoy this if im at a key disadvantage from everyone else unless i play another 100 matches which im not going to do

I'd suggest play some games solo at least.

I leveled mostly with friends and it warped up my MMR to the point where pre-20 I was getting matched with some silvers that were in premade with lower than 20 (smurfs but still) and I got shit on a ton because I still didn't understand my role etc.

If you get shit on by really high elo players, assume that you will lose anyway and work on your mechanics? I mean, what did you expect, to best someone that basically has been mastering the game? Just take it as a learning experience. I know it's easy for me to say this now, when I also get frustrated when laning vs medium Plats/low Diamonds, particularly in solo lanes, but idk.

Also, if you play somewhat regularly, runes and champions will come in time. If you can get just 2 basic Rune pages, that's it basically (hell 3 could be all you need -AD, AP, tanky-).

On another topic, watching Annie Bot as J4 getting wrecked in the jungle by Nunu, who 4-buffed him. Damn, super painful to watch ._. I had a Nunu do that to me, and it was super bad. ;(

New jungle is so hard to get back if you get behind, wtf.


I'm so goddamn annoyed at every support picking Thresh. He's a shit champion now, and I'd even take a Taric or Karma over him.

Also, me and Rex matched shook and he played like garbage, lol.


i mean it literally effects me every game

oh i wanna try this champ NO YOU CANT

oh did i kill that guy nope i died and he has 20 health turns out hes gold and probably has something that does shit with his health a rune or one of those points that i dont have all of

how am i supposed to enjoy this if im at a key disadvantage from everyone else unless i play another 100 matches which im not going to do

Of course free champs and runes for everyone would be better, but that's the business model and we know it.

You didn't lose due to runes though, you lost due to your own inexperience. Of course you are not going to play at an equal level with people who have put in 100+ matches if you have not, simply due to experience.

In Dota, that guy would have survived with 20 hp due to rng instead.


I'm so goddamn annoyed at every support picking Thresh. He's a shit champion now, and I'd even take a Taric or Karma over him.

Also, me and Rex matched shook and he played like garbage, lol.
Honestly I watch some koreans/krepo stream thresh and they show me how shitty I am at him. Early flays followed by good hooks win lane. Mid/ late game hooks and lanterns win game.
People need to work on their flay mechanics and I think I need to use that off click smart cast version and just press alt when I need the extra speed of smartcast.
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