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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Yeah I only have a few rune pages I use. Mainly one for each role but even with that I tend to use only one for each role.


As a serious question and not attacking anyone, strictly curiosity; does anyone who dislikes dota have a large amount of experience with both dota and league or the game they are arguing against?

For me

dota: around 10 years
League: since the release of eve and twitch in closed beta.

Am just curious if people who dislike dota and its mechanics actually have a good grasp of the game and mechanics or if its just unappealing to them without having much experience.
The people with only 2 rune pages, could they explain what runes they have on them?
If all you have to work with are 2 rune pages, you should get a flat AD page (flat AD marks, armor seals, MR glyphs, flat AD quints) and a generic AP page (magic pen marks, armor seals, MR glyphs, flat AP quints)

They should be enough to get by with basically any champion in any role.


I have an AD page for top, and AS/AD page for ADC and most junglers and an AP page. Then I have a random movespeed/cooldown page that I very rarely use except when I want to fuck around.


im not sure why youre saying rng is bad in competive games as if its some sort of fact

edit and then you added i think

im on to you leezard
My initial statement was a bit too blunt, agreed.

I think skill should be the most important part of a competitive game, and rng should be reduced. I'm aware these games use a pseudo-random distribution but I still think it's bad.

Yeah I only have a few rune pages I use. Mainly one for each role but even with that I tend to use only one for each role.


As a serious question and not attacking anyone, strictly curiosity; does anyone who dislikes dota have a large amount of experience with both dota and league or the game they are arguing against?

For me

dota: around 10 years
League: since the release of eve and twitch in closed beta.

Am just curious if people who dislike dota and its mechanics actually have a good grasp of the game and mechanics or if its just unappealing to them without having much experience.
I played dota for 4-5 years and loved it. I don't dislike the game I just dislike some of the game mechanics. I've played league since the end of beta.


I played dota for 4-5 years and loved it. I don't dislike the game I just dislike some of the game mechanics. I've played league since the end of beta.

That's cool to hear. Yeah for me I just don't like people to argue against something when they don't have any experience as to why its good (not calling anyone out just a general sentiment)
I just have two rune pages. One with flat AD quints (the big ones?) and flat armour and MR marks/seals. The other has flat HP quints with the same marks and seals. Used to have GP/10 quints but I like the HP more.
runes are stupid and unintuitive. if you really want customisation just have it like most RPGs with a set amount of points you can spend on stats like this:


"Greater Quint of WTF is this shit"


As someone on the brink of level 30 and ready to tryhard 4 bronze lollll, runes are EASILY the most intimidating part of the game for me.

What the fuck do I even buy and why???

Keeps me up at night.


As someone on the brink of level 30 and ready to tryhard 4 bronze lollll, runes are EASILY the most intimidating part of the game for me.

What the fuck do I even buy and why???

Keeps me up at night.

The good thing is Armor yellows and MR blues are basically standard for every page. The other stuff is where it can vary.


Well I will probably come back to this thread for some help anyway!

Since like level 15 or so I've just had move speed and armor/MR runes as I just learn the game and spend the IP on champs instead.


I have 9 Pages but I need to groom them and perfect them a bit more;

  1. Tanky one: Armor Quints/Reds, Health Yellows, MR Blues
  2. AD/AS for ADCs
  3. APvsAP: AP Quints, M.Pen reds, HP yellows, MR blues
  4. APvsAD: AP Quints, M. Pen reds, Armor yellows, AP Blues
  5. AD/AS/Armor mix for junglers
  6. Test page for Nami/Annie, with mix of AD, Armor and AP. (I actually really enjoy this one)
  7. Thresh page with just full armor and HP except AD Reds
  8. AP/ARM mix for AP junglers
  9. Full AD with no AS
I feel I could perfect them but I really want to start buying most of the champions I am interested in now ._. I always feel tempted about getting more runes though!
She needs a slow on her burrowed Q, +% MS torwards targets revealed by it or something. Her ult seems like a joke considering what she can do after teleporting and the effort it takes to set it up. I mean, after she uses her knockup what can she even do? Her sticking potential seems slim to none.
I wouldn't call her weak for the jungle role. She potentially has good map control with the tunnels and both her clearing ability as well as her self-sustain are good. She also seems quite competent at splitpushing, but that doesn't necessarily hold much weight when pondering over which jungler to pick and with towers being as fragile as they are currently. However, I'm similarly skeptical about how she performs in a teamfight; much like you I'd also like to see a conditional movement speed boost if she lands her burrowed Q on a champion, since a slow likely isn't going to happen with it having the range it does on top of it being AoE upon hitting a target. Definitely needs someone else to hard engage for her either way.

I was thinking the same thing, although I'm fairly sure people are fucking up her ganks. Every player I spectated yesterday moves around the entire map burrowed. Pretty sure leading the gank unburrowed, and then going down once the target makes their move is the best thing to do. Once you burrow, it's only a 1s CD to unburrow. No reason to go into a gank blind just for +15 MS. Even then ganking's not an impressive part of the kit.

That said, I'm taking Riot at face value now for her counterjungling potential once I read that allied players can see the "seismic indicator" or whatever it's called. Holy shit. Basically keep a beat on your target, put down deep wards, use ult w/ tunnels to zip around for objectives and ganks.
Agreed about the +15 MS hardly making a difference, but she wouldn't be going in blind though if she charges in when burrowed; she only has limited vision in fog-of-war areas, and she can see anything that her allies see. Plus it'd grant her the benefit of knowing whether the enemy's jungler is approaching to counter-gank thanks to her unique indicators, for better or for worse.

If her counter-jungling is that potent though, I hope Riot makes a push for turning Poacher's into something worth a damn so she actually has more decision-making when deliberating on which jungler item to opt for. Right now there's no reason for her to go anything but Stalker's Blade, since the benefits from Ranger's are redundant to her and Skirmisher's at first glance is a wash.


i have like 5 and use 2 i think

runes are pretty dumb tho and having specialized pages to achieve certain things is pretty rare


Agreed about the +15 MS hardly making a difference, but she wouldn't be going in blind though if she charges in when burrowed; she only has limited vision in fog-of-war areas, and she can see anything that her allies see. Plus it'd grant her the benefit of knowing whether the enemy's jungler is approaching to counter-gank thanks to her unique indicators, for better or for worse.

Ah, I thought when she went underground the vision she receives from allies, wards, etc. was similarly reduced...which makes those gank attempts I spectated last night just...just fucking terrible.

If her counter-jungling is that potent though, I hope Riot makes a push for turning Poacher's into something worth a damn so she actually has more decision-making when deliberating on which jungler item to opt for. Right now there's no reason for her to go anything but Stalker's Blade, since the benefits from Ranger's are redundant to her and Skirmisher's at first glance is a wash.

Using smite on any camp with its buff still available reduces the cooldown by 20s and increase smite damage by 5% (or whatever).

I really don't like the idea of it granting additional gold on enemy jungle kills. I really hate the idea of a smite upgrade that only works in a certain portion of the map. I don't like the movement speed either because its redundant on any champ you want to counter jungle with.

All these buffs on the PBE and nothing for Nautilus yet...sad panda.
I wouldn't call her weak for the jungle role. She potentially has good map control with the tunnels and both her clearing ability as well as her self-sustain are good. She also seems quite competent at splitpushing, but that doesn't necessarily hold much weight when pondering over which jungler to pick and with towers being as fragile as they are currently. However, I'm similarly skeptical about how she performs in a teamfight; much like you I'd also like to see a conditional movement speed boost if she lands her burrowed Q on a champion, since a slow likely isn't going to happen with it having the range it does on top of it being AoE upon hitting a target. Definitely needs someone else to hard engage for her either way.
Yeah, there's also that. Her ult is pretty much useless in teamfights.


I wouldn't call her ult useless really. If a team fight breaks out and you get weak you can blue pill home and ult back into the fight for round 2 and help clean up.

(Disclaimer: this is all theory and I have not played the new champ)


hideous megaquote incoming

Were people actually defending the existing runes system? I'm sorry guys, but I got to agree with the Dota2 player. System is waaaaay unbalanced and daunting for the casual player. It sucks and runes should be easier to get/free.
not defending, just being realistic

this game was released like a billion years ago, paying for runes and champions is not going away

Yeah, runes are stupid. Also, champions should be priced based on difficulty like it was originally intended.

Though, the grind to lvl 30 is good. People need a good while to learn the basics.
i think a system for the champion pricing could maybe be like first 10 champions you buy cost you 450, then 1350, then 3150, 4800 and finally 6300. something like that. so getting all the champions you want is free, but if you want all the champions you gotta spend dat mad $$$ that rito wants

new champions should probably still go for 7800 for the week they're released, for more $$$$ for rito

maybe something like this? haven't really thought how it'd compare, how it would be balanced (i don't think rito wants people getting like 50 champions before they start spending real ip) and what issues it might have but at least it seems like it allows people to quickly buy some of the champions they want the most and slowly move towards the rest.

but difficulty based seems not very good to me, imo the 450 champs should just be free already, at least some of them like annie and ashe.

just thinking out loud, i don't really think rito's gonna go through with anything like this

Does anyone even like the rune pricing model?

It's by far the worst thing about this game and serves no purpose other than being an IP sink to encourage RP purchases
i like the potential of runes, but sure, it's pretty lame atm

I have 4 ADC pages alone.

i have 6 ap mid pages

one's called "lux is flat lol" (cos it's flat mr or something)

i'm not proud of that one


Scaling HP yellows can be good too.
that's what i do

scaling hp yellows as default
flat armor against zed or something

rarely flat hp since if i'm scared of like syndra i'll still go with scaling hp to survive her level 6 burst better, while having mr blues for the pre-6 poke

did steve get banned because he kept using effect when he meant affect
was it cos of something he said here?

didn't sound that bad :/

Now to get rid of the rest of those filthy lower case typing users.
pfft capitalizing tryhards
I have three rune pages. AD, AP, and Jungle.

From what I've seen of Rek'Sai she seems pretty enjoyable. Super straightforward, so my kind of champ.

Edit: but this guy i'm watching is not using his W to go between camps even though he has full fury so he's chugging potions that he doesn't need to and i'm mad about it. her jungle sustain seems like it should be theoretically pretty good.


OT Hard Carry
I made 3 runepages years ago when I hit 30 and have been using the same shit ever since. AD, AP and Jangle.

Somewhere along the path I got 2 more runepages and rearranged my existing runes into situational support and tanky configs but those pages don't see much use.

I have three rune pages. AD, AP, and Jungle.

this man knows whats up


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Maybe all of these people not having dedicated support pages is what makes my job so easy.


Support page isn't too different from an AP page though. Probably just ditch the AP and get some armour instead.


Voli is the best. Let me know if you need any tips, I play him more than any other champ.

One thing I like with Voli is how easy I'm last hitting lol. From 2 matches against Riven, I've learned to back the fuck away if she gets Brut and I'm down to 50% health.
My recent games had some weird lag but I managed to do really well at top and pushed my lane good.
I mainly start Randuin then BoRK or Banshee. Although BoRK is a good enough weapon on him, I still feel like I should have another weapon on him too.

Feel free to give me any pointers you can though =D

wHY'S Steve banned?
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