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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Grinding for ip on dominion right now. I'm getting a ton of ip but losing a part of my soul in the process. It will just never measure up to sr for me.


doto is just so unresponsive coming from league

like everything takes fucking forever and lack of targeting indicators is frustrating when you're just starting out

items are also super weird tho that's not really a complaint. just like wtf am i building


I think I might buy Pantheon. I've never really played him much, and I hate seeing one on the other team.

My other option is to save for Braum. I wan't another tanky support option.


doto is just so unresponsive coming from league

like everything takes fucking forever and lack of targeting indicators is frustrating when you're just starting out

That's my major thing when playing it, I just can't adapt. It's a shame since I quite like it. I actually love the items over there.

I basically only play Tidehunter and press R when I play with friends.


That's my major thing when playing it, I just can't adapt. It's a shame since I quite like it. I actually love the items over there.

I basically only play Tidehunter and press R when I play with friends.

yeah i'm sure it's just as fun if you're used to it but i find the idea of starting a new moba from scratch just beyond the scope of my life lol

like, i admire people that can play both games at a decent level but i just can't

i'm too dumb
problem with sona is that even if she has like a bazililon winrate, her rework didn't really fix her "gameplay satisfaction" issues. it sounded nice in theory but her strengths are still pretty "low impact" compared to like a thresh lantern or nami bubble or something that really makes you feel good for pulling it off. like she has her ult but compared to more recent supports she's kinda boring. like i'd play nami over sona any day simply cos she's got like tons more decisionmaking so generally more fun

i still think they should've kept her super squishy but high damage so she was a lot more risky than she is now. it wasn't the most interesting kit ever but i feel like she took a bit more skill than she does now, cos she was like a caster minion but could wreck adcs up if you caught them off guard. now she feels pretty unexciting cos her numbers are even more tweaked around her being safe and easy to play and the snuggle zones thing just didn't really pan out to feel better as a sona player. her shield doesn't feel as strong as janna's, her ms buff or her q buff doesn't feel as strong as nami's, etc.

i feel like league's a game that's a lot about those high moments and new champions allow for many more high moments than older ones. like i get one or two holy shit moments every game i play as azir, he's so full of holy shit potential. same with thresh and nami, which is why i play them more than anything. i know sona wasn't a champion with many high moments before her rework, so it didn't really do more harm than good, but it didn't change much either.

My man.




The voli skin is so good. I'm in love <3

I won't be home for another 10 or so hours to bring bear law to the rift T.T


Oh man, I found a legit use for Miss Fortune's E. Kalista doesn't bounce around so quickly when it hits her, and you can make her pay.


That game was a stomp.


Played some more games as Kalista. I'm really feelin IE and umoos over botrk and umoos.

And I also just figured out you can use left click for her dashes. Prob wouldn't use left click regardless but thats good to know.


Played some more games as Kalista. I'm really feelin IE and umoos over botrk and umoos.

And I also just figured out you can use left click for her dashes. Prob wouldn't use left click regardless but thats good to know.

I spectated that last Kalista match of yours. You turned into a beast in the mid game until the end.


Played an ARAM match where I was fiora and our team was Yorick, Anivia, Velkoz and Nida. Nida afks halfway through, but we still managed to win.
Thing is our opponents were Kayle, Kog+Hurricane, Varus, Shen and Zed.
For some reason, our Yorick kept focusing Shen, and I was being patient trying to find an opening to take out out the 3 squishies. Was a tough battle, after Randuin I went straight to BoRK so I can deal better with Shen. Funnily enough I only managed to kill only once aftwards, and then we took the nexus. Was a tough but interesting match.
Anyone have any Twitch or Youtube streamers you can recommend for top or mid lane tips?

Also, I would love if they came up with a 3v3v3 game mode. Or 2v2v2. Whatever. I'd just love to see something special with more than 2 teams. Not sure how they'd do with their current maps though, so I imagine it'll never happen.


So I gotta say I'm not a fan of the changes to the defensive recepies. Maybe it's psychological, but it feels like some of the choice is gone.

Used to buy either a negatron or chain vest and then decide later what I wanted it to be of the big defensive items because those turned into them and they both gave a good amount of armor or magic resist. Now I gotta buy weak ass null magic mantles or cloth armor.

Pfffft cloth armor. Don't nobody want none of that.



streaming gaf ranked 5s


turn it around bruh, you guys got this

Nice turnaround... I think. I tuned in the first time you guys were taking everything in their base but were down about 10 kills, so I'm gonna assume you were losing till then.



streaming gaf ranked 5s
Even in ranked teams, apparently people don't try defend dragon. That other team didn't even make the slightest appearance of watching the dragon timer or trying to stop you from getting the 5th stack 45 minutes in for a crushing victory boost.
Even in ranked teams, apparently people don't try defend dragon. That other team didn't even make the slightest appearance of watching the dragon timer or trying to stop you from getting the 5th stack 45 minutes in for a crushing victory boost.
I don't know why people still haven't caught on how important dragon is. That 5th stack gives such a crazy boost.


Even in ranked teams, apparently people don't try defend dragon. That other team didn't even make the slightest appearance of watching the dragon timer or trying to stop you from getting the 5th stack 45 minutes in for a crushing victory boost.

still streaming

The next enemy team apparently made up for the previous team by doing some better with objectives (although later you still had 4 dragons by 37 minutes).

I noticed you muted at least 4 of them after that, though, so I guess the allchat got annoying. Then you all got the baron and came back from 2 inhib down and no inhib towers. I think that was the end for them, once they stopped having super minion pressure. They might have had a good chance to win otherwise. Nice comeback, just don't give up so easy. I saw that surrender vote!

*edit* Whoa at the postgame chat, lots of anger all around.


Fallen and I letting out the toxicity within.
Yeah, that was the back and forth I was talking about. Seems like neither team was very happy. Also seems like you missed a word. :p

Overall your team is doing great though, 7-1 record seems pretty decent to me. What record do you usually get for 10-game placements with ranked 5's teams?


In the first match, Cho'gath is the only champ that had any CC, being his Silence, but the other champs were heavy AD and auto-attacks, why didn't you build Ninja Tabi if you don't mnd me asking?

They had a lot of slows, though in hindsight maybe Swifties would've been better

Incidentally I did build Tabis in this one just now


Yeah, that was the back and forth I was talking about. Seems like neither team was very happy. Also seems like you missed a word. :p

Overall your team is doing great though, 7-1 record seems pretty decent to me. What record do you usually get for 10-game placements with ranked 5's teams?

there was never a shittier screencap than this

my poor eyes
So I gotta say I'm not a fan of the changes to the defensive recepies. Maybe it's psychological, but it feels like some of the choice is gone.

Used to buy either a negatron or chain vest and then decide later what I wanted it to be of the big defensive items because those turned into them and they both gave a good amount of armor or magic resist. Now I gotta buy weak ass null magic mantles or cloth armor.

Pfffft cloth armor. Don't nobody want none of that.
What? But you were just given more choice. All defensive items are built from either Cloth armor or mantle, what this change means is you get to dose your resistances.

Getting destroyed in lane to the point you can't farm? No problem, grab a cloth armor or mantle, they turn into all items later. Ahead in lane? You can still buy a chain vest and items that used to build from negatron are cheaper

Before if you only had around 500 gold to spend I sure hope you wanted Frozen Heart or Mercs later


wish you could report people in champ select. just playing a normal draft pick game, and the bottom guy says, not support, then guess it doesn't matter anyways i'm just going to troll all game. So I say, aren't you a peach. To which I got, well aren't you a N-word and that he's feeding my lane the most. I ask why he's got to be like that and he's what makes this cummunity look bad. To which I get a, you're what makes the community look like a bunch of n****as and f***ots. I dodged but it just baffles me that some people act this way. Also first pick took support to calm things, but that didn't appease him. :(


now that i think of it my nami in the gaf 5s never ran out of mana after the crucible... i even noted it to myself but didnt think anything of it


Man, keep having such shit games today. The latest we won lane Ezreal/Nami (me) vs Kog'Maw/Thresh.

Mid was doing ok but top was feeding like mad, Yorick vs Trundle (nice skin though). He ended the game 1/7/1 and there was no way to deal with that Trundle. ._.

Also, why is it that every jungle I have in my team never kills the Scuttlecrab? I surely can't solo it on Nami.. -_-; Particularly vs a Pantheon, that solo'd drag on his own (I guess I should have warded that?).

Pisses me off to lose and then see that enemy Thresh put only 9 wards compared to my 30, but I guess vision is useless unless you can use it to your advantage, which we certainly didn't.
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