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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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but play someone fun instead, kayle sucks :>
You suck! ....but ok. I'm trying to master one champ at each location. So far I feel like I've mastered Vel'Koz mid, and I'm getting pretty damn good with Trist bot. I can't make up my mind up top. I've played a lot of Sion, but I honestly find him extremely boring.
I guess you're right about just placing a ward, but lately I keep seeing enemy jungler doing it and ours never, so idk. From a support's standpoint for me it'd be nice if they did, but I guess it never was needed before and it isn't now.
There are times to whittle down the Crab as others have already chimed in by now, but I don't think it should be a priority for anything but objective control / pressure given that the size of its radius allows for the enemy jungler to bypass said unremovable vision by taking a little detour in the blue buff side of the jungles. Some risk attached of course when going through the enemy's turf, but it's only a minor inconvenience if you're playing certain junglers (less so with those who can jump over walls), thus making the buff better served for weaving in and out of the dragon / baron dens when you want to make a play. I'd say the jungler going out of its way to frequently get it is a mistake IF there weren't any objectives up for grabs.

You suck! ....but ok. I'm trying to master one champ at each location. So far I feel like I've mastered Vel'Koz mid, and I'm getting pretty damn good with Trist bot. I can't make up my mind up top. I've played a lot of Sion, but I honestly find him extremely boring.
Sion also isn't particularly threatening in top lane, so there's that.

Try Karma top since you have those AP laner mechanics already. Doesn't necessarily have to go full damage to make herself useful in teamfights / dish out respectable damage and she bullies the majority of the common top lane champions (especially the melee ones). Could be extremely annoying now with the Chalice regen error Wolf Akela mentioned earlier.


You suck! ....but ok. I'm trying to master one champ at each location. So far I feel like I've mastered Vel'Koz mid, and I'm getting pretty damn good with Trist bot. I can't make up my mind up top. I've played a lot of Sion, but I honestly find him extremely boring.
Kayle doesn't suck, Zky is being dumb. Honestly right now, I think mid Kayle is a lot better than top Kayle. Some general tips

-Run heavy AP masteries on Kayle
-Run some attack speed with runes
-Bezerker Greaves are usually a better pick up than Sorc shoes
-Run ignite on mid, tp on top
-Don't ult just anyone



that can be said for most champions

very rarely the one on the receiving end enjoys what's happening
Blitzcrank is possibly one of the only exceptions for me. Dying to a Thresh grab/lockdown can be annoying or frustrating, but having Blitzcrank go running around puffing steam or using the car skin and going BEEP BEEP grab zap is kind of funny even if you get pulled somewhere hilarious and die.

I'm not certain, but Heimerdinger might be another. It just warms your heart to see a successful Heimerdinger.


I've been playing an AP Kayle build up top...and I'm not doing too hot. Do most do AP or AD for Kayle?

Kayle is pretty great still.

Always an AP build starting with nashor's tooth first

with pure AP, Lichbane or AS or CDR variations depending the enemy team. They are in the Sustained DPS - Burst DPS - Split Push - Support categories.

Deathcap 2nd is a good all rounder path because it increases sustained dmg and utility (sustained, burst, split push, support)

Lichbane 2nd is good against single assassins or low ranged adc (burst++)

Ruunan's 2nd is for split pushing and is great for linear teamfights against a tank n bruiser where you can easily stand back and auto attack (split push++, sustained+)

CDR boots OR Athenes if you want to move into a more supportive role because you need your ult and heal up more often to counter a fed assassin (support, sustained)

Deathcap will end up either getting Lichbane, zhonyas or void staff, depending on number of assassins.

Lichbane, Ruunan's and CDR should move into deathcap/void next depending on amount of MR

Boots will be AS% or Pen depending whether you wanna deal more sustained dmg or more burst dmg.

Also, run 30/0/0. Kayle was made for that page


I've been playing an AP Kayle build up top...and I'm not doing too hot. Do most do AP or AD for Kayle?

I go AP Kayle mainly building Nashor>Rabadon then Wit's End/Void Staff/Hurricane. I've been substituting Hurricane for Wit's End lately but honestly I've not used her in a while to try a different build.
The reason behind hurricane on Kayle is so she can stack her passive on 3 champs during team fights, but lately I'd just aim for 1.5 atk speed, call it a day and build up on the AP.

I use some odd-ish runes on her:
Cooldown Blues
Attack speed Quints
Red Hybrids
Yellow health

I should change it though and prob. stick to AP+Cooldown. With the Cooldown blues+nASHOR you get 35% cooldown by lvl. 18, but even before then, 25-30% cooldown will be good on your abilities.

Kayle's early game is slow, but if you farm properly and help your jungler out if he ganks, you would get some good enough Gold to go into Nashor.

Kayle doesn't suck, Zky is being dumb. Honestly right now, I think mid Kayle is a lot better than top Kayle. Some general tips

-Run heavy AP masteries on Kayle
-Run some attack speed with runes
-Bezerker Greaves are usually a better pick up than Sorc shoes
-Run ignite on mid, tp on top
-Don't ult just anyone


Oh thanks for this, I've actually been using an AP mastery page that is based on the 21:9:0 for ADs :V


I don't know why I love Kog'Maw so much. ADC is my least played role but I have a blast everytime he's free week. I find trying to snipe every R very taxing though.
I find the most fun in playing unconventional builds for champs. Like AD Malphite, Magic Pen Mundo or Tank Annie.

What champs do you guys suggest for a weird fun build? Are there any builds you really wish you could get to work?

For me it's AP Shen and Jungle Zylian. One day I promise I will work out how to get these champs to work for me. :(


Why do Silvers hate playing as Supp? It's ALWAYS the Supp that's missing in Team builder.

Very few people in Silver know how to actually play support. There is some skill floor/knowledge floor in actually playing it, similar to junglers. adc/solo laners are much more straight forward since you can focus on just killing the enemy and blaming the jungler when you get killed.
Because its harder to carry urself out of bronze with support


Very few people in Silver know how to actually play support. There is some skill floor/knowledge floor in actually playing it, similar to junglers. adc/solo laners are much more straight forward since you can focus on just killing the enemy and blaming the jungler when you get killed.

And that.

I actually really enjoy supp. I've made it from Bronze to 3 to Bronze 1 as supp. The reason I stopped playing supp, was it became impossible to win games. I couldn't rely on my team to do any good. As a supp you need your ADC to really follow in on you when you make plays.

I moved to jungler and carried myself out of Bronze to Silver 1.
How viable is Yasuo after the nerfs? I really like his look but I don't know if he's worth the high IP cost.

Personally I think he's almost fine. Just wants a tiny bit more buff then he'll be in a balanced spot. The upcoming minor buffs are just right. He's very fun to play and has some of the biggest power spikes (Shiv/IE).

I would have mained him for mid/top if he wasn't permabanned.


How viable is Yasuo after the nerfs? I really like his look but I don't know if he's worth the high IP cost.

i play him all the time and the only thing thats giving me trouble is zed

never played him before the big nerf so i cant tell you how he was

he has 640 health at lvl 1 with masteries and without runes which is enough i think. i always start dorans sword (unless im facing zed)and a pot which i use when i fuck up a trade

he has an advantage 1-3 against every mid champ and i usually try to get a kill before mages get their all their skills ready. that pushes the wave into the tower and you can watch as mages awkwardly try to last hit with AA. use windwall to deny cs under their tower.

had an amazing game yesterday with vi jungle,alistar support and draven adc lol



Thanks. I installed what the top comment said to do, but I ended up falling asleep so i'll prob give it a try after work.

Try Karma top since you have those AP laner mechanics already. Doesn't necessarily have to go full damage to make herself useful in teamfights / dish out respectable damage and she bullies the majority of the common top lane champions (especially the melee ones). Could be extremely annoying now with the Chalice regen error Wolf Akela mentioned earlier.

I second this. I've been on a Karma tear lately, playing her support, mid, and top.


We have come full circle now. Vi is very solid in this new jungle. Thanks to her shield, most likely. She does not need the +mana/hp smite, she can grab the slowing/vision granting smite, and grab vision Orb to be armed against bushwalkers, invisibles, counter-jungling, everything.


We have come full circle now. Vi is very solid in this new jungle. Thanks to her shield, most likely. She does not need the +mana/hp smite, she can grab the slowing/vision granting smite, and grab vision Orb to be armed against bushwalkers, invisibles, counter-jungling, everything.
What slowing smite are you referring to? The item with the chilling smite passive?


How's Cho top? Been running him jungle a lot and it's been pretty great, I'm just not sure of his lane match ups, and I could see his mana costs being killer.

I really like running him with mpen and a Liandry's so every auto procs it. Can add up to some pretty crazy damage in team fights when you have a lot of penetration, Devourer, and a Rylai's to drop double Liandry's on their whole team.


How's Cho top? Been running him jungle a lot and it's been pretty great, I'm just not sure of his lane match ups, and I could see his mana costs being killer.

I really like running him with mpen and a Liandry's so every auto procs it. Can add up to some pretty crazy damage in team fights when you have a lot of penetration, Devourer, and a Rylai's to drop double Liandry's on their whole team.

Some guy was on reddit a couple days ago that made it to master tier playing only cho gath. You might find some info there.

Do people keep their gold support item all through the game or ditch it towards end-game?

Edit: For context I'm specifically thinking about FQC as it's the weakest of the three late IMO.
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