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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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a late game jinx, in my opinion, is even more terrifying than a late game vayne. jinx has an easier time getting to late game than vayne, has more range, and insane AOE crit damage. vayne might melt your tank in 6-7 autos, but jinx will melt your entire team in 6-7 autos.

oops someone got away



I think her late game power isn't even really her damage, but how well she can convert mistakes into massive advantages. If you do a bad death trade, she can easily siege you with rockets, and if you get aced you just lost an entire lane in seconds.


I think her late game power isn't even really her damage, but how well she can convert mistakes into massive advantages. If you do a bad death trade, she can easily siege you with rockets, and if you get aced you just lost an entire lane in seconds.
Yeah the tower-killing is great, and the movement speed from assists is great. You might be in trouble, but as long as you touched someone and got an assist from it, you have a chance to very quickly reposition.

It's also good for the "They're respawning in 3 seconds and we're just finishing the tower / inhibitor, GET THE HELL OUT" maneuver.
Jinx is very strong, and doesn't take much to get going, but she remains very vulnerable to assassins, and people love to spam Kat/Akali/Fiora etc. in solo queue. I think if you duo queue with a good peeling support, she'd be one of the best picks for carrying ranked games.
I feel Kog'Maw is still an excellent choice, especially if your team needs magic damage. Though the lack of mobility sucks.

Also, I know i posted this a while back, but what's a better late game item for Kog? Last Whisper or Phantom Dancer? I normally go TF>Blade>IE, but once I'm there, I'm never sure if Last Whisper is really worth it, especially since all of his abilities do magic damage.


No, that's Cait.

Jinx is queen when it comes to wombo comps.
I would say Graves fits better in a wombo combo comp. Jinx fits more in a sieging and pick- off comp? Siege, because of her ridiculous attack speed and pick-offs to get easy procs of her passive for mobility during fights.
that magical moment when you play your way out of a slump and go on an 11/2 W/L run
also I watched Froggen duo with DLift the other day and he played Anivia support...
small sample size but I had
2/2/17, 6/3/4, and 4/0/15 games. Pretty fun too. Someone tried to tower dive me in one of those games after taking out my ADC and I ran him around the turret and then exhausted him before he died to the turret lol good times.

Also, I just hit level 25, how long do I have before the next season starts?

How's shen right now? How does he fare against gnar?

played a game where someone went jungle Shen...he went 1/1/13 so can't really complain I suppose but it was weird


These WW changes are interesting
Hunter's Call (W) duration reduced to 6 seconds from 10 seconds.

Infinite Duress (R) total damage reduced to 200/275/350 damage from 250/335/420
Infinite Duress (R) lifesteal gained during duration increased to 35% from 30%


They've already nerfed him a bunch. 4.21 ww will be completely different

Devourer went from 40 to 30

The true damage smite is now a DoT so doesn't synergise with WW ult very well anymore.


Played two games as noct jungle. That smite was real dumb at the end game. Killed an ezreal in like 3 hits after some decent number of stacks.


I currently have 5.2k IPs, and aiming towards 6.3k for Vi? The times I played her when she was free were nice and I like her hit a lot. How does she fare in the new jungle? I take it you take blue smite hit her and probably Warrior or Juggernaut enchantment?

On another topic yesterday some friends were organizing customs and I got my shit pushed in by a Garen, as Jayce. I think it was mostly me underrating how annoying Garen is in lane and then after a couple of mistakes and misjudging his power I lost control of the lane. I'm sure it has more to do with my inability to handle Jayce as well as top lane in general (my least played lane).

I mean my friend is no wonder on League but he does have a lot of games under his belt as Garen (basically the only thing he plays besides Kennen and Sona). Idk, his passive made it so that I basically was oom and even if I chunked him to half health, all he had to do was to just wait and he was healthy again. ._. super annoying.

Next match we did I went Nunu jungle and did nothing but farm because I honestly don't know how to gank with him (I just bought him). Also suggested runes and masteries for Nunu? I went AP runes and 9/21/0 AP masteries and it was kinda "bleh".

Pd. I will beat my friend next time I meet him in Barcelona. >:O League kills friendships! (j/k -maybe-)

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So today I manage to win a game against a team that had zed and heimer. I was Braum and I had to hand feed my ezreal lots of early kills, since we had a squishy team. We lost bot and mid inhib but we manage to ace them hard. Braum's passive is the best passive for teamfights.


I currently have 5.2k IPs, and aiming towards 6.3k for Vi? The times I played her when she was free were nice and I like her hit a lot. How does she fare in the new jungle? I take it you take blue smite hit her and probably Warrior or Juggernaut enchantment?

On another topic yesterday some friends were organizing customs and I got my shit pushed in by a Garen, as Jayce. I think it was mostly me underrating how annoying Garen is in lane and then after a couple of mistakes and misjudging his power I lost control of the lane. I'm sure it has more to do with my inability to handle Jayce as well as top lane in general (my least played lane).

I mean my friend is no wonder on League but he does have a lot of games under his belt as Garen (basically the only thing he plays besides Kennen and Sona). Idk, his passive made it so that I basically was oom and even if I chunked him to half health, all he had to do was to just wait and he was healthy again. ._. super annoying.

Next match we did I went Nunu jungle and did nothing but farm because I honestly don't know how to gank with him (I just bought him). Also suggested runes and masteries for Nunu? I went AP runes and 9/21/0 AP masteries and it was kinda "bleh".

Pd. I will beat my friend next time I meet him in Barcelona. >:O League kills friendships! (j/k -maybe-)

Tired post but make sure to keep poking him to keep his passive on CD. You have to play a super poke heavy lane. If he comes in head on disengage because if you are low enough a q and spin to win is deadski for you.

I let people get comfortable with their HP and then flash on them with a Q to kill them.


Man, those jungle clears are tough. Had a good match with Amumu. It went well, but I can't believe how often I had to back. I don't know what I'm doing in the jungle, but dang it, I'm winning and I'm having fun.


Morde FTW. I chose Morde mainly because I saw teemo and thought he would be top XD

Ended up going against Garen which was smooth sailing for the most part. At one point I got a lot of kills and racked up 3000+ Gold, enough for either Rabadon or Hourglass. I say eff it, and get Rabadon and from mid game throughout I waste the poor saps.

Anyone else play Morde and want to discuss builds? I find that Hextech, Hourglass and Rabadon to be among his core items, but for the last 2 I've been thinking of these alternatives
Liandry, Spirit Visage, DFG and Void Staff.


Everything is moe to me
Anyone else play Morde and want to discuss builds? I find that Hextech, Hourglass and Rabadon to be among his core items, but for the last 2 I've been thinking of these alternatives
Liandry, Spirit Visage, DFG and Void Staff.
Hue, huehue hue huehuehue. huehue hue hue huehuehue, hue huehue hue. huehuehuehue huehue huehuehue hue.
huehuehue huehue?


Tired post but make sure to keep poking him to keep his passive on CD. You have to play a super poke heavy lane. If he comes in head on disengage because if you are low enough a q and spin to win is deadski for you.

I let people get comfortable with their HP and then flash on them with a Q to kill them.

Yeah I tried that but he kept pushing lane with spin to win. We didn't have jungle (it was a custom 4v4) so pushing lane didn't put him in any harm.

Idk, was super annoying.

Pd. Also, hue.
They've already nerfed him a bunch. 4.21 ww will be completely different

Devourer went from 40 to 30

The true damage smite is now a DoT so doesn't synergise with WW ult very well anymore.

Jin Air should drop GBM and take Flame as their mid laner

they'll get a good carry player plus all the fan girls in Korea

win/win if you ask me


Man, those jungle clears are tough. Had a good match with Amumu. It went well, but I can't believe how often I had to back. I don't know what I'm doing in the jungle, but dang it, I'm winning and I'm having fun.

Get rangers trailblazer, farm until 5k gold.


Got to try Rengo vs bots. Man, I wish I was decent with him in normals. Q_Q

Overall I wish I was a good jungler, I feel that it can be so impactful but when I jungle I'm generally either late or two early and overall all over the place.

Also I want to improve on checking map fast (as in see a champ icon pop and move it fast there so I can see which direction they're going) but I always move the camera already when they enter again the fog of war. -_-;


When's blood moon Elise coming? Dammit. I bought that $100 worth of RP on sale and have barely used any of it.

I'll get the Rek'sai bundle at least.
How's shen right now? How does he fare against gnar?
Pushover in lane, weak at splitpushing and his ult isn't difficult to bait. Gnar would pummel him into submission.

I would say poorly.
He also gets eaten by Swains. I found that out the easy way.
A lot of top lane champions don't feel threatened by him at all, quite frankly.

Next match we did I went Nunu jungle and did nothing but farm because I honestly don't know how to gank with him (I just bought him). Also suggested runes and masteries for Nunu? I went AP runes and 9/21/0 AP masteries and it was kinda "bleh".
His ganking is subpar, moreso if the enemy has the type of mobility that renders his slow ineffective. You'll likely be ranking up Consume (to a point) first regardless, so his snowball isn't anything to be afraid of for a while. I prefer 1-8-21 masteries on him due to him being a utility / control jungler more than anything plus he's innately tanky, and I like my runes with 8 attack speed reds and 10 armor pen (1 red + 3 quints) since he'll be using his auto-attacks a lot for his passive. Probably really outdated though since the latter's an old-school loadout and I haven't checked the armor values of the current jungle camps, but I don't feel gimped with that set-up. Could probably also go with runes that allow for him to have 10% CDR at level 1 alongside the 9-21-0 masteries instead, but I never bothered to try it out. I wouldn't recommend building him offensively as a jungler; safer being this glorified tanky support who focuses on objectives and peels for his carries.


His ganking is subpar, moreso if the enemy has the type of mobility that renders his slow ineffective. You'll likely be ranking up Consume (to a point) first regardless, so his snowball isn't anything to be afraid of for a while. I prefer 1-8-21 masteries on him due to him being a utility / control jungler more than anything plus he's innately tanky, and I like my runes with 8 attack speed reds and 10 armor pen (1 red + 3 quints) since he'll be using his auto-attacks a lot for his passive. Probably really outdated though since the latter's an old-school loadout and I haven't checked the armor values of the current jungle camps, but I don't feel gimped with that set-up. Could probably also go with runes that allow for him to have 10% CDR at level 1 alongside the 9-21-0 masteries instead, but I never bothered to try it out. I wouldn't recommend building him offensively as a jungler; safer being this glorified tanky support who focuses on objectives and peels for his carries.

Hey this is actually super helpful, thanks! Some friends recommended to max E first but I think I mix a bit because the consume can be so good, particularly for steals/securing I guess. I don't have ASP reds or CDR blues but it is true that I've seen them on OddOne and StVicious on Probuilds. I might work on a page like that after buying Vi!

Thanks for all the tips, much appreciated. :)

I turned on QTpie's stream and he's wearing a fedora

I can't stop laughing

First thing I saw when I came back from grocery shopping, and I was like wut. Hilarious lol.


I wouldn't call his nerfs brutal at all. Like he loses 20% damage from his passive at lvl 1?

Not as brutal as him hitting level 2 first, dashing into you and you being unable to trade with him because your base damage on your abilities actually has real scaling, and you don't have some BS passive that makes your lvl 1 better than any other ADC.


Lucian nerfs look like they hurt. I dunno if they'll take him out of high level competitive play, but I wouldn't necessarily consider him a top-tier ADC now. I'd rather go Corki, Graves or Jinx.

I still haven't played Kalista.
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