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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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buffs aren't given out until later in the game, when the jungler isn't relying on a single camp to get him an entire level.

listen, the jungle is hard right now. really hard. it hits harder, mobs respawn 100% later than last season, and now junglers only get 2 pots to deal with the increased damage output that the mobs do.

if you're taking the golems at level 1 you're not just putting your jungler behind. you're putting midlane and toplane behind because now the jungler has less to work with if he wants to get a gank off because he is missing out on crucial experience.

i'd rather put one lane in a deficit than two lanes and a jungler. stay off my creeps and i'll stay off yours. for a while.

I disagree with putting the mid and top behind. I think that you are putting bot lane ahead by more than the jungler is getting set back.

It's ok that we disagree though, it's more interesting that way. I think this is going to get nerfed so that bot lanes can't do this anymore since it is op, but if you're right then there should be no nerf since the team is losing more than it gains by doing it.

If you can bring more value to the team by taking golems than allowing your bot lane to do it then that should be fine and you are definitely making the correct decision. :)


Awesome item, though the rate of the voidlings spawn seems too fast. I love how Riot is making the game more complex with each patch instead of dumbing it down. It is a superb route/strategy to adopt now that they've got an established playerbase. I hope the trend continues.

What the fuck at the Malzahar skin bleaching tho.

The Void Gate looks exactly like why I quit playing StarCraft 2. Yay, Swarm Hosts in LoL. :\

Edit: I'm not looking forward to more Malzahar players either. I think suppression is a stupid mechanic.
Infinite Duress (R) damage lowered to 150/250/350 from 200/275/350



just make it do 0 damage to take him out of the game until his rework

but still this is absolutely hilarious.

edit: i want to see a team 5man mid, everyone having the new void item

i think it'll be a good splitpush item. splitpushing is going to be king this season, and i can foresee jax returning in that meta. bork/triforce jax with the void item that gives both armor and MR, health regen, on top of his normal tank items... is going to be amazing.
Maybe I missunderstood, but imo sounds from your posts that you are on tilt. I'd suggest a small break from the game or just play other game modes/try to have fun with it. :)

I only play like 1 or 2 games a day tops, and like I said I've been Bronze since the start so I'm not overly concerned with getting higher.


Why nerf the damage on his ult? It's still going to be problematic because of the suppression. He gets into the lane, suppresses, and a teammate will still always get that kill.

Take away the range from his ult and either make him flash for it or make it so he really has to catch someone out. A small range ult is a fair trade for the damage/suppress that it can do.


the problem with WW a never really the supression (although it definitely does suck something fierce). it was his ability to one roto even mildly tanky individuals this preseason with no counterplay at all. not even QSS would save you. smite/ult/on hit damage would literally kill you.

lowering the damage solves a lot of that. WW could literally walk into a lane with his teammate back in base and kill you in one rotation. it was bad.
Because right now the problem is the damage he does while ulting. The thing with suppression is that even if you QSS it you'll still take damage while in range.

Before Warwick had to use some thought before using his ult in later stages of the game, now he can just let it rip and if he gets interrupted it's whatevs he already took half of your HP. This helps a ton with his early game because WW can just rush Devourer and straight up blow you up when he hits 6.


Why nerf the damage on his ult? It's still going to be problematic because of the suppression. He gets into the lane, suppresses, and a teammate will still always get that kill.

Take away the range from his ult and either make him flash for it or make it so he really has to catch someone out. A small range ult is a fair trade for the damage/suppress that it can do.

how would that be any different if it was a stun :/


Corki S tier for early mid and earlylate
Graves A tier
Kog A tier for late
Jinx A- tier for rough early but amazing scaling and dem resets and fast objectives
Sivir B tier with godly team utility
Cait B tier lane bully
MF B tier lane bully


How would you guys rank the top 6/7 ADCs right now? Just been reading a lot about impending Lucian nerfs...

My picks for the best 7.

Graves, Lucian, Corki, Jinx, Sivir (sorry, haters, it's true), Miss Fortune, and Caitlyn.

That's based on my play style though. I enjoy playing Kalista and Twitch more than Corki and Caitlyn, however, but I recognize that they're weaker.


It warms my heart that graves is a top tier adc now. He's always been my favorite adc but he's never been top tier since I've been playing.


It warms my heart that graves is a top tier adc now. He's always been my favorite adc but he's never been top tier since I've been playing.

a couple of small buffs over a long span plus the nerfing of champions around him + the lack of sustain itemization in botlane really does favor him. his trades are great.


a couple of small buffs over a long span plus the nerfing of champions around him + the lack of sustain itemization in botlane really does favor him. his trades are great.

Smokescreen into dash into buckshot might be my favorite combo in the entire game.


Cleanse and Mikhaels
that would only make a difference past mid game when support get mikaels or in the rare cases an adc or mid decide to take cleanse

the problem isn't what type of cc it is, the problem is that it's targeted no-mechanics-involved cc+burst.

and if your jungler was a bit beat up when clearing then suddenly ww runs super fast and it's not like you can keep your distance either

he needs a rework more than a nerf cos his kit is super dumb


I wouldn't mind if Warwick's ult was a skill shot, similar to Bandage Toss. Maybe a quick dash forward. If he catches you, you get the suppress and damage. If he doesn't hit anything, he does an AOE slow, but not the slashing. It would be far more interesting, I think.

Smokescreen into dash into buckshot might be my favorite combo in the entire game.

Yeah, that is pretty dang satisfying right now, especially when they run away and you ult them in the back for the kill.


That buff of CD on Rek'Sai is huge for ranks 2-3. I guess they're going to be pretty adamant in not giving her more damage or cc.
I think it's pretty clear Corki and Graves are two of the strongest ADs on this patch. If Ezreal is indeed good again - not confident enough in him to say that yet, but after his 4.18 buffs his pick rate jumped up, his solo queue win rate has consistently been over 49% and he's been successful in some big competitive matches - and Lucian gets nerfed out of the elite tier, are we back to the old trinity all over again? I hope so, they're three of my favourite champions in the game!


i played graves the other day with my friend playing gangplank support

we got shit on

i'd say it was mostly cos graves is too fat, so blitz directly counters his inability of not being hooked

just like with kog maw

adcs shouldn't be fat


That buff of CD on Rek'Sai is huge for ranks 2-3. I guess they're going to be pretty adamant in not giving her more damage or cc.

In the riot Q&A about her they mentioned that giving her any more CC (such as the often requested slow on her Q) was trivializing her mobility. I dunno. I think she still needs something. Maybe an increased radius for the pop up or something.

She's going to be very reliant on the slowing smite.

PS. Best ADCs right now are obviously Ashe and varus. :p CC op!


New item seems cool and all but it seems like more gimmicky items have a really hard time finding a good place
In the riot Q&A about her they mentioned that giving her any more CC (such as the often requested slow on her Q) was trivializing her mobility. I dunno. I think she still needs something. Maybe an increased radius for the pop up or something.

She's going to be very reliant on the slowing smite.
They don't even need to give her CC on her Burrow Q. Conditional speed boost would be all I want from it instead of something purposeless like doubling its AP ratio; have it apply when running towards a champion (and only when burrowed) when successfully landing it, and decrease the length or width of the skillshot if need be.
The incoming nerf to Lucian should bump Graves higher now. Lucian has been a better Graves for a long time.

yea agreed
interesting how none of you guys ranked Twitch too high, which I would agree with. As someone who uses him quite a bit, I really have noticed a drop off. I'm way more inclined to pick Jinx/Lucian/Corki nowadays, even Ezreal

edit: and Kog'Maw when I have someone that instalocks support lol


I've been Bronze for 3 years, I'm never getting out.

Support is the hardest role other than jungle, and I'm actually pretty good at it. I don't know why I ever bother picking other stuff other than boredom.

It wasn't the sole reason. Our jungler sat top and helped dominate that lane, but because of it the enemy bot lane pushed to our bot tower relentlessly and support Kayle did nothing to deter them. Karma vs Vlad mid was never gonna work in our favor. The overall communication problems, lack of vision and lack of awareness lost us that game pretty fast.

Yeah weird picks are usually just one small reason. You can honestly play anything in bronze and iwn.
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