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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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So, me and Rex are just like wtf right now. Irelia randomly tps to our bot in one of the last teamfights and we take nexus and end. That game was ours to throw, our lategame was shit.

So, a friend and I are tired of being teamed with randoms, who can make or break a fun night for us. We play just about every night---at least a game or 3. Generally after 10-11 PM CST. Just curious if there are any others here who are on at about that time who might like to start playing together a bit at nights? I've only got about 150 wins under my belt. My friend about 1,000.



Just played as Fizz against Ahri. She was a tiny bit ahead early, but I could tell that it wouldn't hold. Meanwhile their Pantheon was 7-0 and was a total monster, so I started building my Zhonya's right after Lich Bane. Just after I killed Ahri, she types, "lol at your build against me, Fizz."

So I say, "you're not the threat, Ahri."

She says, "say it again."

"You're not the threat, Ahri."

"That's it, you're done, kid."

Zhonya's worked splendidly and I got a triple kill at dragon and we pushed in and took inhib. Next fight I murdered them again after picking up my Void Staff and we pushed to win.

I never talk trash in post game chat, and I didn't have any other exchanges with Ahri in the game, but I just typed, "you're not the threat, Ahri" in post game chat and his entire team just start making fun of him.

I almost felt bad.



Just played as Fizz against Ahri. She was a tiny bit ahead early, but I could tell that it wouldn't hold. Meanwhile their Pantheon was 7-0 and was a total monster, so I started building my Zhonya's right after Lich Bane. Just after I killed Ahri, she types, "lol at your build against me, Fizz."

So I say, "you're not the threat, Ahri."

She says, "say it again."

"You're not the threat, Ahri."

"That's it, you're done, kid."

Zhonya's worked splendidly and I got a triple kill at dragon and we pushed in and took inhib. Next fight I murdered them again after picking up my Void Staff and we pushed to win.

I never talk trash in post game chat, and I didn't have any other exchanges with Ahri in the game, but I just typed, "you're not the threat, Ahri" in post game chat and his entire team just start making fun of him.

I almost felt bad.

Fuck that, she started it with the build comment!
I'm in love with Skarner all over again. You get ahead, and you absolutely wreck everyone. If you fall behind, you can still peel for your carry, and you can still catch someone out with your ult and turn the tide of the game. And his new skin is freaking sweet.

What's everyone's opinion on jungle Kayle? I've been hearing rumors of her REALLY benefiting from the Devourer's enchantment, but I have yet to try it myself.
OKay. This is why my friend (Archaic) and I need some buddies. We FINALLY snapped a 5-game (I think?) losing streak, but this was one of the most uncooperative teams ever. I was asking in the nicest way possible for everyone to group up, but Twitch kept going bot by himself, and Nasus top by himself. Nasus eventually just went AFK, and stopped playing for the last 10-15 minutes. It was just monstrous, and soooo frustrating. I wish I had the game recorded, because our comeback was one of the most glorious things I've experienced, and reminded me why I love this game.

We were blue :p


My favorite jungler is TrailblazerDevourer, Nashors Tooth, Wits End, Hurricane, Lichbane-KAYLE.


Aether Wing obligatory.


I'm in love with Skarner all over again. You get ahead, and you absolutely wreck everyone. If you fall behind, you can still peel for your carry, and you can still catch someone out with your ult and turn the tide of the game. And his new skin is freaking sweet.

What's everyone's opinion on jungle Kayle? I've been hearing rumors of her REALLY benefiting from the Devourer's enchantment, but I have yet to try it myself.

How would you even Gank with Kayle?


How would you even Gank with Kayle?
Let's say ganking isn't Kayle's strongest point. :d U just Q and then E auto them as much as u can with ur range advantage. She doesn't gain a good ganking tool at lvl 6 either, but her ult is gamechanging during teamfights and she is a pretty good counter ganker. I think Kayle is my second most played champ last season (altho I only had 40 wins, but whatever, I dont really play much ranked and it was enough to reach Diamond) and had a 83% winrate on her. Kayle in the jungle is more about utility, than being a carry like a lane Kayle.

Devourer Enchant is just like the Feral Flare build, but with 15 free stacks after buying it. Nashor's Tooth is pretty core on her. For the rest she is pretty flexible and items that a good on her are Runaan's/Zhonya's/Deathcap/Lich Bane/Wit's End/Berserker's Greaves/Lucidity Boots/Void Staff.



it has begun. SKT vs HUYA Tigers

Oh hellz yeah. CJ vs IM is on right now.

So, a friend and I are tired of being teamed with randoms, who can make or break a fun night for us. We play just about every night---at least a game or 3. Generally after 10-11 PM CST. Just curious if there are any others here who are on at about that time who might like to start playing together a bit at nights? I've only got about 150 wins under my belt. My friend about 1,000.

I'm usually on late if im not working early the next morning. Weds-Sat usually unless im doing something else. If u want to add me my ingame name is mmmCHOWDAH. I'm always down to play and I usually have a couple friends on too.



First time in a while that I had to deal with a really super aggressive botlane, both Jinx and Janna. It really hurt the confidence of my Jinx and after enemy Jinx's first kill, he was completely demoralized "bot lane is over" (it wasn't then).

I honestly don't know what I could have done better but I got outplayed a couple of times. I kept predicting my bubble thinking Janna would cower when I attacked her when she was taking a ward... but she didn't? Idk.

Their Trundle and Warwick were annoying but easy to deal with/unskilled. In fact, Warwick used his ult twice on me (whatever). Also they were the ones that BM'd on postgame chat "easy" "boring". Sure.

It was a fun game regardless but I feel we could have turned it a couple of times, but one of them my team engaged when I went to recharge wards (I should have waited in hindsight, because a fight was brewing mid before I left, but I had homeguards and I think I could have made it if my team had retreated a bit).


Any criticism or mistakes that I haven't noticed are much welcome!
Janna being a passive support is a pretty common misconception - hell that goes for any support really - then she shields up and starts slapping your shit.


Janna being a passive support is a pretty common misconception - hell that goes for any support really - then she shields up and starts slapping your shit.

Oh definitely, I'm very pokey/aggressive, but it was both of them being aggressive (usually most Jannas stay behind, shield/afk), which took me by surprise.


OKay. This is why my friend (Archaic) and I need some buddies. We FINALLY snapped a 5-game (I think?) losing streak, but this was one of the most uncooperative teams ever. I was asking in the nicest way possible for everyone to group up, but Twitch kept going bot by himself, and Nasus top by himself. Nasus eventually just went AFK, and stopped playing for the last 10-15 minutes. It was just monstrous, and soooo frustrating. I wish I had the game recorded, because our comeback was one of the most glorious things I've experienced, and reminded me why I love this game.

We were blue :p


I got carried by teemo/shaco bot lane


wish this game had replays
what the fuck already riot


Janna being a passive support is a pretty common misconception - hell that goes for any support really - then she shields up and starts slapping your shit.
Indeed. Janna usually needs to be moderately aggressive. Only being passive is a good way to lose lane.


Let's say ganking isn't Kayle's strongest point. :d U just Q and then E auto them as much as u can with ur range advantage. She doesn't gain a good ganking tool at lvl 6 either, but her ult is gamechanging during teamfights and she is a pretty good counter ganker. I think Kayle is my second most played champ last season (altho I only had 40 wins, but whatever, I dont really play much ranked and it was enough to reach Diamond) and had a 83% winrate on her. Kayle in the jungle is more about utility, than being a carry like a lane Kayle.

Devourer Enchant is just like the Feral Flare build, but with 15 free stacks after buying it. Nashor's Tooth is pretty core on her. For the rest she is pretty flexible and items that a good on her are Runaan's/Zhonya's/Deathcap/Lich Bane/Wit's End/Berserker's Greaves/Lucidity Boots/Void Staff.

My core items on Kayle are Rabadon, Nashor and Void. While Devourer would be a good item on her, giving her 1.5+ atk speed along with the boots, the last item could be defensive like say Hourglass.
Still I wouldn't go Jungle Kayle mainly because of the lack of an effective ability to gank, with Aatrox, Udyr or Xin I have at least 1 ability to close the gap with, and Kayle's W requires a lot of AP for it to make use of its speed buff.


Anyone been playing Braum lately? I have 6300 again and I'm thinking of buying the mustache man.

Low-elo scrub here but I think he's still decently strong and can get very disruptive in team fights, particularly if you proc your passive in one or two of the most valuable targets.

The slow on his Q is super useful for picks and he feels a lot like Leona (to me), so if you like her, go ahead.


The idea behind my build is to build those stacks of holy fervor as fast as possible combined with on_hit dmg from devourer, nash and wits. Combined with the armor/magic dmg masteries and wits ends mr shred youre a beast when you have about 2.0 as. It looks cool as hell and you help your team do Möre dmg.

I was 16/3 last game. Just as i was about to lay into the enemy team when a power outage hit...

Typing on mobile sucks.

Bob White

Quick funny story. Was doing Shen jungle again and we had a Yorick. Late game team fight breaks and he ults me. I'm low health but don't die and the ult makes ghost Shen. As the fight wraps up, enemy Cait ults my ghost and I burn flash and E to take the bullet because I'm not really thinking and I'm just trying to save a mate.

I almost died for my ghost. Both teams were cracking up after that. I fucking love how this game can give you insane tunnel vision.


In my last game I was top Xin against Riven. I managed to knock half her health down with my W+Q @ Lvl. 2. Poor girl would tyr to poke me to no avail.

You monster. Top Xin is such a pain in the butt to deal with.

Any tips from the Riven players? Like, what is the proper way to do her combo in 1v1 fights? I seem to see people go E, Q, Q, W, Q, R. Is that the basic idea of it?


I keep forgetting to try the wits end + devourer build on xin

Against the right team, with the right needs in your own team, probably very good.

Janna said:
Janna being a passive support is a pretty common misconception - hell that goes for any support really - then she shields up and starts slapping your shit.

Correct. People mistake passive for reactionary. She has difficulty creating her own spots, but definitely has the tools to take advantage of opponents mistakes.

sofo said:
Any criticism or mistakes that I haven't noticed are much welcome!

Try getting Talisman instead of upgrading all the way to FQC for "pure" ranged supports (i.e. not AP supports like Zyra, Annie, etc.). Just upgrade spellthiefs once then sell it later on for Talisman. Talisman's active is much better than FQC's


Try getting Talisman instead of upgrading all the way to FQC for "pure" ranged supports (i.e. not AP supports like Zyra, Annie, etc.). Just upgrade spellthiefs once then sell it later on for Talisman. Talisman's active is much better than FQC's

Hmm. I'm thinking I could try that out. I usually just stick with fqc because the aoe slow just give me more cc to work with. Just better control in fights.


Hmm. I'm thinking I could try that out. I usually just stick with fqc because the aoe slow just give me more cc to work with. Just better control in fights.

Yeah, I do use the active a lot but it is true that it pales in comparison to Face of the Mountain or Talisman...

ty drawkcaB!


Hmm. I'm thinking I could try that out. I usually just stick with fqc because the aoe slow just give me more cc to work with. Just better control in fights.

Talisman is just so much more useful, and that's before considering that it's a sure thing as opposed to FQC.


I hate toplane but it seems like that's what I'm getting stuck with lately. Is Nidalee still good up there? I know AD nidalee is a thing of the past but I see some AP nidalees on stream. I need someone to dominate lane that isn't boring.


So epic match story time:
Here was the match: match details

So me and a buddy(lucian in the match) are doing normal draft pick games, and we get a second pick Braum, who says he's going top. So I'm like whatever I'll just take a top laner down support then, and lock in GP. Karthus says something like, 'yay troll picks' and locks in Karthus jung. So I'd say like 4 min. in Braum dies once top to zac, and quits out. The game goes on and we're getting beat up pretty well mainly from the 4v5 and all lanes pushing. We do manage to get a good number of kills on Luc and Karthus from karthus going yolo everytime. But we slowly losing all objectives, although its clear this team doesn't know how to close out and keeps splitting 1-2-2, but at different times so we are able to turtle pretty well. Finally at one point Lucian and I get in a skirmish mid with brand and riven, he kills riv, my ulti finishes brand. We know this could be our only shot, so we storm mid, and are at their inhib turrent as cait and morg are at our bot inhib turrent where they kill karthus. I say just to keep going because I'll take a base race of gp and Luc vs cait and morg at this point in the game. We kill zac at their nexus turrents at which point cait and morg chicken out and back, but not before i sacrifice myself and tank nexus turrents while lucian melts them and gets away.

At this point both teams are clearing their bases, and we know baron and dragon are both up and it'll be their 5th dragon. I tell my buddy we got one shot, he's gotta xpeke it. so he sneaks into the bush right off of mid and tell him to wait there til we got vision of all of them. I ult baron and they're all there doing it, he makes a dash for mid as their finishing baron, and trying to get out of my ult so they can back. He finishes the game before they even get back :)

Obviously a pretty big oversight on their part to leave their base unattended, but I guess the allure of baron plus 5th dragon was too much.


So early game we do good.
Like REAL good. I make good ganks as Xin, with mid was Morg against enemy Ahri. We hit it off cool as Morg only focused on farming.
Come mid game, this Morg goes AFK because Tristana was feeding and Morg didn't do shit for 5-10 minutes. It all went downhill from there, effin' Ahri would waste my ass, if Morg was with us in that time we could've pushed and taken the win.

Seriously pissed me off especially when the morg player was polite and good in chat.

Doesn't help that our Top Teemo had a bad build as if they were playing teemo for the first time, they didn't even shroom the map, yeesh.


hey edwardo play dota with me and steve tonight

closer too

edit: also Azir will be available for IEM San Jose. Bjergsen might pick it.

Azir, in a good player's hands, is incredibly strong right now. His win rate sucks because few people use him well, but he's crazy hard to deal with if he gets an advantage. It's pretty dumb how fast he can chunk down a tower in the late game in addition to having so much zone control.
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