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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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So me and Rex have this epic ranked strat going on. He picks Panth, and I pick a snowbally ADC like Draven or Jinx (Draven is the best for this). He starts gromp, and we give him like a super hard leash, causing us to arrive to lane late. He then gets blue without really taking any damage. Meanwhile, bot is still level 1, so he can gank squishy targets like Zyra easily. I get a kill, 450g and Zyra flash, so basically bot lane is snowballed like hell. He loses red, but it doesn't put him that far behind.

When the new jungle came out on PBE I had issues with nearly every camp providing level two and write that it would cause problems. This sort of stuff will get more popular, along with bot lane snagging krugs/gromp.

(Also, not getting red is not a loss at all. Broken record time: all camps give the same XP and red buff if meh now)

I hope Riot fixes this shit soon. It's bothersome when Riot breaks something while trying to fix something else. It's frustrating that it happens too often. And it's absolutely maddening when the thing that is now broken was something that had to be fixed two fucking years ago.
How viable is mid Morgana?
Used to play her mid often until she became FOTM support. Got tired of being told to play support instead. Super safe laning. Only way for her to die to ganks is from bursty combos (eg Vi/Lee/Xin to a certain extent). Ignite and TP are both good, but I prefer TP. Max W first.


You can drag Vi away with Sivir spell shield. Like, she still does the animation and everything, but you don't get rooted. It's fun :).

Also, as a Diamond IV player, I just don't have fun playing against people that are too much lower. I like to putting champions to their limits.

Well we were with Dobe and a couple of others who have their MMR fairly high, and then we had a level 20 guy who is learning (our Soraka resident player), so I guess matchmaking kinda fucked us over lol.

It was fine overall, but a bit stressful (from a jungler's standpoint), considering two lanes had higher elo players!
Used to play her mid often until she became FOTM support. Got tired of being told to play support instead. Super safe laning. Only way for her to die to ganks is from bursty combos (eg Vi/Lee/Xin to a certain extent). Ignite and TP are both good, but I prefer TP. Max W first.

Yeah, her W is what I like about going mid with her. I'm mediocre at CSing so being able to drop pools and watch creeps fall has always been nice.
Me pinging that my mid is missing, AND to watch out in our jungle, I would hope bot team would understand that means my mid is heading down and to run. Instead, my bot team (who is losing heavily in bot lane) decides this means to run into the jungle together, with the 2 bot enemy champions following, to willingly turn themselves into a pincer snuff sandwich. Fuckin' morons...

I'm grumpy. Time for bed.



So how long til Rito makes me buy this...
That would mean is was at least feigning interest in winning ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

Also just seen Fnatic are collapsing.
My problem with her is not the clearing per se, she looks fine in that aspect, but her kit is way too limited for teamfights, specially considering she lacks an in-combat ultimate or any form of initiation/chasing potential, and that's not even considering her actual ganking that is bad and never gets better aside from some hidden tunnel gimmicks. Once late game hits she'll just get kited to hell and back beyond flash Unborrowing.

She's looking to be in the same vein as Mundo / Shyv, super fast clearers with awful gank potential that specialize in counterjungling, but those guys have much bigger movement steroids and some sort of ranged CC to let them be relevant when teamfights start. Rek'Sai has her tunnel and the passive MS on W but after she unborrows she has no tools to keep whatever she is fighting near her. I can only see her being good if the meta shifts back to heavy counterjungling or if people start split pushing with her, because she is not teamfighting unless people figure out a Frozen Mallet build or something.
While I don't disagree with Rek'sai's aforementioned flaws, I still wouldn't call her a terrible jungler, just innately lackluster when picking fights as a group. She's not much unlike Skarner or Udyr on a superficial level; the both of 'em aren't flatout bad within the role either with their shared fundamental weakness (easily being kited), except with Rek'sai it remains to be seen whether way more map pressure under the right circumstances is worth the loss of more well-rounded in-fighting, comparatively speaking. Quite possibly not a very reliable tool to have at your disposal in solo queue - then again, solo queue is worthless as it is - but I can see Rek'sai having her standout moments in more organized matches where actual communication / co-operation exists. She potentially has flexible gank paths available to her that other fast-clearing junglers cannot utilize as a means of approach, and a dedicated splitpush comp could hypothetically be a major pain-in-the-ass if her ult is timed well. Even moreso with the Voidling Portal item if it's potent at single-handedly sieging towers. Too many variables that are up in the air.

To get to the point though: outright "shitty" junglers for me though would be either the likes of Evelynn who can barely get by performing the basic necessities like killing camps or securing objectives, and feast-or-famine champions such as Hecarim who are absolutely reliant on snowballing and can't really do much else to stay relevant if they cannot secure a significant lead. Then you have awful picks like jungle Shen who just doesn't have any redeeming qualities. Rek'sai, even with her glaring shortcomings, is far removed from this category in her current state.
Yeah, I probably worded her badly by calling her shitty. She's nowhere near as bad as Eve, but she doesn't seem to be really worth picking in Solo Q


Poll time.

What was the one champion in your entire time playing this game that was the most frustrating to play against?

This spans from any era of League and accounts for all of the broken champions that had their time in the "OP" spotlight.

Outside of the old pre-rework Kassadin, for me, I'd have to say Kayle before her nerfs. Nothing was as infuriating as going against that, or as satisfying as playing it.

Top lane melee lane bullies have always killed me. Renekton and Darius have always been my two biggest weaknesses. I've played a ton of top lately so I'm sure I'd be better off against them now, but I could just never handle them even when I counterpicked them. Especially back when Rene was super strong, I just had to play safe and pray he didn't all in me.


Sometimes I don't understand streaks. In the past two weeks I've had a ten-game slide with two demotions over two days, followed by ten days of treading water, followed by a 25-game streak with only one loss outside of promos, which would make a lot more sense to me if it involved buckling down and playing my best role/champ safe rather than filling and going yolo.


Krepo's thoughts on starting Gromp/Krugs for bot lane
Krepo said:
You can easily do gromp as purple side. ADC takes first 2 hits, support takes rest, uses 1 pot and leaves ADC the kill. This is quicker than golems and if you do golems with 0 damage, kiting you lose more time & a creep on lane. Especially if you're "ready to stop the enemy from stopping you, which you have to be in high end soloQ".
The gromp is actually better than krugs because if you ward properly and blue side comes to stop you, then you path way quicker to lane and win out. Gromp goes slightly quicker with most combo's too and the difference where it matters is who get's lvl 2 first.
Stuff like thresh can even flay the gromp closer to the lane making you reach it sometimes even without losing a single creep. I prefer being purple and get first blood in like 1/3 games and i force a flash on the enemy botside everygame we do gromp (no exception)
But what do you do if your jungler wants to start gromp, as I do?
Krepo said:
then you solo start gromp and botlane stops their golems. Some botlanes are better lvl1 and should stop the enemy's golems, others hit a powerspike lvl 2 with relicpush (leona + X) and should do gromp. Gromp = half exp, 2 relix executes + 1-2 creeps is SUPER fast lvl 2 that you don't get poked out of, which is the weakness of melee supports early.
You can't ask for leash on purple side gromp in this meta, any half decent botlane will exploit that and your botlane will lose.
You should compare who gets the most value out of the gromp. Starting krugs into red into 3.40 botlane gank from behind when you have an all-in botlane taht benefits from gromp (leona + x, threhs +x etc) is a good strategy

tl;dr: blue bot lane always starts krugs, purple bot lane starts gromp unless their jungler really needs it. In this case purple bot lane must stop blue bot lane from getting krugs.

In IEM San Jose right now, we've seen Gromp/krugs being killed by bot lane each game so far.


i'm really curious why leblanc is so popular in tournaments

like, what changed since worlds that made her a thing again?

i don't think s5 benefited her specially...


i'm really curious why leblanc is so popular in tournaments

like, what changed since worlds that made her a thing again?

i don't think s5 benefited her specially...

The difference in leveling up/ gaining stats in s5 means that everyone is less tanky during levels 6-9 than in season 4. This is an indirect buff to assassins/champs that power spike once they get ult, as it is easier to blow up enemies. Zed, LB, Lissandra etc gained some power due to these changes.


i'm really curious why leblanc is so popular in tournaments

like, what changed since worlds that made her a thing again?

Mana cost reduction on her W and buffs to how her clone works. (Stealth on both you and the close instantly, stealth breaks on both instantly as well, flashing doesn't break stealth)


yeah i just find it weird since most people said that lebonk was gonna be dead without the silence. like why haven't ahri or zed or talon or fizz spiked so hard in popularity?
Poke is insane on this patch (according to Monte and other analysts) and LeBlanc can double as a poke mage with how fast her combo is. Ahri and Zed have been getting a fair amount of play too in OGN. I think poke is strong because of how important the first dragon is and it can be done off the back of any good chunk damage. And if a team with good poke should ever get a baron buff they can easily break the enemy base since their creeps will be super strong and let them chunk out opponents.
i'm really curious why leblanc is so popular in tournaments

like, what changed since worlds that made her a thing again?

i don't think s5 benefited her specially...
I blame that glorious halloween skin

What are people building on LB? Athene's into shit or DFG into shit? Missed the matches


yeah i just find it weird since most people said that lebonk was gonna be dead without the silence. like why haven't ahri or zed or talon or fizz spiked so hard in popularity?

Zed and Fizz has, at least in Challenger solo queue. Ahri and Talon less so but still have seen a bit more use.

OGN pre-season is only on day 2/3 and this is the first tourney after 4.20 so we haven't seen much. We'll see what happens during the rest of San Jose and the entirety of Cologne.


They absolutely were. If gold was even, very little doubt TSM would've won those teamfights. Ah well.
But of course, laning phase is part of the game. Good game to UOL there.


they weren't

at all.

the only time TSM looked "good" was when leblanc died because of dumb dumb. other than that TSM was on their backfoot the entire game and terrified of that team
TSM's comp was built for teamfights (Sivir and Rumble) while UoL were running LeBlanc and Twisted Fate on the same lineup. If UoL didn't teamfight excellently they would've lost them (which is why TSM, despite being 10k+ gold down, opted in to the fights - they knew it gave much better odds than getting picked off while checking baron).


Anyone have general kalista tips? I really like playing as her but I just feel like I'm doing something wrong whenever I do.


You're probably spending too much thought on how little damage you do late game rather than thinking about kiting the enemy long enough for you to clean them up after all cds are used


Anyone have general kalista tips?
I really like playing as her but I just feel like I'm doing something wrong whenever I do.
Overall message: She's a utility ADC, you gotta play her like one. Your job isn't to do as much damage as possible, it's to stay alive

General tips:

Build botrk always
Play her with poke auto supports eg Zyra, Sona, Nami
Your ultimate should be primarily used to save the support
Don't treat her passive the same as Ez E, it's not a free ticket out
Max Q>E
Use her cleanup potential with passive chase and E resets


Overall message: She's a utility ADC, you gotta play her like one. Your job isn't to do as much damage as possible, it's to stay alive

General tips:

Build botrk always
Play her with poke auto supports eg Zyra, Sona, Nami
Your ultimate should be primarily used to save the support
Don't treat her passive the same as Ez E, it's not a free ticket out
Max Q>E
Use her cleanup potential with passive chase and E resets

This is perfect. Thanks so much newt!
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