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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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found the new OP kayle build gais


Played my first ranked match in over a week.

Right now, in the preseason, ranked is WAY easier. It's still plagued with trolls, but nowhere near as bad as the normal modes. I was driven to ranked after one too many troll games in a row, with the last being our mid quickly changing his summoners to smite and revive at the last second and then feeding like mad. I was up 7-1-3 in that game, having destroyed the bot lane, but it was impossible to win with him feeding on purpose and our Jax going 0-8 because "I can scale late, so early deaths don't matter."

So yeah, might just stick to ranked. That was the most enjoyable match I've played, well, since the last ranked I played.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Dat Elise skin D:

Time to bring support Elise back.


Dat Elise skin D:

Time to bring support Elise back.

I played against a support Lee Sin and Lucian ADC last night. That was super annoying, but it fell off. Farming was extremely difficult though, because Lee can get in your face from so far and once he hit level 6 he could kick my support away for a 2v1 engage. So annoying. Never mind that my support refused to sweep the lane to get rid of all his wards he was hopping to.

But yeah, it was gimmicky and we still won. It was just super weird.


I played against a support Lee Sin and Lucian ADC last night. That was super annoying, but it fell off. Farming was extremely difficult though, because Lee can get in your face from so far and once he hit level 6 he could kick my support away for a 2v1 engage. So annoying. Never mind that my support refused to sweep the lane to get rid of all his wards he was hopping to.

But yeah, it was gimmicky and we still won. It was just super weird.

I've seen a few streamers doing lee sin support recently. I think I saw qtpie and somebody else doing it, and it kind of works. (In the right hands of course)


She's also sitting on people in a way that isn't banned by the UK.
Saw a a guy last night named AsheToMaplh...

That's a hilarious name.

But yeah, you never go ass to mouth.
Gosu is a god. I love how he life stole from the creeps to finish off the Nexus and condemned the Shen away as soon as he was about to use his Randuin's.

Favorite Gosu clip is still the game he played with Trick.
So anyone on pbe want to tell me about jungle reksai?

Is it viable? Should I be pumped for her release?

All I've seen points to her being pretty shitty as of now.
You have a weird definition of shitty.

Rek'sai has good clearing speed from the get-go and she can stay healthy from the very first clear even with the Heavy Hands nerfs. Keeping your health bar nearly full is not a problem with how easily she builds up Rage if you burrow -> unburrow frequently, and with the (pointless) damage buff to her Burrow Q she'll have to worry about this even less. She can splitpush well - which admittedly isn't particularly important on a jungler - and her objective control ought to be good thanks to the map presence her tunnels (+ ult with its lowered base cooldowns) could provide. Her Tremor Vision passive or whatever it's called could also be quite beneficial for sieging, since it's shared amongst her team. The only real problem I see her having are her unimpressive ganks unless your lane of choice has CC to back you up, but buying Stalker's Blade for an unavoidable slow when in range could be really advantageous for her since she has no reason to buy Ranger's Trailblazer. I don't know where she stands on individual duelling however; it's not great at first glance, but it doesn't seem bad either.

Still say Riot needs to revert the AP ratio buff on her Q and replace it with a conditional movement speed increase to help her quickly reach targets when ganking. Still waiting on Poacher's no longer being shit anymore for dedicated counter-junglers like Rek'sai or Nunu too.


Now I wish she would ride her poro-ball :(

yeah i kinda wish that too

like at least on one of her taunts or something

like the ball goes under her and goes up and she ends up sitting on it floating away

cmon rito, it can be cuter

yea but the ones they made so far are pretty ugly imo

that blood moon one could need some small tweaks and it would be perfect

id pay serious $$ for that one :(
i dunno i think the yasuu skins are alright, i don't personally like yasuu but i think they're all pretty high quality and interesting skins

i'm sure he'll get a cool one at one point, tho i wouldn't hold my breath for some time since his metal gear skin was pretty recent

btw that Elise splash is 10/10 sexy scary please-don't-hurt-me-or-actually-maybe-do-please waifu material
yea i fucking love it

i guess that's actually a good thing

fnatic looks pretty broken so better if they just split up and make teams that are alright for them

i hope they do ok
You have a weird definition of shitty.

Rek'sai has good clearing speed from the get-go and she can stay healthy from the very first clear even with the Heavy Hands nerfs. Keeping your health bar nearly full is not a problem with how easily she builds up Rage if you burrow -> unburrow frequently, and with the (pointless) damage buff to her Burrow Q she'll have to worry about this even less. She can splitpush well - which admittedly isn't particularly important on a jungler - and her objective control ought to be good thanks to the map presence her tunnels (+ ult with its lowered base cooldowns) could provide. Her Tremor Vision passive or whatever it's called could also be quite beneficial for sieging, since it's shared amongst her team. The only real problem I see her having are her unimpressive ganks unless your lane of choice has CC to back you up, but buying Stalker's Blade for an unavoidable slow when in range could be really advantageous for her since she has no reason to buy Ranger's Trailblazer. I don't know where she stands on individual duelling however; it's not great at first glance, but it doesn't seem bad either.

Still say Riot needs to revert the AP ratio buff on her Q and replace it with a conditional movement speed increase to help her quickly reach targets when ganking. Still waiting on Poacher's no longer being shit anymore for dedicated counter-junglers like Rek'sai or Nunu too.
My problem with her is not the clearing per se, she looks fine in that aspect, but her kit is way too limited for teamfights, specially considering she lacks an in-combat ultimate or any form of initiation/chasing potential, and that's not even considering her actual ganking that is bad and never gets better aside from some hidden tunnel gimmicks. Once late game hits she'll just get kited to hell and back beyond flash Unborrowing.

She's looking to be in the same vein as Mundo / Shyv, super fast clearers with awful gank potential that specialize in counterjungling, but those guys have much bigger movement steroids and some sort of ranged CC to let them be relevant when teamfights start. Rek'Sai has her tunnel and the passive MS on W but after she unborrows she has no tools to keep whatever she is fighting near her. I can only see her being good if the meta shifts back to heavy counterjungling or if people start split pushing with her, because she is not teamfighting unless people figure out a Frozen Mallet build or something.


so is Leona top becoming a thing or something?

panda and i had one in one of our games this morning, but i think it was a mistake

but then i saw it on two different streams twice a few hours ago and they did well


so is Leona top becoming a thing or something?

panda and i had one in one of our games this morning, but i think it was a mistake

but then i saw it on two different streams twice a few hours ago and they did well
How does she deal damage? Build AD bruiser items despite no scaling? Build some AP? In either case do iceborne gauntlet or frozen heart to keep people around?

*edit* And yeah the passive is wasted as Mister Negative points out.
so is Leona top becoming a thing or something?

panda and i had one in one of our games this morning, but i think it was a mistake

but then i saw it on two different streams twice a few hours ago and they did well

i've been thinking about giving it a try, seems like it might be fun. her passive just becomes useless aside from ganks.


How does she deal damage? Build AD bruiser items despite no scaling? Build some AP? In either case do iceborne gauntlet or frozen heart to keep people around?

*edit* And yeah the passive is wasted as Mister Negative points out.

they were usually going sunfire/triforce/all tank. it made for some really great ganks toplane and got the allied jungler really fed. the leona in turn turned into a mega monster tank with cc out the wazoo.

one of the games was vs a pantheon top, too.


they were usually going sunfire/triforce/all tank. it made for some really great ganks toplane and got the allied jungler really fed. the leona in turn turned into a mega monster tank with cc out the wazoo.

one of the games was vs a pantheon top, too.

I would much prefer to play against that, or have that on my team, than a Nasus. I hate playing with Nasus because he's never around when you need him. I hate playing against him because he's just got a timer on him. After a certain point you almost can't win regardless of how well you did early. I think it's pretty stupid that Nasus can deal as much damage as he can while having so much tankiness and being impossible to run away from.


I would much prefer to play against that, or have that on my team, than a Nasus. I hate playing with Nasus because he's never around when you need him. I hate playing against him because he's just got a timer on him. After a certain point you almost can't win regardless of how well you did early. I think it's pretty stupid that Nasus can deal as much damage as he can while having so much tankiness and being impossible to run away from.
If the Nasus is bad they're actually pretty counterable though, at least down in silver. Even with tank items and a bunch of stacks (400? 600?) I've still felt like I did very little damage, or I got nuked by a lategame ADC, or (ESPECIALLY THIS) I was extremely easily kited.

Like, if a team has hard CC to snare and stun you, there's nothing you can do until you get in range besides slow one person. You can wear swift boots if they have slows, but that's only helpful in some situations.


How does she deal damage? Build AD bruiser items despite no scaling? Build some AP? In either case do iceborne gauntlet or frozen heart to keep people around?

*edit* And yeah the passive is wasted as Mister Negative points out.

Think Alistar top and you'd be getting close.


Is Rek'Sai just a reworked

I don't see the similarities between those 2 tbh

Skarner is an unstoppable early game monster who gets kited late game.

Rek sai seems to be more balanced throughout the game in terms of pressure and cc


Poll time.

What was the one champion in your entire time playing this game that was the most frustrating to play against?

This spans from any era of League and accounts for all of the broken champions that had their time in the "OP" spotlight.

Outside of the old pre-rework Kassadin, for me, I'd have to say Kayle before her nerfs. Nothing was as infuriating as going against that, or as satisfying as playing it.


Poll time.

What was the one champion in your entire time playing this game that was the most frustrating to play against?

This spans from any era of League and accounts for all of the broken champions that had their time in the "OP" spotlight.

Outside of the old pre-rework Kassadin, for me, I'd have to say Kayle before her nerfs. Nothing was as infuriating as going against that, or as satisfying as playing it.



my wife is going to be busy with finals this entire weekend for her masters degree

who else is down plowing through a ton of ranked 5s?
Season 2 Diana. Even the worst player could destroy their lane as S2 Diana - super tanky with her refreshing shield, super sticky, insane assassin-tier damage, great poke/waveclear, super low mana costs. She stayed in that state for near on six months too.


I've only been playing for about a year and a half but I think it might actually be Warwick right now. He's so broken at the moment.


Poll time.

What was the one champion in your entire time playing this game that was the most frustrating to play against?

This spans from any era of League and accounts for all of the broken champions that had their time in the "OP" spotlight.

Outside of the old pre-rework Kassadin, for me, I'd have to say Kayle before her nerfs. Nothing was as infuriating as going against that, or as satisfying as playing it.


NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Poll time.

What was the one champion in your entire time playing this game that was the most frustrating to play against?

This spans from any era of League and accounts for all of the broken champions that had their time in the "OP" spotlight.

Outside of the old pre-rework Kassadin, for me, I'd have to say Kayle before her nerfs. Nothing was as infuriating as going against that, or as satisfying as playing it.


Why are they getting so in depth in that showcase?

Just show the damn things and let us be impressed with other people's creativity. I don't need to listen to some young adults trying to sound like creative art professors.
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