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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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goddamn kayle jungle is so good right now



edit: rofl rex what was that afk?


yeah i just find it weird since most people said that lebonk was gonna be dead without the silence. like why haven't ahri or zed or talon or fizz spiked so hard in popularity?

Except for Talon, I think they are all popular. That's in a solo queue environment, though.


I'm so on tilt atm -_- Playing with friends and one of them is learning, so I'm stuck with anything not support (my favorite and best role). I am trying to learn jungle some more, and since I can't top and someone plays mid better than me, I concede anyway.

What happens? Botlane goes on a feeding frenzy and other lanes don't win hard or just come even (which is good enough), and I get shat on and blamed. Then of course I take a kill and it's the worst thing in the world. Like if I wasted my ass clearing wards in your lane and using my ult as well as missing farm camping you, you are damn sure I ain't letting that person away, even if that means securing a kill.

Out of 7 games yesterday, just won an ARAM, and arguably some we knew we were gonna lose (2 of them were vs low Diamond/high Plat because MMR wants to compensate for our lowbie friend I guess) but still.

Sorry for the rant.


Looks like Stalkers+Devourer. Tried it this game. It's great for kiting.

Replaced Lich Bane with GA as well. Got a great quote thrown at me

"We can't kill this Kayle. She has 3 lives!"

14 game win streak with her so far.
First time playing Yasuo in along time. Get matched against Plat IV Riven. 0/6 lane dumpster no jungler intervention. :( I used to be able to go toe to toe with a Challenger Riven.


Yes, it was really interesting. Not quite Heavy's AD TF, but also not an AP TF. Really interesting build that worked extremely well.

it was on-hit TF. Primarily magic damage (wits end, devourer), then straight up AP (NLR before the game ended)


First time playing Yasuo in along time. Get matched against Plat IV Riven. 0/6 lane dumpster no jungler intervention. :( I used to be able to go toe to toe with a Challenger Riven.

Qtpie doesn't count.

Had a couple of fun games as Tristana.

First one I barely had to even show up, since my team made a huge hole in at mid. I basically could farm a lot and almost 1v2 Ashe and Ezreal (???). Funny note, Warwick never ulted me despite having QSS -_-. At least it's really cheap now. I had a lot of money from farming and pushing and also getting kills and assists here and there, but I didn't back to spend it. Could have probably gotten Mercurial Scimitar.


Second one was a bit more straight forward. I got a kill on Zyra (was a bit dirty, she seemed AFK under their turret and we managed to snatch her) which allowed me to get an early B.F. Sword. After that we got camped a bit by Shaco so I had to be very wary. He got Nami once or twice and overall Zyra/Vayne were really annoying. Also at one point we got 4 man bot (the joy of playing botlane) but managed to keep it steady and not be useless the rest of the match!


It's fun when you get so fed but sucks when they surrender. ;_;/ Looks like the curse is broken!


I watched a couple of matches and they were mostly a snoozefest, wtf?

Also, fuck the Underworld skin for TF -_- managed to E a gold card as Sivir in ARAM, and I kill him but he managed to toss the stupid cards that I couldn't see ._. I even had flash but I didn't even see them!



cant remember a time were i had trouble against a tf ap or ad. maybe in aram idk

you can pretty much read his every move with the cards over his head. his passive is useless in fights and the only thing he does in teamfights is fling his three cards or land a stun before he gets instabursted
cant remember a time were i had trouble against a tf ap or ad. maybe in aram idk

you can pretty much read his every move with the cards over his head. his passive is useless in fights and the only thing he does in teamfights is fling his three cards or land a stun before he gets instabursted
TF needs an organized team to make use of his full potential. A good fed TF that can count cards is scary as shit.


Neo Member
Hey don't know if any of you guys play on the LAN server, but I'm looking to duo with anyone around Gold there (Trying to get Masters on LAN)

Get at me if you are down to duo
bitbna (LAN account)
WakeupSuper (main server, friend me on here if you play on NA)
Proxy Farming:

So I get the gist of Proxy Farming. The idea being that you can seriously screw up your lane opponents by going to the space between the next tower and farming the minions there. Usually the best time to do this is after you've gotten your first big item.

Doing so offers some big advantages.

1. It becomes impossible the opposing laner to push the lane. (Unless he is really tanky or has help.)

2. You are no longer fighting creeps for creeps. You get 100% of all the farm.

3. The opposing laner's only options to remove you are:
a. Leave tower and engage. (Usually I don't start Proxy Farming until I have gotten a kill and have a CS advantage already. So I can assume I will win most engages.) This means sacrificing the creeps that have pushed up to his tower in the hope he can kill me.

b. The Jungler engages you. This causes issues as well. The Jungler will be out of his jungle and your team will not have to fear ganks. The Jungler, unless he is getting fed, will typically be lower level than you. Engaging you solo will almost surely fail, so he will need the opposing laner to join him. (In these scenarios, unless you are sure you can get away, run to the turrets and try to die before they can touch you. No kill gold for them and the top laner misses more creeps, the jungler loses presence on the map and creeps.

c. The Jungler, The Opposing Laner and Mid Laner engages you. (This is what you want to happen. ) This is the best thing that can happen, because it gives the mid lane free farm and without the fear on junglers. Like wise your own jungler has free reign within the enemy jungle and no fear on counter ganks. That said, if they do this often it will weaken you more due to lack of CS.​

So that is the gist of Proxy Farming. So far I have won 6 out of 7 games where I have done this. 3 games as Garen Top and 4 as Garen Supp. The one I lost was Top Lane and I lost it due to feeding from every other lane. It become impossible to carry. My question to you guys are the following.

1. Do you agree with what I think Proxy Farming is?

2. If my whole team is effectively losing their lanes, is is better for me take all their farm (Proxy farming inside Enemy base), or to let them have it and hope they do better?


I feel like proxy farming can work, but most of the time your team will just sit in their lanes not doing anything even though 5 ppl take a stroll across the map to kill you.
Proxy farming is risky. It's easier to do if you get an advantage but if you aren't winning lane decently you're now stuck between two towers. Catching proxy farmers that aren't Singed isn't that hard.
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