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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I really disliked playing against Yasuo for a while, but if I were to go further back maybe post-release Darius? I seem to recall that at one point, he was very strong.


Heimerdinger. The few times I've had to do it - heimerdinger. Goddamn do I hate playing against the 'donger. I hate playing against heimer in lane, as a jungler on the opposing team, or a jungler on an allied team.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why are they getting so in depth in that showcase?

Just show the damn things and let us be impressed with other people's creativity. I don't need to listen to some young adults trying to sound like creative art professors.
You're supposed to relate to them. They main jungle Udyr.


Poll time.

What was the one champion in your entire time playing this game that was the most frustrating to play against?

This spans from any era of League and accounts for all of the broken champions that had their time in the "OP" spotlight.

Outside of the old pre-rework Kassadin, for me, I'd have to say Kayle before her nerfs. Nothing was as infuriating as going against that, or as satisfying as playing it.
Vlad. During the old S1 days, he was ridiculous. His kit is incredibly frustrating when he is strong.

Release Vlad had much shorter cd on his Q (2 seconds at max rank), and it healed/damaged more.

The troll pool has been nerfed quite some as well.


Vlad. During the old S1 days, he was ridiculous. His kit is incredibly frustrating when he is strong.

Release Vlad had much shorter cd on his Q (2 seconds at max rank), and it healed/damaged more.

The troll pool has been nerfed quite some as well.
Speaking of healing (side note: WOTA no longer affects teammates, something some people such as myself may not have realized for a while), wasn't Mordekaiser also strong at one point? I seem to remember some hilarious possibilities for 1v3'ing and living because of the shield + heal.


Speaking of healing (side note: WOTA no longer affects teammates, something some people such as myself may not have realized for a while), wasn't Mordekaiser also strong at one point? I seem to remember some hilarious possibilities for 1v3'ing and living because of the shield + heal.

Yeah, he was also ridiculous at times. At least he didn't have the pool for an easy escape, which actually gave him a weakness to ganks. He hasn't been as out of control as some other troublemakers.

More gold than enemy ADC? Reported, hacking Nami.

We made a deal, he took all my bubbles and I took all his gold!
my wife is going to be busy with finals this entire weekend for her masters degree

who else is down plowing through a ton of ranked 5s?
I'd love to, if you need anyone. I'm on after 10 CST on weekdays.

Least favorite champ to go against? Zilean. I have only raged once, and it was against him mid.
Poll time.

What was the one champion in your entire time playing this game that was the most frustrating to play against?

This spans from any era of League and accounts for all of the broken champions that had their time in the "OP" spotlight.

Outside of the old pre-rework Kassadin, for me, I'd have to say Kayle before her nerfs. Nothing was as infuriating as going against that, or as satisfying as playing it.

Old Nidalee. Screw that playstyle. You don't even have to be good, or be fed. You can even be 0/10. You just build AP and mana items, and chuck spears in a general direction. Eventually, you'll hit someone, and it'll hurt. Especially when you used to be able to run away from your spear after you threw it so the "distance" traveled was longer.


Poll time.

What was the one champion in your entire time playing this game that was the most frustrating to play against?

This spans from any era of League and accounts for all of the broken champions that had their time in the "OP" spotlight.

Outside of the old pre-rework Kassadin, for me, I'd have to say Kayle before her nerfs. Nothing was as infuriating as going against that, or as satisfying as playing it.

There is a couple for me.

Double gold card tf.

Double rocket heimerdinger.

But the top one is the only thing that has ever made me say 'I am going to stop playing league until they get this thing fixed'.

The dreaded global stun anivia cryOPhoenix


Old Nidalee. Screw that playstyle. You don't even have to be good, or be fed. You can even be 0/10. You just build AP and mana items, and chuck spears in a general direction. Eventually, you'll hit someone, and it'll hurt. Especially when you used to be able to run away from your spear after you threw it so the "distance" traveled was longer.
I still do that since I didn't know they changed it. >_>
Lux probably needs a rework or something. Her kit is so pathetic compared to Xerath nowadays, which is a pity because I love the character
To flip the question, what are some people's favorite champions to go against? Either you simply have fun fighting, or you know their mechanics so well you just know you're about to stomp them.

Mine has to be when I'm mid against Zed. He used to frighten the Hell out of me since I'm Vel'koz a lot, but I've grown so used to his mechanics now that I generally just abuse and stomp him now.
140 USD for Thresh's hoodie?

Rito pls.


Anivia used to have a global stun?!

One of the patches near launch, if anivia shot the stun off the map (like off the map from spawn) it would stun every single opposing unit.

Every champ on your team, every creep, probably even dragon and baron.

Was like the only time I stopped playing league


It was lol.

Best summoner spell was boost. It was cleanse and gave you a 2 second spellshield after.

I played only twitch back in the day and could boost and then could go invis free.

Promote was also dumb. Turned a lane creep into a mega creep. Early start was 5 promote, everyone goes mid and promotes a wave and the only counter was the other team counter promoting


Fiddles ult at start was like nunu's. They added the flash shortly after cause everyone just used flash when they did it.

Sion's old ability that makes his Axe red and gives him bonus damage used to cause all the graphics to start stuttering and cause like textures or something to flicker onscreen all over the map.

Priscilla is the real spider queen.

Most people probably remember when skarner could pull people to the fountain.

Teleport came up on the champion as a debuff, so you took tp/cleanse. You drop a ward at the fountain and ult a champ, then cast port on the ward then cleanse immediately.

You would instantly port back to base and drag them with you to have the fountain laser them to death.

I only did it like twice in a normal game to test it out lol.

Oh hey, I'm not a junior member anymore. Dope.


Nasus was released with a 1 to 1 ap ratio on his ult (for every 1ap, the ult does 1% of max health as magic damage)

People got 100 ap on him, popped ult and ran up to people to instagib them.


So me and Rex have this epic ranked strat going on. He picks Panth, and I pick a snowbally ADC like Draven or Jinx (Draven is the best for this). He starts gromp, and we give him like a super hard leash, causing us to arrive to lane late. He then gets blue without really taking any damage. Meanwhile, bot is still level 1, so he can gank squishy targets like Zyra easily. I get a kill, 450g and Zyra flash, so basically bot lane is snowballed like hell. He loses red, but it doesn't put him that far behind.

Agh, I hate Akali. You can wreck her in lane, but you can't keep her from roaming bot and picking up four kills and snowballing.

I will NEVER understand why people don't ward the river when an Akali is in the game.


Agh, I hate Akali. You can wreck her in lane, but you can't keep her from roaming bot and picking up four kills and snowballing.

I will NEVER understand why people don't ward the river when an Akali is in the game.

akali and katarina both should get reworked

their kits are way too extremely feast or famine

they're dumb


akali and katarina both should get reworked

their kits are way too extremely feast or famine

they're dumb
Feast of famine champs are fine. Like Yasuo and Draven are both extremely snowbally, but the require mechanics and skill to play. The problem is, is that both Kat and Akali lack a skill requirement.


ugh I am so bad at support Holy

Nasus was released with a 1 to 1 ap ratio on his ult (for every 1ap, the ult does 1% of max health as magic damage)

People got 100 ap on him, popped ult and ran up to people to instagib them.

That wasn't on release? That was just a misplaced decimal in a patch late last season I'm pretty sure.

edit - Oh shit you're right it was a bug on release too, but I'm pretty sure it happened last season too.
The only Nass bug last season was the entirety of Q being able to critical.

Not fun to get hit by a Nass with 600 stacks with IE crit.


Feast of famine champs are fine. Like Yasuo and Draven are both extremely snowbally, but the require mechanics and skill to play. The problem is, is that both Kat and Akali lack a skill requirement.
yeah well they're not separate issues

if kat or akali are in the lead, their counterplay is basically stay out of flash ult/shunpo range. that's a problem.

similarly when they're behind they're completely out of options because damage is all they can contribute and damage is very easy to deal with if you're ahead, specially when it's resets. another problem

like even someone really snowbally like leblanc can enable picks and do a bit of waveclear and generally be a nuisance when behind. she's got a bit of a fallback pattern (still not much tho) where kat and akali have none

they need to have their kits made actually interesting through additional mechanics. they need to remove the instant targeted damage from both of them and give them options besides get a lot of resets or be completely useless. like kat w is like the least interesting spell in the whole game

and i'm not a fan of feast or famine champions in general, i find that gameplay not too compelling because it lacks nuisance. i like being able to come back and to make plays even when behind and i like when i still have to be careful not to be outplayed when i'm winning.



When you go with Brolaf on ARAM the announcer opens up with "BROOooooo..."

Never knew that before. Anyone know the other skin-specific ones?
Agh, I hate Akali. You can wreck her in lane, but you can't keep her from roaming bot and picking up four kills and snowballing.

I will NEVER understand why people don't ward the river when an Akali is in the game.
This is a big peeve of mine. I've really gotten ten times better at this game with the mantra "It's better to not die than it is to get a kill" when in the laning phase. I annoy the absolute hell out of the likes of Katarina and Akali, because they just about never get kills from me and can't snowball. Then they start roaming....and it surprises me how many times I can ping and people don't pay attention. And the snowball begins.
Agh, I hate Akali. You can wreck her in lane, but you can't keep her from roaming bot and picking up four kills and snowballing.

I will NEVER understand why people don't ward the river when an Akali is in the game.

I found it quite funny how her and katarina goes to other lanes to get fed then destroy the enemy bully mid and wreck the rest of the match.
Poll time.

What was the one champion in your entire time playing this game that was the most frustrating to play against?

Pantheon. I don't get it. Whenever I play him, my Qs tickle and I run out of mana. Whenever I play against him, I feel like his Q chops 1/4 of my health and he only needs to use half his mana to kill me or send me home.


Pantheon. I don't get it. Whenever I play him, my Qs tickle and I run out of mana. Whenever I play against him, I feel like his Q chops 1/4 of my health and he only needs to use half his mana to kill me or send me home.

That because you don't know his power spikes


Feast of famine champs are fine. Like Yasuo and Draven are both extremely snowbally, but the require mechanics and skill to play. The problem is, is that both Kat and Akali lack a skill requirement.

After seeing my a colleague of mine who is Bronze 4 and have yet to see him win a lane on his own, and see him sometimes (rarely!) even dominate with Akali or Katarina, goes to tell you how stupid those champions are.

Btw, I had no idea that Poppy ult blocked Vi's ult! What an annoying way to find out tbh. ;o

To me the champion I hate playing the most against hmm, I hated Nidalee when I started because I would eat all the spears and I hate playing versus good Zeds, because they make you feel like an idiot (played vs a Diamond V Zed yesterday that juggled us with his shadows/ult and even got away). Luckily there's more shitty Zeds than god Zeds.


After seeing my a colleague of mine who is Bronze 4 and have yet to see him win a lane on his own, and see him sometimes (rarely!) even dominate with Akali or Katarina, goes to tell you how stupid those champions are.

Btw, I had no idea that Poppy ult blocked Vi's ult! What an annoying way to find out tbh. ;o

To me the champion I hate playing the most against hmm, I hated Nidalee when I started because I would eat all the spears and I hate playing versus good Zeds, because they make you feel like an idiot (played vs a Diamond V Zed yesterday that juggled us with his shadows/ult and even got away). Luckily there's more shitty Zeds than god Zeds.
You can drag Vi away with Sivir spell shield. Like, she still does the animation and everything, but you don't get rooted. It's fun :).

Also, as a Diamond IV player, I just don't have fun playing against people that are too much lower. I like to putting champions to their limits.
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