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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I think I might buy sej if she is actually good after these changes. (And for that sweet poro skin)

Ah, top of the page. I guess I should ask a question.

Do you guys think that because they changed Shyvana's w to do more damage to monsters they are trying to position her to be more of a jungler than a top laner?


lots of cc is not too annoying itself, the problem if it's cc + damage like old zac

if sej only has one i'm fine with it

too bad ap sej is dead tho

i liked her for the one game i played of it lol

I think I might buy sej if she is actually good after these changes. (And for that sweet poro skin)

Ah, top of the page. I guess I should ask a question.

Do you guys think that because they changed Shyvana's w to do more damage to monsters they are trying to position her to be more of a jungler than a top laner?

they are

but i dunno if it'll work

i don't think top shyvanna is too bad either so i'm fine with either shy getting a buff


I think I might buy sej if she is actually good after these changes. (And for that sweet poro skin)

Ah, top of the page. I guess I should ask a question.

Do you guys think that because they changed Shyvana's w to do more damage to monsters they are trying to position her to be more of a jungler than a top laner?
The buff is help for Shyv in the jungle, but I doubt riot has an official position on it. Q buffs help her top more than anything.


shy was ridiculously strong in the jungle when the pre-nerf feral flare came out. she could stack it faster than any other champ, then live in the enemy jungle and 1v1 anyone who showed up.

let's never let that happen again rito


I'm surprised that Kat was not nerfed in some ways. I think she's still OP

She just took a pretty big hit to her ult. Longer cooldowns, lower damage.

Katarina is only a problem if the other team doesn't have or doesn't know how to use an interrupt on her. I play Kat a lot when the comp is right, but I love nothing more than playing against her. She's so easy to render useless in team fights. I guess you're a little bit a the mercy of your bot lane listening to pings and warding for when she roams, but even at that the support should be able to interrupt her ult.

Fizz, Akali, Zed, Syndra, Leblanc (ugh, she's coming back), and Talon are far more dangerous out of mid right now for similar effect.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
lots of cc is not too annoying itself, the problem if it's cc + damage like old zac
This was never the problem with Zac. Zac had insane sustain at no cost and mobility that could not be shut down.


shy was ridiculously strong in the jungle when the pre-nerf feral flare came out. she could stack it faster than any other champ, then live in the enemy jungle and 1v1 anyone who showed up.

let's never let that happen again rito

I won a lot of games with shyv that patch. Her clears were ridiculous so she could stack like crazy. She was a beast lategame with just ff+bork and then all tank.


This was never the problem with Zac. Zac had insane sustain at no cost and mobility that could not be shut down.
i dunno i remember insec zac buying like sorc shoes and haunting guise and instagibbing carries

sustain might've been another issue too but i know for sure they nerfed his damage
Base damages are distributed differently now. Her burst isn't quite as good, I guess. I never tried AP mid Sejuani, but I imagine it worked because of the burst damage.
They're distributed differently but are all accounted for. If you go AP you'll do essentially the same damage as before


CDR Sej is a monster.

Honestly want to try her top now that her % health damage is on a lower CD, lower mana cost ability. Q can now be easily saved for escapes. She offers the same sort of "easy jungle ganks" as tops like Maokai. Doesn't have innate sustain, but she does use RoA very well so going flask start and buying a bit generous with health/mana pots should see her through.

Stone Ocean said:
They're distributed differently but are all accounted for. If you go AP you'll do essentially the same damage as before

Not really. She does less damage upfront, and more over time, but that's only if you look at it in a vacuum. You can't just look at AP ratios and numbers and say, yup, it's still good to go.

AP Sejuani's burst was a big reason it was possible to pull off at mid. Take a look at Mister Oink's guide. His general build path is Hourglass->Deathfire (or vice versa)->Deathcap->Void and then goes into options like Banshee's, Liandry's. With damage removed from Q and E changed to a lower damage but more spammable nuke, Deathfire's bonus magic damage is significantly hit. Now that her damage is spread out over time she needs to survive. Picking up pure offensive AP items like deathfire, deathcap, etc. is more difficult to justify since they don't provide survival stats necessary to spam more Ws and Es over the duration of a fight. That ends up having a cascading effect on her damage. If she can't reliably buy those big ticket offensive items because she needs mixed offensive/defensive items in order to survive in order to apply damage, then having the same AP ratios (or whatever) is moot point; those ratios just aren't as accessible as before.
Burst damage is "worth" a lot more than DOT effects. It is (more) reliable and instant - a champion killed by Syndra during her Q-E stun does nothing in a fight, but a champion ground down over 15 seconds by Mundo can still pump their dps/cc/utility out. This is why champions like Rumble and Fiddlesticks have insane numbers (remember, Fid ult, Rumble Q and R are AoE, so there are scenarios where they can 1v5) - because most of the damage will be lost to enemies escaping or killing them, and even where enough of it lands to be relevant, their opponents may still be able to do things. It's also part of the reason Lucian and Corki are so popular among strong players - who cares if your do less damage than their AD over 10 seconds if you get the right engage and instagib an important enemy in 2 seconds?


Burst damage is "worth" a lot more than DOT effects. It is (more) reliable and instant - a champion killed by Syndra during her Q-E stun does nothing in a fight, but a champion ground down over 15 seconds by Mundo can still pump their dps/cc/utility out. This is why champions like Rumble and Fiddlesticks have insane numbers (remember, Fid ult, Rumble Q and R are AoE, so there are scenarios where they can 1v5) - because most of the damage will be lost to enemies escaping or killing them, and even where enough of it lands to be relevant, their opponents may still be able to do things. It's also part of the reason Lucian and Corki are so popular among strong players - who cares if your do less damage than their AD over 10 seconds if you get the right engage and instagib an important enemy in 2 seconds?
Lucian and Corki aren't popular because they have a lot of burst, a bunch of ADCs have a lot of burst. Lucian and Corki are problematic because they don't trade off mobility for burst. Like why pick MF over Lucian when they have fairly equivalent burst potential, but he has crazy mobility? The only way of fixing Lucian is removing a large portion of his burst, especially his Q.

*Note: I have a crazy amount of MF games because of a meta shift I saw with the heal changes. Nothing to really do with champion balance.
I did say "part of the reason". Obviously their mobility, which can help them to both stay safe and facilitate aggression*, is a large part of their strength (also their extremely strong and cheap wave clear, their synergies with the strongest AD items, their strong lane phases, etc.).

*This is, I think, MF's biggest problem against strong players. She's actually very strong in duels, but she can't do much with her strength unless her opponents let her, whereas if Corki or Lucian are given half an opening, they can gap close and open up from a distance. And eventually, if the game stalls out, she falls off due to her lack of mobility (and her ult is essentially an AoE DOT, which many champions can easily escape from or cancel with CC, which is why she's only been super-prominent in pro play when combined with Amumu).


I did say "part of the reason". Obviously their mobility, which can help them to both stay safe and facilitate aggression*, is a large part of their strength (also their extremely strong and cheap wave clear, their synergies with the strongest AD items, their strong lane phases, etc.).

*This is, I think, MF's biggest problem against strong players. She's actually very strong in duels, but she can't do much with her strength unless her opponents let her, whereas if Corki or Lucian are given half an opening, they can gap close and open up from a distance. And eventually, if the game stalls out, she falls off due to her lack of mobility (and her ult is essentially an AoE DOT, which many champions can easily escape from or cancel with CC, which is why she's only been super-prominent in pro play when combined with Amumu).
I mean, balanced champions have weaknesses. That's kinda my point.


i might be "that guy" tonight

norcal gonna get hit up by a giant nasty storm and chances of losing power are pretty high but SCREW IT GONNA DO RANKED ANYWAY


Like above pacheco pass nor cal right? I don't think we (Fresno) are getting a storm today.

(From general experience at least in the fgc central cali has usually been claimed by norcal)
Riot looking into fixing champions that have new skins. Exciting.
Well, it's more like Riot fixing one of their fuck ups. The last set of nerfs were completely unnecessary, add the harder jungle on top of those and Eve goes back into the garbage bin because reasons.


Ooh, Statikk is looking into Eve.

Awesome. I hope they put minimum base damage on her ult. It's ridiculous that her ultimate with a 2 minutes cooldown only does current % damage, so hitting low hp targets is awful. Maybe buff her Q a bit too, since she's having such a rough time in the current jungle.

Edit: just tested her out and she got absolutely destroyed in the new jungle. XD No wonder I haven't seen her in this pre-season yet.


Had a game as Tristana that was super annoying. Sejuani landed her ult on 3 on the frontline (ish) and despite Azir's ult, Shyvana managed to ult to me? I was kiting her but the rest decimated my team (as I was busy trying to shake off Shyv), so Graves had a free field trip.

Never gonna tell the guy learning support to use Braum. He's super simple but he wasn't getting that he had to tank/initiate/be frontline/do something. -_- I just hate that he uses Soraka and Nami but never uses autoattacks. He just sits almost under our turret, I keep telling him but I guess since he has doto background he thinks he knows better.

This game can be so frustrating sometimes...

Sorry for venting off, just had to do it before hitting the bed and I've been holding it for hours!


I love Twitch.

People are donating to streams that have their donation message pop up on stream and spoiling shit. It's hilarious as the streamers get upset and try to stop them, only to make it worse.
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