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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Thoughts on the 4.21 patch visual updates:

  • BAD: The blue names are hard to read against the blue ARAM map.
  • BAD: Maokai's Q used to feel satisfying as you bash people with magic. Now it feels very soft in terms of sound and effect.
  • GOOD: Maokai's healing autoattack now seems to play some sort of pop sound.
  • NEUTRAL: I got a survey popup after playing Maokai, asking me if I thought the Maokai visuals were high-quality. With this technology who knows what Riot will do.


two games in a row my game glitched and gave me support masteries... let me tell you something, the new jungle is not fun with support masteries


this rek'sai lore thingie is cool: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/creative-spotlight/reksai-scourge-desert

i'm so glad the institute of war and all that bullshit is dead. rito lore team has been entertaining me a lot ever since

edit: btw patch 4.21 broke the locale cheat thingie to get league in english/whatever despite of your region. if anyone cares and hates lux's argie voice like i do the new way to do it is going to "...\C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_patcher\managedfiles\" and open a file called regions.txt then go to your region and set your language to whatever you want (in my case i went to la2 and set it to en_US).


azir bugfixes are so good, finally you can wqe or we and it's smooth as fuckkkkkkk

now nerf him a little so he doesn't become hated by everyone and you have to destroy him pls rito

they dwarfed other trinkets

every pro game is basically blue for marksman, red for everyone else
the problem is that vision denial is such a limited resource that it's very unlikely the other items will ever be worth it

now i guess there's some choice to be made between red trinket and "pink" trinket but tbh not really since red trinket is still usable almost twice as frequently as the pink one and buying pinks is something you should be doing a lot in the first place

also rito already said blue trinket should be situational so it's really a weird balance

i personally think they rather than nerfing red trinket as a means of giving the other trinkets value (which differs from how champions are balanced since these are only 3 rather than like 120) they should maybe give an additional mechanic to upgraded yellow/pink ward. something like giving you ms after placing it when out of combat or something. i dunno. probably not that lol

also btw megatrinekts are gonna be so cheap now, i'm gonna start upgrading red trinket super early


Lee Sin COunter jungling you is ass.
In one match, our Nasus kept dieing to a Lee Sin that kept counter jungling him.
Didn't help that he got in arguments with our Mid Akali and the entire match was going downhill =(

Funnily enough I was top Malph against a Teemo. Whenever I can I would Q>E him then back away, I did manage to get a few kills off of him though.
At one point Lee takes me out and Teemo ends up taking 1st top turret. From the mid game onward, the poor little bastard would try to take the 2nd turret, and two times I'd hide in the upper brush, Ulti>E>Q>Dead teemo.
A 3rd time I ult-ed him from the blind spot to the right of the 2 rock creature's camp. Not even his stupid shrooms could stop me from wasting his ass.
Sadly our Blitz supp was AFK, and the opposing team was dominating, so we ended up surrendering, but I got a good 10ish kills and did well for the most part.

They're distributed differently but are all accounted for. If you go AP you'll do essentially the same damage as before

What would a suggested AP build be like? I never used Sejuani before so I'd like to know in advance once her new skin goes up =X At work so i can't access many sites.


I played a game of Teemo top lane tonight. I was against AD Kog'maw so I was probably lucky all things considered, but, I got ganked by level 2 jungle Shaco and destroyed for first blood.

And then Shaco had 3 kills, and was camping our mid lane. I managed to get a tower, but my tower was in danger, and we'd lost a tower or two, and things seemed pretty even or scary dangerous though we got a couple of dragons, and anything could happen.

Then their team surrendered and I noticed we had like 24 kills to 3. And all 3 of their kills were from the jungle Shaco.

Winning sometimes doesn't really FEEL like winning. I'm not sure if it's due to the season changes or what.

But I got a Teemo win so that is always a good day.


The changes to the trinkets sounds really good, basically the 3rd tier upgrade are cheaper
Farsight Orb
Cost reduced to 250 from 475

Greater Stealth Totem
Cooldown reduced to 60 from 90
Cost reduced to 250 from 475

Greater Vision Totem
Cooldown decreased to 120 from 180
Cost reduced to 250 from 475

Oracle's Lens
Cooldown increased to 75 from 60
Cost reduced to 250 from 475
Queue for ARAM.
Got Jayce. Someone dodges.
Got Skarner. Rerolled to Lux. Someone dodges.

Gee I wonder if I'm getting Udyr next.

edit: Got Shaco, traded for Ryze. Not bad.


i have rebought the riven

now lets try to master the riven and fail miserably

edit; anyone on EUW wanna trade mystery skins ? i got 1,6k so i guess we could trade 3 ?

oh forgot u have to be friends for 2 weeks nevermind


Rek'sai hype! The spotlight looks good :) Though I'm not sure about hydra as a recommended item. She already clears fast and with an AE. I'd probably build her like most AD junglers - Brutalizer (later ghostblade), randuins, etc.


Neither BotRK nor Hydra are good buys on Sion - they're both win more items. Damage items which give CDR are good (Brut, Ghostblade, BC, IBG is ok-ish) but generally speaking something like brutalizer is all you need damage wise before going full tank.


How's Sion right now? Has anyone figured out how to make him really effective?

I've had pretty good success top. I'm a fan of black cleaver and last whisper as my two damage items. Along with defensive ones also. He does a decent chunk of damage.

He's super fun.


Someone gift me officer voli <3
So I've played a couple of Xin games on the new patch and I really like him in the new jungle. If you start krugs with smite you're basically still full health after you do red.

Been going rangers->devourer->triforce if ahead, same path into phage into tank if the team needs it. I'm usually ahead though.

Might try skirmishers on him or something since Rangers got nerfed. Or is rangers still clearly the best option?


Everything is moe to me
might be a bit AFK over the holidays, i had to flee my home for a bit due to a crazy entrenched roommate.

currently staying in my brothers basement, but the internet here is spotty so i might be unable to play.


might be a bit AFK over the holidays, i had to flee my home for a bit due to a crazy entrenched roommate.

currently staying in my brothers basement, but the internet here is spotty so i might be unable to play.

That sucks, I'm sorry. But this needs to be explained.


Everything is moe to me

roommate 1 goes into roommate 2's room, picks a fight, a knife is involved.
cops show up, roommate 1 and 2 defend each other because 'i dont want to talk to no cops man'
roommate 2 promptly gets the fuck out of dodge
panda is now alone with roommate 1.
roommate 1 keeps trying to involve panda in all of his shit.
panda googles roommate 1
roommate 1 had an attempted murder charge in the 80s
panda gets the fuck out of dodge

the landlord is trying to get rid of roommate 1, he's saying he's going to squat there for the full 60 days. i dont want to live with that guy for 60 more days. im now in my brothers basement.

with this connection i might be stuck practicing my chess as far as gaming goes. 2mb up/2mb down



roommate 1 goes into roommate 2's room, picks a fight, a knife is involved.
cops show up, roommate 1 and 2 defend each other because 'i dont want to talk to no cops man'
roommate 2 promptly gets the fuck out of dodge
panda is now alone with roommate 1.
roommate 1 keeps trying to involve panda in all of his shit.
panda googles roommate 1
roommate 1 had an attempted murder charge in the 80s
panda gets the fuck out of dodge

the landlord is trying to get rid of roommate 1, he's saying he's going to squat there for the full 60 days. i dont want to live with that guy for 60 more days. im now in my brothers basement.

with this connection i might be stuck practicing my chess as far as gaming goes. 2mb up/2mb down

Jesus H Christ!



roommate 1 goes into roommate 2's room, picks a fight, a knife is involved.
cops show up, roommate 1 and 2 defend each other because 'i dont want to talk to no cops man'
roommate 2 promptly gets the fuck out of dodge
panda is now alone with roommate 1.
roommate 1 keeps trying to involve panda in all of his shit.
panda googles roommate 1
roommate 1 had an attempted murder charge in the 80s
panda gets the fuck out of dodge

the landlord is trying to get rid of roommate 1, he's saying he's going to squat there for the full 60 days. i dont want to live with that guy for 60 more days. im now in my brothers basement.

with this connection i might be stuck practicing my chess as far as gaming goes. 2mb up/2mb down
I play on like 2mb up/10mb down. You're probably fine.


Everything is moe to me
oh yeah and the day after rooommate 2 left, roommate 1 starts screaming that someone broke into his room.

he tells me his phone, keys, glasses, pills, money were stolen.

meanwhile while we talk his phone rings.
he leaves the house for a bit, glasses on. i check his door, it's locked.
the pills that were stolen? he shows me empty bottles. what kind of thief empties the bottles rather than just taking the bottles.
oh and the kicker.

'panda, the cops wont believe me, you gotta tell em you saw [guy matching roommate 2's general description] running away at around 3:30pm.'

it was 12:30pm.

needless to say i didnt lie to the police for him.

although it's curious that making up charges against someone doesnt seem to fall under the ban on 'being a rat'


Why can I never buy Wriggler's Lantern in game? Seems super helpful for Jungling but it never shows up in the in-game shop, only in my profile.

What even in the fuck
Why can I never buy Wriggler's Lantern in game? Seems super helpful for Jungling but it never shows up in the in-game shop, only in my profile.
Because that item has been deleted from the game.


Why can I never buy Wriggler's Lantern in game? Seems super helpful for Jungling but it never shows up in the in-game shop, only in my profile.
It doesn't exist anymore, bit it's not missed anyways.

rip heart of gold
i work about 3 minutes walk away from the house.
so atleast you guys might get news footage if he ganks me. :p
I mean, just give the dude a BS exuse. "I'm staying at my brother's place for Christmas."

What even in the fuck

Because that item has been deleted from the game.

Is that the anime form of Kim Jong Un???


Everything is moe to me
the good news is that everyone at work knows the situation.

whats funny is that this is surprisingly par for the course in the wonderful world of panda.

not my first roommate knife fight.
not my first break in.
not even my first murderer roommate.
first time i had to leave though. just cant deal with it anymore.


the good news is that everyone at work knows the situation.

whats funny is that this is surprisingly par for the course in the wonderful world of panda.

not my first roommate knife fight.
not my first break in.
not even my first murderer roommate.
first time i had to leave though. just cant deal with it anymore.
Where are you finding these roommates??? Is this like a dorm?
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