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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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1. yes
2. yes

His team was way ahead in that game. But still. There were some crazy Qs there. 1k damage on a 4 second cooldown. Wow.
What am I missing here? Q does 180 + 100% AP, every 7 seconds.

To do 1000 damage near a 4 second cooldown you would have to not only completely max CDR (to get you to 4.2 second cooldown), but you would also need 820 AP. Or are you counting Liandry's burn damage or something? 820 AP is a crazy amount for any champion to get, let alone a jungler.


What am I missing here? Q does 180 + 100% AP, every 7 seconds.

To do 1000 damage near a 4 second cooldown you would have to not only completely max CDR (to get you to 4.2 second cooldown), but you would also need 820 AP. Or are you counting Liandry's burn damage or something? 820 AP is a crazy amount for any champion to get, let alone a jungler.

He did have near 900 AP since he was ridiculously fed.


What am I missing here? Q does 180 + 100% AP, every 7 seconds.

To do 1000 damage near a 4 second cooldown you would have to not only completely max CDR (to get you to 4.2 second cooldown), but you would also need 820 AP. Or are you counting Liandry's burn damage or something? 820 AP is a crazy amount for any champion to get, let alone a jungler.
Are you under the impression that 100% AP scaling is low or something? It's not that hard to achieve 800 AP with max build.


He did have near 900 AP since he was ridiculously fed.
I missed seeing whether he had 20-stack Mejais -- was that part of it?

Are you under the impression that 100% AP scaling is low or something? It's not that hard to achieve 800 AP with max build.
What's a normal 800 AP build with 40% CDR? I just rarely see anyone with that much AP. If it's "not that hard" maybe it's more common above silver?


I missed seeing whether he had 20-stack Mejais -- was that part of it?
No. He had Void, Linadry's, the Jungle item with AP enchantment, Rabadon's I think, probably Zhonyas, and sorc boots. Also, elixir. The baron buff played a part in the 900+ AP as well, but he should have 800 AP at least without it.


No. He had Void, Linadry's, the Jungle item with AP enchantment, Rabadon's I think, probably Zhonyas, and sorc boots. Also, elixir. The baron buff played a part in the 900+ AP as well, but he should have 800 AP at least without it.

Pretty sure that won't get you to 800.


cowsep played 1000 AP jungle singed last night and got 20 stacks on his mejais

his fling was literally chunking a mundo's hp bar for 80%

it would one shot vayne

so funny


No. He had Void, Linadry's, the Jungle item with AP enchantment, Rabadon's I think, probably Zhonyas, and sorc boots. Also, elixir. The baron buff played a part in the 900+ AP as well, but he should have 800 AP at least without it.
Baron would make sense. According to my math, those 5 AP items produce 572 AP and 20% CDR. With elixir at level 18, that's 624 AP and 30% CDR.

If you assume the absolute max per-level AP runes (85 AP at level 18?), that's 735 AP and 30% CDR. I'm guessing you could adjust the numbers to get to 35% CDR with masteries / some combination of runes by dialing the AP down slightly.

Someone correct my math if I'm wrong. I don't think the Q procs Liandry's double damage, but Liandry's would still do some extra on top of that.


Pretty sure that won't get you to 800.

Baron would make sense. According to my math, those 5 AP items produce 572 AP and 20% CDR. With elixir at level 18, that's 624 AP and 30% CDR.

If you assume the absolute max per-level AP runes (85 AP at level 18?), that's 735 AP and 30% CDR. I'm guessing you could adjust the numbers to get to 35% CDR with masteries / some combination of runes by dialing the AP down slightly.

Someone correct my math if I'm wrong. I don't think the Q procs Liandry's double damage, but Liandry's would still do some extra on top of that.

I probably do not remember the whole build correctly then, because he had around 930 AP after baron buff. He did have Liandry's, though.

edit: He had Rylai's, I remember that now.


Pretty sure that won't get you to 800.

He had:

void - 70
Magus jungle item - 80
rabadons - 120
liandry - 50
Rylai - 100
needlessly large rod - 80

That's 500. On top of that he had blue elixer for another 40.

540 so far. Add in the Rabadon's bonus for another 30% and you get 702 (882 Q damage right there). The rest must have been made up in any Baron and Dragon bonuses.

I probably do not remember the whole build correctly then, because he had around 930 AP after baron buff. He did have Liandry's, though.

edit: He had Rylai's, I remember that now.

Yeah. It definitely showed over 900 on his stat page.


Just played vs a Rek'sai in Team Builder. She wasn't that great but she did damage, wtf. I didn't expect someone with double-digit deaths to still be relevant.

I love how enemy team was full of silvers/golds and we had 3 level 20s and enemy team was bullying them (cheese and such). Yet they complained of 4v5 (when it wasn't, Braum was just disconnected at the start and came back and bought no wards or boots, but we didn't kill their Tristana then) and how it was "bg".

It's ok. Our Draven/Annie lane got out of control and my Draven got immensely fed. I managed to somehow stay relevant but I played like poop because I have a light headache.


I wonder what the order is in calculating AP. Is Rabadon's applied last?

it depends on what item slot you have it in


I don't know if anyone else has lived in a climate where moles exist, leaving ugly tunnels and holes all over your nice clean yard, but that's what Rek'sai does to the map. :|


at least in theory it's pretty cool cos it sounds like it's only an advantage if you want to make like a last ditch effort and try and fight the enemy team. like you can move malphite through there with homewards to do like a side initiation or something

it seem like it won't help stalling i think

we'll see how it ends up working

it's nice to see rito try and shape up the map like that anyways
It'll probably end up a gimmick build like AP Rengar and get nerfed
No one's going to cry over that nerf since doubling its AP ratio was a terrible decision; that kind of buff remedies none of Rek'sai's intentional shortcomings.

Gut the damage by like 75% and give her a meaningful movement speed increase with strings attached. Then Riot can also stop pretending the +15 MS while burrowed has an impact.


Late to post this after watching the stream, but Nightblue3 challenger jungler, too busy doing blue buff + gromp to come help smite dragon. It got stolen by Xerath and/or the enemy Shaco.


How is he in challenger then? Or are you speaking compared to other challengers?
i mostly hate his self-centered and whiny attitude but sure, he's knows how to play solo queue like trick2g and other solo queue celebrities

he always put himself before the team which is a terrible way to play this game. that's why he took that blue buff decision and why his solo queue stuff wouldn't translate well in pro play. i dunno if he wasn't accepted in a team or if it's like a trick2g thing but yeah, no one wants that jungler


i mostly hate his self-centered and whiny attitude but sure, he's knows how to play solo queue like trick2g and other solo queue celebrities

he always put himself before the team which is a terrible way to play this game. that's why he took that blue buff decision and why his solo queue stuff wouldn't translate well in pro play. i dunno if he decided not to play competitively or if it's like a trick2g thing but yeah, no one wants that jungler

To be honest with the guy, he's been having a way better attitude and a bit more humility. None of the people in soloQ are team players anyway, which kinda sucks but when players get to that point, everyone is so focused on carrying themselves, that only a few understand that sometimes, you get carried (and thus, help the person who is carrying you), and that is fine. QT made a sort of long speech about this some days ago on his stream.

NB3 is always trying to carry himself, that's why you end up seeing with most of the kills, and some even dumb ones (like giving the final blow, since he couldn't get an assist on something), while the rest of his team is starved for gold. Then you hear him be like "team?" when he dies. Of course, your team has no items to back you up...
Sona DJ Hero Champion ultimate skin incoming.

Sona is kinda dull right now but since Soraka got a new skin after her new kit I dont care.

I need to know how for two reasons 1.) I don't see how Panth can lose that lane and 2.) I actually want to try Braum top but he doesn't seem to have anything at all going for him there.

This is his build, Braum was moving forward with his shield up and smashed panth to death if he was in trouble he just R or W to run away.
You guys are going to regret this shit what your team's dumbass Kha'Zix, LeBlanc, Katarina, assassin-du-jour, etc. decides to go all fucking Rambo from the sides and adds the inevitable "[All]gg no follow up from my n00b team".
Must... resist... politically incorrect... joke...
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