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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Rek Sai ....

Spam full ad runes to take advantage of E true damage scaling = Worst jungle in the world

Take standard AS and ad runes for nice jungling = Do no damage to enemies

Take all tank runes = Terrible clear and still squishy as hell since she has no shield or bonus arm/mr skill

I'm really interested in seeing what a pro can do with rek sai.

I feel like there's something there but I can't seem to find the balance


Rek Sai ....

Spam full ad runes to take advantage of E true damage scaling = Worst jungle in the world

Take standard AS and ad runes for nice jungling = Do no damage to enemies

Take all tank runes = Terrible clear and still squishy as hell since she has no shield or bonus arm/mr skill

I'm really interested in seeing what a pro can do with rek sai.

I feel like there's something there but I can't seem to find the balance
Nightblu3 was playing challenger and getting crazy kill scores with both AP (rylais into AP items discussed earlier in the thread) and AD (hydra) builds. I don't know if they have stream archives but you might check there.
Rek Sai ....

Spam full ad runes to take advantage of E true damage scaling = Worst jungle in the world

Take standard AS and ad runes for nice jungling = Do no damage to enemies

Take all tank runes = Terrible clear and still squishy as hell since she has no shield or bonus arm/mr skill

I'm really interested in seeing what a pro can do with rek sai.

I feel like there's something there but I can't seem to find the balance

Maybe the trick is having the rage meter full always and lands E like crazy


Fixed the link

Thanks. Here's hoping I finally persevere long enough to learn the role (and not spam Tris.)

After an insane tilt at the end of the season, falling from Silver I to Silver IV 0 lp (yes it's possible), sticking to Ori brought me back to Silver II.

Granted, I spent most of that time forcing myself to learn map awareness and not look at my character/pointer, so it was worth it somewhat. (watching the unswlolsoc series helped a lot.) My CS numbers have more than doubled in that span.

I played Jayce again in my S.II series after a very long hiatus, and I'm surprised at how much better I am. It's also really weird how my deaths are now on the lower end of 1-6, where it used to be twice that.

All I'm saying is, give me the Ori skin RIOT.
A new Jayce skin would also be welcomed.

Edit: Piglet officially hates Scarra. "Whenever this Talon is on my team, I never win."


do well in game - lose game

do awful in game - win game


Lately on every Annie support game I do, I do so fucking poorly, but at least my team gets objectives after everyone dumps their ults on me, so I guess it's not so bad.

My KDA is looking godawful though lol.


So over the past 2 days me and my friend have manged to get 13 straight losses even lost to a 4 v 5 in one of the games. I mean i was a big part to blame in maybe 4 or 5 of the games because i played just plain shit but the rest of them man people seem to think they can fight when 3 levels down and stuff like that.

Went from promo from silver 3 which i think i would have just went right into silver 1 if I win all the way down to 15 LP silver 4.

Also the amount of times we could have taken an easy dragon early and we dont because our mid wants to farm or jungle want to get his red. It really is mad how people playing this still don't understand that objectives win games not chasing the support for that one kill.

Guess I am due a win soon.


Has anyone else been having odd higher ping than usual? My ping has been averaging at +!00 then what it is used to.


I spectated some Rek'Sai games last night by high elo players. A few people absolutely dominated with her, but some looked totally impotent. She's going to take some time to figure out, but man, she sure looked fun.




Am I the only one getting these "disconnected from PVP.net" messages like crazy? I can't get a game started to save my life.

EDIT : Yeah this is insane. Can't get a single team builder game started. My internet seems fine.


I actually don't like tp top anymore. Its good with an organized team but I'd rather secure my lane winning with ignite or exhaust


Worst enemy team comp holy shit.

We can call them the Ol' Sub 45s...because their picks' win rates are that bad.

just picture irelia and sivir when you take it out of context

I've checked out Newt's and Neko's op.gg profiles. We are doing Ziggs x Draven. Now show it on Twitch.

people trying to play Rek'Sai top... :lol

it's like a worse Shyvana that can't make use of the upside (mobility)

And yet every single Rek'Sai top I played with dominated their lane.

(I'm aware that it has a lot more to do with the other tops being fucking terrible)
I spectated some Rek'Sai games last night by high elo players. A few people absolutely dominated with her, but some looked totally impotent. She's going to take some time to figure out, but man, she sure looked fun.
I played a few games, and yeah. She is beyond fun. But I haven't figured her out. The last game I played last night, we won:

I ulted once the entire time. Enemy team kept destroying my tunnels.

The enemy team was Wukong, Lulu, Fiddlesticks....I can't remember who else. Sooo much CC. It was so annoying that Wukong could swing his stick and knock me into the air with his spin move. I know I shouldn't be so picky that a man swinging a stick in the air can unburrow a creature in the ground....but more frustrating, I would stay unburrowed after! I swear I saw Riot say that wasn't possible, and that you would return into the ground. Welp, it wasn't happening.

Multiple times when I was burrowed my vision never went dark.

AP Rek'Sai is awful. The Q can become strong, and in combination with the range is nice. But the hitbox for the Q is soooo narrow. I was missing a ton with it.

I can't figure out how to not die with Rek'Sai. I know the game with so much CC wasn't a good game to judge by, but she is sooo squishy. I didn't get her monstrous until I had a Ravenous Hydra and Bloodthirster. The Bloodthirster I really loved with her. Ravenous Hydra, not so much. Tonight I'm going to abandon all damage completely, and build 100% tank.


Rek'Sai's AD scaling might not be as good as they seem. I doubt Hydra (which I see everyone build) is a core offensive item. She has two abilities with ~6s or less CD which means that even with a small amount of CDR she's a strong candidate for sheen items, both Trinity Force and IBG should work fine (yes I know she's manaless, but she has the potential to spam IBG's slow field procs so it's ok).

Another good item for Rek'Sai which I haven't seen built yet is Black Cleaver. She's has oodles of physical AoE spells. A single burrowed-E unburrowed-Q combination will apply 4 of 5 BC stacks in to all targets around her very quickly.

Also, Rek'Sai isn't squishy. She has some of the best base defensive stats in the game.
Ok so I've been asking for months to no avail so maybe GAF can help. I'm using a Macbook Air and Malzahar is my main, but he's also the only champ that I've had graphical glitches with where his skills come out at black circles instead of the regular particles. Basically I want to buy Snow Day Malzahar next week but i'm worried his graphical glitches will persist even with the new particles which would just be a waste of money.

Im seeing this:


When it should look like this:

His Q, W, and E are all affected by these black circles and it applies to enemy Malzahars as well.

I've tried repairing the client to no avail, as well as mess with all the video settings in game from low to high quality, no shadow/shadow, anti aliasing, etc. so does anyone know what else I can do?


ArcaneFreeze, that is a corrupt shader in your LoL shader cache if I ever saw one.
Try not repairing client, but fully clear all LOL-related data from your computer. Including remains in your appdata/roaming or cache directories, if there is something like that. (There is, I just do not know exactly where.)
ArcaneFreeze, that is a corrupt shader in your LoL shader cache if I ever saw one.
Try not repairing client, but fully clear all LOL-related data from your computer. Including remains in your appdata/roaming or cache directories, if there is something like that. (There is, I just do not know exactly where.)

So completely uninstall LOL and clear any remaining files? If this were a PC it'd be easy but im new to the Macbook scene x.x

that's weird

have you tried doing a clean reinstall of your video drivers?

How would I go about doing this?


yeah, completely cleaning up your league folder would also be a good idea tho i guess repairing the game should fix most issues related to that. i dunno how that works in mac, tho

for drivers i can only tell you through nvidia but you should go here download the one corresponding to your videocard series and when it prompts you choosing to do a clean install.
yeah, completely cleaning up your league folder would also be a good idea tho i guess repairing the game should fix most issues related to that. i dunno how that works in mac, tho

for drivers i can only tell you through nvidia but you should go here download the one corresponding to your videocard series and when it prompts you choosing to do a clean install.

Hmm well my macbook using Intel HD Graphics 3000, dont think Nvidia or GeForce websites will help. Im a complete tech noob lol.
Rek'Sai's AD scaling might not be as good as they seem. I doubt Hydra (which I see everyone build) is a core offensive item. She has two abilities with ~6s or less CD which means that even with a small amount of CDR she's a strong candidate for sheen items, both Trinity Force and IBG should work fine (yes I know she's manaless, but she has the potential to spam IBG's slow field procs so it's ok).

Another good item for Rek'Sai which I haven't seen built yet is Black Cleaver. She's has oodles of physical AoE spells. A single burrowed-E unburrowed-Q combination will apply 4 of 5 BC stacks in to all targets around her very quickly.

Also, Rek'Sai isn't squishy. She has some of the best base defensive stats in the game.
Well I sure felt squishy! But you may be right. Thanks for item suggestions. I'll give them a try tonight. I'm currently using 21/9/0 on my Masteries. I'm thinking switching to defensive.
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