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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I dunno
It is unfortunate that her sheltered, wide-eyed naivete led her to take unnecessary and dangerous chances which ultimately led to her tragic demise
That does sound something a bot laner would do

I can already picture human Ori typing in all chat #orimechanics
Shyvana is awesome top. Fiora can't touch her.

I know it sounds like I say this a lot, but for real: did you just get ahead early or something? From my experience it's always been the opposite. Unless Shyvana gets mega tanky really quick Fiora's pretty strong against Shyvana in a 1 v 1 situation.

Did the Fiora press her early advantage or was she pretty passive? Did she take a bad trade in a minion wave or something? I'm genuinely interested.


I personally rush statik on either Tryndamere or Ganglpank if I'm top.
Though if as Trynda I'm pushing real well and able to stay in my lane for a good long period, I would likely rush Inf. Edge if on my first back if I have enough for a BFS.

What ability did you max out first?

It's kind of legit on Trynda/GP. On adcs, not so much.
I know it sounds like I say this a lot, but for real: did you just get ahead early or something? From my experience it's always been the opposite. Unless Shyvana gets mega tanky really quick Fiora's pretty strong against Shyvana in a 1 v 1 situation.

Did the Fiora press her early advantage or was she pretty passive? Did she take a bad trade in a minion wave or something? I'm genuinely interested.
Yeah I don't see what Shyv can do to Fiora early either.


Got to try reksai. She's got a fun kit but I don't know quite how she's going to fit in. It feels like she needs to be tanky because she has to get all up in the middle of everything with no escapes once she's committed but she scales pretty well with AD and has such limited CC. I don't know. I think she'll do best with a tanky top initiator like maokai or something. Gotta be real strategic with the tunnels too. I had a hard time keeping any up near the enemy. Limited the use of my ult.


So can anyone give me a good break down on what a good build path / camp order for the new jungle? I'm kind of not sure what's optimal.

Like what machete upgrade is seeing a lot of play?
So can anyone give me a good break down on what a good build path / camp order for the new jungle? I'm kind of not sure what's optimal.

Like what machete upgrade is seeing a lot of play?
Gromp/Krugs start into your first buff seems like the way to go for now.

Trailblazer should still be the undisputed best smite upgrade.


Crazy game yesterday with some friends.

Haven't played as Kha in a little while, so I figured I'd bring it back and use him mid. AP Naut was pretty annoying, especially in lane. Rek'Sai was dominating our team too. We got out-roamed and out-rotated for most of the game. Just really far behind. Eventually they decided to keep grouping and pushing mid. That's where I kept getting multi-kills and started getting tons of gold. So many times i'd get really low in a fight, make some miraculous maneuver to escape with my life, recall, heal, then get back into the fight to kill them all.

It was a really fun game, but my cs was poop. I rarely play mid nowadays so it was good to get back into it.
So can anyone give me a good break down on what a good build path / camp order for the new jungle? I'm kind of not sure what's optimal.

Like what machete upgrade is seeing a lot of play?

Gromp/Krugs start into your first buff seems like the way to go for now.

Trailblazer should still be the undisputed best smite upgrade.
I shed a tear everytime I still see junglers buy Ranger's Trailblazer on champions that already have fast AoE clearing and good self-sustain like Rek'sai, Udyr or Cho'gath. Now that the CDR on it is removed, there's all the more reason for them to buy Stalker's Blade instead for the slow, or Skirmisher's if they're one of the select few (like Master Yi) who can actually apply the marked true damage auto-attacks in quick succession. Not to say it's bad, far from it, but it's not head and shoulders above everything else anymore if your champion of choice is already well-rounded for the role.

Hero, just ignore Poacher's by the way. It's a garbage item with no worthwhile utility in its current form. And with regards to enchantments: they're all pretty good.


I shed a tear everytime I still see junglers buy Ranger's Trailblazer on champions that already have fast AoE clearing and good self-sustain like Rek'sai, Udyr or Cho'gath. Now that the CDR on it is removed, there's all the more reason for them to buy Stalker's Blade instead for the slow, or Skirmisher's if they're one of the select few (like Master Yi) who can actually apply the marked true damage auto-attacks in quick succession. Not to say it's bad, far from it, but it's not head and shoulders above everything else anymore if your champion of choice is already well-rounded for the role.

Hero, just ignore Poacher's by the way. It's a garbage item with no worthwhile utility in its current form. And with regards to enchantments: they're all pretty good.

I've been using Ranger's Trailblazer on Tiger Udyr lately. Is that not so good?


I wish shyvana's e would slow the first champion hit or something. She just can't stick to anyone without Bork or randuins.


i mean i'm not 100% against ori's lore being about her discovering adc role is for shitters after feeding too much so she moved mid

that's basically my story


i mean i'm not 100% against ori's lore being about her discovering adc role is for shitters after feeding too much so she moved mid

that's basically my story

Wow Newt, will you stand and say nothing?


I'm bored and I need to get cooking soon ._.



i don't regret it


o u

also is the rumor for dj sona real?

there are pbe files talking about dubstep

so unfortunately yeah

i'm not buying it since as you can see in the gif i only have 2k~ rp and that's gonna be 1100 after poro ori and they increased rp prices here a little while ago to the point where i don't feel like supporting it anymore and doing my 5 bucks a month subscription or whatever i used to do
I've been using Ranger's Trailblazer on Tiger Udyr lately. Is that not so good?
On Tiger Udyr I can understand since he's primarily a single target auto-attacker - I still buy Ranger's on Trundle for reference since he doesn't need the on-target slow and I'm uncertain about Skirmisher's on him - but given that I prefer Phoenix Udyr, I could only be justifying it for a little more mana per Smite clear which... is very poor reasoning and is remedied with a few mana potions early on. Never mind that he won't struggle with mana in the long run. Not going Stalker's even on Tiger Udyr complicates his ganking routine though, so it's a balancing act and why I ultimately opt for Phoenix; still hits quite hard with the latter stance without being slower than the former at clearing.

B-but 20 gold!
"Let's change the item so it tracks the total gold when Smiting an enemy camp, even though that sum still cannot compare to the 50% bonus gold income. Totally not placebo effect you guys."
I still think Ranger's is the best option. At least with Xin, I felt like I was never healthy enough to countergank when I needed to when I built skirmishers.


So I play an ARAM with randoms (why did I). Enemy team has an OBVIOUS scripter Xerath who anybody with half a brain could spot.

I ask my team politely (I swear to god I just said "Hey guys let's report this Xerath for scripts after the match" right after he used his first blatantly scripted ult) to report him after the match because he's using scripts. What happens? Well, what looks to be a premade of mentally handicapped kids start mocking me and through the whole match they keep making comments such as "omg he's scripting!" "lemme script my ult!", "let's script surrender" and so on. So, the moronic kids don't report him, obviously, and not only that, they report ME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 0 reports for the fucking hacking scum and the premade of dumbasses who harrassed me the whole match for TRYING TO MAKE THE COMMUNITY BETTER.

Another 100 games chat restriction incoming I guess right Riot? I fucking give up with this fucking piece of shit of a community. It's a fucking cancer of the worst kind and it's got no cure. I'm just gonna ignore everyone every match and let them sink on their own disgusting pile of toxic vomit of immaturity and mental retardation.


"Let's change the item so it tracks the total gold when Smiting an enemy camp, even though that sum still cannot compare to the 50% bonus gold income. Totally not placebo effect you guys."
50% more money sounded broken as fuck tho

i do agree that 20g is kind of shit, they should probably bump that up, but not to silly levels where it becomes the new axe thingie


So I play an ARAM with randoms (why did I). Enemy team has an OBVIOUS scripter Xerath who anybody with half a brain could spot.

I ask my team politely (I swear to god I just said "Hey guys let's report this Xerath for scripts after the match" right after he used his first blatantly scripted ult) to report him after the match because he's using scripts. What happens? Well, what looks to be a premade of mentally handicapped kids start mocking me and through the whole match they keep making comments such as "omg he's scripting!" "lemme script my ult!", "let's script surrender" and so on. So, the moronic kids don't report him, obviously, and not only that, they report ME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 0 reports for the fucking hacking scum and the premade of dumbasses who harrassed me the whole match for TRYING TO MAKE THE COMMUNITY BETTER.

Another 100 games chat restriction incoming I guess right Riot? I fucking give up with this fucking piece of shit of a community. It's a fucking cancer of the worst kind and it's got no cure. I'm just gonna ignore everyone every match and let them sink on their own disgusting pile of toxic vomit of immaturity and mental retardation.
I understand you are upset that people didn't agree with you about the Xerath, but isn't it pretty offensive to go on like that about handicapped people?


On Tiger Udyr I can understand since he's primarily a single target auto-attacker - I still buy Ranger's on Trundle for reference since he doesn't need the on-target slow and I'm uncertain about Skirmisher's on him - but given that I prefer Phoenix Udyr, I could only be justifying it for a little more mana per Smite clear which... is very poor reasoning and is remedied with a few mana potions early on. Never mind that he won't struggle with mana in the long run. Not going Stalker's even on Tiger Udyr complicates his ganking routine though, so it's a balancing act and why I ultimately opt for Phoenix; still hits quite hard with the latter stance without being slower than the former at clearing.

Thanks, I don't jungle that often, so I'm trying to get an idea of what's good and what isn't.


I understand you are upset that people didn't agree with you about the Xerath, but isn't it pretty offensive to go on like that about handicapped people?

They didn't "agree" with me? Haha. Listen, there was no room for opinion there, he didn't miss a single spell in the whole game and was oneshotting people halfway across the map with ultimates 0,1 sec after he used them.

And I don't want to offend any person with down syndrome or any real mental disability, I was using "retard" as a synonymous of "idiot" or "stupid" as it's usually done. I bet you knew this so I don't know why you had to make such a remark to be honest, it's something I'd expect only from the politically correct brigade and their crusade to distort comments to point their immaculate fingers at the user so the mods think he's attacking something or someone. I thought that fortunately there weren't any in this thread.


the way you talk makes it really hard to feel sympathy for you at least

like, i get it that it sucks pretty hard that a bunch of premades trolled you but instead of doing a normal venting you just go into these long tirades that, politically correct or not, are just really unpleasant to read


Can you guys believe it? I asked my team to punish an enemy player who was violating the terms of the game with the worst offense possible and they decided to harrass me the whole match and report me instead! So I'm probably gonna get a chat restriction for trying to be a good player and making the community better.

Oh boy, some people are quite incredible right? Riot !!! ¬_¬ xD

Sorry I can't talk like that when I'm getting punished for respecting the rules of the game.
Can you guys believe it? I asked my team to punish an enemy player who was violating the terms of the game with the worst offense possible and they decided to harrass me the whole match and report me instead! So I'm probably gonna get a chat restriction for trying to be a good player and making the community better.

Oh boy, some people are quite incredible right? Riot !!! ¬_¬ xD

Sorry I can't talk like that when I'm getting punished for respecting the rules of the game.

It's called being a snitch breh.
Riot fucked up with something in this patch, I can't tell if it's framerate drops or actual lag but I can't fucking play properly. Everything is delayed and I play as if I had severe lag even though my connection and ping are fine.


I'm not one to condone Nev's wording but to be honest, that has to be really frustrating, particularly if your team "mates" keep picking up on you. I know Nev is not the friendliest of the bunch here but clearly that situation has to suck balls, sorry about it man. ;o

Speaking of the rule of 1 skin per champ, I have 2 skins for WW that I never wanted, ty Mystery gift (notrly). I had a dream the other day I was mystery gifted Forecast Janna ._. sucked to wake up (I may be obsessed).
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