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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Riot fucked up with something in this patch, I can't tell if it's framerate drops or actual lag but I can't fucking play properly. Everything is delayed and I play as if I had severe lag even though my connection and ping are fine.

I've been getting that every now and then. Like random lag spikes.
Riot fucked up with something in this patch, I can't tell if it's framerate drops or actual lag but I can't fucking play properly. Everything is delayed and I play as if I had severe lag even though my connection and ping are fine.

I am getting some random freezing screens but I guess is a different issue


lol that's such a clear tell

It's such a cool skin ._. I don't even use Janna that much, but some skins are just so interesting... Same with Final Boss Veigar, I rarely play mid, and when I do, I rarely play Veigar, yet I am so tempted to snatch that skin. lol.

I've had some weird flickering on screen sometimes (like I am fairly sure it's an entire summoner spell flashing the icon on screen) so I'm not sure. The other day I had the Nexus fountain exhude a red icon with a soldier or something (dominion maybe?).

Seems to be a per-game case so not really complaining but it can be annoying sometimes (particularly the random flicker that I mentioned first).


What if Flash made the entire screen flash?

Pokemon? ;o

You know, typing my post got me wondering, what if the screen flickers when someone does it? Like, it's not even a screen technical flicker, I can tell it's some low-res/expanded icon/drawing for a split second, so maybe it happens when someone uses it? Or maybe it's just random!


Second Rek'sai game. I did pretty well but we lost after a bad push. Had all 5 dragons and a baron. Having a tough time finding her niche. Really did best picking people off and deleting them early game. Once I started building tanky it was going downhill.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

i don't regret it

You're a true American hero Zky.


So I play an ARAM with randoms (why did I). Enemy team has an OBVIOUS scripter Xerath who anybody with half a brain could spot.

I ask my team politely (I swear to god I just said "Hey guys let's report this Xerath for scripts after the match" right after he used his first blatantly scripted ult) to report him after the match because he's using scripts. What happens? Well, what looks to be a premade of mentally handicapped kids start mocking me and through the whole match they keep making comments such as "omg he's scripting!" "lemme script my ult!", "let's script surrender" and so on. So, the moronic kids don't report him, obviously, and not only that, they report ME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 0 reports for the fucking hacking scum and the premade of dumbasses who harrassed me the whole match for TRYING TO MAKE THE COMMUNITY BETTER.

Another 100 games chat restriction incoming I guess right Riot? I fucking give up with this fucking piece of shit of a community. It's a fucking cancer of the worst kind and it's got no cure. I'm just gonna ignore everyone every match and let them sink on their own disgusting pile of toxic vomit of immaturity and mental retardation.
I don't know what I would do without you Nev.
What makes you think he was scripting though? I've had my good days with Xerath where I hit pretty much everything. Some players are also just unbelievably predictable. Likewise I've had days where I catch pretty much every skill shot.
What makes you think he was scripting though? I've had my good days with Xerath where I hit pretty much everything. Some players are also just unbelievably predictable. Likewise I've had days where I catch pretty much every skill shot.
A scripting Xerath is pretty easy to tell though.


Can you guys believe it? I asked my team to punish an enemy player who was violating the terms of the game with the worst offense possible and they decided to harrass me the whole match and report me instead! So I'm probably gonna get a chat restriction for trying to be a good player and making the community better.

Oh boy, some people are quite incredible right? Riot !!! ¬_¬ xD

Sorry I can't talk like that when I'm getting punished for respecting the rules of the game.
From what I've understood a 4man premade reporting the 5th player doesn't count for much. Don't think you have to be worried about that particular game adding to your chat restriction.


outside of the one play where i killed the diamond smurf by dashing under tower, i hated that game

the guy must be an elo booster, his stream says donate to duo lol

I wish more streams used text-voice bots for donations.

are they hammering chris?


basically bottom line there's no story reason for what happens every summoner rift game you play now. there's no story to tie every champion together either other than all these champions being in runeterra at the same time.

a lot of champions don't necessarily "make sense" right now but outside of a few pretty big exceptions like fiddle they're generally ok

most old bios are more like "here's all this personal thing about this champion to justify him joining the league". so now the stories will be focused on the personal stuff and that's about it

they didn't do a massive rewrite of everyone's stories because if they did they would just be like megling the league out. instead the idea is slowly replacing the old bios with better ones that actually add stuff to the characters and make them more interesting and more fitting with the world. depending on the character they'll get more or less changes and all that. they redid a bunch of shurima-related bios for azir's release, for instance.

and hopefully for ori's new bio there'll be mentions of her pre-robot self being a super cool ballerina gunman (sorry for size)

So the League does still exist in some form then? I mean maybe I'm missing something, but I didn't think it was a terrible concept. Super simple but effective way of explaining what's happening. But if it means the backgrounds will be better for it then cool.


So the League does still exist in some form then? I mean maybe I'm missing something, but I didn't think it was a terrible concept. Super simple but effective way of explaining what's happening. But if it means the backgrounds will be better for it then cool.
no, the league or the tribunal of war or fields of justice or whatever doesn't exist anymore. they weren't destroyed or dissolved or anything, they just never existed. summoners as far as lore is concerned are no more either. players are now summoners but that doesn't mean they actually summon champions and do politics through fighting on summoners rift or whatever. basically there's no longer any context to what you do when you play the game. these are champions randomly fighting for random reasons. it's just gameplay now, which imo is pretty easy to forgive

freeing themselves from the whole league thing was a great success since if you actually sit and read the bios a lot of them are first, pretty bad, and second, the joining-the-league reasons were super lame. like, pantheon is a super strong dude, he likes war and fighting and all that shit. so he joins the league so he can do some more of his hobby of war and fighting and being a 300 caricature. most champions are like that and it's really not that interesting. so they remove the league's "screentime" to make everything about the character itself and their relationship with the different factions and such. there's no need to wrap around that character's story into how he joined the league, they can just be given cool personalities and that's it

i've been eating up all the lore that we've been getting since they restarted this thing and some of it is really well written and pretty compelling. it's still the usual tropes with a spin or two but i like it a lot, specially since things like the new sion reveal and azir and xerath's recounts of the fall of shurima, those were great


trinity then tank (frozen heart pref, whatever is needed in game after that)

Ah that's cool, ty! Do you normally not get BotRK then? Or it comes after after your 2nd/3rd item? I have been curious about grabbing her but she's going to have to wait for a couple champions first.


double morellos into liandry's + rylais build is terrible on azir

i dunno why i did it lol

beware of terrible build

I won a game where our Mid Azir went Unholy Grail first =_=.
We were behind in the early game and their jungle Gargas fed from mid game on onwards. I ended up feeding Renekton a few times early on, but from Mid game I tanked up and would mainly focus the enemy Ahri.

After we take out Ahri and Renekton like 40 mins. in the game, they surrender (Gargas was AFK by that point). Surprised me since with a Tanky Rene, Leona and Ahri they could've beaten us.
Game 1 of promos: "Nami you really should learn how to play support".

Ah, yeah, that must be the reason I managed to squander our sizeable gold advantage in lane. Not the part where you E right between a wall and the accompanying Vayne/Blitz combo, my bad.

Fucking idiot.


second offensive items come only when im far ahead

Right, make sense! Thanks!

Game 1 of promos: "Nami you really should learn how to play support".

Ah, yeah, that must be the reason I managed to squander our sizeable gold advantage in lane. Not the part where you E right between a wall and the accompanying Vayne/Blitz combo, my bad.

Fucking idiot.

Too many ADCs play as if supports could cover every single mistake they make lol. I guess it was an Ezreal or a Lucian huh? Not surprising.



If anyone who doesn't play this game is reading this, look at what happens when someone (it wasn't me) says "have fun and a nice game" in champion select. That is how despicable the community is. Yes, it is the WORST community to ever exist in a online game. Nothing has ever come remotely close to the bunch of subhumans that destroy this game. It isn't worth it.



If anyone who doesn't play this game is reading this, look at what happens when someone (it wasn't me) says "have fun and a nice game" in champion select. That is how despicable the community is. Yes, it is the WORST community to ever exist in a online game. Nothing has ever come remotely close to the bunch of subhumans that destroy this game. It isn't worth it.

Lol. That isn't even slightly different than other communities. I had to turn off voice chat in csgo it was so obnoxious.
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