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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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not a great game by me but i was drunk so who cares


something something solo q



I won a game where our Mid Azir went Unholy Grail first =_=.
We were behind in the early game and their jungle Gargas fed from mid game on onwards. I ended up feeding Renekton a few times early on, but from Mid game I tanked up and would mainly focus the enemy Ahri.

After we take out Ahri and Renekton like 40 mins. in the game, they surrender (Gargas was AFK by that point). Surprised me since with a Tanky Rene, Leona and Ahri they could've beaten us.
athenes is more than fine on azir



not a great game by me but i was drunk so who cares


something something solo q
nice, congrats

make sure to give yourself a heca skin as reward


Grats 23qwerty!

I got a couple good games today. First one we were Thresh/Jinx vs Sona/Graves. It was going really well, Sona was full AP so she hurt like hell, but she was super squishy. I hooked her a couple of times which allowed us to take her down a bit, enough for her not to participate that much in trade (she still did). So I put my Thresh-lane-dominance pants on, and I was ruthless. I kept autoattacking and using the bush to deagro and I basically forced Graves to neglect farm and trade when I knew we would come out on top despite Sona's stats. I got my ADC fed early on (Sona ended up killing him) even though he had like 400 ping going on (his brother was downloading something) and then jungle would come and end up mopping up the kills. Come midgame I roamed a bit (only to mid though, never top) and got some fatty assists. My ADC complained a bit but tbh, I was there when needed be, and he mispositioned a bit. I guess I could have peeled a bit better but I can't really solve when we get flanked and you don't position accordingly... (even with lantern).


Second game we played Leona/Corki vs Thresh/Kalista and we dominated the lane despite Rek'Sai's constant ganks (in fact he kept on trying to gank yet we chunked her to half life before she reached to us lol). Thresh was really bad and seemed to have no synergy with Kalista. Our Warwick never ganked us and he missed 2 Dragons. First one was ok to miss because we had just backed after a fight mid and I think I was the only one to survive... while he was farming (all he did). Second one he missed because despite me giving warning (30s til Dragon) and pinging and everyone being there, well he decided Red Buff was more important... so obviously we were outsmited. I told the team that we absolutely needed next Dragon, which we did get, and that we should group. As soon as we started doing that, all went a lot better. I still missed like 4 assists because people splitting and chasing through jungle, and me only managing to stick to one target ._. At least with Thresh I can wack people while they try to escape!

I found it really funny I outdamaged our Warwick lol. I mean, I know Warwick is not that scary anymore, but c'mon...


Fun day in League! I still need to practice more Thresh's Flays, but I was so in the zone with my hooks today, that I really can't complain!
Obvious 'observation' incoming, if you can even call it such. I tried Mid'gath against a Zed today and the buff to his Feast cooldown turns match-ups against assassins (which generally were already in his favour) into an even more lopsided affair with how you can achieve that "can't all-in me" threshold faster, while having an easier time maintaining it. His ult animating significantly quicker also makes it more difficult for said assassins to jump out of its range, so this frustrating lane experience for those type of champions just became a lot more annoying.


Obvious 'observation' incoming, if you can even call it such. I tried Mid'gath against a Zed today and the buff to his Feast cooldown turns match-ups against assassins (which generally were already in his favour) into an even more lopsided affair with how you can achieve that "can't all-in me" threshold faster, while having an easier time maintaining it. His ult animating significantly quicker also makes it more difficult for said assassins to jump out of its range, so this frustrating lane experience for those type of champions just became a lot more annoying.

wait they sped up his ult animation?


Obvious 'observation' incoming, if you can even call it such. I tried Mid'gath against a Zed today and the buff to his Feast cooldown turns match-ups against assassins (which generally were already in his favour) into an even more lopsided affair with how you can achieve that "can't all-in me" threshold faster, while having an easier time maintaining it. His ult animating significantly quicker also makes it more difficult for said assassins to jump out of its range, so this frustrating lane experience for those type of champions just became a lot more annoying.

This sounds great. Gonna try this whenever I have to play mid vs an assassin.


Yeah it's been pretty much instant noms for a while now.

Quite satisfying.
It comes out faster than it did before, yes. You notice the difference immediately. It's been implemented a while ago though, not necessarily with the current patch.

that's interesting

i used to play a lot of mid cho back in the day

my style of mid cho which is basically me giggling at a like a million true damage because i built glass cannon

maybe i should try that again
This sounds great. Gonna try this whenever I have to play mid vs an assassin.
Broken record I know, just don't buy Rod of Ages and don't pick or max Q first either. RoA just weakens his laning phase for excessive sustain as well as stats that can be gotten elsewhere, and putting points into Feral Scream rather than Rupture is more effective since it increases the silence duration alongside providing (comparatively speaking) instantaneous damage.

Also, in between 400 - 550 health is usually the "I can kill you zone" depending on whether you hit Feral Scream before / after the rank 1 Feast, use up Ignite or even land a few Vorpal Spikes auto-attacks.


Got Braum in an ARAM match, and had a blast. After Randuin and Spirit visage I said eff it, got BoRK and at 1.5 attack speed I was stacking that passive like no one's business.
Helped that enemy team had Sion and Skarner too :V
Jungler question. If I have a laner who is losing terribly, should I start focusing on ganking their lane a ton more to help balance it out? Or is there a point you abandon a lane because the laner on your team is a complete moron---or maybe not even a moron but just getting schooled---and shift focus on helping another lane of yours snowball through constant ganks?


Jungler question. If I have a laner who is losing terribly, should I start focusing on ganking their lane a ton more to help balance it out? Or is there a point you abandon a lane because the laner on your team is a complete moron---or maybe not even a moron but just getting schooled---and shift focus on helping another lane of yours snowballing through constant ganks?

If they are far enough behind it is pointless to gank their lane. Just go help someone else.



If anyone who doesn't play this game is reading this, look at what happens when someone (it wasn't me) says "have fun and a nice game" in champion select. That is how despicable the community is. Yes, it is the WORST community to ever exist in a online game. Nothing has ever come remotely close to the bunch of subhumans that destroy this game. It isn't worth it.

I'm curious, but what division is this? The most toxic players I've come across are ones that call other players 'noob' and such.

Except this one time that I recall vividly; a player was harassing another who was losing lane, the unfortunate recipient asked all chat to report the offensive player.

until he couldn't take it anymore

"I hope your mother dies just so I can see you cry."

"Man, you ask everyone to report me and say some messed up thing like that."

I haven't laughed that hard in a game since.


On the other hand he can go full tilt and start intentionally feeding because no ganks.
Then the game is unwinnable anyway, so don't gank for that guy. He will lose and you can win some other game because you make the right decision to not gank a lane that is losing too hard.

It's almost always better to snowball the winning lane, make the even lane tip the scales towards winning or make a slightly losing lane catch up.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
On the other hand he can go full tilt and start intentionally feeding because no ganks.
The worst is when they start blaming you, the jungler, for their poor performance. I had a heimer who died 3 times in the first five minutes and called me to gank and I told him no because I would probably die too. He then proceeded to rage the entire game. We got snowballed.


Yep, if a lane is losing too badly, just focus on other lanes. Two lanes can potentially make up for one bad lane. Mute the person if they harass in chat.

Sometimes you may also lose and it may not even be your fault -- that's lifle as a jungler, so you have to try to find some way to be zen about it I guess.


On the other hand he can go full tilt and start intentionally feeding because no ganks.

Tell him your strategy. Give him a path to success (build tanky, get that item, get this item). Let them know how they can salvage their situation if they aren't doing it (group with us to get assists, for example). Tell them you'll gank another lane and then roam with that lane's players to relieve pressure. If you explain players what you're doing, and do it in a positive way (i.e. avoid "I'm not ganking for you because you suck") 80% of players will actually understand. Even accept some blame even (you're right, you're champion X and it would have been a good idea to gank early, my bad, but I thought doing Y was a better idea).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Tell him your strategy. Give him a path to success (build tanky, get that item, get this item).
I actually dislike when people on my team try to dictate what the other players do to this degree. Usually people spend more time typing stuff up and worrying about other people when they could be doing more with their own play.


Jungler question. If I have a laner who is losing terribly, should I start focusing on ganking their lane a ton more to help balance it out? Or is there a point you abandon a lane because the laner on your team is a complete moron---or maybe not even a moron but just getting schooled---and shift focus on helping another lane of yours snowball through constant ganks?
i don't jungle but my opinion on it from roamy midlane perspective is that you shouldn't focus on various aspects.

like if your top lane is losing like 0-4 against riven chances are that she'll kill you both, or even if you get a kill on her you'll blow summoners or maybe one of you will die, in general a pretty bad situation. in that case i think you want to mostly forget about that lane or make it a three/four man gank. it's sometimes really worth it to spend all those resources since shutdown gold for 3 or 4 people is really nice. you'll almost certainly sacrifice something for it but if it gets that laner into a good situation and also helps snowball another lane (say your ahri mid pushes and comes help and gets 125g or 150g assist gold). but yeah, if she kills you all or gets away that's a big waste.

if the 0-4 is mid against like twisted fate or something that's easier but again depends on the champions. you don't want to gank against a 4 kills syndra, that's just suicide

then you have to consider your own laner, if it's someone like maokai that can come back easily off a few ganks you might want to even things out and let them scale their way to victory. and also prevent that 4-0 riven become a 7-0

and finally you have to consider other lanes. rule of thumb is always gank the lane with the highest kill potential, so if a lane's winning you want to gank that the most. or if a lane has low mobility squishy champions like bot or mid you want that easy quick kill rather than dishing it out for a while with maokai top lane or whatever. so if the other lanes are winning, you can make the decision between helping the losing lane or helping the winning lanes win even harder. it's important that you see what those lanes do with it and what kind of champions they are too. if you have a snowballing corki or fizz you might find that dragons will come easy since they'll just melt whoever tries to spot them. but also care because like fizz and vayne and zed players are generally idiots that will throw away whatever lead you gift them. but hey if you have that snowballed corki you can get a kill bot, take the turret/dragon, then back and next time go get mid.

in the end it's not really clear cut and it depends on a lot of factors, but i think generally letting know the losing lane "hey i'm gonna camp bot and try to get something out of it that lets you back in the game" and then acting on it is very important. like you for sure have a big problem in your hands, so you have to solve it somehow. you need to find another person that can match that 4-0 riven, be it your vayne or your syndra or your maokai, so look at how they're playing, what they're building, what they say, etc. but like don't ignore the problem and play like game was even because that riven is gonna be a big issue 10 minutes from now

jungler's job is really hard, i don't envy it :p

are there any more hecarim skins coming? D:

prolly not for a while, arcade hecarim was last year i think?

who knows


I actually dislike when people on my team try to dictate what the other players do to this degree. Usually people spend more time typing stuff up and worrying about other people when they could be doing more with their own play.

Yeah I don't like it either, especially because you have no idea if that guy has any idea what he's talking about.
I hate telling people what to build, but sometimes it just needs doing, most commonly when your team is centred on the AD carry, they have a gigantic lead, but they refuse to build any MR against Rumble/Karthus/Orianna/Corki and so keep dying early in fights, giving the other team a way back into the game.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Oh man, this was an overkill. I didn't die once in this game and I forgot teleport. The worst part of all is that I was ganked top but they didnt have DPS on me to cancel my healing. Then I trapped the Nidalee under my turret.
Oh Swain..
As much as I love this game, shit like playing Ranked and a player being disconnected right off the bat pisses me off. Especially when your team doesn't surrender at 20 at 4v5 because "there's a chance." 30 minutes of a night is not a short amount of time to toss to the wind. I've bitched about this before, but seriously. There has got to be something in place to let the team surrender early, or better yet---if a player doesn't connect at the loading screen, nix the game! I don't care if they can reconnect. Great. Let them fix their shit, "reconnect" to the client, and find a new lobby.

Just twikes me off. Especially when you have time for 1 game, and the one game is 4v5 because of crap like that.


As much as I love this game, shit like playing Ranked and a player being disconnected right off the bat pisses me off. Especially when your team doesn't surrender at 20 at 4v5 because "there's a chance." 30 minutes of a night is not a short amount of time to toss to the wind. I've bitched about this before, but seriously. There has got to be something in place to let the team surrender early, or better yet---if a player doesn't connect at the loading screen, nix the game! I don't care if they can reconnect. Great. Let them fix their shit, "reconnect" to the client, and find a new lobby.

Just twikes me off. Especially when you have time for 1 game, and the one game is 4v5 because of crap like that.
I wish there could be a shorter game mode. Like, some sort of Summoner's Rift mode where everyone starts at level 3, and games end in 10-20 minutes, and you still get the same amount of IP. A shorter game might reduce raging a bit for people who have limited play time.

Also making all runes free would be nice.

Also it would be nice if there were some way to set up defaults so things like hourglass and QSS build into a slot of your choice, rather than causing you to fail at hourglass (because it's in the wrong slot) or accidentally use it (because you were trying to drag it between slots and it registered as a click).

I'm just full of ideas!


As much as I love this game, shit like playing Ranked and a player being disconnected right off the bat pisses me off. Especially when your team doesn't surrender at 20 at 4v5 because "there's a chance." 30 minutes of a night is not a short amount of time to toss to the wind. I've bitched about this before, but seriously. There has got to be something in place to let the team surrender early, or better yet---if a player doesn't connect at the loading screen, nix the game! I don't care if they can reconnect. Great. Let them fix their shit, "reconnect" to the client, and find a new lobby.

Just twikes me off. Especially when you have time for 1 game, and the one game is 4v5 because of crap like that.

When it's been 4v5 all game and your team won't surrender at 20 in a normal game it drives me absolutely crazy. Everyone's time would be better served surrendering and getting into a new game where the teams are balanced. Ranked I can sort of understand not wanting to give up, although if it's a stomp I would absolutely want to surrender.

I absolutely agree with you that if someone doesn't connect immediately everyone should just be dumped back into the client to find a new game. 9 times out of 10 if one team has a player that doesn't connect for the first x minutes of the game, that team is going to lose.


I wish there could be a shorter game mode. Like, some sort of Summoner's Rift mode where everyone starts at level 3, and games end in 10-20 minutes, and you still get the same amount of IP. A shorter game might reduce raging a bit for people who have limited play time.

Also making all runes free would be nice.

Also it would be nice if there were some way to set up defaults so things like hourglass and QSS build into a slot of your choice, rather than causing you to fail at hourglass (because it's in the wrong slot) or accidentally use it (because you were trying to drag it between slots and it registered as a click).

I'm just full of ideas!
You can always play Dominion.


Also, I just leave games when my team won't surrender. Of course it's not the nicest thing to do though.


new cassi gives me a headache

should i q between e's or just e a lot like always

and q doesn't feel like it speeds up for shit



no, the league or the tribunal of war or fields of justice or whatever doesn't exist anymore. they weren't destroyed or dissolved or anything, they just never existed. summoners as far as lore is concerned are no more either. players are now summoners but that doesn't mean they actually summon champions and do politics through fighting on summoners rift or whatever. basically there's no longer any context to what you do when you play the game. these are champions randomly fighting for random reasons. it's just gameplay now, which imo is pretty easy to forgive

freeing themselves from the whole league thing was a great success since if you actually sit and read the bios a lot of them are first, pretty bad, and second, the joining-the-league reasons were super lame. like, pantheon is a super strong dude, he likes war and fighting and all that shit. so he joins the league so he can do some more of his hobby of war and fighting and being a 300 caricature. most champions are like that and it's really not that interesting. so they remove the league's "screentime" to make everything about the character itself and their relationship with the different factions and such. there's no need to wrap around that character's story into how he joined the league, they can just be given cool personalities and that's it

i've been eating up all the lore that we've been getting since they restarted this thing and some of it is really well written and pretty compelling. it's still the usual tropes with a spin or two but i like it a lot, specially since things like the new sion reveal and azir and xerath's recounts of the fall of shurima, those were great

Gotcha. Alright well I guess I'll just stop reading up on this League lore and focus on just the characters. I get what you're saying, it's much easier to cop out and say "they joined the League because..." than actually creating interesting backstory, so if dissolving that stuff makes for better character lore I'm down. I just hope they take advantage of it.

It's also still kind of weird that the battles are completely pointless now and they still use terms like summoner, but oh well. Is there anyone that can link me to an archive of the tourney today? I still don't know a ton about competitive LoL but I wanna watch the most recent tourny stuff.



i don't want to say fuck you riot

but fuck you riot

too bad op.gg doesn't record my heartbroken face of untold disappointment

Gotcha. Alright well I guess I'll just stop reading up on this League lore and focus on just the characters. I get what you're saying, it's much easier to cop out and say "they joined the League because..." than actually creating interesting backstory, so if dissolving that stuff makes for better character lore I'm down. I just hope they take advantage of it.

It's also still kind of weird that the battles are completely pointless now and they still use terms like summoner, but oh well.
as far as summoners are concerned it works like this: summoner are players and that's it. it's a "marketing" term, not a in-lore term, and summoner's rift is called like that because the guy that owns it is called "summoner". or some other silly reason. characters that have summoners in their bios (fiddle) will have those mentions removed and characters that say "summoner" (sona) will probably keep the vo since recording new stuff is expensive and it's not that bad. i'm thinking they might take advantage of say, sona's ultimate skin to record some new vo for her base as well, or at least to replace all the "only you can hear me summoner...." lines with new ones
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