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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Passive - Chilling smite [now steals 20% movement speed for 2 seconds but puts smite on a 60 second cooldown vs reducing enemy champions movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds.

so is it a straight up 20% MS taken from target and added to smiter, or does the smiter just get 20% buff?
What an awful change. I hope this doesn't go through.

I also got excited for Elise buffs for a moment, but then I noticed they were directed at her jungling ability. Hooray for shoehorning Elise into her most boring role.


How about instead of going at length discussing how Sona's identity is getting muddied, or how the rework failed, or how she's still brainless, or this and that we take a step back at punch some numbers. At level 6, this is a loss of a whopping, unfathomable, inconveivable...6 magic damage. 10 at 11. 19 at 18 - at which point you're better off using power chord Ws as opposed to Qs if you're goal is to maximize the damage differential in teamfights so who gives a fuck.

This isn't even a love tap.

cos it's an indication of a larger issue?

she also got a damage nerf on patch 4.20 and a heal nerf for the missing health part on top of higher mana cost

also sona fans' lack of satisfaction with the rework is important since it promised "more decisionmaking" and "more high points" and delivered on none of those


So uh, how are junglers supposed to get a leash now at 2:00? Or is this change to favor junglers starting at gromp/krugs so that the laners can reach lane in time while still helping with gromp/krugs? (after all, they are closer to lane)

edit: maintenance now on EUW O; new batch of skins incoming?!


What an awful change. I hope this doesn't go through.

I see why they did it. 50% 2s slow is strong, even more so if you could just use your 2nd smite stack 15s later (is it still 15s on smite use?). I like the MS steal instead since it's still good for the jungler but not as strong for ally in the gank. The CD put on 60s I really don't like, but again, I get it. I'd rather they just make it so champions hit with stalker's smite can't be hit again with it for 60s, or even make it so that it's 60s until you can use it against a champ.

Right now it's kinda dumb. I can use my smite at a dragon fight, win that fight, but end up losing dragon to the opposing jungler because I don't have smite available.

she also got a damage nerf on patch 4.20 and a heal nerf for the missing health part on top of higher mana cost

That damage nerf was an AP ratio reduction. Also, you can't complain about a nerf on healing in one breath and say this in another:

i'm really disappointed with riot's followup of sona. playing a healbot is boring

So they give a decent nerf to her healing, an ineffectual AP ratio nerf - that for all intents and purposes actually has more of an effect on ARAM outside of the rare odd duck who plays Sona mid - and a power chord damage nerf that's so meaningless Riot may well pull it back.

If Riot wants to make Sona a heal bot they're doing an awfully shitty job of it.

also sona fans' lack of satisfaction with the rework is important since it promised "more decisionmaking" and "more high points" and delivered on none of those

That's entirely subjective. I didn't like old Sona. I love new Sona. And yes, a big reason is that I have more stuff to do moving about, weaving in and out of danger to spread my hugs of love. It's that extra bit of interaction I appreciate. On a related note, fairly sure they didn't promise more decision making; they promised more interaction.

Even less chance for bot lane to kill them early maybe?

Bingo. The combination of tougher camps for laners to take and a 5 second delay negates a good portion of the advantage bot duos were gaining. I have a feeling we might see some thing more, like pushing timers to 2:05 or increasing monster damage while increase the hp regen from the machete items to offset.

Sofo said:
So uh, how are junglers supposed to get a leash now at 2:00?

They can't. Good riddance.


They can't. Good riddance.

I'm currently so weak after gromp > blue that I am fairly sure a Janna can kill me if she finds me at red. How is that any better?

I may be overreacting but jungle is a role I've been interested in for a while but all these changes keep making me very feel insecure in it, which affects my decision-making a lot.

edit: typos, it's 6am ._.


You know what they should do if this 2;00 spawn time pulls through?

Give junglers an enhanced baron recall after using their first smite.

Don't know how half the junglers can survive the jungle without getting a leash at the moment.

My jungler pool will almost be cut in half if this change pulls through. I hate backing after the first buff. It's so wrong


You know what they should do if this 2;00 spawn time pulls through?

Give junglers an enhanced baron recall after using their first smite.

Don't know how half the junglers can survive the jungle without getting a leash at the moment.

My jungler pool will almost be cut in half if this change pulls through. I hate backing after the first buff. It's so wrong

Yeah, that'd be something cool and would ensure you would catch the guy doing your red maybe or something like that.

My jungle pool is now basically reduced to sustain and kinda makes me feel bad I bought J4 and Vi lately (even though they are so much fun). When I got to try them pre-4.20 I loved ganking early, but now with this I feel like if I gank early it has a lot of risk for me and not so much for the laner I am trying to gank.
also more nerfs to sona's offensiveness. i'm really disappointed with riot's followup of sona. playing a healbot is boring

Again!? What in the world is her rework is intended to be again?

How about instead of going at length discussing how Sona's identity is getting muddied, or how the rework failed, or how she's still brainless, or this and that we take a step back at punch some numbers. At level 6, this is a loss of a whopping, unfathomable, inconveivable...6 magic damage. 10 at 11. 19 at 18 - at which point you're better off using power chord Ws as opposed to Qs if you're goal is to maximize the damage differential in teamfights so who gives a fuck.

This isn't even a love tap.

Her healing is worthless even if you intended to level her W and her shield is a joke now, a single shoot of the enemy adc can pass trough your healing and shield combined and still kill your ally.

Also It makes your team gather around sona, So ready for enemy AOEs so sometimes Sona can be ignored by their own teammates and dont bother to get the aura bonus which have an horrible radious.

Her Q is her only weapon to do something now but only against a non well prepared enemy that can easily puts Sona in great danger compared to other supports so of course you have to put her pure AP to do something.

And Riot completely ignored her E so Sona is only Q and R.


i just had like three lissandras in my team in a row (one bought a lich bane and i was like ughjasdfaldkjas)

poor lizzy gonna get nerfed ;_;

That damage nerf was an AP ratio reduction. Also, you can't complain about a nerf on healing in one breath and say this in another:
they nerf her in-combat healing and buff her "topping off" healing. % missing health = more clutch saves and more incentives for you to trade damage. base value = soraka zzzz

so yea, shitty nerf

So they give a decent nerf to her healing, an ineffectual AP ratio nerf - that for all intents and purposes actually has more of an effect on ARAM outside of the rare odd duck who plays Sona mid - and a power chord damage nerf that's so meaningless Riot may well pull it back.

If Riot wants to make Sona a heal bot they're doing an awfully shitty job of it.
they're doing an awfully shitty job with her in general

ed: just to clarify, before the rework i wasn't happy with their changes to her either.

That's entirely subjective. I didn't like old Sona. I love new Sona. And yes, a big reason is that I have more stuff to do moving about, weaving in and out of danger to spread my hugs of love. It's that extra bit of interaction I appreciate. On a related note, fairly sure they didn't promise more decision making; they promised more interaction.
exactly, you didn't like sona before, so you're not a fan. they talked a lot about making her a more interesting champion and only thing they did is force you to be chasing around carries and running around giving hugs to people is cute, but sona plays exactly the same as before, except you feel even less impactful and even more dependent on your adc.



that jax played the lane so dumb. all i had to do was hit him with normal autos to bait his counter strike out, let him get my HP lower than his, then stun him and turn my W on for free true damage. he never had flash up.

i almost bought a BM statik shiv



another yasuo nerf

Prolly has to do more with the 5% increase on Critical from Phantom Dancer seen on the latest PBE update.


He played the lane super dumb. Kept taking trades when minions were in your favor only to flash out of it. Like, I am not familiar with Jax and Irelia but even to someone unexperienced with either of them could tell that those trades were terrible. Also there were a couple of times where he could have frozen but instead he pushed only to leave his minions parked right outside your turret. I mean idk, he almost gave you a free lane.

Also was painful to see that you had like 40 seconds on TP left and people at bot were so deliciously low ;_; would have easily been a triple/quadra there.


our panth, man :(

missed 5 smites when their jungler was dead

edit: against my better judgement im duoing with newt



So what're your thoughts on the Renekton changes?

yea but nobody builds that on yasuo.

this will hurt gangplank aswell hope it doesnt go through

i'VE Rarely ever built Phantom Dancer on anyone. Statik is my go to because of its passive, and because it is cheaper >_>;
Though in GP's case, he'd be at 40% crit., and umm how much difference would 5% be?


it hasn't been too popular but in great part because mid lane has been all about assassins and people were just doing morellos+dfg with syndra in the cases i've seen or just morellos.

couldn't find the iem games but it's all about morellos:


maybe in 4.21 pros will find the regen in athenes useful but like i said before, the items are too similar for interesting choices to be made. if the mp5 in athenes is insufficient you'll always get morellos because it's super cost effective

the problem is that new athenes has a big identity problem. like what it's for? it's like morellos but more expensive and with slightly more regen

and you can still achieve the same as before with tear or double morellos, so they didn't really remove that gameplay option. i'm not against nerfing athenes but this felt kind of lazy
It's certainly not perfect right now, hopefully one or both items will be changed to allow both to have an identity.


Queueing for poro king mode...


I got matched with diamond/master players last game so I guess it's based on your normal mmr. Sucks to wait so long.

edit: 8 mins and done


Usually it'll be the support, the other ADC, the jungler, or someone who's just low. There's also a balance where you play really far back when the enemy team is looking to engage, because Twitch is able to contribute to teamfights from such a distance.

Makes sense. A few times I was too far up and took early damage in teamfights which screwed me over. Basically I should use stealth to get good positioning and then let em have it with Spray and Pray, right? Oh and I'm right in assuming Botrk and Youmuu's would be the standard build on him?

I'm having a little trouble in lane phase too, but it might just be my lack of experience on Twitch. My best game I was with a Blitz and we pretty much dominated. After that I had two crappy games. The first was with an Azir support who kept going extremely aggressive against MF and Thresh.

The next was myself and Thresh against another Twitch and a Sona. Sona would Q and auto whenever I wanted to harass them or take cs. It was a big pain. Then at 6, their Twitch would invis and Sona would ult or flash ult. Couldn't do much against that either.

I probably just need more practice with matchups and with Twitch in general.

I just noticed over the last week that I'm getting more gold players than usual in my normal games. So I guess I've been improving a bit. On the other side of it though, I notice I get outperformed or just out cs'ed on occasion.


It's almost certainly due to that. Now junglers do not have to screw their own team over by wanting to start krugs/gromp.

They're further reducing the jungle presence early game as well with this change. With no leash, junglers will take even longer before the first gank.

Also opens up more cheese with ambushing a low jungler at his second buff.

I reserve judgement until I try it. It will impact the jungle pool a lot though. Need sustain or plan on an early back. They should adjust machete cost so we could get another pot.
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