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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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They're further reducing the jungle presence early game as well with this change. With no leash, junglers will take even longer before the first gank.

Also opens up more cheese with ambushing a low jungler at his second buff.

I reserve judgement until I try it. It will impact the jungle pool a lot though. Need sustain or plan on an early back. They should adjust machete cost so we could get another pot.

Yeah, junglers will definitely take a hit. I don't think they got more of a leash before though, since bot lane took the camps. Now bot lane could spare a hit or two.

Maybe junglers will have to get buffed again.


As an adc, or I guess any lane for that matter, at what point do you absolutely need to leave your lane?

For example, say I'm our adc and i'm really behind in gold or experience and my lane opponents head mid and want to siege midlane. Should I join up with our team mid even though I know i'll be lacking in the damage department, or should I stay bot and get some gold/exp while the rest of my team fends them off? I mean, if they aren't taking the tower, why do I need to be mid if the opportunity to catch-up presents itself. I'll just be splitting experience and gold as our team will be clearing waves together. The problem is too many times, someone will get caught or will engage a fight and then freak out or make some snide remark about how someone wasn't there to help.


As an adc, or I guess any lane for that matter, at what point do you absolutely need to leave your lane?

For example, say I'm our adc and i'm really behind in gold or experience and my lane opponents head mid and want to siege midlane. Should I join up with our team mid even though I know i'll be lacking in the damage department, or should I stay bot and get some gold/exp while the rest of my team fends them off? I mean, if they aren't taking the tower, why do I need to be mid if the opportunity to catch-up presents itself. I'll just be splitting experience and gold as our team will be clearing waves together. The problem is too many times, someone will get caught or will engage a fight and then freak out or make some snide remark about how someone wasn't there to help.
If the enemy team and their botlane is grouped mid, then you probably have to go mid. The only real exception is if you have a lot of waveclear mid, and in that case you need to push as fast as you can and take bot tower. Don't just be freezing botlane and farming if you're the only lane behind because you're likely gonna put every other lane behind that way.

The reverse also comes into play. If you win lane, push really hard and roam to mid as two to try to get turret or pick up a kill.
It largely depends on the situation. If the enemy team doesn't have a considerable advantage, sieging might be a complete waste of time if you have good wave clear, so applying pressure somewhere else can be beneficial.


It largely depends on the situation. If the enemy team doesn't have a considerable advantage, sieging might be a complete waste of time if you have good wave clear, so applying pressure somewhere else can be beneficial.
It's not about sieging, it's about about defending turret. Also, how can you apply pressure if you've lost bot? Where are you gonna apply pressure to? The only real place pressure can be applied is bot tower, and it's never worth giving up a mid tower for a bot tower.
I see why they did it. 50% 2s slow is strong, even more so if you could just use your 2nd smite stack 15s later (is it still 15s on smite use?). I like the MS steal instead since it's still good for the jungler but not as strong for ally in the gank. The CD put on 60s I really don't like, but again, I get it. I'd rather they just make it so champions hit with stalker's smite can't be hit again with it for 60s, or even make it so that it's 60s until you can use it against a champ.

Right now it's kinda dumb. I can use my smite at a dragon fight, win that fight, but end up losing dragon to the opposing jungler because I don't have smite available.
A second Smite stack is another one of those needless ideas in the first place, and I'd rather see what you suggested or have the Smite cooldown increased if you use it offensively - to throw out a random number: 80 seconds instead of the usual 60 - to help balance out its effectiveness. Want to kill someone with it? Better be prepared to temporarily lose jungle / dragon control over it so make it count. Furthermore, the 20% movement speed increase will be negligible for the champions that really benefit from the targetable slow right now; redundant on Udyr, won't make landing Ruptures any easier for Cho'gath, too short of a cast range for Rek'sai, Xin will still be kited like a bitch after his gapcloser, et cetera. What's the point in reducing it to Poacher tier? Do they want every single jungler to go Trailblazer's now with how Skirmisher's is already fairly champion-specific?

I'm all for more jungle changes, but I'm scratching my head at Riot focusing on tweaking aspects that aren't necessarily problematic while ignoring real issues like Poacher's being absolutely worthless. Baron's health being lowered in spite of its importance is also questionable, they're going through all sorts of convoluted ways to discourage laners from taking jungle creeps even though Riot can fix it with a single change (read: reduced XP that gets cranked up to normal values through Machete) and I'm equally surprised why they still haven't re-implemented dragon's former new abilities to help combat problem case champions who could either solo or kill it with his team real early. It'd simultaneously help feel the dragon feel more dynamic (which was their initial aim), instead of it possessing a boring cleave auto-attack and nothing else.

Either way, I'm not liking this direction at all as a moderate fan of the way the jungle is currently set up on LIVE.

So what're your thoughts on the Renekton changes?
It's silly that they're keeping the healing off of minions the same but then also increase the healing he receives if he Q's champions.




No rod of ages imo.

- Rangers or Stalkers into Juggernaut for jungle item (probably rangers for sustain).
- Haunting guise for a little damage spike
- Then straight tanky or a little mix with something like Abyssal depending on team. Randuins/Banshee/Warmog/Abyssal/etc

Got it, thanks. One last thing: What should my order of ability learning be please? Once I know that it'll be Time to STAMPEDE the Rift.
If you feel the enemy can take down your mid, or if you feel that they really want to (and can) engage, you should probably go there. Assist gold really adds up. If dragon is coming up, just be anywhere accessible.


Fiddlesticks still seems too strong. His nerfs are welcomed, but his kit is still just so oppressive.

Funny thing is he actually had a pretty big nerf a while back. His fear used to top out at 3 seconds. I could be making this up but I think Riot has said before that his kit is allowed to be a little on the strong side because he relies on channels so much


ok i got ori skin, luigi and toad toys that came with some weird mcdonalds promo (was pretty hilarious to order like 8 kid combos with my friends to get the dolls) and my friend from japan came back and brought me my ryuko nendroid and a bunch of kill la kill keychains (no mako tho :<)

best day evar
ok i got ori skin, luigi and toad toys that came with some weird mcdonalds promo (was pretty hilarious to order like 8 kid combos with my friends to get the dolls) and my friend from japan came back and brought me my ryuko nendroid and a bunch of kill la kill keychains (no mako tho :<)

best day evar
Toad's the magic word.



Gold Member
So guys, any tips on using Aatrox?

So far I've been doing quite okay but I'm still not sure how to build items to counter other heroes and such since I just started playing lol recently.

Also tips on masteries and runes please. Thanks.


No rod of ages imo.

I think the whole "RoA isn't good on junglers" thing isn't absolutely true anymore. The knocks on it in seasons 4 were:

the faster you completed the jungle item the more gold you could get from it;
the 10 minute stacking and;
health and mana sustain were easy to come by from spirit stone and its upgrades.

But in S5:

health and mana regen on catalyst and upgrades aren't redundant anymore;
fully upgraded jungle items no longer give gold. Instead they're all cost effective strictly via stats/gold spent, and that effectiveness doesn't change throughout the match* so you can delay the enchantment and rush RoA instead;
RoA is highly cost effective even before stacking. Fully stacked it's a stat beast - provided you can make use of all the stats.

I think it's perfectly fine to buy it early provided your champ can make good use of it.

*There's two ways to approach the gold effectiveness of S5 jungle enchants. You can either view it as a strong power spike for the money invested and therefore want them ASAP or you can see them as mid/late game purchases because they're just as valuable as early on. I think it depends on the champ and how well they can use the stats provided. Warrior on Rengar is fantastic so it's an immediate buy whereas you can delay the added tankiness from Juggernaut on Elise and pick up Sorc boots or haunting guise or both along the way if the opportunity is there.


Don't you know that tanks are ridiculously strong on that map?

Alistar is op

we ran against an alistar that singlehandedly won the game for the enemy team, so yeah

i guess the way i should've put it is

yet another mode in which the champions i like are not very much fun

edit: also i think my team got really mad at me because i didn't ban anyone? i was third in the pick order so i figured i wouldn't have to ban anyone so i alt tabbed until it was my turn to pick


we ran against an alistar that singlehandedly won the game for the enemy team, so yeah

i guess the way i should've put it is

yet another mode in which the champions i like are not very much fun

edit: also i think my team got really mad at me because i didn't ban anyone? i was third in the pick order so i figured i wouldn't have to ban anyone so i alt tabbed until it was my turn to pick

only the first pick bans.


only the first pick bans.


they specifically told me "nice bans ori" or something like that

whole team blamed me cos my ult came off too late because i was permacc'd by alistar and missed everyone. not like half our team was already dead or anything

anyways not a very much fun mode for me, i'll try playing leblanc later or something, but yeah, i don't like it much, specially when you get harassed the first game you play :/


I'm very glad to see that the two free icons for the poro mode don't seem to require a perfect win or something like ascension. Getting a single win shouldn't be too hard.

Yup, a couple of us immediately had that idea as well. They both have apostrophes in their names. As long as she gets funny voice lines it's a perfect fit.

Maybe she'll get a Gentlewoman skin to match Gentleman Cho!

High Society Rek'Sai


A lot of playing Draven is muscle memory. The real difficulty of him is kiting and repositioning. I'd say he's probably the most difficult ADC to master, followed by Kalista.

thanks, played a few matches (poro king) and hes fucking fun to play at least

no idea how it translates into regular sr but i hardly ever had him in matches since i started playing is he not popular ?


thanks, played a few matches (poro king) and hes fucking fun to play at least

no idea how it translates into regular sr but i hardly ever had him in matches since i started playing is he not popular ?

He requires a bit more time/skill to get into => less people play him.


Won my first match as jungle sejuani =D
I didn't really gank much sadly but did get a hang of her. My team of squishies managed to hold out on their own for the most part.
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