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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Mm.. Nightblue seems to be hitting his Rek'Sai groove. She seems to be pretty strong as a stalkers+triforce+tank build. Same teamfight problems but very good at small skirmishes and picking people off. And the tremors are ridiculously useful against rengar and shaco.


yeah, in normal games it will take some time for people to adapt. I was thinking of the competitive games we can see recently. Not all of them went for the double, right? It's possible they all went for it, I can't remember completely.
it hasn't been too popular but in great part because mid lane has been all about assassins and people were just doing morellos+dfg with syndra in the cases i've seen or just morellos.

couldn't find the iem games but it's all about morellos:


maybe in 4.21 pros will find the regen in athenes useful but like i said before, the items are too similar for interesting choices to be made. if the mp5 in athenes is insufficient you'll always get morellos because it's super cost effective

If you buy it to go aggressive then that's fine and a decent use of the item; not the uses I think is bad.

I think that you can buy damage if you want to make plays. You buy mr if you don't want to die. Sure, you can sustain for a longer fight with AP + mres, but you can still buy abyssal if you want that. It's wshitty on Ziggs though so it's not an option for most mages.

Old Athenes had lots of sustain, decent AP and lots of mr. You bought it no matter what you wanted to do as it simply was too good. It allowed losing Ziggs to sustain and farm forever despite being denies blue buff.
the problem is that new athenes has a big identity problem. like what it's for? it's like morellos but more expensive and with slightly more regen

and you can still achieve the same as before with tear or double morellos, so they didn't really remove that gameplay option. i'm not against nerfing athenes but this felt kind of lazy


had the most awful experience last night in the jungle with a team who just wouldn't listen to me

"they're at my red buff, ping ping ping". nobody comes.

"they're doing dragon and are REALLY LOW GO GO GO" I ping I'm going while I'm still 15 seconds out. I go and stop the dragon and almost kill all of them but die, meanwhile full HP corki is just a hop skip and jump away at my gromp and comes in and cleans up. so unnecessary that I die there if he had just collapsed with me

i was seriously infuriated at that game. like literally nobody listening to pings except panda, and he's just zyra so what's he gonna do :(
he wasnt even zyra in that game D:


had the most awful experience last night in the jungle with a team who just wouldn't listen to me

"they're at my red buff, ping ping ping". nobody comes.

"they're doing dragon and are REALLY LOW GO GO GO" I ping I'm going while I'm still 15 seconds out. I go and stop the dragon and almost kill all of them but die, meanwhile full HP corki is just a hop skip and jump away at my gromp and comes in and cleans up. so unnecessary that I die there if he had just collapsed with me

i was seriously infuriated at that game. like literally nobody listening to pings except panda, and he's just zyra so what's he gonna do :(

That is incredibly infuriating. Especially when it's a solo person invading you in the jungle or something. Should be easy kills if the team would just respond to pings :(


I always feel like a madman when I ping because I have to ping 10 times in a row to get any response from my team, and even then it's a tossup if I get help or not.
Wanted to test Galio out with the new buff on his ult (which is amazing), so I picked him support. I haven't seen a Galio played in years and suddenly we had a mirror match support Galio bot.

What a coincidence, I was just thinking about trying Galio support after playing him in an ARAM yesterday. Do you max W>Q>E on him?


What a coincidence, I was just thinking about trying Galio support after playing him in an ARAM yesterday. Do you max W>Q>E on him?

Nope, Q>W>E. Q for the poke in lane, which is quite strong if the enemy has no sustain. W after for making anyone u like tanky and E is a one point wonder early for utility.
His ult is awesome for picking off people and zoning if you aren't able to hit the whole team.


Crystal Slash (Q) mana cost lowered to 16/17/18/19/20 from 16/18/20/22/24
Fracture (E) cooldown reduced to 12/11/10/9/8 seconds from 12 at all ranks.

Mmmmm Skarner buffs.

Passive - Jungler: Magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds increased to 44 from 30.

Not sure if this is needed, but cool anyways.

Look at try hard over here in that picture. Should've bought 4 daggers to really drive the point home.



note, it's still being updated as time goes on

slight crit powershift from IE to PD. i really like PD as an item but felt it was a just a liiittle too out of reach when shiv is a cheaper buy.

Passive - Chilling smite [now steals 20% movement speed for 2 seconds but puts smite on a 60 second cooldown vs reducing enemy champions movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds.

so is it a straight up 20% MS taken from target and added to smiter, or does the smiter just get 20% buff?
Was hanging out at a friend's house today and he was signed into his account so I decided to run a match really quick.

Pre-game lobby-

Me: I'm going to jungle

Dude on team: OMG FFS NO JUNGLERRRRRR. Fu**ing go top with me, idiot.

Me: Ummmm, what?

Dude: Jungle isn't even a real position and every person that goes in there dies. If you pick that we feed, loser.

I just laughed and exited out of the game. I feel bad for my friend who has to put up with such random stuff like this as he levels up.


Was hanging out at a friend's house today and he was signed into his account so I decided to run a match really quick.

Pre-game lobby-

Me: I'm going to jungle

Dude on team: OMG FFS NO JUNGLERRRRRR. Fu**ing go top with me, idiot.

Me: Ummmm, what?

Dude: Jungle isn't even a real position and every person that goes in there dies. If you pick that we feed, loser.

I just laughed and exited out of the game. I feel bad for my friend who has to put up with such random stuff like this as he levels up.

I deal with that on my smurf. People want to duo top. I hate it so much. It's to where I will just play jungle most often on that account to make sure that we have a jungler.


Was hanging out at a friend's house today and he was signed into his account so I decided to run a match really quick.

Pre-game lobby-

Me: I'm going to jungle

Dude on team: OMG FFS NO JUNGLERRRRRR. Fu**ing go top with me, idiot.

Me: Ummmm, what?

Dude: Jungle isn't even a real position and every person that goes in there dies. If you pick that we feed, loser.

I just laughed and exited out of the game. I feel bad for my friend who has to put up with such random stuff like this as he levels up.

Ah, the good ol days


Looks like Riot wants junglers to get their first jungle item upgrade asap with those changes.

Don't think so. Those health increases are all mostly offset (if no entirely offset) by the increase in the passive DoT on machete et. al. The lone exception is the Raptor camp which might be harder. The camp received an additional 290 health but the damage on the mini raptors was only reduced by 2. Pretty sure this is to make it harder for laners to grab a camp before going to lane.
Don't think so. Those health increases are all mostly offset (if no entirely offset) by the increase in the passive DoT on machete et. al. The lone exception is the Raptor camp which might be harder. The camp received an additional 290 health but the damage on the mini raptors was only reduced by 2. Pretty such this is to make it harder for laners to grab a camp before going to lane.
I agree. It's a pretty smart way to do it as well.


Bought and played a few games as Twitch. My first game I get pretty fed and crushed. The next two went really bad. Anyone have any general tips. I probably just need a bunch of practice, but I feel like I don't have a really big impact when I'm playing him


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Bought and played a few games as Twitch. My first game I get pretty fed and crushed. The next two went really bad. Anyone have any general tips. I probably just need a bunch of practice, but I feel like I don't have a really big impact when I'm playing him
Try to identify opportunities where you can 1v1 people in the midgame and use your invisibility to force the fight. Warding helps create those catches.


Don't think so. Those health increases are all mostly offset (if no entirely offset) by the increase in the passive DoT on machete et. al. The lone exception is the Raptor camp which might be harder. The camp received an additional 290 health but the damage on the mini raptors was only reduced by 2. Pretty sure this is to make it harder for laners to grab a camp before going to lane.

Only the DoT of the upgraded machete got buffed though.
Making the camps harder to take for laners is one thing, but they should buff the normal machete too then.

Edit: no wait, they buffed the machete too. Yeah, then they're just making it tougher for laners to take. :d


Jungle camps getting buffed god help us

Eventually jungle camps will get stronger as they execute players. Teams will have to unite to take down the Godlike Krugs


morellos nerf, cool

also more nerfs to sona's offensiveness. i'm really disappointed with riot's followup of sona. playing a healbot is boring


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Thanks. I'll look for those opportunities more.
Usually it'll be the support, the other ADC, the jungler, or someone who's just low. There's also a balance where you play really far back when the enemy team is looking to engage, because Twitch is able to contribute to teamfights from such a distance.
morellos nerf, cool

also more nerfs to sona's offensiveness. i'm really disappointed with riot's followup of sona. playing a healbot is boring
Playing against a pokebot ain't fun either. Should have made her Q a skillshot.

Also I still don't get why Riot made Morello's cheaper in the first place. 2200 was already a steal, this thing is effective as shit


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
morellos nerf, cool

also more nerfs to sona's offensiveness. i'm really disappointed with riot's followup of sona. playing a healbot is boring

She's already beyond squishy and is still a somewhat weaker pick? Better bring out the nerfs!

RIP murderbot Sona.


Playing against a pokebot ain't fun either. Should have made her Q a skillshot.

Also I still don't get why Riot made Morello's cheaper in the first place. 2200 was already a steal, this thing is effective as shit
I think this has been discussed a couple of times in the thread already, but on average I don't think most people have a lot of fun playing against ANY champion when they're losing, with only a few exceptions.

Skillshots can be dodged, but I don't know that I find dodging skillshots fun, especially with 96+ ping. If anything, it's stressful and annoying.

Some people may have fun playing certain champions or styles, but I don't know that it's feasible to make it fun to play AGAINST champions on average.


i'm not saying don't nerf sona (i don't really play ranked so can't tell if she's op or not), i'm saying this direction for her is lame as hell because by constantly nerfing her damage it's turning her into a healbot.
I think this has been discussed a couple of times in the thread already, but on average I don't think most people have a lot of fun playing against ANY champion when they're losing, with only a few exceptions.

Skillshots can be dodged, but I don't know that I find dodging skillshots fun, especially with 96+ ping. If anything, it's stressful and annoying.

Some people may have fun playing certain champions or styles, but I don't know that it's feasible to make it fun to play AGAINST champions on average.
If you're losing against skillshot champions, it's mostly because you didn't dodge the skillshots.

If you're losing against targeted champions, it's mostly because they got in range and pressed a button.

It's a pretty big difference. I find playing against good Oris and Cassiopeias fun because I can dodge their shit and they need to predict me, there's mechanical skill involved. I hate playing against the likes of LeBlanc because most of the burden of skill is on my end, I need to be able to shut them down by being able to do on-reaction stuff like swatting LeBlanc out of her W with Syndra's E, etc.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
i'm not saying don't nerf sona (i don't really play ranked so can't tell if she's op or not), i'm saying this direction for her is lame as hell because by constantly nerfing her damage it's turning her into a healbot.

She does have a good winrate which I guess is upsetting Riot for some reason. But yea I also agree that their whole point with the rework was to make her a more engaging champion but it really seems to have not worked out quite as they intended.


Sona is just a mean bully when played with an agressive/already mobile ADC.
Exactly the opposite of everyone else. She is the Blitzcrank of caster supports :p


If you're losing against skillshot champions, it's mostly because you didn't dodge the skillshots.

If you're losing against targeted champions, it's mostly because they got in range and pressed a button.

It's a pretty big difference. I find playing against good Oris and Cassiopeias fun because I can dodge their shit and they need to predict me, there's mechanical skill involved. I hate playing against the likes of LeBlanc because most of the burden of skill is on my end, I need to be able to shut them down by being able to do on-reaction stuff like swatting LeBlanc out of her W with Syndra's E, etc.

skillshot always being better than targeted isn't exactly true either tho. ziggs and xerath aren't ever fun to play against because of their high firerate, range, aoe, etc. if ziggs' q was short ranged targeted would it really be worse?

targeted is super reliable but it's usually single-target so there's different tradeoffs you can give a champion. both have their place and are interesting when done right.

sona specially is a good example of actually what you're saying, because her q is imo an actually fairly interesting spell. it's not a skillshot and it's not targeted, and it's all about sona managing staying on the edge of the range and try to hit as many people as possible. the same with her passive, it's rewarding sona for putting herself in danger rather than staying in the back healing and spamming auras. it makes her fairly unique and easy to play (which is important since she's meant to be an easy champion to pick up) and also compliments well her squishiness since she has so much damage when she actually manages to sneak it in.

so i disagree entirely with your point about skillshots, specially since midlane is all about cc followed by burst so it's not like a kill comes from many consecutive hard to land skillshots. you just land one q+e as syndra and if you have ignite up it's a kill. with lux it's the same. and for poke trading, it's not much different than targeted champions, the expertise of targeted champions comes from managing range and cooldowns (unless you're ryze).

She does have a good winrate which I guess is upsetting Riot for some reason. But yea I also agree that their whole point with the rework was to make her a more engaging champion but it really seems to have not worked out quite as they intended.
yeah, i like the concept of the rework, but i feel like it's been a failure on all fronts

she just doesn't feel more compelling. most adcs, even if they're my friends and i tell them not to, tend to ignore my auras so you have to be running after them to maybe get a bit of benefit off that isn't that noticeable either, since her poke is weaker than zyra's or velkoz', her heals are much worse than nami's and soraka's, her shield is nothing compared to janna's and she still doesn't have any much cc pre-6. even her ms buffs are hardly that noticeable. and everything she does is unreliable because it still depends on your adc being quick to take advantage of it (rather than just click to shield like janna)

and nerfs like this just punish trying to make things happen and reward you for hanging back healing and hoping your auras do all the work

i think it's just a general problem with her concept, auras as a whole are super op in the best case scenarios, so to balance them they have to be very underwhelming in every other case


How about instead of going at length discussing how Sona's identity is getting muddied, or how the rework failed, or how she's still brainless, or this and that we take a step back at punch some numbers. At level 6, this is a loss of a whopping, unfathomable, inconveivable...6 magic damage. 10 at 11. 19 at 18 - at which point you're better off using power chord Ws as opposed to Qs if you're goal is to maximize the damage differential in teamfights so who gives a fuck.

This isn't even a love tap.
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