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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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lebonk is super fun in this mode

i played a few sona games to get the skin icon since ori's so bad, sona's super op

Finally, Morgana looks like her splash art.


much better, gj rito


Titan's Wrath (W) value lowered to 65/70/75/80/85 from 100/150/200/250/300
Titan's Wrath (W) now scales on 7/9.5/12/14.5/17% of Nautilus's MAX HEALTH from 15% of his BONUS Health

...this is a nerf. Go fuck yourselves Riot.
...this is a nerf. Go fuck yourselves Riot.

how is it a nerf? you're gaining an extra 2% bonus health and 17% of your base health in exchange for a base value loss. At level one even with no runes it's a 5 HP buff. At level 18 with no runes or masteries it's and extra 130.

none of that even includes the bonus HP increase


Also, piece of shit champion getting nerfed :).

They're slowly gonna change all ADC movement abilities to 100 mana, probably. They commented about it yesterday during the expansion tournament how Ezreal's E was the only one that was that high and it was unfair.


It makes sense that big time movements for ADC should be costly. A safe re-position that also does damage or procs a passive? That's crazy to be able to do very often. It takes a lot of the positioning skill out of things and gives them cheap bailouts.


It's not. It's a pretty nice buff, especially early.

Whip out your calculators gents, this is a nerf.

New shield at level 1: 105 hp
Old shield at level 1: 100 hp

New shield at level 3: 136hp
Old shield at level 3: 150 hp

New shield at level 5: 176 hp
Old shield at level 5: 200 hp

New shield at level 7: 224 hp
Old shield at level 7: 250 hp

New shield at level 9: 281 hp
Old shield at level 9: 300 hp

New shield at level 9 w/ Juggernaut: 367 hp
Old shield at level 9 w/ Juggernaut: 375 hp

New shield (level 18 base stats only): 431 hp
Old shield (level 18 base stats only): 300hp

Nautilus roughest part is his early, which has been nerfed. Having a bigger shield is nice and all late, but that was never his issue in the first place.

(in case anyone is wondering, I've done many calcs taking into account runes masteries and the story doesn't change. Takes well into mid-game for the shield values to break even)

"But how much of a difference can 20hp possibly make, lol, drawkcaB's gone off the deep end!"

All the difference in the world because of how Nautilus on-hit damage works from his W. There are two animations when Nautilus swings: right-to-left, and then left-to-right. But here's the thing, provided the shield was up at any point of the right-to-left animation (even the very start before he's even visually moved his arm) then the left-to-right swing will still occur and apply its bonus AoE magic damage.

Nautilus shield rank 3 shield still routinely breaks before the full duration is up, it's very common (>50% of the time) for the shield to break just after the right-to-left animation fires, which then guarantees the left-to-right animation and AoE damage. In S5, it takes a rank 5 to not break before the non-buff camps are cleared.

That ~20hp shield strength is the difference in the shield holding prior to the right-to-left animation. This is big and goes well beyond just the raw numbers. That's a loss of AoE damage. That's more time clearing camps. That's more damage taken from monsters.

This without even considering that he's just as much duelists' food as before.

Newt said:
It's not a nerf, lol.



While I stand corrected on his early game, it still lets him build more armor/MR and not suffer because his shield is scaling off his total health and not just his bonus. I still think it's an overall buff, even if they did nerf his early game (which should be at least brought up to what it is now).
Nautilus shield struggles a lot more late game than early. Lots of people complained how easy it was to pop late game, which resulted in massive damage drop.

Actually early mid game shield has always been fine for me unless you don't max it first for some reason.


While I stand corrected on his early game, it still lets him build more armor/MR and not suffer because his shield is scaling off his total health and not just his bonus. I still think it's an overall buff, even if they did nerf his early game (which should be at least brought up to what it is now).

For your part, as a top laner, yes, this is probably a nice change (which I'm going to try myself on vacation because if I have to play top I may as well practice champs I actually like). For Nautilus jungle, this isn't good. My hope at this point is that like Hecarim, Skarner, Corki and a few other champions so far in this PBE cycle this isn't the only change for Nautilus.

I'll even conceded that solo queue being solo queue where 40+ minute games are more frequent this might end increasing his win rate slightly, but this is a non-starter for competitive play.

Wolf Akela said:
Nautilus shield struggles a lot more late game than early. Lots of people complained how easy it was to pop late game, which resulted in massive damage drop.

This is 80% due to people incorrectly using the shield late game if your goal is damage. People lead-in with the hook to engage (which is fine) and then immediately pop the shield when they're the only available target. Don't get me wrong, that's fine too, but if you want to deal damage just hold back a few seconds until the carries switch targets, then activate the shield. Remember, we're talking about a late game situation here, their ADC will have 3+ offensive items. That extra strength on the shield will absorb another 2, maybe 3 AAs. You still need to hold on to it to deal damage.

(also, Naut's biggest source of damage at 18 is his E, believe it or not)


to be honest, 100 mana on adc's for movement abilities would go a looong way to bringing "balance" amongst the carries (not saying they would be balanced)

it SHOULD be a reposition tool. it should not be a "get out of jail free" card.


It's amazing to me that Lucians dash costed 0 mana at all levels at one point. That seems like some urf mode bullshit looking back on it.


Bit weird they only gave her a texture update (as opposed to the whole shebang) when keeping in mind that every Riot artist that browses their forum basically admits that everything about her is, well, crap.

prolly because they don't have the right concept done yet

i'm guessing if they'll redo morg they might as well redo kayle too and make it a big event or something


Omega noob question but is there any way of seeing how high your crit strike chance % is? Seems to be the only thing I can't find.
Poro king mode is pretty fun. No summoners which means ults like Morg's, Fiddle's, and Nunu's are hard to avoid especially if you use the initiation.

Not going to get the Slay Belle Icon since Kat is banned every game.


Idk why any Vayne would have the little sense to get ignite over a defensive summoner spell lol. GJ Fracas!

I love the Poro king mode, it's so stupid lol. I just wish the icon when you are hit with a Poro was a tad bit bigger. Sometimes I'll get hit and "whoops" I have someone in my face.

I've been trying different champs but been struggling with it, had fun nonetheless!


Thanks, I've brought that up on accident before, hah. I think I suck as Lucian which is kind of depressing. Still wreckin with Aatrox though.
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