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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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level 1-3 GP passive is the most effective. he's not someone you want to 1v1 at those levels.

Yeah, but there's nothing better than outcheesing a GP who tries to cheese you at level 1.

Well, to be fair Gangplank is troll champion anyways.

>sivir player

The only beef I have with Mao is that stupid ult change. Instead of using it tactically, he just presses R and tee hee you can't kill me


level 1-3 GP passive is the most effective. he's not someone you want to 1v1 at those levels.
I kind of want the game to somehow start at level 3 so everyone has their skills, instead of (potentially) the lane result significantly depending on not making a mistake in the first 3-5 minutes.

After which you have 35+ minutes to regret your decisions and listen to your teammates rage.


Man I love ADC player tears.

1/8 Graves bitches that he isn't being peeled for while me, Zed, and Udyr are 3v4ing their team.



I really need to start using the map more. Getting flanked by a visible enemy walking up to you isn't fun.
I'm really bad about that and I've played like 1500+ games too.

It's a bad feeling getting killed by a gank (maybe one you would not expect someone to make so early), thinking that you should ward more...and then realizing you already DID ward and presumably just missed it on the map. :(

I appreciate the occasional teammate who looks out for me and pings the map when someone is cruising in to gank.


So I've been more into this game than ever before lately, and I've gotta say, it kind of amazes me how long this game has been out and successful that it's been that the out of game client (or whatever it's called) is still so bad. The UI is pretty terrible and raw looking, and the whole thing is so clunky. Like if I'm in the store/profile/ect, and get into a lobby, or if I just need to check on the lobby, it really kicks me out of the page I was on every time?

Just seems like this thing would be better by now. Probably not using the right terms here but I hope ya get what I'm saying.


Lol. My first rek'sai win was a game I went 2/10/10. Our team was so far behind but a rek'sai with flash and Ori ball can seriously destroy a team.

Even after feeding out of my mind I still got every dragon and baron and split push down an inhib turret.

I like her. Lots of fun. Great damage.
"DeadNames Memorial Service"



I gotta give it to Riot- their last few champs have been pretty damn cool.

Like, they all are really unique. Kalista soul bind, Azir's micromanaging, Gnar's transformation, Rek'Sai's burrow (and the fact she's a female monster champ).

¡HarlequinPanic!;143955727 said:
did you win the game?

Of course. I never lose with Aatrox!


So I've been more into this game than ever before lately, and I've gotta say, it kind of amazes me how long this game has been out and successful that it's been that the out of game client (or whatever it's called) is still so bad. The UI is pretty terrible and raw looking, and the whole thing is so clunky. Like if I'm in the store/profile/ect, and get into a lobby, or if I just need to check on the lobby, it really kicks me out of the page I was on every time?

Just seems like this thing would be better by now. Probably not using the right terms here but I hope ya get what I'm saying.

Yeah, it is supposed to be getting a complete overhaul pretty soon isn't it?


I kind of want the game to somehow start at level 3 so everyone has their skills, instead of (potentially) the lane result significantly depending on not making a mistake in the first 3-5 minutes.

After which you have 35+ minutes to regret your decisions and listen to your teammates rage.

I was thinking something similar; Max Lvl. is 15 and you start with a level on each of your skills.

Fuck Gangplank, immune to CC then one shots me with his 4 second CD ranged crit.


Huh, that's weird that it only happens with Vel'koz! But I can see the problem ;o Thanks for the answer!

I took the liberty of being a bit stalky and check that game on op.gg (I am bored, sorry) and actually Lulu outdamaged everyone on your team, including you. Idk seems like overall team deficit (Lee seems really bad). Also anyone playing Vayne below high Plat, I mean idk. I always make fun of my friends when they pick her and I support them, it's all in hopes for them to beg Riot to refund her for them.

Also I don't think Banshee's is really that useful vs the team you were against. The spellshield wouldn't really be that helpful versus their abilities.

I know what you mean about Matchmaking in Team Builder though. It is still very wonky and imo it should probably make the matchmaking BEFORE finding a group, instead of afterwards. Otherwise it forces to compensate and it ends up with really strange MMR variations.

Pd. is that Poro-rider Sejuani? ;o I saw a vid of foxdrop with her today and I fell in love with it, it's sooo cute.
Thanks for the info Sofo, yeah I think I'll start making SPirit Visage instead, Cooldown would help her out.
Yeah I got the Poro Rider skin.

I think Seju might be the most comfortable jungler I've played with so far.
Permaslow on autos, I can only cleanse it once then he Qs me and I'm slowed again, nerf this stupid cunt

Has anyone ever noticed the slow effect from Gangplank even affecting them significantly? Even if he gets all 3 stacks activated, it's like, 21% slow.

For comparison, frozen mallet is 40% for melee, 30% for ranged, from a single hit.

Yeah the slow isn't THAT significant, then again when I'm GP I focus mainly on farming >_>; When I am engaging even in team fights, his poison passive rarely if ever kills a champ. I get the most damage from his ult and autos+his Q.


One question about Sejuani's E:
Say I hit a group of enemies with her Q or W, if after I E, will her W apply her Frost again and slow them?


It surprisingly only took 8 games until someone didn't ban Katarina in poro mode so I could use the Sleigh Belle skin.

We had Wukong and Leona too so I went 26/8/26 and won. They fortunately had only 2 abilities that could stop Katarina's ult which helped. :p

I'm not very good, but I do get the pretty strong impression that the poro games I lose (I'm 3-5 so far) have very few people focusing the king. The winning games, people focus the king down very quickly, so the other team doesn't get the free healing, teleports, and pushing.


Was watching a stream on twitch where a player went Top Nasus against Riven and fed her...and kept feeding her lol.
Said player, after their defeat, spectated another Nasus player (Diamond I think) and that one was handing it better, such that he soloed the riven at the top turret and inhibitor.

Will watch your stream soon neko, good luck in your game!


Was watching a stream on twitch where a player went Top Nasus against Riven and fed her...and kept feeding her lol.
Said player, after their defeat, spectated another Nasus player (Diamond I think) and that one was handing it better, such that he soloed the riven at the top turret and inhibitor.

Will watch your stream soon neko, good luck in your game!

You were probably watching Trick, and then SirhCez


BTW Neko, how come your stream never lets me change the quality of the video? Some streams let me set quality to low in case I have a slow/weak connection.


i remember when a top lane draven absolutely crushed me as nasus when i started playing

i did the same to some dude today and i really felt bad for him

its absolutely impossible to lane against draven as nasus


i remember when a top lane draven absolutely crushed me as nasus when i started playing

i did the same to some dude today and i really felt bad for him

its absolutely impossible to lane against draven as nasus

Maybe AP Nasus could fare better :V
One question about Sejuani's E:
Say I hit a group of enemies with her Q or W, if after I E, will her W apply her Frost again and slow them?

Her E is more for when you see them running away, wait when your slow down effect with your Q or W is going to dissappear and use it or to finish them off after your Q + W (E) combo.

But yes her W will refresh the slow down

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