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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Well, I guess AD TF wasn't dueling me lategame.


To answer my own question, after googling, apparently those voicechat overlay icons are indeed the Curse voice thing. I'm not sure I've ever noticed it in action.


oh, yeah

forgot to reply to that. but yeah, ive never actually used curse voice since it was reallowed, i just have it installed
Still don't understand the problem with Ahri's splash. It looked good then, it looks good now.
people in reddit saying jayce and syndra get nerfed because they were the only ones that could beat ori at worlds


someone slap me for reading comments
You need a slap for reading reddit in the first place


Neko what you do between 4 walls is none of our business

In fact, it is enforced to keep it enclosed in those 4 walls.

Friend just linked me to spanish ESL and god, I can't fucking stand this english butchering. I never fucking understood why the need to not pronounce english words in english, but instead in some mix of spanish and english that just makes me want to puke.


In fact, it is enforced to keep it enclosed in those 4 walls.

Friend just linked me to spanish ESL and god, I can't fucking stand this english butchering. I never fucking understood why the need to not pronounce english words in english, but instead in some mix of spanish and english that just makes me want to puke.

Japanese+English is worse, yet at the same time freakin' awesome.


Japanese+English is worse, yet at the same time freakin' awesome.

I guess it might be because I've heard so many of my peers butcher english and I take great pride in it (I still butcher it sometimes...) but I just can't stand it. Even when Penelope Cruz cutes her way out of it in movies, it still makes me cringe.


Saintvicious' 4.21 Jungle Tier List:

S tier-Jarvan, Karthus(only if your team has ad top and mid) Lee Sin(only if you are a really fucking good Lee)

A tier-Fiddlesticks, Nunu, Pantheon, khazix, Vi, shaco, master yi

B tier- Reksai(still unsure how good she is need further testing)nocturne Rengar, Zac, Trundle, Elise, Xin, Sejuani, udyr, wukong, Kayle, hecarim

C tier-Warwick, shyvana, Aatrox, Nautilus, amumu, skarner, chogath, ezreal, Diana,

D tier- let's be real you should report yourself after the game for picking anything else and jungling it
• Base HP reduced to 6400 from 7000
• Base damage reduced to 240 from 500

I don't think Baron is easy enough yet, let's tone it down some more.


and the game before that

but we cheated, newt

we bought qss
Rod of Ages jungle Cho, it burns.


I had one of those games where I got rolling hard with Graves last night. He's one of the most satisfying champions in the game when you're hitting hard. We had an early stumble as a team and were down 1-6 in kills, but we rolled the bot lane pretty hard, had dragon control all game, and then just obliterated them. After starting 0-2-1 early, I went 11-0-9 the rest of the way.


Don't spread the disease. TF must be stopped.

I've had 2 ranked games ruined by these jungle TFs. I'm about ready to just start banning him proactively.

Relax I've come to realize I just can't do AD TF :v
If not TF in general.

Honestly I wonder how Riot's Team Builder matchmaking works. I had a game just now where our top trynda had to go against DARIUS and TEEMO. Doesn't help that Bot Lulu was trash AND our Mid Lee couldn't deal with Victor.
I am so dodging any game with a Mid Lee.

Getting the hang of Jungle Sej, and I can do a clear of the entire camps if I start at 2 rock monsters then Red.


I saw people mentioning that it's because of some visual issues. Spells causing blue overlays and some spells being invisible for the other team.

A rioter posted this on reddit.

Huh, that's weird that it only happens with Vel'koz! But I can see the problem ;o Thanks for the answer!

Honestly I wonder how Riot's Team Builder matchmaking works. I had a game just now where our top trynda had to go against DARIUS and TEEMO. Doesn't help that Bot Lulu was trash AND our Mid Lee couldn't deal with Victor.
I am so dodging any game with a Mid Lee.

I took the liberty of being a bit stalky and check that game on op.gg (I am bored, sorry) and actually Lulu outdamaged everyone on your team, including you. Idk seems like overall team deficit (Lee seems really bad). Also anyone playing Vayne below high Plat, I mean idk. I always make fun of my friends when they pick her and I support them, it's all in hopes for them to beg Riot to refund her for them.

Also I don't think Banshee's is really that useful vs the team you were against. The spellshield wouldn't really be that helpful versus their abilities.

I know what you mean about Matchmaking in Team Builder though. It is still very wonky and imo it should probably make the matchmaking BEFORE finding a group, instead of afterwards. Otherwise it forces to compensate and it ends up with really strange MMR variations.

Pd. is that Poro-rider Sejuani? ;o I saw a vid of foxdrop with her today and I fell in love with it, it's sooo cute.
Hexakill was just the right blend of the chaos of murder bridge with some of the strategy of SR. The 6v6 on the small map ensured there was often a group fight happening, so it lost most of the tedium of the laning phase of SR, but still with a jungle and the altars there was a level of strategic play beyond what you get on Howling Abyss. Games were also typically over in 20 minutes or so.


Thanks. I'll tell you boys, being banned sucks. It's like being at a family dinner but no one can hear you or see you. You think thoughts, but they can't be seen.

Also does anyone have really bad FPS issues as of late?

Lol I bet.

Ya I was having really bad fps drops. There's a reddit post about it somewhere. I had to install something. I'll try to find it.


I just wanna know who at Riot games deems what's "toxic" and what isn't.

Because you know, perma CC, ranged harass, sustain through all your damage, AOE frontline no counterplay AOE % damage reduction is hella fucking stupid.


Has anyone ever noticed the slow effect from Gangplank even affecting them significantly? Even if he gets all 3 stacks activated, it's like, 21% slow.

For comparison, frozen mallet is 40% for melee, 30% for ranged, from a single hit.


Has anyone ever noticed the slow effect from Gangplank even affecting them significantly? Even if he gets all 3 stacks activated, it's like, 21% slow.

For comparison, frozen mallet is 40% for melee, 30% for ranged, from a single hit.

level 1-3 GP passive is the most effective. he's not someone you want to 1v1 at those levels.
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