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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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wb Heavy!

I thought this was kinda cute! A Christmas comic about Annie: http://imgur.com/gallery/9jyzj

So I guess we are actually waiting until the 6th of January for the Blood Moon skins? -_- If there was ever a time to say RITO PLS is now! Just let me give you my money, damn it!


Of course it's about Annie. Why don't people ever make art about the badass characters of League?

Like Aatrox, Singed, Nasus, Shyvana, Irelia, Naut, Olaf, Renek, Graves (even if he is ranged scum), Panth, Sion, Skarner, Yorick, Vi, Vlad, etc.

It's always about their super kawaii waifuuu ^-^~~ babby champs for little kids like Ori (sorry Zky), Syndra, Lux, Gnar, Azir, Fizz, Lulu, Annie

Do badasses play bruisers?!



i dunno i think ori's kind of a badass

I mean Ori's lore is pretty >feels but compare her to like Irelia or something


Edit: Galio's lore is pretty feels too. I wish he reflected it more ingame.

Edit 2: Same with Skarner. Shame they totally butchered his lore with the Shurima patch
Of course it's about Annie. Why don't people ever make art about the badass characters of League?

Like Aatrox, Singed, Nasus, Shyvana, Irelia, Naut, Olaf, Renek, Graves (even if he is ranged scum), Panth, Sion, Skarner, Yorick, Vi, Vlad, etc.

It's always about their super kawaii waifuuu ^-^~~ babby champs for little kids like Ori (sorry Zky), Syndra, Lux, Gnar, Azir, Fizz, Lulu, Annie

Do badasses play bruisers?!


Aatrox - no personality, no idea what he even is
Singed - you have a good point
Shyvana - ehh maybe
Irelia - has no personality
Naut - good point
Olaf - there has to be some of Olaf already?
Renek - see above
Graves - unsure on this one
Panth - there is definitely Panth comics
Sion - has to be some Sion comics, he's derpy and cute enough
Skarner - has no personality
Yorick - good point
Vi - too manufactured
Vlad - too generic (vampire, yawn)


Skarner has no personality? WHAT??

Dude. He's an archaic creature ripped from his homeland only to see it destroyed by human progress. He's a broken creature left with only memories of his kind. Tons of personality.

Aatrox is a god of war thing too. To me he seems like a guy who is very solemn in war yet striking at the same time. Like think of that sniper from Saving Private Ryan.
Skarner has no personality? WHAT??

Dude. He's an archaic creature ripped from his homeland only to see it destroyed by human progress. He's a broken creature left with only memories of his kind. Tons of personality.

Aatrox is a god of war thing too. To me he seems like a guy who is very solemn in war yet striking at the same time. Like think of that sniper from Saving Private Ryan.

Skarner's aesthetics are unique and stick out and his background is super interesting but I can't even remember what his voice sounds like. Skarner is like a super hot girl with no personality.


Skarner's aesthetics are unique and stick out and his background is super interesting but I can't even remember what his voice sounds like. Skarner is like a super hot girl with no personality.

Skarner is that girl you see in the library with a cup of coffee and a good book. She has long dark brown hair and grey eyes. She's wearing a gray shirt with a pine-tree green sweater. In her free time she listens to records and draws pictures of landscapes while contemplating life and existence. You walk over and introduce yourself. She looks up from her book and says "Hi" back and smiles.

Skarner is that girl.


that support life. i've got a locket, a frost queen, a mikaels, a sight stone, a pink ward slot, and my trinket. rito pls help me.

You forgot Randuin! Gogo active items! I sometimes feel like in one of those starships with tons of buttons, it gets ridiculous but I like it. :3

My problem is with numbers past 5 but 1-4 is pretty easy. I tend to have 5 for pinks (unless early, it's 3). I always keep Sighstone number 1 and GP number 2 out of habit.

Btw, last month I learned you could ALT+key to use an ability or item on yourself. Oh god, I have no idea how I could play before that. @_@


You forgot Randuin! Gogo active items! I sometimes feel like in one of those starships with tons of buttons, it gets ridiculous but I like it. :3

My problem is with numbers past 5 but 1-4 is pretty easy. I tend to have 5 for pinks (unless early, it's 3). I always keep Sighstone number 1 and GP number 2 out of habit.

Btw, last month I learned you could ALT+key to use an ability or item on yourself. Oh god, I have no idea how I could play before that. @_@
It would be nice if you could default certain items to certain numbers. Accidentally using hourglass because you were trying to mouse-drag it to a different slot is no fun. Dying because you pressed one button and hourglass was purchased into a different slot than normal is also no fun.


It would be nice if you could default certain items to certain numbers. Accidentally using hourglass because you were trying to mouse-drag it to a different slot is no fun. Dying because you pressed one button and hourglass was purchased into a different slot than normal is also no fun.

I actually never had that happen (the click while moving) but it has to be really frustrating! What happens most of the time to me is the first death I could have avoided with Zhonya... I forget to use it. ._.

Surely humans are made to learn from mistakes but you'd think after so many times I'd remember to use it when I buy it, but no! It's on a per-game basis @_@

I agree though, some sort of setting that would be implemented in item sets would definitely help!


Wtf is this firewall bs?

Edit: Seems it has happened to a ton of people. I've had issues where it wouldn't let me reconnect but after 1 try, it would connect. This time, I just can't reconnect.


Btw, last month I learned you could ALT+key to use an ability or item on yourself. Oh god, I have no idea how I could play before that. @_@

yea alt is super important with some champions like ori or kayle

you learn to love that key if you play as many ori games as i have :>


Wtf is this firewall bs?

Edit: Seems it has happened to a ton of people. I've had issues where it wouldn't let me reconnect but after 1 try, it would connect. This time, I just can't reconnect.
I had it for a 24-minute ARAM today and was given my first Leave in ages. Nothing fixed it. I was able to connect to the next game afterwards so I don't even know what was wrong.


I had it for a 24-minute ARAM today and was given my first Leave in ages. Nothing fixed it. I was able to connect to the next game afterwards so I don't even know what was wrong.

Yup, was on skype with a couple of friends. Tried 10 times to reconnect, wasn't working. Told them sorry and I just gave up. I searched up "firewall" on the lol subreddit and the results was a whole page within the hour the same problem.

I wonder if Riot addressed the problem yet.


I will admit that J4 top is the biggest matchup I have yet to crack.
The J4 matchup should be mainly in the favor of Irelia. J4 top is really weak against champions with decent sustain, and his only win condition is to all-in his opponent. Irelia has her E to cancel or turn around any all-in, and she outscales J4.


The J4 matchup should be mainly in the favor of Irelia. J4 top is really weak against champions with decent sustain, and his only win condition is to all-in his opponent. Irelia has her E to cancel or turn around any all-in, and she outscales J4.

J4 doesn't all-in until you're pretty much already done. He pokes with Q, gets an auto with his passive and suddenly you're half health. Even pushed under tower I find it unavoidable to take his damage.
J4 doesn't all-in until you're pretty much already done. He pokes with Q, gets an auto with his passive and suddenly you're half health. Even pushed under tower I find it unavoidable to take his damage.
Unless J4 is carrying a flask around, Q spam will get him out of mana pretty quickly. Max W, get a few Dorans and just sustain through his poke.


J4 doesn't all-in until you're pretty much already done. He pokes with Q, gets an auto with his passive and suddenly you're half health. Even pushed under tower I find it unavoidable to take his damage.

And that's why he is weak against champions with sustain, like Irelia. Get a vamp scepter/armor if you are having trouble against his poke.

Stone Ocean is right that J4 using his Q is going to drain his mana very fast, he can't keep up the harass for long.

The second you can sustain through his poke with W and flask/lifesteal, the lane is over. It's enough to sustain through part of it since J4 can't keep up his poke for long. It's a really difficult matchup for J4, and is mostly dependent on Irelia messing up or giving up a kill. If you do give J4 a kill he will snowball.


Everything is moe to me
I haven't played a single game since the season ended. I need my ranked. Has it started up again? Are the two new heroes any good? The ADC with the spear and then the one after. How is everyone doing, anyway? Hope your holidays are joyful.
where were you during the ad jungle tf?
we needed our prophet.


where were you during the ad jungle tf?
we needed our prophet.

1. it wasnt ad tf
2. you double posted, get on your knees and apologize to lord opiate
3. i wish i had recorded games tonight. had a few great irelia games, a few bad adc games, and a great sona game.


Times I wonder if some people just don't know how to handle Morde at Top >_>;
In my case if I'm ganked I try to focus on either the closest champ (enemy jungler) or weakest champ if they're close.
If I'm lvl. 6, free 'support' and double kill lol.


Everything is moe to me
1. it wasnt ad tf
2. you double posted, get on your knees and apologize to lord opiate
3. i wish i had recorded games tonight. had a few great irelia games, a few bad adc games, and a great sona game.

neko pls.

i need entertainment on these short canadian winter days between my long canadian winter work nights.

i need you to my hero neko.
so pls.


Finally got Rek'sai jungle working well. What a fun champ. I can see her being a good solo queue jungle champ. Not sure about competitive.

I see she's also netting some bans now too.
Finally got Rek'sai jungle working well. What a fun champ. I can see her being a good solo queue jungle champ. Not sure about competitive.

I see she's also netting some bans now too.
New champion bans aren't really indicative of anything.

She seems ok, slow smite being better makes her ganking a lot easier. She's still a joke in teamfights though, any form of kiting ends her like a shitty Volibear, probably better off splitpushing later on.


New champion bans aren't really indicative of anything.

She seems ok, slow smite being better makes her ganking a lot easier. She's still a joke in teamfights though, any form of kiting ends her like a shitty Volibear, probably better off splitpushing later on.

Yeah. Teamfights are pretty awful. At best you're flashing in for a group knock up then immediately getting blown up (might get a couple Q autos off) or you're poking with Q waiting to pick off someone out of position. With the little AP you get from triforce it does some damage but not much.

Splitpushing is her best place, coming into a teamfight with her ult if needed. She works best with a tanky initiator top. Maokai or someone like that would work pretty well.

Stalkers blade is a must. When that gets nerfed she'll take a big hit. She picks off people real well too. With vision over a lone farming ADC, she can get in quick to take them out. Stalkers plus E plus movement speed of W means they aren't likely to get away.

I like Stalkers into Triforce followed by straight tank.


I'll be honest, this Orianna login screen might be the creepiest thing ever.

It gave me a bad dream, actually. Had a dream that she came out of the screen The Ring style. She didn't hurt me, she just stood in the room and ticked. Felt like something bad was going to happen though. Psychological terror dream. Thanks, Riot.


Is chat not working for anyone else?

It's working ingame, but in the lobby I get a "Logging onto chat service..." on the bottom.
It gave me a bad dream, actually. Had a dream that she came out of the screen The Ring style. She didn't hurt me, she just stood in the room and ticked. Felt like something bad was going to happen though. Psychological terror dream. Thanks, Riot.
Nightmare fuel Ori is best Ori


Azir needs nerfs tbh

wayyyyyyyyy too strong.

Okay grievous wounds has no place on a good item. It should only be a stupid fucking niche item like Executioner's Calling was.


I'm sure I'll get some disagreement, but grievous wounds should be taken out entirely. It belongs to a form of LoL that doesn't really exist anymore. Take it out, adjust champions who rise/fall accordingly.
Grievous Wounds sucks but removing it has too many consequences. If you do that you gotta either massively undertune healing and lifesteal or create some weird actives/abilities like no heal zones. It would be too much of a mess so half a dozen champions can have an easier time.


I'm sure I'll get some disagreement, but grievous wounds should be taken out entirely. It belongs to a form of LoL that doesn't really exist anymore. Take it out, adjust champions who rise/fall accordingly.

I mean there's nothing wrong with it per se, because Voli/Mundo/Swain/Raka would be unstoppable, but Morello's is just too fucking good. Literally any AP champion can build it; it provides wayy too many stats for how good the passive is.

I mean like, why even bother playing Voli/Aatrox/Swain/Mundo when little Ziggs can completely invalidate with the purchase of one item. There's no point in playing any healer.

Ugh, sorry about the rant. I just lost a game that could've easily been won if Aatrox didn't get shit on with the purchase of one item.
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