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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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One thing I like about the current item situation is that armor and magic resist items start from a 300-500 gold chunk no matter what. You no longer have to wait until 700+ for a negatron, or get locked into a specific subset of items because you built small armor instead of big armor. It's cool to have options.



i know what im going to be playing when they take irelia from me


Was randomly browsing the lol wikia, and I got thinking about the future Tristana rework. I hope they move away from AP scaling abilities and make her maybe more skillshot reliant. I was thinking that maybe her ult could be like a mix of Graves ult and Alistar's W. Maybe make Tristana's W reset into a "halves cooldown" kinda thing.

I think her Q is ok atm (a bit too nerfed, maybe?) and her E is okayish, maybe make it a skillshot too?

I've been enjoying Graves but only been playing ARAMs and Coop vs AI (1st win of the day, I get it right as it pops!). I'm using the same masteries as Lucian (with the spellweaving thing), but sometimes I use a little too much mana (prolly because it's vs bots and we are forcing engages we can win). He's fun though! I think I did well in buying Graves instead of Caitlyn (although I will get her eventually).

Pd. Also I guess Blood Moon Thresh will come on the 6th then -_-; hatechuRITO.


Someone recommend me a new midlaner. Kayle just isn't doing it for me anymore. Sick of scores like this:


For reference, my favorite champions are Draven, Sivir, Kalista and Vayne in that order. Kayle's early game damage is just too low atm...


Someone recommend me a new midlaner. Kayle just isn't doing it for me anymore. Sick of scores like this:


For reference, my favorite champions are Draven, Sivir, Kalista and Vayne in that order. Kayle's early game damage is just too low atm...
Play Azir. If you manage Draven and Kalista then Azir's complexities and janky spells will appeal to you, and people say he is really strong though I have not managed to get him to work.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Someone recommend me a new midlaner. Kayle just isn't doing it for me anymore. Sick of scores like this:


For reference, my favorite champions are Draven, Sivir, Kalista and Vayne in that order. Kayle's early game damage is just too low atm...


Mid Sona.


Someone recommend me a new midlaner. Kayle just isn't doing it for me anymore. Sick of scores like this:


For reference, my favorite champions are Draven, Sivir, Kalista and Vayne in that order. Kayle's early game damage is just too low atm...

Have you tried Ahri? I think it'd feel very similar to Vayne without the evident weaknesses. I haven't played Vayne except vs bots though!


Play Azir. If you manage Draven and Kalista then Azir's complexities and janky spells will appeal to you, and people say he is really strong though I have not managed to get him to work.
Will try.

Mid Sona.
Have you tried Ahri? I think it'd feel very similar to Vayne without the evident weaknesses. I haven't played Vayne except vs bots though!
I've tried Ahri, but I don't really like pure burst champions.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Someone recommend me a new midlaner. Kayle just isn't doing it for me anymore. Sick of scores like this:
I'd agree that Azir seems like your sort of playstyle, but do you think it'd be worth learning Akali if you're open to melee laners?
Someone recommend me a new midlaner. Kayle just isn't doing it for me anymore. Sick of scores like this:


For reference, my favorite champions are Draven, Sivir, Kalista and Vayne in that order. Kayle's early game damage is just too low atm...
I'm gonna parrot everyone saying Azir, he's basically just right up your alley - auto attacky, stupid.

You could also try Cass, Jayce, Ori, Viktor


I've also decided to give Ori a try. I've need a new mid laner to try out.

What do you build on her?
  1. generally as ori you'll want to get as much cdr as possible so athenes/morellos is core no matter what. you want one of those asap every game, usually as your first item. generally athenes, but since athenes is pretty bad right now, you might want to morellos. maybe add an extra dorans if you go that route, so you have enough mana regen
  2. after that it's either zhonyas or deathcap. zhonyas is defensive against zed/fizz/everything in general, very good in 2v2s and early skirmishes. get seeker's first, not nlr, and wait until you have some stacks to start trading with it. deathcap is if you're planning on teamfighting or poking much. i get zhonyas most of the times but that's just the way i like to play, if you're playing more pokey you might prefer deathcap. you can also get a very early hauting guise here for crazy damages if the enemy team is pretty squishy and you're snowballing. sorc shoes + haunting guise is pretty insane, i love it. just don't upgrade it until it's the last item
  3. after that you'll want void staff 90% of the times since it's cheap and people are starting to buy mr. if you want you can buy the other nlr item if you're against a very squishy team but you know, it's usually the exception
  4. after that get the other nlr item, either zhonyas or deathcap for more damages
  5. last item is usually defensive one, like banshees or ga. you can also go liandry's if you want some more damage tho you'll be pretty squishy

sorc shoes most times but you should get merc treads in some situations (like syndra or veigar)
get blue elixir before big dragon/baron teamfights/sieges

the other popular build is sometimes if you're facing either an ad mid or if you're interesting in mega scaling you can do: tear + seekers + morellos then finish zhonyas (say, against zed) or tear + morellos + whatever (if you don't need the armor). i don't like this build too much but you can get like 800 ap or something so you'll hit really really hard lategame.

other items:
- roa: i don't like it, too expensive and no cdr.
- mejais: i really like new mejais but you know, be careful about it.
- abyssal: i haven't tried abyss enough with ori since they nerfed it but your q outranges the aura so i'm not sure it's any good.
- rylais: sometimes i buy it but ori's all aoe damage so the slow is kinda sad. i enjoy it against teams with like skarner and udyr in them but how often does that happen
- lich bane: nope! 525 aa range with super slow animation and missile speed. ori doesn't like it
- dfg: i like to buy it now and then but seriously terrible item on ori lol


runes/masteries are also really standard, 21/0/9 and then scaling ap blues, scaling hp yellows, mpen reds and ap quints. you can swap the blues for flat mr if you don't feel too comfortable with her squishiness or are laning agaisnt someone like syndra

i usually play with ignite but you can also go heal or exhaust. exhaust is really good against yasuu, heal is nice against syndra or something.


that about it!


Speaking of Cassiopeia, I thought it was "hard to use"? Lately I've been getting dunked by a couple of Cassios and I'm talking about Silver/Gold, and not with that many games with her. I am also fairly sure they were _not_ scripters.

Maybe it's my lack of knowledge with her but does she ends up with a lot of damage or..?


In theory Cassiopeia does a lot of sustained damage if she doesn't fail her ult, if she doesn't get instantly nuked upon getting in range, and if the person playing her doesn't lose use of their hands due to carpal tunnel first.


In theory Cassiopeia does a lot of sustained damage if she doesn't fail her ult, if she doesn't get instantly nuked upon getting in range, and if the person playing her doesn't lose use of their hands due to carpal tunnel first.

cass really reminds me of URF mode Sona

good god it hurts


Speaking of Cassiopeia, I thought it was "hard to use"? Lately I've been getting dunked by a couple of Cassios and I'm talking about Silver/Gold, and not with that many games with her. I am also fairly sure they were _not_ scripters.

Maybe it's my lack of knowledge with her but does she end up with a lot of damage or..?

cass has a ton of damage in exchange for being hard to play. her damage is low range and she builds glass cannon so she has to constantly reposition like an ad carry to keep spamming e's while also landing q's and w's to keep the poisons rolling for the e resets. her ult's also pretty finnicky although that's less difficulty and more just weird scripting or whatever. there's also an element of knowing how to catch people offguard with it since it's so easy to deny the stun.

but yeah she does a shit ton of damage if you let her

i love running cassi with exhaust and just melting people. she's also deceptively strong in lane if you don't respect her damage.


R.I.P. my motherboard.

You've served me well for the past few years but why did you have to die on me during my god damn holidays?


I won an ARAM match as Blitz, deciding to play another game I get a message that I was reported for 'Verbal abuse'. Unless 'huehue' is offensive I think someone was just too salty :V
To be fair though Blitz+fiddle in one team in aram is just unfairly annoying


In theory Cassiopeia does a lot of sustained damage if she doesn't fail her ult, if she doesn't get instantly nuked upon getting in range, and if the person playing her doesn't lose use of their hands due to carpal tunnel first.

cass has a ton of damage in exchange for being hard to play. her damage is low range and she builds glass cannon so she has to constantly reposition like an ad carry to keep spamming e's while also landing q's and w's to keep the poisons rolling for the e resets. her ult's also pretty finnicky although that's less difficulty and more just weird scripting or whatever. there's also an element of knowing how to catch people offguard with it since it's so easy to deny the stun.

but yeah she does a shit ton of damage if you let her

i love running cassi with exhaust and just melting people. she's also deceptively strong in lane if you don't respect her damage.

Ah that makes sense! To be honest it was in an ARAM and a Poro King game so it was a bit less of a controlled environment. I don't remember when was the last time I played versus a Cassiopeia on Normals, they are fairly rare!

Thanks guys ;3
merry christmas you fucks.
Someone recommend me a new midlaner. Kayle just isn't doing it for me anymore. Sick of scores like this:

For reference, my favorite champions are Draven, Sivir, Kalista and Vayne in that order. Kayle's early game damage is just too low atm...
Play Ryze. His Q is his replacement for an autoattack.
the chat log in nekos games perfectly encapsulates how i see Zed players.

I like Exhaust on Cass too. It really helps against assassins. Also, if possible you should save your ultimate for defense. Cass has no other escape if a bruiser gets close to her.

I take Exhaust on Yasuo as well. I find that I don't really need Ignite on him, and it's tricky to pull off successful telephone ganks.



I don't think you can lose a Poro King match if you pick Zyra. She's insanely strong. Best moment from last night was when I had just died, finished my full build buy as our team was summoning in the Poro King, and I teleported to it while hitting my ult, all my seeds, Q, and E. It immediately gives me a triple kill with one of their guys running away with a sliver of health and I kill him with a snowball for the ace. It would have been a penta, but scumbag Zilean stole it from me.

Also, won a ranked game last night where I had to run upstairs and grab my 2-year old who woke up in the middle of the night crying. My wife was out, so it I had to finish the game holding him. Thank goodness laning is over and I wasn't trying to CS that much.
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