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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Okay who said the Snowdown skins were lame? cuz OMFG at Poro Sejuani hahahahahaha. I don't even play sej and I might buy it.



Too many goddam champions to play over the break. Gotta finish practicing Lulu, then Sona. Then I figure its about time I put in some time with my mid picks. By the time I get back to jungling I'll be reading up S6 jungle changes...=(

What I wouldn't give for the ability to resell or lock out my champions so that when I make a decision I stick to it.

(Also, Endless Legend is pretty goddamn good)


wb Ghost and Merry Christmas to you too!

I just came from a christmas celebration with the in-laws and I'm so fucking full @_@ I wanted to play League but I honestly am stuffed.

Instead I'm watching QT duo with Kiwi and Blem is going first item Sword of the Occult. If I wasn't full I'd get popcorn lol.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Unrelated: Zkylon writes the best Steam reviews.


Unrelated: Zkylon writes the best Steam reviews.


I'm wasting away the last few hours of work until I start my vacation, reading some zky reviews.

Aww yes, Age of Wonder III on steam sale...because ironing out my roster during Christmas vacation wasn't going to be hard enough.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

I'm wasting away the last few hours of work until I start my vacation, reading some zky reviews.

Aww yes, Age of Wonder III on steam sale...because ironing out my roster during Christmas vacation wasn't going to be hard enough.

For Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

Great game btw I highly recommend it if you remotely enjoy JRPGs

pretty decent ps1jrpg-like about wincest, a really underdeveloped combat system, talking chests and a hilarious bisexual german dude


At first I was like "Who is this new guy and why is he so right?". Then I realized it's DeadNames himself. Godbless his return.

+1 bro.

Yo you should try playing good champs

Like swain god

I was playing Irelia and we literally lost a 4v5. Our stupid Ori had no idea how to play and refused to poke. And we had blue ez. Whoever popularized blue Ez is a dingle.

And you know, Karthus got rocked in lane but it don't matter because xDDD press R instant comeback


+1 bro.

I was playing Irelia and we literally lost a 4v5. Our stupid Ori had no idea how to play and refused to poke. And we had blue ez. Whoever popularized blue Ez is a dingle.

And you know, Karthus got rocked in lane but it don't matter because xDDD press R instant comeback

I'm telling you man. Take him mid with 21/9 masteries and ignite. Get first blood and catalyst like 4 minutes in then roam and 1v5 til they ff at 20. GG


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I would be 100% okay if Jarvan IV were nerfed into oblivion to never be seen again
Stuff was sort of okay last season. J4 is like my measuring stick for where balance is in the game. If he's good then stuff is bad.
I dont understand why some supports goes to other lanes and forget about bot after we lose the first tower even If the enemy adc and supp are still pushing bot


I dont understand why some supports goes to other lanes and forget about bot after we lose the first tower even If the enemy adc and supp are still pushing bot

Sometimes it's the wrong decision, sometimes it's the right decision.

It can be the right decision if your adc is awful and the support is better put onto someone that is competent at playing the game and has a chance of carrying.


I literally cannot figure out Gnar

It's like they took the best of ranged champs and the best of melee ones and combined it into a disgusting zero weakness abomination of balance.


I literally cannot figure out Gnar

It's like they took the best of ranged champs and the best of melee ones and combined it into a disgusting zero weakness abomination of balance.

Gnar is barely in the top 100 for win rates. He's a bully, but he can be dealt with.


if i can make one suggestion for tits it's to quickly forget about achievements and 100%'ing it

there's a lot of time sensitive stuff of "be at this random point all the way across the world at this random moment" that's very annoying if you ocd about it and you don't really miss out on much if you don't complete the bracer book or whatever

either you check everything a million times or you use a guide and neither is any fun

so just enjoy the game as you experience it and don't wrory to much about that shit


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
if i can make one suggestion for tits it's to quickly forget about achievements and 100%'ing it

there's a lot of time sensitive stuff of "be at this random point all the way across the world at this random moment" that's very annoying if you ocd about it and you don't really miss out on much if you don't complete the bracer book or whatever

either you check everything a million times or you use a guide and neither is any fun

so just enjoy the game as you experience it and don't wrory to much about that shit

Yea I'm just blowing through the main story and bracer quests.
I dont understand why some supports goes to other lanes and forget about bot after we lose the first tower even If the enemy adc and supp are still pushing bot

Better to support people who can make use of it or who you can fortify. If you're ADC is shit tier then leave them bot for your own safety and so they can boost up to mediocre faster.


the guy that made op.gg recorder updated it with a lot of cool new stuff: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueofleg...g_recorder_record_all_your_your_friends_your/

it's the program i've been using for recording replays and it's pretty simple to use and you just watch the replays thru op.gg so no annoying layouts or anything

new update added the option to open on startup and to minimize to tray which is awesome since it's now a setup and forget kind of application
  1. generally as ori you'll want to get as much cdr as possible so athenes/morellos is core no matter what. you want one of those asap every game, usually as your first item. generally athenes, but since athenes is pretty bad right now, you might want to morellos. maybe add an extra dorans if you go that route, so you have enough mana regen
  2. after that it's either zhonyas or deathcap. zhonyas is defensive against zed/fizz/everything in general, very good in 2v2s and early skirmishes. get seeker's first, not nlr, and wait until you have some stacks to start trading with it. deathcap is if you're planning on teamfighting or poking much. i get zhonyas most of the times but that's just the way i like to play, if you're playing more pokey you might prefer deathcap. you can also get a very early hauting guise here for crazy damages if the enemy team is pretty squishy and you're snowballing. sorc shoes + haunting guise is pretty insane, i love it. just don't upgrade it until it's the last item
  3. after that you'll want void staff 90% of the times since it's cheap and people are starting to buy mr. if you want you can buy the other nlr item if you're against a very squishy team but you know, it's usually the exception
  4. after that get the other nlr item, either zhonyas or deathcap for more damages
  5. last item is usually defensive one, like banshees or ga. you can also go liandry's if you want some more damage tho you'll be pretty squishy

sorc shoes most times but you should get merc treads in some situations (like syndra or veigar)
get blue elixir before big dragon/baron teamfights/sieges

the other popular build is sometimes if you're facing either an ad mid or if you're interesting in mega scaling you can do: tear + seekers + morellos then finish zhonyas (say, against zed) or tear + morellos + whatever (if you don't need the armor). i don't like this build too much but you can get like 800 ap or something so you'll hit really really hard lategame.

other items:
- roa: i don't like it, too expensive and no cdr.
- mejais: i really like new mejais but you know, be careful about it.
- abyssal: i haven't tried abyss enough with ori since they nerfed it but your q outranges the aura so i'm not sure it's any good.
- rylais: sometimes i buy it but ori's all aoe damage so the slow is kinda sad. i enjoy it against teams with like skarner and udyr in them but how often does that happen
- lich bane: nope! 525 aa range with super slow animation and missile speed. ori doesn't like it
- dfg: i like to buy it now and then but seriously terrible item on ori lol


runes/masteries are also really standard, 21/0/9 and then scaling ap blues, scaling hp yellows, mpen reds and ap quints. you can swap the blues for flat mr if you don't feel too comfortable with her squishiness or are laning agaisnt someone like syndra

i usually play with ignite but you can also go heal or exhaust. exhaust is really good against yasuu, heal is nice against syndra or something.


that about it!

Thank you very much! That was extremely insightful. Can't wait to play her some more.


Uhhh it is on daily deal dude. 50% ends in 8 hours.

Evidently so. I was wondering what the hell was going between you and Zky because I couldn't see it up on Steam. I didn't bother to scroll down and see that it was on sale yesterday and that the sale is still up.

Looks like I'll be taking a triple wallet hit tonight when I get home.
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