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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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You definitely want to poke with q to get the first hit on his passive but you also want to have enough mana to jump to your adc and shield as well.

Thanks, co-ordination with my ADC would help, so I'll ping if I'm gonna Q.
For that matter, I know I should Max Q first, but what ability should I max afterwards, W or E?


Thanks, co-ordination with my ADC would help, so I'll ping if I'm gonna Q.
For that matter, I know I should Max Q first, but what ability should I max afterwards, W or E?

It's changed a few times over the various nerfs and changes to him but I believe you max e before w at this point.


It's changed a few times over the various nerfs and changes to him but I believe you max e before w at this point.

Ah so I've been doing it fine so far, thanks.

Just saw Astronautilis in a stream and now I want it lol. is it still on sale (Typing from work atm)?
Might drop some RP for Naut and the skin.


nothing like super hexagon's simple beauty of design lemme tell ya!

I have Super Hexagon! I'm a huge shitter at it though lol, I've just made it past the first two levels, and now iOS 7 on my iPhone 4 makes it super laggy (I shouldn't have "upgraded") and fairly unplayable!


What's with gosu and qtpie (been watching their streams) building Youmuu on their ADCs? Not that I'm against it, just rather interesting they'd go for that over say PD or Statik.


What's with gosu and qtpie (been watching their streams) building Youmuu on their ADCs? Not that I'm against it, just rather interesting they'd go for that over say PD or Statik.

It's common to do that on certain adcs, and has been for a while. For champs like Twitch, Lucian, etc. you might want to become a god during a short while rather than have an even attack speed boost all the time.


It's common to do that on certain adcs, and have been for a while. For champs like Twitch, Lucian, etc. you might want to become a god during a short while rather than have an even attack speed boost all the time.

I see, in that case, would build Youmuu as a first item be a good option for those characters? Normally on ADCs I start Inf. Edge.


Something that's been on my mind for a while is how my team mates...don't bother pushing lanes from the mid to late game.
Like say a large enemy minion wave is approaching our turret or attacking it, they'd just get rid of that wave and leave the handful of remaining minions to push, or they'd just push one wave and go back to any objective. This results in the enemy minion wave still being able to advance as the few remaining minions would be killed and then that turret would once again start taking big damage and we would lose it.

What I do is go with a wave until I encounter an enemy wave with a tank, and always take down that wave, mainly so that the next few waves will be able to advance without having the enemy tanks weaken the lane's wave.


Something that's been on my mind for a while is how my team mates...don't bother pushing lanes from the mid to late game.
Like say a large enemy minion wave is approaching our turret or attacking it, they'd just get rid of that wave and leave the handful of remaining minions to push, or they'd just push one wave and go back to any objective. This results in the enemy minion wave still being able to advance as the few remaining minions would be killed and then that turret would once again start taking big damage and we would lose it.

What I do is go with a wave until I encounter an enemy wave with a tank, and always take down that wave, mainly so that the next few waves will be able to advance without having the enemy tanks weaken the lane's wave.

You can save some time by only killing the ranged minions (and the cannon, if it's there) of the next enemy minion wave. This will ensure that it pushes against the enemy, and you don't have to wait for a cannon minion wave.


What champs are currently being considered for a rework? Any updates on them by any chance?

You can save some time by only killing the ranged minions (and the cannon, if it's there) of the next enemy minion wave. This will ensure that it pushes against the enemy, and you don't have to wait for a cannon minion wave.

Interesting, bad mentality I have is that I focus front minions first, so I should start targeting ranged minions at least when enemy champs aren't around.

Instead of Ghostblade, I prefer Spooksword.

I have no idea what that is.


So assuming it happens, how will Riot nerf Lissandra?

Her ult CD? Because IMO her ult is the worst part about her. Her Q having a low CD is fine because if she spams it she will go oom stupidly fast.


So assuming it happens, how will Riot nerf Lissandra?

Her ult CD? Because IMO her ult is the worst part about her. Her Q having a low CD is fine because if she spams it she will go oom stupidly fast.
no, her ult already has a really high cooldown. she'll get mana costs/cooldown on her basic abilities i'm guessing. maybe some damage.

tbh the meta is just too weird right now to say with confidence. she wouldn't be a problem if top lane wasn't so broken in the first place

also her ult along with her e are the best parts of her. wtf are you smoking, teamfight turning spell with multiple uses, that's an awesome ability

the only way lizzy's problematic is top lane being shit but that's not really her problem. specially since buying qss is even more effective on her than zed and qss got buffed in s5 anyways (so smart adcs give no shits about lizzy unlike s4 when she was secret op in my hands :>)


Holy shit I just played well and we all won. We did so good that all of us who played decided to friend each other and form a team again.


I still think I am crap but I am getting there.

And now, they want me to play mid :/
Christmas season is such an awful time for blind pick. Last 3 games were all bad. 2 matches had AFKs. Last one had an Urgot crying about 3 CS Irelia took after she TP'd to bot and saved our ass for a 3-0 turn around.

Irelia was Challenger. Urgot was Diamond. You people thinking that people stop crying about stolen CS after Silver? Ha!

Frozen Heart was an admittedly very bad purchase though.
So assuming it happens, how will Riot nerf Lissandra?

Her ult CD? Because IMO her ult is the worst part about her. Her Q having a low CD is fine because if she spams it she will go oom stupidly fast.
why would they nerf lissandra

the only reason why shes strong right now is because they nerfed every other top laner into oblivion.


I played mid, died a lot. I was playing against Xereth and for the life of me, I can't bloody dudge his attacks and the jungler kept ganking me.

We have won the game though, because the Xereth guy wasn't much of a team player.


eventually theres just going to be a point where shit like janna starts being played top because its hilarious.

Yeah the whole "mid laners going top" fad is really interesting and weird

except for swain, swain god demands to be fed and it's a lot easier mid than top
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