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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I don't know whats happening, but in the games I've played today, whenever there's tons of enemies around/a team fight happening i'll disconnect.

Whenever shit is about to pop off I get an attempting to disconnect bar even though I can still talk on Skype.

et tu


disclaimer: i know nothing about top lane

imo the big problem with top lane is that most melee champions' spells operate under the notion of "if it's not on cooldown use it", specially since so many melees are manaless (or like maokai just buy roas and then it's the same) and big parts of melee kits are just shields or targeted spells or autoattack modifiers or pboae stuff. they also have fairly short cooldowns which means their spells can't be overly impactful since they're gonna be spamming them constantly

imo besides a lot of itemization changes and prolly other stuff i can't even think of, rito should really work on pushing the highest success and failure situations of melee champions' kits. i would like to see melee champions be a bit less reliable and be punished harder for messing up (maybe not missing ori ult punishment but something like missing ahri charm) but at the same time rewarded more for pulling good stuff off

that means maybe less targeted spells, higher mana costs, etc. but hopefully more interesting kits and more interesting fights rather than "is the melee champion next to you? is he farmed? if yes to both you're dead"

i think new sion was a step in that direction tho i don't really know how good he is.

ed: not saying ranged champions don't suffer from this but ranged champions generally have very high cooldowns for their most important spells (if you miss stun with syndra you're fucked) and they're generally more skillshot reliant which means their high and lows are allowed to be more pronounced. some champions like xerath are really bad at this and should be rereworked but you know.
ed2: also ranged like you die in two hits so it's again more points for the more significant success/failure scenarios


Can you disable laughs/jokes/etc.? They're probably the stupidest thing in the game, and I just had to play an entire Poro King match where a teammate sat behind our line the whole time and spammed Nunu Bot's laugh the WHOLE match. He never stopped. It was the most aggravating thing I've ever seen in this game.

I hate the laughs and jokes anyway. They're stupid and people only use them to annoy others.


Can you disable laughs/jokes/etc.? They're probably the stupidest thing in the game, and I just had to play an entire Poro King match where a teammate sat behind our line the whole time and spammed Nunu Bot's laugh the WHOLE match. He never stopped. It was the most aggravating thing I've ever seen in this game.

I hate the laughs and jokes anyway. They're stupid and people only use them to annoy others.
I'm sorry, but this is amazing.
Gaf should 5 man queue with Dead names. Let him play Aatrox. The rest will roll mid Lux, jungle Nunu Bot, support Lulu and dunno ADC Teemo.


I agree with Zky.

There's nothing really wrong with AA modifiers like Irelia W, Aatrox W, Garen Q, Nasus Q etc, but stupid targeted shit has to go. I'm talking basically all of Pantheon, Irelia Q/E, GP Q, Malph Q, etc.

When one asks "Why is this champion left to rot?" it's because they have some old mechanic that makes playing against them really unfun. In the case for top lane, it's mostly targeted spells. GP left to rot because endless poke with Q, same with Malph. Darius and Garen left in the shitter (good, fuck these champs) because their point and click execute.

But then you have these champions that have no targeted spells, and as a result, excel in everything else like Riven/Lee/Yasuo/Zed.

Although TBH I would much rather go vs Lee/Yasuo over Garen or Darius.

IMO Cho'Gath is a well balanced champion. All of his spells are extremely powerful yet have meaningful counterplay/choices. Q can be dodged, you can run away from E, he chooses between ulting minions or people, etc. The "balanced" melees IMO are the kinds like Zac, Aatrox, Kha'Zix, Rengar (although his kit can be annoying at times), Singed, Nautilus, Skarner, Renek, Trundle, etc. I'm conflicted putting Olaf there simply because his E. Point and click true damage is stupid.


I agree with Zky.

There's nothing really wrong with AA modifiers like Irelia W, Aatrox W, Garen Q, Nasus Q etc, but stupid targeted shit has to go. I'm talking basically all of Pantheon, Irelia Q/E, GP Q, Malph Q, etc.

When one asks "Why is this champion left to rot?" it's because they have some old mechanic that makes playing against them really unfun. In the case for top lane, it's mostly targeted spells. GP left to rot because endless poke with Q, same with Malph. Darius and Garen left in the shitter (good, fuck these champs) because their point and click execute.

But then you have these champions that have no targeted spells, and as a result, excel in everything else like Riven/Lee/Yasuo/Zed.

Although TBH I would much rather go vs Lee/Yasuo over Garen or Darius.

IMO Cho'Gath is a well balanced champion. All of his spells are extremely powerful yet have meaningful counterplay/choices. Q can be dodged, you can run away from E, he chooses between ulting minions or people, etc. The "balanced" melees IMO are the kinds like Zac, Aatrox, Kha'Zix, Rengar (although his kit can be annoying at times), Singed, Nautilus, Skarner, Renek, Trundle, etc. I'm conflicted putting Olaf there simply because his E. Point and click true damage is stupid.
Kha'Zix is not a balanced champion, rather he's an impossible to balance champion.


Holy shit Newt.

You know that jax jungle guy?

His rune page:

AS reds
AS Quints
9 CDR blues (Seriously who the fuck does this?)
Armour yellows

All against a god damn malphite


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Holy shit Newt.

You know that jax jungle guy?

His rune page:

AS reds
AS Quints
9 CDR blues (Seriously who the fuck does this?)
Armour yellows

All against a god damn malphite

Gotta go (AA) fast.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I've been pretty uncertain on how I'll preform in games after my break, but I'm still pretty much a Lulu god. Feels nice. Still feel like I don't understand half the intricacies of the new season but that'll come eventually.


Old computer's motherboard died

I stole my brother's computer for a couple of days while I waited for my parts to come by post.


Garen da god.

I do agree in that it seems like top lane champs blow their load all the time.

The trade off (or what the trade off should be) is that melee champs have lower CDs cause they usually have to be much closer to hit with the spell (Garen for example) where as ranged don't really have to get into danger to hit with their spells.
I still have no idea of what I want to play as this season. Everything I try goes great until it goes horribly wrong and I get burned out of the role.
Can you disable laughs/jokes/etc.? They're probably the stupidest thing in the game, and I just had to play an entire Poro King match where a teammate sat behind our line the whole time and spammed Nunu Bot's laugh the WHOLE match. He never stopped. It was the most aggravating thing I've ever seen in this game.

I hate the laughs and jokes anyway. They're stupid and people only use them to annoy others.


welp promos lost due to a fucking ad leblanc mid who fed the crap out of a zed

thats okay

right now i have a fiora jungle on my team thats never played fiora

edit: and a mid wukong, so now we're all ad

edit2: wukong has ad per level runes. i didnt even know those existed T_T


Can you disable laughs/jokes/etc.? They're probably the stupidest thing in the game, and I just had to play an entire Poro King match where a teammate sat behind our line the whole time and spammed Nunu Bot's laugh the WHOLE match. He never stopped. It was the most aggravating thing I've ever seen in this game.

I hate the laughs and jokes anyway. They're stupid and people only use them to annoy others.

just mute the guy. that mutes emotes as well.
Just fought against a team with mid Hecarim. I really don't know if he was just that good, but there's something odd about his sudden 180 turns whenever I'm gonna land a bubble on him. There was one moment where we were doing dragon. I swept the area before hand. He was coming from mid so I hid behind the bush and sent a bubble when he did another one of those sudden 180 turns. It happened too many times that I suspected he was using that skillshot dodging script.


Just had the most hilarious game ever.
You know how there are games that you wanna dodge because player's roles aren't the usual? Well here there were 2 Top (me and Urgot), Kata at bot, Jungle Sion and Mid Syndra, and I'm glad I didn't doge this particular match

Before I knew it I had more Gold than I'll ever need XD. I even wanted to get lICH bANE instead of boots, but opted against that. Had some hilariously awesome kills like when Zed died from my Ult as he neared his healing platform, Vayne Killing zed or Yi with an AA that crit, among other hilarious moments.


Holy shit Newt.

You know that jax jungle guy?

His rune page:

AS reds
AS Quints
9 CDR blues (Seriously who the fuck does this?)
Armour yellows

All against a god damn malphite

You guys aren't going to like this but you may want to check out trick2g's YouTube channel. He just put up a my way on jax in the jungle using those runes. This might become a thing lol.


I agree with Zky.

There's nothing really wrong with AA modifiers like Irelia W, Aatrox W, Garen Q, Nasus Q etc, but stupid targeted shit has to go. I'm talking basically all of Pantheon, Irelia Q/E, GP Q, Malph Q, etc.

When one asks "Why is this champion left to rot?" it's because they have some old mechanic that makes playing against them really unfun. In the case for top lane, it's mostly targeted spells. GP left to rot because endless poke with Q, same with Malph. Darius and Garen left in the shitter (good, fuck these champs) because their point and click execute.

But then you have these champions that have no targeted spells, and as a result, excel in everything else like Riven/Lee/Yasuo/Zed.

Although TBH I would much rather go vs Lee/Yasuo over Garen or Darius.

IMO Cho'Gath is a well balanced champion. All of his spells are extremely powerful yet have meaningful counterplay/choices. Q can be dodged, you can run away from E, he chooses between ulting minions or people, etc. The "balanced" melees IMO are the kinds like Zac, Aatrox, Kha'Zix, Rengar (although his kit can be annoying at times), Singed, Nautilus, Skarner, Renek, Trundle, etc. I'm conflicted putting Olaf there simply because his E. Point and click true damage is stupid.

it's not just targeted spells.

for instance on malphite his q isn't a problem because the mana costs on it are prohibitive enough, while gnar gets 100% free poke and it's made even worse because it's a skillshot so you can't even hide in the brush or anything

but still when malph has to fight there's still one right way to do it and that's pressing all your buttons with the single caveat of pressing your w before your e.

i'd say this is true for most melees having mindless spells like zac's pboae explosion thingie, khazix q, skarner's q, etc. if it's out of cd you press it the second it's out of cd, and that's crap

it's not the same as syndra's q because while you wanna use syndra's q the second it's off cd, you also have to time it right because it's a skillshot and you have to think it in regards to her other spells (as in do i wanna hit someone with it or set it up for my e stun or maybe wait and get both? or do i wanna count how many q's i have up and use w to reset the cd on one? etc...)
mindless spam spells top arent the problem.

mid lane reject mages like lissandra go top now because theres literally nobody that can really threaten them up there when they take tp. whats maokai going to do vs a liss? kassadin? they farm, get their items, get 6 and then they have global pressure because they have tp and then you get into the rumbles and the carry tops that just stand there, farm for 10 minutes then tp bot, press r and kill everyone. as long as tp is 10000x better than ignite top then this situation's never going to change.


mindless spam spells top arent the problem.

mid lane reject mages like lissandra go top now because theres literally nobody that can really threaten them up there when they take tp. whats maokai going to do vs a liss? kassadin? they farm, get their items, get 6 and then they have global pressure because they have tp and then you get into the rumbles and the carry tops that just stand there, farm for 10 minutes then tp bot, press r and kill everyone. as long as tp is 10000x better than ignite top then this situation's never going to change.

this is also valid, tho i wasn't really talking about the ranged vs melee top thing, more like what's keeping melee back in general

still i don't know if the ignite thing is true. like at least if both took ignite it would make it so lizzy dumpstering mao doesn't exactly translate into global pressure right away (aka ranged pushes melee into turret so melee can't follow up on tps) but it's still really snowbally in favor of the ranged.

top lane is gonna be hard to fix i bet


Kha'Zix is not a balanced champion, rather he's an impossible to balance champion.

Only thing stupid about him are his resets.

mindless spam spells top arent the problem.

mid lane reject mages like lissandra go top now because theres literally nobody that can really threaten them up there when they take tp. whats maokai going to do vs a liss? kassadin? they farm, get their items, get 6 and then they have global pressure because they have tp and then you get into the rumbles and the carry tops that just stand there, farm for 10 minutes then tp bot, press r and kill everyone. as long as tp is 10000x better than ignite top then this situation's never going to change.

Agreed. The egregious TP buffs last season really fucked top lane up more than anything. Jax used to have a weak early game, but he could start Doran's Blade, farm for another one and come back with 10 HP per hit, completely bypassing his weak early game (not to mention every top laner has been nerfed). Irelia, Maokai, Alistar and the likes should get rekt by Renekton and Co. but they basically get a free pass into mid game.
this is also valid, tho i wasn't really talking about the ranged vs melee top thing, more like what's keeping melee back in general

still i don't know if the ignite thing is true. like at least if both took ignite it would make it so lizzy dumpstering mao doesn't exactly translate into global pressure right away (aka ranged pushes melee into turret so melee can't follow up on tps) but it's still really snowbally in favor of the ranged.

top lane is gonna be hard to fix i bet
ignite top means that hard lane bullies like renekton are actually useful to play because people cant just constantly tp back to farm their waves every 3 minutes. Remember when people played Renekton into Jax to prevent him from getting big, ever? That doesn't happen anymore because Jax just TPs back with like 5 potions and farms and farms and farms. Getting shat on level 3 actually means something then because right now all that happens with your first death is that you end up being about 300 gold down, maybe even less if you're playing a hard pusher because TP is so strong.

What's keeping melees back in general is that League is a game designed almost completely around ranged champions, leading to a massive drop in melee carries unless they're super mobile or deal a gigantic amount of damage faster than anyone can really deal with. Even then, they're pretty much consigned to being split pushers because they're too squishy to go toe to toe with the hard-cc focused aoe centric teamfights that are the norm in both solo q and competitive.
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