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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Did you ever play against Darius for a month or two after his release? Consider him a mild breeze now.

You might try a ranged top-laner if you want to go against melee champions.

I have no problem with melees, it's just that Darius has a super easy time dealing with them.

Too bad we beat his sorry ass until he started raging at us. Haha it was great.

And I got FB on him after he tried to cheese me.


I have no problem with melees, it's just that Darius has a super easy time dealing with them.

Too bad we beat his sorry ass until he started raging at us. Haha it was great.

And I got FB on him after he tried to cheese me.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, you got first blood on him, you and your team beat him a bunch, he finally started raging, and you presumably won the game.

And that made you tear your hair out? D: What would you do if you didn't get the first blood or have a decisive victory?


So if I'm understanding this correctly, you got first blood on him, you and your team beat him a bunch, he finally started raging, and you presumably won the game.

And that made you tear your hair out? D: What would you do if you didn't get the first blood or have a decisive victory?

Well, laning against him is a pain in the ass. It's already pretty difficult if you have sustain, god only knows how miserable it must be for someone who can't farm from range/sustain at all.

Didn't even matter if I had my lead or not, he could just wreck my attack speed and do like 500 true damage to me. So I made sure every death of his was infuriating for him.

I really hate Darius players.



Just met Curse Blevdog in a match of Poro King, capped off our win with an impressive triple kill. It's always cool to meet e-celebs.


Well, laning against him is a pain in the ass. It's already pretty difficult if you have sustain, god only knows how miserable it must be for someone who can't farm from range/sustain at all.

Didn't even matter if I had my lead or not, he could just wreck my attack speed and do like 500 true damage to me. So I made sure every death of his was infuriating for him.

I really hate Darius players.
I suppose I can understand a little. I had at least one game where I felt like my team was barely winning all game, it was hanging on a knife edge, we were about to throw, so stressful. Then the other team surrendered and I realized the score was something like 25-6 and every single one of their kills was from a jungle Shaco.
Vanilla Darius was funny. If he ever gets one kill over you, you will never recover. He'll just ult you again when you get back to lane.
Yeah, I hear nothing good about release CertainlyT champs.

They're all too interesting for League (maybe not Darius). His champions would find better place in Doto. They may be abnormally strong at release, but their kits are usually the most unique ones. I'd rather League's roster be brought up to his level, rather than his champions brought down. I like that the skills gel with each other to form a cohesive kit.


They're all too interesting for League (maybe not Darius). His champions would find better place in Doto. They may be abnormally strong at release, but their kits are usually the most unique ones. I'd rather League's roster be brought up to his level, rather than his champions brought down.

I kind of wish Kalista was 2 champions.

One champ that relies on being soul bound to another champion

And then one with her current passive

Right now I just feel like her passive is so random. It doesn't fit thematically.


Kalista is an awesome champ. I won't stand for anyone insulting her.

She's definitely a champion that has a fluid kit.


Yeah Kalista's a great champ. Lot of fun to play, even though I have no idea what I'm doing with her.

I've seen imaqtpie and even doublelift talk about her on stream; general consensus seems to be that she won't be used much in LCS. Maybe it's just because I'm in low elo, but she seems pretty strong to me. Then again it's probably too early to tell. Look at what happened with Gnar.


I kind of wish Kalista was 2 champions.

One champ that relies on being soul bound to another champion

And then one with her current passive

Right now I just feel like her passive is so random. It doesn't fit thematically.

So being soul bound fits more than being able to chase down someone, being her theme the whole retribution "karma bites you back"?

Thematically speaking, her passive fits her more than soul binding.

Pd. I have 4k IP, thinking of maybe just buying Fizz so Dob can just carry me with it w Also considering Caitlyn because I'm in my "pokemans" mood of gotta catch'em all ADCs.
Uh oh. I may be good at Blitz.....I've won my last 4-5 games as him, and this last game absolutely destroyed. It helps I had an amazing team too. God, that feels good to not be stuck with garbage.



Uh oh. I may be good at Blitz.....I've won my last 4-5 games as him, and this last game absolutely destroyed. It helps I had an amazing team too. God, that feels good to not be stuck with garbage.


It might have to do a bit with the fact that nobody on the enemy team knew what they were doing, but if you land "good" hooks, you're set as Blitz!


It might have to do a bit with the fact that nobody on the enemy team knew what they were doing, but if you land "good" hooks, you're set as Blitz!

This is something that always irritates me in games; after laning everybody on your team doesn't know wtf to do.
Look if I'm keeping top busy and even if I get ganked by their jungler, just fucking push mid.


I think it was bot support Ezreal (???) and then Tryndamere tried to jungle, felt it was too hard and went on to be 2-bot?

It just boggles my mind lol.


Been going as this build on GP lately:
Statik>Inf.>Frozen Heart>Spirit Visage>Lifesteal
I pref. going Atk spd boots.
...but if my team are idiots ain't much I can carry off on :/
Not really. Darius is one of the easier top laners to punish if you have sustain.

Mind elaborating please?
Mind elaborating please?
Darius doesn't have sustain, so if you can go for short trades (preferably close to your own minions) you'll come out ahead in the long run. Maxing Q first on Yorick for example works wonders. Save your mobility or CC for after the hook if he does grab you. It's near-inevitable that he pushes your lane if he wants to aggress should you position yourself correctly, which in turn exposes him to ganks since he's a ridiculously easy target. Also, what is he going to do when you safely heal back up again under a tower? Rinse repeat while being mindful of his Ignite, unless he's a dumb-dumb that opted for Teleport.

Even with champions like Susan or Cho'gath, who don't have much in the way of lane presence in the earliest of levels against top lane melees, I don't really struggle against Darius. His damage output has been neutered, he can't really recover with all-ins if the other guy snowballs (unless facing squishies or wet noodles like I Am Oak, Rumble or Mundo) nor can he cope with jungle pressure once his Flash is out of the picture. He's a sitting duck from that point onwards, on top of his late game not being anything to write home about if he can't establish an advantage in lane. Alternatively: even if you do play it safe and feel a tad bit anxious duking it out with him, you can still outscale him for teamfights with actual utility since Darius gets kited all day and doesn't benefit his team if he's not hitting anyone.


Darius doesn't have sustain, so if you can go for short trades (preferably close to your own minions) you'll come out ahead in the long run. Maxing Q first on Yorick for example works wonders. Save your mobility or CC for after the hook if he does grab you. It's near-inevitable that he pushes your lane if he wants to aggress should you position yourself correctly, which in turn exposes him to ganks since he's a ridiculously easy target. Also, what is he going to do when you safely heal back up again under a tower? Rinse repeat while being mindful of his Ignite, unless he's a dumb-dumb that opted for Teleport.

Even with champions like Susan or Cho'gath, who don't have much in the way of lane presence in the earliest of levels against top lane melees, I don't really struggle against Darius. His damage output has been neutered, he can't really recover with all-ins if the other guy snowballs (unless facing squishies or wet noodles like I Am Oak, Rumble or Mundo) nor can he cope with jungle pressure once his Flash is out of the picture. He's a sitting duck from that point onwards, on top of his late game not being anything to write home about if he can't establish an advantage in lane. Alternatively: even if you do play it safe and feel a tad bit anxious duking it out with him, you can still outscale him for teamfights with actual utility since Darius gets kited all day and doesn't benefit his team if he's not hitting anyone.

Thanks for the tips, I sadly mostly use squishy champs at top atm, but that's good to know in case I have champs with CC or mobility.


Everything is moe to me
did you guys ever notice that the cylon ships are shaped like starbursts but it's the human ones that are called battlestars? whoa.


Would giving an AP champ mag pen runes for 13 mag pen form the start of the game worth it, assuming the AP scaling on their abilities is somewhat middling (like within the 40%-60% bonus AP range)?
Would giving an AP champ mag pen runes for 13 mag pen form the start of the game worth it, assuming the AP scaling on their abilities is somewhat middling (like within the 40%-60% bonus AP range)?
Depends on the base stats. What champion are we talking about here? 0.6 scaling is a lot.


Everything is moe to me
Would giving an AP champ mag pen runes for 13 mag pen form the start of the game worth it, assuming the AP scaling on their abilities is somewhat middling (like within the 40%-60% bonus AP range)?
if by ap champion you mean like vel'koz, then yes it could be worth.
if by ap champion you mean like taric, no. no it would not be worth.


Depends on the base stats. What champion are we talking about here? 0.6 scaling is a lot.

I was thinking mainly regarding Mordekaiser since I wanted to change up his Runes.
After some reading on the lol wiki I'm considering making him this rune list
9 Mag pen reds for 8 Mag Pen
3 AP Quints for 14 ap
9 health per sec yellows for 5 per 5 sec
9 cooldown blues for 7% extra cooldown

My goal is to have 30% cooldown by mid game via WIll of the Ancients and DFG+5% cooldown mastery, and above runes.

I can start the match with around 20 AP thanks to runes+masteries. I'm only contemplating whether I should go for Health regen yellows or Flat HP.


Would giving an AP champ mag pen runes for 13 mag pen form the start of the game worth it, assuming the AP scaling on their abilities is somewhat middling (like within the 40%-60% bonus AP range)?

I did the math a long time ago and found that its almost always better to use flat ap for the most damage. Just calculate the damage with each at each level and see. Spreadsheet time!


Everything is moe to me
I did the math a long time ago and found that its almost always better to use flat ap for the most damage. Just calculate the damage with each at each level and see. Spreadsheet time!

ap quints are always better at lvl 1, but even with malzahar level scaling mpen outperforms ap by midgame. [lvl 11~]

ofcourse imo, you usually should spec your runes for the early game because the relative stat gain from them is largest at that point and mpen is level and item dependant for damage while ap is ap is ap.



ap quints are always better at lvl 1, but even with malzahar level scaling mpen outperforms ap by midgame. [lvl 11~]

ofcourse imo, you usually should spec your runes for the early game because the relative stat gain from them is largest at that point and mpen is level and item dependant for damage while ap is ap is ap.

Sorry, I should have clarified.. I did mean early game which is really the best use for runes.



Nasus and Yasuo lane swapped so Nasus didn't have to deal with Vayne top. It didn't work.

Our J4 had an amazing level 3 dive top lane that got me a kill without giving anything to Yasuo. Then he just kept dying until Malph mid and I swapped.


I haven't played in a week. I've spectated a bit. I've got the itch to play big time, but I just started up a Twitch channel and was messing around with that. Looks like if I want to stream League I'm going to have to upgrade my PC. Bummer. Guess I'll just play away from the prying eyes of the world.
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