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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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can you use trundles pillar to knock your own teammates up for yasuo ?
and you can disrupt their channels like tp, recall or skills ?

or use it to slow them when they are being chased ?
yes. trundle is a troll after all.
The weird thing is, the League wiki only mentions the pillar knocking/slowing enemies, rather than teammates. I guess the wiki needs fixed (http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Trundle).

Even with champions like Susan or Cho'gath, who don't have much in the way of lane presence in the earliest of levels against top lane melees, I don't really struggle against Darius. His damage output has been neutered, he can't really recover with all-ins if the other guy snowballs (unless facing squishies or wet noodles like I Am Oak, Rumble or Mundo) nor can he cope with jungle pressure once his Flash is out of the picture. He's a sitting duck from that point onwards, on top of his late game not being anything to write home about if he can't establish an advantage in lane. Alternatively: even if you do play it safe and feel a tad bit anxious duking it out with him, you can still outscale him for teamfights with actual utility since Darius gets kited all day and doesn't benefit his team if he's not hitting anyone.
For anyone who may be newer to the game, I believe your nicknames are Susan => Nasus, and I Am Oak => Maokai.


Everything is moe to me
The weird thing is, the League wiki only mentions the pillar knocking/slowing enemies, rather than teammates. I guess the wiki needs fixed
anivia wall does it too. i assume being displaced by 'terrain' creation uses the same mechanic as displacement spells.


Just imagine, once upon a time LeBlanc's Q proc would silence for 1.5 seconds, meaning you might not even be able to escape or counterattack.

Horrible, dark days.

But yeah, assassins are getting out of control. Most bans are being put on Akali, Fizz, Zed, Katarina, with Rek'Sai and Morgana. People are downright terrified of those bursty mid champs right now.
Leblanc in every game when she's not banned? Yeah, I'm not happy about it either.
Not just LeBlanc, mid lane assassins in general. It turns the lane into a "you must be this tall" game that only anti-assassin mages can survive.

It's all fun and games until you start seeing Zed, Fizz and LeBlanc every other game and I'm already sick of it. Doesn't help that I keep getting daft junglers that have no idea of what they're doing 2 months in.


Not just LeBlanc, mid lane assassins in general. It turns the lane into a "you must be this tall" game that only anti-assassin mages can survive.

It's all fun and games until you start seeing Zed, Fizz and LeBlanc every other game and I'm already sick of it. Doesn't help that I keep getting daft junglers that have no idea of what they're doing 2 months in.

I'm sick of junglers botching the ganks in mid and dying to an assassin. Nothing burns me more than my jungler feeding up my lane opponent that is already dangerous.
nah its actually really easy to gank assassins especially if ur someone like j4 because they tend to spam their escape spells to do damage (lb, zed, etc) so u can just sit there if it isnt warded and then gank when they blow their escapes.


neko this is for u
The current mid meta is getting old pretty damn fast.
Agreed. I'm tired of Kataria, Yas, or LeBlanc. Every damn game. I used to only to play Vel'Koz in mid, but since Rek'Sai came out I've found myself having a ton more fun jungling as Rek'Sai or supporting as Blitz. Branching out has shown me how much more fun other lanes/positions are right now.
Yeah I can't wait for non-stop Orianna 'meta' again. I want some variety.

Assassins, pft, what a bunch of rascals!
As if Ori went anywhere in the past 2 years.

What variety is going to be there when assassins basically dictate that mid will be played by 6ish champions only? Was the jungle fun when all that was worth playing was Lee Kha Elise Eve Panth and Wu? Mid has a big-ass pool of viable champions, assassins being the meta as opposed to simply viable turns it into top lane and if I wanted to play that I would just go ahead and bang my head on a wall while asking for ganks.

I mean, fuggit, I'll just abuse LeBlanc until she gets nerfed and/or permabanned but this can't go on for too long.


another side effect of assassins being the midlane meta is it pushes a lot of those mid lane AP mages to top lane (lissandra go away we dont want you up here)
another side effect of assassins being the midlane meta is it pushes a lot of those mid lane AP mages to top lane (lissandra go away we dont want you up here)
Not to mention being riskier to pick immobile ADCs that aren't Sivir unless you have a Janna, stuff like Kass, Lulu and Zilean being common again, everybody suffers.
A friend of mine told me that an upcoming champion's strength will be buffing minions to have more HP/ do more damage/add another cannon minion, etc, and that his ult will destroy every active minion from both teams. Supposed to be a support.

He told me about Azir before he came out, but this new champ's description sounds so sketchy and he's probably just trolling me.
Unless you're Link


I couldn't think of a Hearthstone joke

A friend of mine told me that an upcoming champion's strength will be buffing minions to have more HP/ do more damage/add another cannon minion, etc, and that his ult will destroy every active minion from both teams. Supposed to be a support.

He told me about Azir before he came out, but this new champ's description sounds so sketchy and he's probably just trolling me.

that... ummm. hrm. that... yeah.

if that happens I will be surprised, shocked and excited because that sounds hella fucking insane.


I just played as Tristana against a nightmare-inducing teamcomp: Annie, Kassadin, Lee Sin, Thresh and Varus.

God that was so annoying. We got ahead at first (Thresh was super bad wtf) and that just meant camp-day by Lee Sin and Kassadin.. Fuck that -_-; Didn't help that I had my friend with Soraka and with Exhaust, which he never uses... because idk.

I was useless the entire time, and it seemed we were gonna turn it but we ruined it in a stupid ass chase. After that it all went to worse and they got Baron and pushed up mid. Our Garen and Maokai were big but I mean our teamcomp was kinda scrubby, with Teemo being mid.

._. sad life of the ADC with no peel. Annie literally held everything for me. After that I just tilted and I started doing worse and worse ._.

Pd. I'm sure there's worse but god damn, what a frustrating game...

A friend of mine told me that an upcoming champion's strength will be buffing minions to have more HP/ do more damage/add another cannon minion, etc, and that his ult will destroy every active minion from both teams. Supposed to be a support.

He told me about Azir before he came out, but this new champ's description sounds so sketchy and he's probably just trolling me.

He's trolling you I think, there was a thread on Reddit about "design the most underpowered champion" and one of them was along the minion buffing, albeit this one it was like buffing only 1 at a time and he got buffed by how many minions he had around him, and he buffed them as well.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
The donger just can't carry these scrubs.


i'ma be home in about an hour if panda or fuzzery are around to playyyy

Welp, Irelia can just shit on Rumble and farm like there is no enemy top, poor dude.

that's pretty much how it goes with irelia vs anyone

the only exception is malphite if you can't dodge his attack speed reduction, and maybe darius if you mess the lane up
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