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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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A wild zky appears
One thing I don't quite understand about the reset is whether or not your LP gains take into account your previous season? Does your account (after the initial MMR calculation) more or less behave like a fresh one? Last season was my first so I'm not sure how it works.
Unless Riot changes how the reset will work... again... no to both questions. After the reset you won't be getting LP, you'll be getting seeded and that will only take into account your ranked MMR. Once you get seeded you'll have a new MMR, and your LP gains will be based on that - but you'll basically have the same MMR as the division you're in so you'll get normal gains. It won't behave like a fresh one because fresh accounts have no MMR whereas veteran accounts do.

the group i'm in is so appropriate

Now do it again once the reset drops


Viktor shit?

He's god damned amazing. He's probably one of the only champs I feel entirely comfortable to blind pick in ranked. I don't care whether I'm against Zed, Kassadin, Leblanc, Yasuo, or anyone he's just so good imo. He just lacks mobility which I'm fine with.


How the f does that make it to the front page

Misleading title, in fact some people straight up just talked about nerfs/nerfing without reading the text of the post.

Also, deadnames makes a fair amount of threads on reddit, one was bound to make it!


I was expecting something like "nerf her to oblivion", I'm dissapointed that you don't hate the most hateful character in the game. I will no longer be your fan until you rectify.

Need that easy karma bro (reddit in a nutshell). I still fucking hate Irelia and everything she stands for. If I had said her and Jarvan need to go into nerf hell, I would've gotten down voted. Baby come back :(


Need that easy karma bro (reddit in a nutshell). I still fucking hate Irelia and everything she stands for. If I had said her and Jarvan need to go into nerf hell, I would've gotten down voted. Baby come back :(
You won't get Karma from self posts, so it does not matter either way in this case.


talking about the keyboard :3

although, as an aside, how do you find Razer's build quality?

Haha, shows how much I know.

The only issue I've had with it is dust collects in the wheel and I need to blow in it every so often. Usually it's if I bring it places and leave it in my backpack


I almost queued up to play ranked last night but couldn't do it. I'm feeling abused by the system. I just couldn't play anymore this past weekend. I did some rune cleanup and noticed that some were more outdated than I realized. Things should be a touch better when I jump back in this week.

Did the rune sale start today? I want to stock up on my smurf and I still have a few worth buying on my main. I have a ton of IP available.


I almost queued up to play ranked last night but couldn't do it. I'm feeling abused by the system. I just couldn't play anymore this past weekend. I did some rune cleanup and noticed that some were more outdated than I realized. Things should be a touch better when I jump back in this week.

Did the rune sale start today? I want to stock up on my smurf and I still have a few worth buying on my main. I have a ton of IP available.

I think it starts on the 22nd.


Need that easy karma bro (reddit in a nutshell). I still fucking hate Irelia and everything she stands for. If I had said her and Jarvan need to go into nerf hell, I would've gotten down voted. Baby come back :(

Oh ok I thought you liked that abomination for one second. Didn't make sense.
Just a reminder of what champions you must hate if you want to be a good person:

- Akali - Kayle
- Annie - Lux
- Caitlyn - Master Yi
- Diana - Pantheon
- Fiora - Poppy
- Fizz - Riven
- Irelia - Ryze
- Jarvan IV - Teemo
- Jax - Tristana
- Kassadin - Tryndamere
- Katarina - Veigar
- Yasuo - Warwick

And of course, the most obnoxious, disgusting champion to ever be conceived: VI.


I thought I remembered DeadNames mentioning Fiora before. When I searched I found these posts, and I thought the progression was a little funny. The first post is from waaaaay back in 2013 though.

DeadNames said:
I thought Fiora was generally considered one of the worst champs in the game...?
Man I hope that Fiora rework comes. I want to love her but she's so damn boring.
Fiora needs to be sent so far into nerf hell that even Urgot, Eve and Olaf will feel bad for her.

The cycle of life and death continues.


Detective Summons on duty!
It's not detective work, it was like 5 seconds on Google. And like I said one post was from 2013 so it's hardly back to back.

It probably happens with a few different champions though. Sometimes they seem awful, other times they become unexpectedly strong. A few are so weird or awkward or ugly that they may never really be popular (Kog'maw is somehow cute even though he is a monster, but Urgot is just kind of gross).


I thought I remembered DeadNames mentioning Fiora before. When I searched I found these posts, and I thought the progression was a little funny. The first post is from waaaaay back in 2013 though.

The cycle of life and death continues.

It's because she's a gimmick champ right now. You pick her into someone like Nasus or Aatrox and get an auto win. If you pick her and get countered by Pantheon, Cass, or Jax, you just lose. I think she has a high win percentage because people have learned to pick her in better situations. She's the ultimate feast or famine champ in the game.


I want to pick up some runes in the upcoming sale, but I also want to buy another champ.

Probably someone I can jungle with, like J4 or Pantheon. Never really played either much, but I feel like I want someone with good ganks to use when I don't feel like playing Vi.

Does anyone use mana regen runes on ranged supports? I feel like they'd be pretty nice early on for poking in lane.

I'm considering CDR runes as well.


I want to pick up some runes in the upcoming sale, but I also want to buy another champ.

Probably someone I can jungle with, like J4 or Pantheon. Never really played either much, but I feel like I want someone with good ganks to use when I don't feel like playing Vi.

Does anyone use mana regen runes on ranged supports? I feel like they'd be pretty nice early on for poking in lane.

I'm considering CDR runes as well.
J4 may be simpler and more reliable than trying to coordinate ult location and timing with Pantheon. I am not sure if J4 is currently popular and getting nerfed in the future though.

Pantheon is also great for stealing kills, ending up with most of the team's kills, and then blaming the team once it's later in the game and Panthon-without-tank-items may not be as helpful.


I got mine finally. In thanks for my good behavior they give me...... Nunu bot. I guess they want me to change my ways. Spam laugh incoming.
I want to pick up some runes in the upcoming sale, but I also want to buy another champ.

Probably someone I can jungle with, like J4 or Pantheon. Never really played either much, but I feel like I want someone with good ganks to use when I don't feel like playing Vi.

Does anyone use mana regen runes on ranged supports? I feel like they'd be pretty nice early on for poking in lane.

I'm considering CDR runes as well.
Rune sales happen once in a blood moon, you can get the champions later.

Mana regen runes might be a lot better now that MP5 items boost them up.


I want to pick up some runes in the upcoming sale, but I also want to buy another champ.

Probably someone I can jungle with, like J4 or Pantheon. Never really played either much, but I feel like I want someone with good ganks to use when I don't feel like playing Vi.

Does anyone use mana regen runes on ranged supports? I feel like they'd be pretty nice early on for poking in lane.

I'm considering CDR runes as well.

Mana regen runes are great. I use them for many support pages, but my Nami page is especially heavy on mana regen runes. I also use some CDR runes for that page. If it is of interest I can post it.


Holy shit I just won a ranked game that should not have been won. So basically, me and my friend were duo q'ing and we decided to go bot lane, so I picked Jinx and he picked Thresh. However the last pick Vayne refused to go jungle so decided she was also going to go adc. Me and thresh decided we would go jungle together (even though I had no machete or smite) we ended up getting like 3 kills top for Maokai and 2 or so for Syndra mid from our unexpected ganks. We ended up winning the game after just applying constant pressure to everything and even getting objectives such as baron and dragon without smite.



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