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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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New stuff in league is always good at this point.
I'm not certain about Dominion and Ascension modes. :p But I guess some people like them so that's still good.

Team Builder times are still so long due to support and jungle players, I really wonder how many people play blind pick normals. Would it make sense to eliminate blind pick normals completely, and make everyone do normal draft or Team Builder? At least that way you might get some slightly lower queues.


[1:35] YLA Rex: sup?
[1:36] tHe PeeCo: hey man
saw your a best jngler
my team is looking for a jngler
any interest?
[1:36] YLA Rex: whered you see me?
[1:36] tHe PeeCo: home page
[1:37] YLA Rex: oh
how serious is the team
[1:37] tHe PeeCo: very serious
[1:37] YLA Rex: like you guys aiming for competitive stuff?
[1:38] tHe PeeCo: weekend tournaments yeah
[1:38] YLA Rex: yeah i live in Aus so timezones are an issue
[1:38] tHe PeeCo: australia?
[1:38] YLA Rex: yeah
[1:38] tHe PeeCo: oh shit
nm then i guess
sorry bout that
[1:39] YLA Rex: yeah, no worries

Well that happened
God, I hate not having a team to play with. Fucking ranked game....0 kills to 16. Jinx top. Shen/Malphite bottom. All shitting it up. Just awful. Aaand team refused surrender at 20. 2 said nope. I took some previous given advice, and sat my ass at base AFK. Screw playing that out.

Next ranked game....5 minutes in and we're 0 - 4. I've never wanted to uninstall this game so bad before. And I know I won't. We were coming back, and by god, we shouldn't have been able to. But we came back from 10K deficit, and slowly started pushing into enemy base. Then the team just falls apart. The exact words out of my mouth "Wait until we all respawn. Hold base, wait for them to screw up next team fight pushing in, then we secure our win." Ahri spawns, and literally sprints out to mid and fights 1 v3 . Xin comes in AS AHRI DIES and continues her fight. Dies. Next up? Tristana jumps in, as Xin dies. It was some action movie shit of them going in one at a time to die on my team. How dumb do you have to be? Serious question.


Next ranked game....5 minutes in and we're 0 - 4. I've never wanted to uninstall this game so bad before. And I know I won't. We were coming back, and by god, we shouldn't have been able to. But we came back from 10K deficit, and slowly started pushing into enemy base. Then the team just falls apart. The exact words out of my mouth "Wait until we all respawn. Hold base, wait for them to screw up next team fight pushing in, then we secure our win." Ahri spawns, and literally sprints out to mid and fights 1 v3 . Xin comes in AS AHRI DIES and continues her fight. Dies. Next up? Tristana jumps in, as Xin dies. It was some action movie shit of them going in one at a time to die on my team. How dumb do you have to be? Serious question.
That's the chain throw right here. Not ranked exclusive sadly, but a 0-4 start is hard but doable imo. No need to rage about it in game. :d


The ingame store is still horribly broken for me. Black screens, stuck loading, etc.

On the bright side I encountered the rare League of Legends unicorn today. I tried a PVP game for a change, Team Builder. My internet did disconnect once early on, but not more than that. I went top because the one person who was not premade wanted to switch lanes. I then got crushed by Darius and a Shaco jungle. I played badly and I'm not convinced my internet will ever work again, and my hard drive(s) may be dying, so it was small in the grand scheme of things.

But, The Riven who team-builder-queued top then proceeded to complain all game about Shaco camping them. That was annoying, since they asked to switch in the first place.

After the game I talked to the enemy Darius and Shaco for a while. Then right before leaving, the enemy Darius mystery gifted me Deep Terror Thresh. ;_; That was the first time someone has ever used that postgame feature on me.
That's the chain throw right here. Not ranked exclusive sadly, but a 0-4 start is hard but doable imo. No need to rage about it in game. :d
Luckily, I'm good at remaining calm, cool, and collected in-game. Smiley face here, a "we'll get 'em next time" there. If only they could see me in front of my monitor, ripping my hair out.


But, The Riven who team-builder-queued top then proceeded to complain all game about Shaco camping them. That was annoying, since they asked to switch in the first place.

After the game I talked to the enemy Darius and Shaco for a while. Then right before leaving, the enemy Darius mystery gifted me Deep Terror Thresh. ;_; That was the first time someone has ever used that postgame feature on me.

Wow, that's lucky! I kinda feel that Riven though, being camped is zzz.

Reminds me of yesterday we were playing with some friends and we couldn't get a 5th so we got matched with a Plat Mordekaiser.



The guy was really laid back and until Graves started "rolling", he was our strongest member. He was nice and all but all of a sudden, he started going top and basically hang out with the enemy Battlecast Cho'Gath. That kinda pissed off my friend Gnar who was top because he basically just stood there and wasn't ganking, just talking with Cho'Gath. I was like "c'mon man.. you're most of our strength" and he kept there. On top of that Gnar was camped all the time by Pantheon and Lee Sin so I just applied pressure bot and mid and got 4 Dragons (they got 0).

Kinda annoyed me that the enemy team all were like "yeah friendship alright!" but of course they would want them to hang out, as it was keeping Mordekaiser from pushing to end, who could basically 1v3 and come out on top.

Anyway, this time ganking I was more decisive. First I backed after Gromp > Blue > Wolves. Then I did Red and proceeded to gank. I got First Blood on Cho, and I told Gnar to just back and that I would gank him again (he had burned flash). Instead he stayed and then Lee came and it was a double kill (was mostly my fault but only because I came trying to help Gnar) for Cho.

But yeah, I was more straightforward ganking, and I think it improved my overall jungle experience and it helped me not feel frustrated. Also I'm curious, on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is Sunfire? I kinda wanted something tanky but not too tanky and then I realised it might not be the best item for Vi. Also, my damage is really low, I've started to try to use the AA reset on E more, but it's hard when I am all hypey in the middle of a TF and idk what to do more to improve it.

Finally Mordekaiser grouped and then it was just a stomp and Graves was left to his own devices, slaughtering bot.


Wow, that's lucky! I kinda feel that Riven though, being camped is zzz.
Do you tell your teammates "stfu" and "don't speak to me at all" in chat though? I suspect you don't. :p

I was also being camped/ganked a lot by the Shaco, and I think I only had one gank from my own jungler at all, but I wasn't complaining about it. The main thing was that I was trying to be nice and swap out of the lane I queued for in team builder, only for the person to die a bunch and complain anyway.


Do you tell your teammates "stfu" and "don't speak to me at all" in chat though? I suspect you don't. :p

I was also being camped/ganked a lot by the Shaco, and I think I only had one gank from my own jungler at all, but I wasn't complaining about it. The main thing was that I was trying to be nice and swap out of the lane I queued for in team builder, only for the person to die a bunch and complain anyway.

Yeah no, that's not my course of action at all haha, but I mean, it can be very frustrating being ganked all the time! I had that happen once at bot lane where the lane gets really shitty after mid and jungle give you a couple of visits. ._.

Btw, someone was talking about Trist VO? I think it's actually on point, I mean, she sounds like the same age that Fizz seems, young 20's or so, I'd much rather have that than her old voice (though I didn't dislike it at all). It fits more with her personality now, I see her face now and I could imagine that voice coming out of her!


11 am Pacific Standard Time sound good?
i'm going to be so freaking asleep when this happens

Yeah, I love how Vi sounds too, but I love her personality and design overall as well so I guess I was off to a good start with Trist's voice.
i just love growly people. all the grawhhh's and yraghhgh's. so much fun

vi's such a cool character, there needs to be a third vi sister that's made for midlane cos i tried jinx once and got destroyed (like every time i try playing something that isn't like the 3 champions i'm not absolutely terrible at)



i just love growly people. all the grawhhh's and yraghhgh's. so much fun

vi's such a cool character, there needs to be a third vi sister that's made for midlane cos i tried jinx once and got destroyed (like every time i try playing something that isn't like the 3 champions i'm not absolutely terrible at)

I like her kinda butch personality? Not really butch but you know, not your average girly waifu. She's gonna punch people and she will do it with style, you know? It's true that her E screams are pretty satisfying too, lol.

My problem with Jinx is that my laning is really terrible. If I get past that I can do decently well but to be honest I haven't practiced her as much. I have mixed feelings about Jinx though haha. I wouldn't mind a third or hell a sister per role. It would be funny to have them all together in a team.

Off-topic but I just went in a custom to try the Z'z gate thing and damn, that damage to towers is unreal! It's limited by range and what not but if you can sneak one it might be decent. I am unsure how strong it actually is though, the item itself seems suited for a support maybe (?) and good spots seem to be the bush between the two outer turrets at top and bot. I guess it could work if your enemies don't have much map awareness (I'm looking at you, Normals peeps), but I don't think it'll work that well versus competent teams. Who knows though! I'm just a scrub, any of you have had a real experience with this new item? Or thoughts?


You think Reksai is worse than J4? Wtf. The only thing worse than J4 is Vi, and that's because Vi is at the peak of nauseating champions followed by J4 himself, Akali and Irelia.

Are you guys from another dimension or what? What twisted reality do you dwell in where Vi is "at the peak of nauseating champions"?

Jesus H Christ, what the flying fuck...


ed: btw iron stylus opened his own patreon page: http://www.patreon.com/ironstylus.

here's zeronis' btw: http://www.patreon.com/zeronis. zeronis is making bank lol

I like her kinda butch personality? Not really butch but you know, not your average girly waifu. She's gonna punch people and she will do it with style, you know? It's true that her E screams are pretty satisfying too, lol.
i think i played vi 2 times in my life and i spent all my time growling at the computer

she's a cool gal

My problem with Jinx is that my laning is really terrible. If I get past that I can do decently well but to be honest I haven't practiced her as much. I have mixed feelings about Jinx though haha. I wouldn't mind a third or hell a sister per role. It would be funny to have them all together in a team.
lol a whole team of vi's sisters that would be amazing

Off-topic but I just went in a custom to try the Z'z gate thing and damn, that damage to towers is unreal! It's limited by range and what not but if you can sneak one it might be decent. I am unsure how strong it actually is though, the item itself seems suited for a support maybe (?) and good spots seem to be the bush between the two outer turrets at top and bot. I guess it could work if your enemies don't have much map awareness (I'm looking at you, Normals peeps), but I don't think it'll work that well versus competent teams. Who knows though! I'm just a scrub, any of you have had a real experience with this new item? Or thoughts?
i don't know anything about tank items but i don't think we'll see lots of the zz top item thing since ga has pretty much the same tank stats and is pretty gold inefficient if you ignore the passive/active, and you don't really see much ga on tanks.

that's my initial impressions based on stats only. i dunno how strong the active is and i don't really play much top lane, but i think tanks aren't usually too excited about resistances items that don't come with health (unless it's like crazy gold effective item like frozen heart).

like zz top + warmogs would be nice to see, but it has so much money wasted for out of combat stuff that i can't imagine anyone ever wanting.

would love to see this item in competitive tho

/ignorant 2c

Are you guys from another dimension or what? What twisted reality do you dwell in where Vi is "at the peak of nauseating champions"?

Jesus H Christ, what the flying fuck...

nev reality is pretty twisted yo

i do think vi's ult is pretty ugly to play against, but she feels pretty balanced right now, so i don't mind


Let me see.

Tankier than Shen, Nautilus, Braum and Malphite &#10003;
More damage than most junglers due to retarded max hp dmg/armor shred steroid&#10003;
Lots of hard CC &#10003;
One of the most idiotic point and click CCs in case you miss Q or just want to stunlock/oneshot someone with absurd damage considering its CC and little to zero counterplay especially in late game &#10003;
Easy as fuck to play and carry shit with 1 button &#10003;
Stupid design &#10003;
Annoying voiceover &#10003;

Verdict: 9/10 in the revolting ranking of abominable champions; Irelia and Jarvan are jealous of her toxicity.
Udyr to Trin or not to Trin. That is the question.

I recently started playing him jungle and for the first time since owning him I actually started winning games. I was able to just wreck house with him. In the jungle I built him the trailblazer with devourer and then just stacked tons of armour. By mid game most of the enemy team couldn't touch me and were getting bursted by my Bear>Tiger>Phoenix combo. By last game I felt some of my kill potential fade, but that had a lot to do with me being not man enough to invade the enemy jungle as often as I should have.

Now I see most Udyr guides prefer that you get Trinity Force as your first complete item after moby boots. Don't even finish jungle item and rush that. I like the dmg it brings, but honestly I feel that it only works against a none heavy burst team. Because if you get your trinity at the 12 min mark, you are pretty squishy at a point that most teams have started getting their real burst combos up.

Likewise when I was laning, I found myself having a better time with blade of the ruin king as opposed to phage. Udyr prone to harass a lot so that lifesteal combined with maxing my turtle after phoenix gives me a lot of sustain in lane. I then rushed Trinity Force, followed by Wits and Randuin's Omen. I was pretty much an unstoppable mother f'er. That said I felt I was given a lot of my advantage by what seemed a pretty noob fiora that didn't have an answer for the dmg I was bringing.

My question is should Trinity be my first item? I think if I am really ahead, by a couple of kills at least, then yes. If I'm not finish some more sustain or tanky items.

What do you guys think?
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