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Vegetarian sushi

Isn't that just rice
I tried the hold Q thing but it didn't work likely cuz of my Ping being higher than what you guys normally have >_>;

I'll try it one more time and if I still can't do it I'll prob. stick to mid or Top Ali or somethin.
To be honest without WQ Ali is pretty mediocre.


Veggie sushi has stuff like asparagus, cucumber, carrots, cream cheese, maybe sweet potatoes, probably other veggies. Sushi place next door to me has a great veggie roll.


i don't think so?

isn't like the only "meat" in sushi salmon?

i dunno i'm just curious

Yeah sushi is great but idk about vegetarian sushi. I love me some sashimi of tuna or salmon and specially swordfish? But that one depending on where, it can get really expensive. I hate that since I moved here to Norway, eating out is so expensive (compared to Spain eitherway) that I basically only eat sushi out (since they also tend to be average to expensive places) once a year.

I went to a really cool place in Oslo on my birthday last year, which was Korean and Japanese cuisine, was really good (a bit expensive) but delicious. Also the walls had these kabuki-esque era drawings made with graffiti that made it look really cool, haha.

If you want to avoid fish/meat in a sushi place, I'd suggest vegetables yakisoba (I could eat the chicken variant all day) and or tempura (not sure if that is the right word) deep fried vegetables. Also there's some rolls that are really good with avocado and such, but imo if they don't have salmon or tuna they end up lacking a bit.

Pd. I will prolly go for sushi Nami! I want to use her a lot again, because she kinda works well with most of the ADCs.


I wonder if people are going to accept the passive farming jungle or if people are going to complain enough to push for another change in the jungle.
Anyone disagree with split pushing?

I find it as a perfectly acceptable strategy dependent on the situations. If I'm a top laner, or pretty much any champs that could push well and I'm winning my lane then I will keep pushing it. Roam when I can but keep the pressure top so the rest of my team have more freedom. Perfectly good example of good split push. Plus if they ignore you and TF, then you have a free lane to push. After the 12 mins mark if no one stops you that could be two turrets and an inhib.

I disagree with Split Pushing in games when you are losing, or more specifically you are behind and it's becoming mid game. Late game I don't care so much, because it's all about opening the gates late game and securing those objectives. But in that mid game area, that's when I disagree with it.

That's when I feel you would almost always be better served sticking with your team and winning team fights. Yes you could push all the way to their second turret, but a good team will recognise this, and stop you there. That's also fine as you want them to focus you. The problem I've seen so many times are the people with no map awareness split pushing because they hear it's op, and then getting pounced on 3v1 with way to escape. Even if you have fed to the point that you are only worth 50g, you still give them exp and 40 secs when you are out of the game.

Let me change my statement. Split pushing is great, no matter what...If you can actually get an objective/get out alive.

What do you guys think?

EDIT: Got a sweet Garen rune page. Max CDR runes and Speed quints. Jump form bush into DEMACIA!


split pushing can be an amazing way to get back into a game if you're behind as long as your team knows how to play defensively.


1. gets you free farm
2. puts pressure on the map
3. gives your team opportunities to capitalize on misplays by the enemy (usually in the form of a bad dive)

as long as you as the splitpusher recognize when to pull back or when/how to fake a recall and read the map
I wonder if people are going to accept the passive farming jungle or if people are going to complain enough to push for another change in the jungle.
If Feral Flare was bad last thing I want is a widespread meta in the same vein.

I don't see what was the point of the gold change, junglers weren't gold starved, specially now with smite charges. Plus pushing these changes a week before the season starts just makes me go ???????? what was even the point of the preseason


I main jungle, but I am Horrible (tm by our GAF pro residents :p), so take my word with a grain of salt.

Junglers were just a tiny bit gold starved. Not much, but if you guarded/pushed a lane for a minute, and the other jungler just farmed in the meantime, that could have amounted in a power difference worth more than your lane's safety. Two smite charges partially remedy this.

The gold bonus is not THAT much. I mean.... just some raw numbers. Lets assume that from the start of 2:00, you average two packs per minute. That is a hefty 20 gold bonus per minute. 400 gold over the coarse of the first 20 minutes. Or 600 if you kill 3 groups per minute (braindead AFK farming, that is). Barely two kill's worth.

Meh. nothing to be up in arms about, but it can definitely help in the first few minutes.
I main jungle, but I am Horrible (tm by our GAF pro residents :p), so take my word with a grain of salt.

Junglers were just a tiny bit gold starved. Not much, but if you guarded/pushed a lane for a minute, and the other jungler just farmed in the meantime, that could have amounted in a power difference worth more than your lane's safety. Two smite charges partially remedy this.

The gold bonus is not THAT much. I mean.... just some raw numbers. Lets assume that from the start of 2:00, you average two packs per minute. That is a hefty 20 gold bonus per minute. 400 gold over the coarse of the first 20 minutes. Or 600 if you kill 3 groups per minute (braindead AFK farming, that is). Barely two kill's worth.

Meh. nothing to be up in arms about, but it can definitely help in the first few minutes.
I don't mean the initial jungle change that gave +10/+20 gold per camp, I don't see why it needed to be buffed. Junglers are supposed to be slightly gold starved, you're not a laner, the +15/+30 gold buff seems completely random to me.

Aren't the meta junglers carry type champions that buy expensive stuff? It's not like this is season 2 where you needed to be a tank and be content with 2000 gold total, what even brought this change? Gold flow hasn't been much of a problem in the new jungle - nowhere near as XP flow, at least - people weren't exactly complaining about it, so what happened? Is there something high ELO junglers are onto that I don't understand? Or is it just Riot spinning the CLG wheel and doing whatever is in it?


Something tells me you are not mainly a jungler.
If a jungler gets fed, that is because of kills, not because of the camps. That wont change by this. But this will help junglers get back to the map with a few extra potions at most.
I was practicing a ton of jungle in the past couple weeks, I never felt my farm lacking. Falling off in XP, sure, but gold wise even without being fed? Not really.


As a jungle main:

Jungle gold is way overtuned. People are rewarded a lot more for farming the jungle and ignoring lanes.

That is not a good thing for the role.

I'm too tired to write a detailed answer


Split pushing is such easy wins if you know how to react to it. Like I was playing Lucian once and I was feeding but our Trynd was hella fed. We stayed and soft pushed until they sent 2+ people after him then took towers and drags and ended up winning.


Gonna give Rene a try later today.
From what I gather, he can do a maximum of 2 empowered abilities at 100% fury right?

So I do E, to get in, then W to stun, followed by Q, then I GTFO with E right?
That's the usual poke while tossing in a Hydra burst.


I wonder if people are going to accept the passive farming jungle or if people are going to complain enough to push for another change in the jungle.

If Feral Flare was bad last thing I want is a widespread meta in the same vein.

I don't see what was the point of the gold change, junglers weren't gold starved, specially now with smite charges. Plus pushing these changes a week before the season starts just makes me go ???????? what was even the point of the preseason

The problem with feral flare wasn't that junglers were just farming. It was that they farmed a stacking item and came out insanely strong.

In the current jungle, a jungler that just farms won't be stronger than a laner. Maybe that'll change after the gold change but it definitely wasn't true before the gold change.

It's painfully obvious that Riot wants a fairly straightforward early game. Very little shenanigans. Laners in their lanes, junglers in their jungles. They bought into the laners feeling abused by level 2 or 3 ganks.

I don't mind a more passive early game tbh. I enjoyed creating havok early but I can see how people wouldn't like that. I'll be content to farm out the early game, get some wards down, maybe an opportune gank or two, maybe some counter jungling with the right jungler. It will potentially open up a lot more viable champs.

It sucks that they didn't tune this too well during the preseason. There was plenty of time to do so. Making this big of a change and calling it released is pretty ugly.
Like I said, when I talk about the gold change I mean specifically the buff that came in the current patch. I think the jungle was already fine last patch, XP needed a little boost, some champions were - and still are - a bit overtuned and certain level spikes were a bit silly because of Stalker's but overall it was fine and the smite charge was a neat idea to let junglers have more options between ganking and getting jungle buffs, but buffing the gold income further was completely unnecessary, specially 6 days before the competitive season begins.

EDIT - Did some rough estimates, with an upgraded machete each jungle camp will give slightly less gold than an entire minion wave. Counting the fact that you don't have to worry about last hits, harassing - sans invasions - and overall wave control so you don't get ganked when a lane gets pushed this is complete horseshit, specially since unlike minions it takes a lot more effort to deny this gold.



Playing a FOTM champ is like life.

You spend all this time playing one champ that everyone plays that will eventually be nerfed. When it's nerfed all that time you spent learning it is useless. You'll send it to the backlog only to be forgotten when the next wave of FOTM arrives. People live their meaningless lives and then die, letting the next generation do the same exact thing. Over and over and over again.

Gee ghost you're on a roll buddy. Of course the biggest bs in league is jarvan because he's you know, IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. Not dota. Come on dude.

Play Viktor. He most likely won't become FOTM but he's one of the best mid carries imo. His damage is absolutely insane and he can carry team fights by himself if you get a good laser and ult. You can also 1 shot adc's late game with your Q-AA if you have lich bane. Just don't play too far up in lane and make sure you ward up for ganks since he has no escapes other than flash.
When buying champs should I even out each type of champ i get
Example like buying an adc then sup then mid then jg then top?
Or should I only buy champs for places that I like?


When buying champs should I even out each type of champ i get
Example like buying an adc then sup then mid then jg then top?
Or should I only buy champs for places that I like?

Although it is nice to have a diverse champion pool, if your just beginning just pick whatever champion your interested in.


When buying champs should I even out each type of champ i get
Example like buying an adc then sup then mid then jg then top?
Or should I only buy champs for places that I like?

Just buy whatever you're interested in. I went on a spree recently and bought like 4 adcs in a row.


When buying champs should I even out each type of champ i get
Example like buying an adc then sup then mid then jg then top?
Or should I only buy champs for places that I like?

If you really want a nice base for a reasonable amount of money, you can pick up one of the champ bundles. There's a good diverse set of champs that can start you off. Then pick and choose the ones you like to play from there.


Thanks guys I just start to notice that all my champs where mostly top and jg and sup and was wonder what other people do.

Ya I mean not everyone likes to play every role, so it's fine when you have a lot more than others.

Stone prob has the best advice there. Just play free week ppl and if you like them then buy them.


Been in teambuilder queue for 5 mins as an adc


edit: so uh the other team has 2 high plats. now i remember why i stopped playing this game


Sivir is a shit early game champ, and most mids are like great early game. I could play it against some assassins though, like Fizz or Zed.

Also, I'm feeling an inhouse today. You peeps down?


jk I will if i'm on. I kind of want to play the Evolve beta when I get home.


Been in teambuilder queue for 5 mins as an adc


edit: so uh the other team has 2 high plats. now i remember why i stopped playing this game
I guess because there are so few people playing team builder, the matchmaking on that won't be the same as something like ranked, where it can put you with people of the same MatchMaking Rating more reliably.

Also, I'm feeling an inhouse today. You peeps down?
If someone wants a player with broken internet, definitely. *cry*
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