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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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there's gonna be things in the game that counter your character. maybe on aatrox more than most, but really. <40% health. how many kills were you gonna get at that point?

You'd be surprised. I dunno if I've made this clear or not, but a large part of Aatrox is the ability to survive at low HP.

i almost never type anything in chat and don't have all that many issues communicating about splitpushes. if i see someone like tryndamere or whatever going off on their own we just leave them do their thing and we try and help him how we can.

Then I wish people could be as smart as you.

how? if ahri's fed, you're splitpushing and she's sent to fight you because she has morellos, you just don't fight her and you already gave your team an advantage

Kids have no idea how to deal with splitpushes. They send 2+ to get me and my team does nothing.


i'm less of a waifu person and more like just relating to female characters and liking to play barbies in videogames in general

no excuses for the fanart collection tho lol

ok nvm pls don't be proud of me lol


Kids have no idea how to deal with splitpushes. They send 2+ to get me and my team does nothing.

this really stood out to me as more evidence that your own mentality towards the game and other people is what causes you to lose and have a bad time.

"kids". you don't know these people. you don't know how old they are; shit i'd be willing to bet that you're younger than a lot of them. but we all know you didn't mean "kids" as a reference to their age, you meant it as a derogatory knock to their maturity level which is really ironic given your entire online persona


this really stood out to me as more evidence that your own mentality towards the game and other people is what causes you to lose and have a bad time.

"kids". you don't know these people. you don't know how old they are; shit i'd be willing to bet that you're younger than a lot of them. but we all know you didn't mean "kids" as a reference to their age, you meant it as a derogatory knock to their maturity level which is really ironic given your entire online persona

Not really lol. I've used kids my entire life. With friends, video game, you name it. I mean if it's bothering you that much then I'll say people. I mean I guess from an outsider's perspective it may seem derogatory but as someone who's used kids as a synonym for people it's lost any negative connotations.


At sub-Gold, and probably even in Gold, I wouldn't trust people to know how to handle a split pushing teammate. It's probably not a great strategy overall.


Not really lol. I've used kids my entire life. With friends, video game, you name it. I mean if it's bothering you that much then I'll say people. I mean I guess from an outsider's perspective it may seem derogatory but as someone who's used kids as a synonym for people it's lost any negative connotations.

i'm sorry, i don't believe you.


mY adc skils are shot to hell, lately I have a hard time actually putting distance between me and enemy, I mean I try to kite but I don't feel like I'm doing such a good job of it =_=

Any general tips on how to use Kog in team fights?
I tend to go this build path: Trinity>BoRK>Last Whisper and Inf. Edge
Is it worth getting a PD or Statik? I personally don't think so as I'd be at 1.8 Atk speed by then lol.


You'd be surprised. I dunno if I've made this clear or not, but a large part of Aatrox is the ability to survive at low HP.
no i get it but like, how does it make you globally useless if you can just go splitpush?

Then I wish people could be as smart as you.
it's not a smart thing, it's just a matter of not being completely self-centered. i'm not much higher elo than you, it's just that i don't spend the entire game focused on what my teammates do wrong (i do often get mad at them, like everyone else), and just try to think what i can do to win

Kids have no idea how to deal with splitpushes. They send 2+ to get me and my team does nothing.
ping your team to get a turret. or don't splitpush if your team's not in the right position

i've seen a lot of udyrs go suicide at a turret and then all caps blame the team for not doing anything. they never looked if we were at a position to do something with the pressure he was making. maybe we had adc at base or i was oom or we didn't have good enough vision to actually be aggressive

remember the other team is just as bad as your teammates, so they're probably dealing with the same issues you do.


I have no feelings for Zyra but I know her fanbase is annoying but not as bad as Lee's.

no i get it but like, how does it make you globally useless if you can just go splitpush?

Because nobody can react to a splitpush. All everyone always wants to do is teamfight.

it's not a smart thing, it's just a matter of not being completely self-centered. i'm not much higher elo than you, it's just that i don't spend the entire game focused on what my teammates do wrong (i do often get mad at them, like everyone else), and just try to think what i can do to win

I honestly had no idea how behind everyone was until I hit tab. TF got a solid FB and we invaded their jungle and killed J4 and their GP. I go to gank him and I look at tab and he's like 3/7.

ping your team to get a turret. or don't splitpush if your team's not in the right position

i've seen a lot of udyrs go suicide at a turret and then all caps blame the team for not doing anything. they never looked if we were at a position to do something with the pressure he was making. maybe we had adc at base or i was oom or we didn't have good enough vision to actually be aggressive

I did dude. I tried spam pinging but it didn't work.

remember the other team is just as bad as your teammates, so they're probably dealing with the same issues you do.

Everyone on their team was doing pretty fine. The only people on my team that stood a fighting chance was me and corki, who did his own thing most of the game


I have no feelings for Zyra but I know her fanbase is annoying but not as bad as Lee's.

Because nobody can react to a splitpush. All everyone always wants to do is teamfight.

I honestly had no idea how behind everyone was until I hit tab. TF got a solid FB and we invaded their jungle and killed J4 and their GP. I go to gank him and I look at tab and he's like 3/7.

I did dude. I tried spam pinging but it didn't work.

Everyone on their team was doing pretty fine. The only people on my team that stood a fighting chance was me and corki, who did his own thing most of the game
i mean for sure you're not gonna win every game. some people are gonna make you lose games 100% their fault. like you're hitting on the nexus and they start fountain diving and enemy team just takes baron and steamrolls you bad.

there's a million tiny situations like that every single game, you're probably causing a few every game too.

you should focus on those few if you want to up/improve. that's all you have control of, your own play, and how you reacted to the situation you were in. if you like playing aatrox just play aatrox, nothing wrong with that, but realize that the game doesn't revolve around you and try and fit your team, rather than make your team fit you. stop obsessing so much on who's fotm or viable or whatever, just focus on yourself

Anti-waifu regiment for lyfe.
btw i think i've decided i'll steal your adc champion pool

at least sivir and kaly

pls make guide for me


The last pages in this thread have become the living embodiment of ResidentSleeper.

Can we talk about if I should buy Koi Nami (on sale soon) or wait for River Spirit? I am leaning towards Koi but I feel River Spirit might be the better skin in terms of quality-price.
I think I use all of kids/pubbies/bads/etc to describe randoms.

Also does anyone build Zz'Rot Portal/Swarm Host? It seems like it would work on Shen but I'm not sure who else is a dedicated splitpusher.


I think I use all of kids/pubbies/bads/etc to describe randoms.

Also does anyone build Zz'Rot Portal/Swarm Host? It seems like it would work on Shen but I'm not sure who else is a dedicated splitpusher.
It seems designed to work with someone who could build very heavy tank stats (Singed sounds good), and not normally be able to push well because of that (though Singed sort of can by running behind towers and killing minions). I still do not know the optimal place to put the portal though, since it has to be close to a tower.


Funny you bring up Singed as I am watching this stream

Based on the subtitle, this one will build Z'rot Portal eventually.
I may try out Top Singed but I doubt I'd be as aggro as that guy.
That was the streamer who was playing Nasus against and with Rex+Newt. He seemed to have a rather suicidal hard push playstyle, so I could imagine portal working well for him. The nexus almost went down at 15 minutes without him getting a chance to build it though. Maybe next game. :p


Yeah that's who I was basing my portal opinions on!

Oh neat I forgot I was in promos to Gold IV, I should do those soon, though I guess it doesn't matter much considering the reset in 6 days


That was the streamer who was playing Nasus against and with Rex+Newt. He seemed to have a rather suicidal hard push playstyle, so I could imagine portal working well for him. The nexus almost went down at 15 minutes without him getting a chance to build it though. Maybe next game. :p

I'm thinking z'rot portal might be good on say Soraka, since building HP isn't that recommended due her Q heal always taking out 10% of your health.

Now imagine Z'rot portal on Rammus, his build would be like:
Jug+Boots+Thorn+Z'rot+Randuin+Sunfire and not only would he be wrecking your shit and taking down a turret. MULTITASKING!
Havent/wont be able to play till this weekend, did they fix the team builder skin glitch where your previous used skin doesnt save with this patch or no?


Everything is moe to me
[3:06] nekofrog: i would like to play sion but im pretty sure 99% of those charged strikes would be behind me like all of yours whenever i glance up to top

neko pls.


I think I use all of kids/pubbies/bads/etc to describe randoms.

Also does anyone build Zz'Rot Portal/Swarm Host? It seems like it would work on Shen but I'm not sure who else is a dedicated splitpusher.

My immediate impression of Portal is that it's best used on tanky champions who aren't particularly good split pushers.

I dunno, if I had to make a wager I'm leaning hard towards Zz'Rot being just another throw away item like Ohmwrecker or Banner of Command.


My immediate impression of Portal is that it's best used on tanky champions who aren't particularly good split pushers.

I dunno, if I had to make a wager I'm leaning hard towards Zz'Rot being just another throw away item like Ohmwrecker or Banner of Command.
I finally got to see the animation in my game. It looks hilarious. If I saw it correctly, the little voidling vaporizes and hurls itself against the tower.

I suspect if people realize what it does (ignores champions) and just take a couple of seconds to kill it, the nearby tank is unlikely to be able to stop them. It's basically a sneak attack item, like using double attack speed active items to quickly kill a tower, if you have 16+ seconds alone near a tower for the voidlings to charge.


Kids have no idea how to deal with splitpushes. They send 2+ to get me and my team does nothing.

There are two things to consider when split pushing.

The split pusher applies pressure on a lane, allowing his team to put pressure somewhere else. You know this is how it works.

If the team is not on its way to pressure an objective, then you can't really split push since you'll just get 2+ man ganked and the team can't take an objective from it.

When you see your team being spread out in the jungle as if they do not know how to play with split push, then don't go there until you can make your team group for something.


Suddenly I want to make PD over Statik shiv on certain characters who I used to build statik on.

I feel the same about PD over Statikk but my main concern is PD's buildpath is so god damn annoying. At least with Statikk you get Avarice or Zeal and then the other one. If they combined PD's recipe items into just 2 paths instead of 3 (Isn't it the cape, the zeal and something else?) then that'd be better.

Like, I mean I have 6 slots, 1 is for IE, 2nd one for I guess T1 boots, 3rd one would be the Shiv/PD Zeal or Avarice part, then a normal ward and/or a pink and a pot or two. That's like almost 6 slots if I were to have each of those items (exaggerating a bit). Idk, I guess I will have to play ADC a bit again.

I want to use Trist (she looks so much cuter post rework too) but Dobe hates her ;_;/ Damn you, Yordle-cist!

Also Leezard actually made a really good point. I have seen it many times to see someone splitpushing and then moan when they get caught, putting the blame on the team. Although it sometimes is true, more often than not, people don't coordinate too well when splitpushing, on both ends (team and the splitpusher).


I feel the same about PD over Statikk but my main concern is PD's buildpath is so god damn annoying. At least with Statikk you get Avarice or Zeal and then the other one. If they combined PD's recipe items into just 2 paths instead of 3 (Isn't it the cape, the zeal and something else?) then that'd be better.

Like, I mean I have 6 slots, 1 is for IE, 2nd one for I guess T1 boots, 3rd one would be the Shiv/PD Zeal or Avarice part, then a normal ward and/or a pink and a pot or two. That's like almost 6 slots if I were to have each of those items (exaggerating a bit). Idk, I guess I will have to play ADC a bit again.

I want to use Trist (she looks so much cuter post rework too) but Dobe hates her ;_;/ Damn you, Yordle-cist!

Also Leezard actually made a really good point. I have seen it many times to see someone splitpushing and then moan when they get caught, putting the blame on the team. Although it sometimes is true, more often than not, people don't coordinate too well when splitpushing, on both ends (team and the splitpusher).

I will try out Trista once she gets rebooted, current Trista is annoying, did they say if they'll change her passive.


I will try out Trista once she gets rebooted, current Trista is annoying, did they say if they'll change her passive.

In what sense do you find her annoying? I like her, but then again it might be because she was the first ADC I started using in Normals. As far as I know her passive is left unchanged and only W and E are changed (W is changed in the sense that it interacts with E now).


In what sense do you find her annoying? I like her, but then again it might be because she was the first ADC I started using in Normals. As far as I know her passive is left unchanged and only W and E are changed (W is changed in the sense that it interacts with E now).

I just don't like the idea she can have a higher (safer?) range for her AAs, and her hop is effin' annoying making it hard sometimes to get in range to damage her.


I just don't like the idea she can have a higher (safer?) range for her AAs, and her hop is effin' annoying making it hard sometimes to get in range to damage her.

I don't think her passive now gives her that much of an advantage compared to her months ago. It sure is nice but I am actually more terrified of a Jinx or Caitlyn. Her jump is something to keep in mind sure, but I find most Trist's tend to use it preemptively. If you save your gap closer or corner her it's not that bad. Also you can cancel it if you time right Flay or Blitz's E (and Janna's Tornado too?), though that is kinda tricky.

Hell, being against any decent Caitlyn/Janna lane makes me want to commit seppuku.


Hmm sushi

I could go for some of that right now
i could go for sushi at any time of the day, any day

speaking of which, do you know if vegetarian sushi is any good?

i found a cinema place that has anime + vegetarian sushi nights which sounds like a place i would never ever leave

(but really, sushi nami is great, i like the tiny shark friends on her default better than the goldfish, but her design is just so damn cool in sushi nami)




lol poor noot
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